* Tillamook ‘Entered Into Rest.*’ Drowned at Nehalem. Headlight HAPPY CAMP, NETARTS BAY BEACH, August 21, iOl3. The Way They Manage to Reach Their At Willamina, Oregon. Mrs Amy Fuel In Holland. J. Brown, wife of Thomas Brown, It was not until 1883. when I’oetscb und daughter of Captain Charles Tillamook County, Oregon. Inveuted the "freezing method." that Ha-dley and Sarah Burton Hand- Most attractive beach for camping Holland's coal fields became of any ley in Oregon First « lass hotel ac- practical value. Amy Jemima Hundley was born Where coal is «©countered itnmedb commodattons, «tore and post in Tasmania August 20, 1*45. came stely under the solid rock there Is a office on grounds; adjoining Fed ­ 1850. with her parents 'o Oregon in eral and State reservation con­ stratum of drift sand that contains a-d was married to 1 hoinas Brown gieat quantities of water. This coa­ taining beautiful scenery. Three lition of tblugs made it practically of North Yamhill, December. 1803. Arch Rocks, caves, sea lions, impossible to build the shafts. The Of this union were born nine seals, parrots, etc. Happy Camp freezing method. however, has suc­ children, seven ol whom were pres­ lias seven varielieties of clams, cessfully solved tbe problem, and Hol­ ent at tbe funeral Her husband oyster beds, crabs and crawfish land now has a flourishing mining in­ and two 1 bildren having proceded on the beach; bears and berries dustry her »0 the better land. Those pres­ in tlie woods; good deep sea fish­ Ou tbe spot where the shaft is to be ent were Henry C.. Charles 11. ing, fine boating and bathing in dug from twenty five to thirty borings and Thomas P. Brown of W ilia- bay or ocean; excelleut spring are made dowo through the drift sand miiia, Mrs Lillian Riefenberg. of water. New seven-mile automo­ to the solid ruck lu a circle five feet Portland, Ore.. James E. Brown larger In diameter than the projected bile road from Tillamook just ■¡haft Pipes are then sunk Into these McMinnville, Mrs. Edith E. Silsby completed, Camping space $1.1)0 pure holes, and through those Is circu­ of Cottage Grove and Mrs. Mabel per week; furnished tents $5.00 lated by powerful freezing machines a Elliott of Tillamook. Ore. Good pasture for chemical solution cooled duwn to be- per week. Of her own brothers and (listero horses. All under new manage­ low zero. living, are Mrs. Sarah II Robinson ment, Dr. P. J. Sharp. George lu tills way the drift sand containing of Yamhill, Ore.. Mrs. Kate Burton tlie water is frozen as bard as a rock T. Kiehm. Spencer, of Thatcher, Washington, after the freez.iug machines have been Miss E. C. Handley of McMinnville Lake Lytle. working day mid night for two months. ami Mrs. W. H. Willia ms of North In this frozen cylinder of sand a shaft Mrs. E. Banks, of Portland, is Yakima, all of whom except the Is Pennington Related ? Is theu dug mid lined from bottom to building u cozy cottage at Lake last named were present at her fun top with strong segments of east Iron A. A Pennington, of this city, Lytle, two others of the same style securely soldered together with lead — eral._______________ has received a newspaper clipping joining, all built by Shipp & Jeni­ Chicago News. from a relative, and he is wonder­ Beaver.. son. ing whether he is a relative of Lord Mrs. McKinley aud daughter, of ALLAH'S HUNDREDTH NAME. Last ¡Sunday night, Rev Bertha Mun.-aster and Hable to become a Portland, occupy Mr. Gibson's cot­ Peoples, of Salem. Ore., preached a titled personage of the United King­ tage on Lake Lytle. Only the Camel Knows It; Hence the dom and a member of the aristo­ very interesting sermon at the Sneer on Its Face. Beaver Church and asked the lad ­ Mr. Houstsu has all he can do to cratic House of Lords. The clip­ Tbe 999 widows of tbe mosque of ies and girls to meet her at the wait upon his customers. So many ping makes interesting reading. church Monday afternoon in inter­ people are camping on the shore of Sultan Selim remind one of the ninety- M uncaster S eeks an H eir in nine mimes of Allah These ninety- U.S.; E nglish N obleman , C hild - est of mission work. Probably the pretty lake. nine names, the Arabs say. are written less , T races D escendants to thirty responded ; an organization In the palms of the hands of all true T his C ountry ; L ine A lmost E x ­ of thirteen was affected with eev- To Water Consumers. believers. The explanation is inter­ tinct , era I more in prospect: Pres , Mre. esting. and even an unbeliever can By Orton Tewaon. '1 he Water Commission has given test It. (Special by cable to New York, E I.. Kinnaman ; Vice Pres., Mrs. and by leased wire, the longest in Jack Davis ; Sec., Mrs. W. E. God- Mr. Hoag positive instructions to Tbe Arabic numeral 8 is written like the world ) sey; Treas., Mrs. Henry Davidson; an Inverted V of the English alpha­ LONDON, April 19.—Many years Sec. of literature, Mrs. E. Gilbert ; shut off water from all consumers bet. By holding up your left band, with who have not paid their water rent ago a branch of Lord Muncaster’« (lie thumb and fingers bent slightly family emigrated to the United collection, Mrs. 1. W Hiner and by the 10th of each month. inward the lines of tbe palms will be States, anil Lord and Lady Mun- Mrs. S, E. Woods. The day chanced By Order Wst*r fomniission. seen to take the form of a rough Al, caster, who celebrated their golden to be the birthday anniversary of «Inch makes the Arable figures 81. wedding, are anxious to trace the Rev, Dora Young, who has been Call for Bids. descendants of the American (’lacing tbe right hand under the left taking a vacation on her homestead branch. In the same way makes the figures Bids for eight cords of wood from this summer. Friends had plan ­ The family name is Pennington, IS (IM). The total is 99. and if there are any Penningtons ned to surprise her by the way of maple, vine maple or crab apple, There ought really to be 100, but the in America who think they belong presenting material of a nice gray and four of spruce limbs, to be de hundredth is lost to every creature to the family they might communi­ livered at school house, district No, but one. cate with Lord Mtincaster at Mun serge for a dress ; also many good Why does the camel wear such a su- «•aster Castle, it is just possible that i eatables for the table. Mrs. W. E. 57. Bids to be opened September an American Pennington might Godsey made the birthday cake and 1, 1913. The board reserves the percilloua expression? Tbe heavy pen- place a claim later on the title, ns Miss Etta Godsey the birthday pie. right to reject any and all bids. dulous under lip and tbe snarling curl Lord Muncaster has no children C. C. H unt , Clerk. of the upper give an expression of Grandma Huston Sent a large col ­ and his brother, the Hon Joseph sneering contempt which can hardly Alan Pennington, who is the heir, lection of choice flowers and Ralph Auto Stage for Netatta. be equaled In tbe brute creation. also is childless Davidson a small boquet. Mrs. No wonder The camel alone knows The title will therefore become Anna Ebberaon, of Boulder, was Auto will leave for Netarts every the hundredth name of Allah, and he extinct unless an unexpected claim morning at 9:00 a. in., and 4:30 p. 111 present and did her share in mak­ in the unt appears. afternoon. Fare. 75c. won't tell It—Manchester Guardian. Lord Muncaster was born on ing the occasion a pleasant one. Round trip $1.25. Christinas day, 1844. He took park Consider the Dew. C hatterton 4 A lexander . in the Crin ean War. In the early The question Is often asked, Does the Brighton days of their married life Lord and dew rise or fall? Dewfall is as admis­ Notice. Lady Muncaster had a thrilling ad­ Mrs. Wm. Bulger, tile manager sible un expression as sunrise or sun­ venture in Greece, where they were Kasper Z.weifel is now successor set In both cases the expression is at captured by brigands. They were of tl>e boarding house, has removed carried into the inunntuins and the from Brighton to her ranch near to R. R Roberts, in Tillamook variance with scientific fact. Meteoro­ County. All accounts owing the logically. the formation of dew is not brigand» demanded a ransom of Vancouver, Wash. J. R Watkins Medical Co. are pay­ accompanied b.v motion in the vertical 30.UIX) pound^. A. R. Harrington is building on able to Kasper Zweifel. Lady >lMhcaater nnd the other plane, lienee there can be no question K R. R oberts . women of the party were released, I his property here, there are three of rise or fall. Under certain condi­ K asper Z weifel . and it-tell to the lot of Frederick other houses in process of building. Tillamook, Ore., July 23rd, 1913. tions of wind, cloud and temperature \J i,6r. a brother of Lady Ripon, to Nearly a mile of wide well graded variants dew is produced. Warm air arrange for the ransom, but as Lord Muncaster wiu married, it was street makes Brighton show up in charged with moisture comes In con­ agreed that he should go to Athens line shape for its age. tact with a cooler surface. When in on the quest of cash. this contact the beat is subtracted from Digging clams on Nehalem Bay At Muncaster Castle there is pre­ is a favorite pastime with the ca m- the air and the saturation point for served 11 glass bowl given to an an tlmt temperature is reached, the mois­ cestor by Henry VI, It is called pers at tlie various beaches, Row- ture. which in the air has existed as 'The Luck of Muncaster,” and ing and fishing on the little f reali water vapor. Is condensed upon the there is 11 legend that while it re water lakes, are added to the joy of On your front porch can be lit imiins unbroken tlie family will sea bathing, and long rambles on cooler surface at the point of contact. every night until midnight never want a male heir, no perhaps | The dewdrop, also good English, al­ anil register not over some American will help keep the j tlie beach, and climlnng mountion though false physics, has no existence fifty cents per month bowl intact. t rails. in tbe air, but comes iuto being upon on the meter. the surface bedewed. It does not fall Notice to Parents. Moroney Town. T illamook E lectric L ight AND nor does it drop —Harper's. F uel C ompany First grade pupils will be ad­ A visit to Mutt Moroney’s cabin, W ill S palding , Manager, mitted to tlie public school of this his tales of by gone day», hi» Like a Hen’s Too. dtj only during the months ol The bnck to tbe Boilers know all September nnd February. I'nrent« quaint old fashioned manner«, and about farming before they tackle it are requested to see tlmt children valuable information gleamed from •1 But their hired men. having been born commence promptly. All children his great store of local knowledge, Oil the farm, are often silly about the »ix years of age or older should nt is worth while. ■ real science of agriculture. Have yon tend. School starts September Bill. A post office Im» been established By order of the Board, ■ heard about what Danny Young's fac­ at Moroney town but no postmaster E. J CLAUSSEN, totum told him about the new horse? Clerk. _ ________ No? Then listen has been appointed. On stock in and around “That boss you bought has came, Notice. barns CLOUGH’S CAR­ » announced the servitor. Rockaway. “Ah." cried Dauuy; BOLIC COMPOUND is Notice is Hereby Given,—That I Dr. Petinger. Mr. and Mrs. Krebs. that! Is be right?" "ill not l>e res|H>iisible|for any debts the most effective and Fine." contracted by my ,■ wife, Eftielenu Mr. and Mrs Bartier ot Hillsboro; ...... 1............................ cheapest ¡fly killer made, ■ “ “How Erickson, alter thia date. Messrs. Strarn of Oregon City with are his teeth? We it costs ready to sprey J ulius E rickson . ways look at a horses teeth, their families are enjoying life at Tillamook, Ore , Aug. 7, 1913 from 7c. to ioc. a gallon. teeth all right?" Rockaway Beach. “Boss, his teeth are as perfect It is to be mixed with sound ns a newborn babe’s.” water and therefore is "Fine! I have a bargatu, by hen!”— less expensive theu other Cleveland Plain Dealer. Gordon Dugger, a brakeman em­ ployed by the P. R. & N. was drowned Monday afternoon io the •outhiork of the Nehalem river, several miles above Mohler. Dugger was last seen alive by members of the train crew with whom he worked at about 3 o’clock on that day. He had his rod and basket and was going fishing. Marks on the bank of the river in­ dicated that he »lipped off a bank about 15 feet above a deep hole in the river. The body was recovered Wednesday morning, after the river had been dragged for many hours by his fellow workmen. It was brought to Tillamook, where Dr. Hawk held a coroner's inquest. A verdict of accidental drowning was returned Dugger had a certi­ ficate of deposit for $800.00 and almost $200 00 in currency on lii» |>ereon at the time of the accident. This was turned over to the County Clerk and will be given to his re­ latives. ___ PRIZE ORCHARD, FROZEN COAL MINES. [Non-Irrigated, FOR SALE OR TRADE FOR DAIRY. 15 Acres, Half Mile from White Salmon, Wash Best orchard and country home in the Famous White Salmon Valley—Strictly commercial varieties—10 acres apples with peach fillers and 5 acres solid apples. Eight room modern con­ creted bungalow, new 26 by 40 barn, carpenter shop and chicken home, well and elevated tank (also spring water), piped to all buildings, electric lighted throughout. This orchard has an immense growth of trees, they being the largest of their age in the valley. Peaches are bearing now and apples will bear after next year. This property has a very gentle south slopej|with the best of water and air draina«e ftet.^Soils : Volcanic ash and red shot. Elevation 800 feet. This place will make an ideal location for anyone wishing to retire from active farming and ^till have a fine income. The buildings aie very homelike and convenient. The improvements are easily worth $4000, and the orchard $10,500.00, making an actual valuation of $14,000. I own 15 acres adjoining this and so can match a trade up to $48,000.00° Property is free of encumbrance. Will assume a reasonable amount. This proposition will bear inspection and if you are inter, ested write what you have and I will send photogtaphs. C. T- DEWEY, White Salmon, Wash. Fall and Winter Samples —Now on Display--- Rain or Shine, Our Suits will fit and give satisfaction, let iis prove it. We also do cleaning and pressing. J. WM. EDWALL, MEN’S AND LADIES’ TAILOR, SECOND AVENUE EAST, Opposite Ed’s Parage, TILLAMOOK, ORE OWN YOUR HOME-STOP PAYING RENT. We Make Only 6 per cent. Monthly Installment Loans. On Completed City Residence Property, Or for Building Purposes. If You Want to Buy, Or Build a Home, Or Repay a Mortgage, And desire the aid of borrowed money, we ask your careful consideration of the advantages afforded by our monthly installment plan of loans we will gladly explain our plan of a loan to you if interested, ROLLIE W. WATSON, Realty, Loans, Ins , Rents, Collections. A 15 Watt Mazda Lamp â iÇDHuâ WWlTf c ivdiicC if 111 neoutation ■«-1 1eu A ■ gu M Some of the Reasons Why A Perfect Ba&er—obcoliitely dependable, every day, year!®» year out. Built on honor, o£ tho best materials. For Flies. Outwears Three Ordinary Ranges The only range made entirely of charcoal and malleaM«if*» Ma'lltaltle iron can’t break-charcoal iron won’t ruet uh« »***• « Merchant’s Collection Association of Tillamook, Ore I I S í. 3 VO I < I t We uow have connections with Port­ land, Seattle, Tacoiua, Satt Francisco and all the larger cities Advice free to patrons. We will shortly be prepared to make quick Farm ¡loans of from •500 to $5000. If you need money see us. Ou account of our location, we have more inquiries for real estate and business chances than any where in town. List with ns. « IH C. II. THOMAS. M anagkk . S. E HENDERSON. S«c , T res . fly killers. Clough’s Carbolic Com­ pound is many times stronger then any other, one pint is sufficient for 16 gallons of pray. ■ CLOUGH, THK * Reliable Druggist. ■ ■«•«•••••« ««fl | Good Reason for His Enthusiasm Auction sale of household g. o '». thoroughbred chickens and farm implementa, at Hemlock Aug 23-d. *■ The Great M ajestic R ange Law »A rice Took His Tims. Tbe dispute about an uuffnished Law fence portrait recalls a story of that painter s dllatorlness. The Lord Mex borough of that time, after much letter writing about the portrait of his wife and child, tutid he could wait no longer Lawrence pleaded for more time; he was well forward with the lady, but I the baby wanted finishing; could he not have one more sitting? "My wife will i>e happy to give you another sit­ ting whenever you like," was tbe an swer, -but the baby Is now in the guards!”—Dundee Advertiser. When a man has suffered for sev­ eral day» with colic, diarrhoea er 1 other form of bowel complaint and | is then sound and well by one or two doses of Chamberlain'» Colic I Cholera and Diarrhoea Re-nedv. as 1» often the case, it is but natural that he should be enthusiastic in Ina praise of the remedy, and especially is this the case of a severe atta< k when fife is threaten e«l Try it when in need of such a rV,” n,vrr ’*•"•. *»’•<« by all dealer» 7 Economical In Fuel The ream« of the Majeatic are riveted (not put together bolts and Etove putty)—they will always remain atrut"* because neither heat nor cold affects them. The Maj* ©'•on t'ned throughout with pure atbettoe h- Id in place by an open iron y rating -you can seeit. it taya th .re always. Air tight joints and pure luring assure an even baking heat, saving one-half me AH door« drop to form rigid «helve», Mallcable iron oven racha 31iJc out automatically» ing whatever they contain. Th. Quest of Health.' I suppose you take excellent care of your health?" Xo. replied Farmer Corntonsel. “1 tried every kind of medicine 1 coulA get hold of for awhile. Then 'I gave up and forgot about my health, ami I’ve felt better ever since."—Wishing ton Star. i Generous. “Man. bow yon do look I Why.Lvov have ■ full beard.'* “Ven; I bare raised it for n birthday present fur my wife."— Clk. One thorn of experience Ha worth a whole wllderaea» of warning —; Charcoal and Malleable Iron Lined with Tur« Asbestos Board 1 " Ll 3 • A i 1 I MA F S'il 1 1 MA '€3Y IC ff ' 1 ■ V / o r.1» »n do. t> nway with ahovrbnft ash''« fit prewnU floor from catching fire—S, Aik us rv> jfa>w yo« th« greatest ■ ever fut in a range. last • Don’t N it the n.vre ynn "J, bo** ture ’’unsjRht. unseen.” cr yru H * surr «nrointí-l. Coa» to <>or .tor-, »nd■S- M.-/-.*«e - tore it» w»ii<7 «HWí*. 1 tdvned Und oot whj tbe */«/»-■« U.O .11 other ro»o «bem mort WW» It te the t—»t r .nn •« say W“* •“ be >» jo -i Lute™. „ for sale by ALEK. McNAlR- It Should Be In Your Kitchen «