3 11Iarn°ok Headlight, August 21, I©I3 get money . D. Meyers J. M. Furrer.......... E. H. Gary ............. ¿V// ’ J. Thompson . ........... ROAD DISTRICT No Tillamook Feed Co Z. w ells, et al............. K. D. Hong...... W A. Williams.......... i/tbTHBtofbillB allow- Warren Construction Co. Warren Construction Co. .¿Augu.tterm of the County Wm. Berns .................. Wm. J. Himes....... 11 I-will he that a ,arire City Transfer Co Hiner & Son......... ^ogofthe bill" allowed is to Grant Thayer......... Ìroad and bridge work in all Coats Lumber Co. W. B. Aiderman ... Wells 8i Leach. „ ot the county. O. W. Womer..... r MISCELLANEOUS. E, Davis ..... L < Ranonl,«Bt’etc VLw I Albert Olds.......... , ? K I Frank Blaser....... T. Tillyson .............. George McDonall... ffjrte -' A. Biggs .......... C. J Chaffee C. P . Funk............. C. E. Black .......... ‘ ¿4frudbomme co., .ta-325 o(j S. W. Parrish............ O Monson......... E . u S m . ................ l.uo M Weber.............. .. 6.40 H. Brooks............... 20.75 Karl K urn merle 65.10 JiefcTd. Co....................... 17.00 Amos Vaughn........ Marion Darby ........ , water W orks . ................ Hl.11 > HoldcD> freight.... V 1" ’4. Thore Haugen .... ! yrs H C. Hansou, assistant Ole Haugen............. Asa Haugen ;........ I examiner •• ................ 12.00 a.oo Pete Haugen...... 8. W. Elliott .. 7.30 H. L. Livingston.... Erick»00 case.......................... i J. T. Woodward .... I SALABIBS. Julius Beebehiser . 49.52 I. L McCarty Archie Beebehiser... 45.00 TH Bpplett. Ed Jacoby .............. 111.00 1 T. Boals .... Sam Doney.............. 133.33 1 c. Holden....... George Wilks............ I 75.00 £. Mu« ......... Ed Stark.................. 50.00 Tala Rogers I Orual Bodie............ 133.33 H Crenshaw Celestia Haugen . 75.00 O.G. Swenson .. H. O. Butler ........... 100.00 f A. Johnson H. A. McCuen...... 75.00 I. L. Shrieve Alwin Blum......... ./ 83.33 f »• Bnel ......... John Blum ............. . 83 33 B L. Beals Charley Desmond 100.00 Borner Mason... Clet Pearson 84.00 g. M. Farmer...... Herman Schlappie . 64 80 G. R. Edner.......... Ralph Wiant........... EXPENSES COUNTY POOR. Earl Pearson ........ 1.50 J. L. Simmonds i E E. Page......................... i Mr*. Emma Perkins, care Mrs. Clide Strohn........... Frank Reynolds.... ' Julia» Erickson........................ 42.60 Charley Fleck ....... ; L S. Hushbeck, ditto............... 11.26 2o.oo | Tillamjoz Undertaking Co . C, E. Pearson ., . Ame Blum i W. DjGladwell ......................... 4.27 H. Pearson........ I Dr. Hawk................................. 74.00 G. Dorr............. | Tillamook Feed Co.................. 15.3o 3.00 Tillamook Meat Co............ . Fred Blum . ... Hans Gillsteed ... 1 Nelson & Co............................. lo 15 Mohler Meh. Co....................... 10.00 ß. E. Turner ... L, Goldsworthy SURVEYING, ETC. John Zurfluch ... Stanley Coates......................... 1 116.20 EliStenen 9.75 Sid Henderson ........................ Toney Dalpaz ... -t ! A.Gulstrom.............................. 51.90 C. E. Pearson..... G.J. Poysky............................. 172.75 John Tucker ....... 2.5o M.Shulboo .............................. Lloyd Woods ... 2.5o L. Wooley................................... Oren Lucas......... 1.25 I A Blum.................................... W. E. Noyes .... 6 25 F. Allender....................... ......... Thad Luca......... 8.75 I N. Davit .................................. N. J. Dve............ 3.00 R B. Hays................................ Ray Williams .... 5. oo U. S. Edwards.......................... Dolph Tinnerstett U. G. Jackson......................... 190.15 Joe Bennett ........ ROAD AND BRIDGES. L. C. Wilkes Jas. Tucker ............ I Alra Gove, et al............. 661.00 Connie Dye ............... I Commercial Stables .... 60.50 Earl Tucker ........... 2.75 J. d. Born....................... Guv Allmon ........... I Barthold Barg Co........ . 15.00 — Mitchell................ I B. F. Barrett................... 1.00 A. Brace . .... ... I Tillamook Meal Co ...... 4 80 L. Nultv ...................... Beall & Co...................... . 161.91 S W. Nultv................ A. G. Beals Lumber Co. . 261.77 Tom Kouistis.......... 44.00 J.G. Kennedy................. Gust Kouistis I Alex McNair Co........... . 179.07 Frank Dye ................ I Pacific Coast Steel Co... . 81,43 Howard Woolfe ...... I King A Smith Co........... 204 51 Lou Wilson .............. I Tropical Oil Co................ *67.00 Joe Monuhan............ Coast Culvert Co........... 1128.61 H. B. Johnson | Lamb Schrader Co................... 328.78 Russ Johnson ........ | Orle Kellow ............................ 3.<)0 H. B. Johnson.......... LITTLE NESTUCCA BRIDGE. A. H. Forkner 1 E. D. Achey........ 162.00 Robert Forkner ....... I H. S. Clossen .... . I08.00 Car; Forkner............ 1 W 0. Shannon..... 104.00 Lyster Forkner.......... C.J. Baldwin....... 1 04.00 Chas. Satnules ...... Charley Ellison ... 91.00 E. V. Potter............... | Roy Riley ............. 57.50 Ike Stenon................ Earl Bassonette ... 78.00 Edward Fishbocker . L. Basaonette... .. 78.00 Howard Brooks......... Scot Britt.............. 35.00 Hull Johnson .......... Geo. Tone ................... ROAD DISTRICT NO. I. — Lisburg.................. John Krumlauf................. ... 63.50 C. D. Grout .............. | Griff Krumlauf................... ... 56.56 W, M. Petteys ........... I Chat. Morgan ................... . .... 46.40 H. E. Conover .......... I B. T. Martin...................... ..... 7.50 Harley Witt ............. Joe Swahaw......................... .........11.25 E. M. Petteys........ I Frank Hobson .............. ... 18.56 ROAD DISTRICT NO. 3. Ike Darling ...................... . 49.22 I E. Krumlauf......................... . 45 00 Fred Lyster .............. E Turpin.............................. .... 80.62 Robert Huston............. ........ C. Crowe..................... ........ .... 80.00 Alex Imlah................................. Clarence Edner................ . 78.00 Wilbur Booth........................... i Sam Johnson...................... ... . 48,75 Geo. Heilmeyer.......................... W, M. Walker........................ . 128.43 H. L. Berger ......................... , J-Fleck............................... 79.37 J. W. Hester ............................. J.Jurht................................. ... 89.37 Roy Blanchard ........ | A. B. Sheldon........................ .... 13.75 Fred Reddaway.............. A. Krumlauf.................... 35 94 Fred Dunham ....................... 0. Perry........ .............. ..... 7.50 E. L. Brown.............................. L. Paquet........... ..... 12.50 Robin Lyster............................. B. Thompson............ .... 31.25 Booth Dunham........ • • • ¡ C. V. Stoker................. ... 100.00 Lonie Wooley........ ................ i R- B. Kenii.-Jy ...................... 102.50 Ernest Hagg ..................... L. I Smith.'......... ..... 7.50 Carl Curl.................................... E.G. Davis............... ............ 13.75 Alvis Curl ................................. | T. Krumlauf........ . . ... 46.25 Attie Curl................... .............. A. Fleming Martin Shulston........................ .... 50.00 Jim Langley 5.00 Harley Curl .............................. | *• M. Crane...... ... 22.50 E. K. Gilbert............................ Paul Dirk ...... ................ .... 7.50 Ed. Trobough ...... ......... C. Smith . ............... .... 43 John Creecy............................... 75 Hiram Crane ................. J. P Turpin............................... 27.50 I F. Sheldon. . . .... 11.25 L. H. Tripley ........................... Jenjohnbc^ ......... R. N. Turpin................ .......... Prank Crane .".‘.’.’1...... ... 30,00 Roy Woods................................. 22.50 I J M. Harrison ..................... ... 49.40 D L. Jenson .............................. I PrankCrane R. B. McClay............ • • "m. Jolly ........................... ... ... 63.50 i. T. Davie...... ........................... 1.25 I M. Johnson........... ............... .... 13.20 ohn Creecy.. ............................. H Crain ..... ..................... .... 8.75 Chester Hollett ............... H Siwett .7.?....................... . B. M. Shoemaker .............. 7.50 .... 45.00 J. Sperry ..................... ......... Standard Oil Co ... 13.99 Art Davidson............................ A Riefenberg . 1500.00 RovWoods................... r!iing Mch Co.. • s- 10.00 R. B. McClay............................. 2.00 W. A. Saling ..................... ... 80.60 Reed Farmer............................... Tteiner,:ucmobirc°; -. 242.17 A. Bays ...... ................. .... 3.63 Roy Saling................................. I.0*!1 A Anderson 48.95 Fritz Drebert .......................... ? ^Be Chauerton....... ... 12.00 P. J. Trowbridge „ V r»omp,on ... 96.00 E. K. Gilbert 20.00 H. J- Tohl ......................... • Nebon & c„.............. ... 1 75 Jav Baker " M Mead & Son ... 220.86 U. S.Edwards w21.uJ,t,,<, * 8on.... Ulysses Edwards.. ..1000.00 Cumber Co..... .... 19.91 Willie Webb 2?£- W. Phelps...... .. Will Gallowav ...... 17.83 ™«en ... .......... E P. Mills 3 OO I Manuel Borba .............. — —... 0 oo Forest McLaughlin ........... b S£lo,°’ 4.00 Bmerr McLaughlin ........ - .. 85.75 Chester Hollett Joe Hollett ................ ... 84 OO p R. Coulson. ----- . 65 60 Fred Coulson ............. 19 25 John Moon 61 25 P WeVr*"a*- S. D Moon ... 7 00 L Burke ................ .... 7 50 Carl Smith ..................... ... 60.62 I. Riley .. 08.7« W H Handle ... 0700 G O Van Dyke ....... ... 51.25 Lee Ly.ter --------- •— ... 1625 B. O. «lehard« ----- ----- 01.25 ’a?rJiO^'P*"" -• Sei. Haglund ........... . 01 20 Fred N«sh 2 30 - I L Everett 2.00 Fraak Payne S & - ■ .. 18 IO Orville ABisoa .................. ... 10.00 Guy Hu.ton _ ... 10.00 Tom McKnight......................... 60.00 Aiko» MUM............. . ......... ■ 37.00 Russel Kellow.......... Emanuel Thomas..... Thomas .......... À ames obert riiomas. Ray Nelson .. Perry Huston Walter Randall George Hill................ Ford Conk-e... . Jim Bodyfelt................ Ernest Thun .. 8. G. Barclay...... S. Brücher. .... Henry Davis....... George Griffith.... Jim Bodyfelt .......... Frauk Schmeltzer. Virgil Kellow ......... J. D. Pearson................ Wm. Arranee............ Bruce Miller............... Joe Kasper..... Mrs. B. W Baker. ........ J. Lewallen................. Fred Lew-alien............... " m. Peacock Lee Laue....................... Victor Lane................ . Stephen Rusch.............. John Wilson................... Alon Butts..................... Guy Forcyth...... . . A. A. Lane................. .. Earl Paul....................... Thomas God ley ........... Guy Shoppert.............. Claud Lane.................. Claud Lewallen............ Clyde Lane.................... Wallace Warren........... John Lowrance.......... R. J. Forcyth .................. A. S. Lane ................... Joe Price.... .................... S. J. Shoppert...................... Joe Caster.......................... VV A. Gage .................. Will Gage............................ E. M. Davis....................... {ames Sorenson .......... )erk Kutgers...................... Oliver Brooton .... Harry Brooton................ Jce Rutgers .................... Dick Rutgers...................... Wm. Glick............. .............. Webster Hudson............ Robt. Way mire ................ Pete Menard.................. Henry Petite.................. James Petite........................ Andrew Happer................. Joe Lano .................... George Lano...................... Jasper Holmes.................... Abe Holmes........................ J. D. McKay........................ Lin Menard.......... ............... Andrew HafFor................... Edd Wheeler ................ E. A. Lane .................... Wane Franklin .................. Hollis Franklin.................. Derk Rutgers...................... Edd Wheeler........................ Cloverdale Mercantile Co James Christensen.............. Myer & Son......................... Albert Boon......................... Godsey ct Ayer................... John Weise ................... Joe Price.............................. Godsey Ayer ... ...... . Coast Culvert Co .............. R. F. Zachman .............. Mead & Payne.................... Mead & Payne........... .......... D. W Gilbert, & Son Shoppert Bros...................... John Heilmeyer..................... W. G. Logus........................ ¿oe Price............................... Imer G riest........................ J. W. Baker..................... I. G. Brink & Sons........ Beaver Lumber Co.......... J. W. Baker .................. iAUowed at August Ter® of Court. SIDNEY E HENDERSON, Pieaident. Tillamook Title and Abstract Company (Successor to Dr. Sharp), DENTIST. : Abstracts: Real Estate Surveying ; Insurance. BOTH PHONES. Commercia! Building', TILLAMOOK, ORK. DENTIST. Beals Tillamook Spend August at “Nature’s Playground" i T illamook B lock , Til mook - New hotels with every modern accommodation, cozy cottages and camping grounds at nominal cost. The trip down there Two Daily Trains—Chair Buffet Car Service Low Season and Week End Fares - - - Oregon, Room No. 201. H. T. BOTTS, ATTORNEY-AT LAW. Complete Set of Abstract Books in Office. Taxes Paid for Non Residents. T illamook B lock , Tillamook on the afternoon train. Oregon ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT-LAW. I Is one that should not be missed. office. LELAND HENDERSON T OIIN U Tillamook County Beaches Through the Virgin Forests of Tillamook County Tillamock. 12)K- JACK OLSEN, (Over F. R. .... Oregon. Both Phones. ARI. HABKRLACH, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. from various points on the Southern Pacific. T illamook B eock , Splendid fishing along the Nehaiem and Salmonberry rivers, well as on the briny deep. Tilla mook Oregon. Q BORGE WILLETT, County Fair Notes. I The Tillamook County Fair Board is making every preparation for a great show of fine stock, fowls, cheese, but­ ter, fruits, vegetables, flowers, pic­ tures. fancy work, etc. The board has been corresponding with Prof. Hetzel of the 0. A. C. who has arranged to send to be with us two days of the fair, the agricultural de­ I partment of that school conaisting of the following departments and profes­ sors in those departments; Depart­ ment of Animal Husbandry, Dr. Jas. Withycombe, Professors E. L. Potter and G. R. Sampson. Domestic Science and Art; Ava B. Milam and Mrs. Orla Buxton. Poultry Husbandry; A. G. Lum. Agronomy; H. D. Scudder, G. R. Hyslop and W. L. Powers. Dairy­ ing; Mr. |S. Schrock, Deputy State Dairy and Food Commissioner. These teachers will all give lectures on their I line of work at this fair. Come and get the benefit of these lectures. We have secured one of the best up- to-date bands to give us good music during the fair. The first day there will be a grand automobile parade. You can’t afford ' to miss it. We have more autoes in 'this county than any county in the I state according to population and there ' will be many here at that time from ’other counties, go we will have a ’grand parade. I The second day will be the big stock parade. Everybody want, to see the stock parade. I The third day will be a grand parade. The school children of the county that can be here, mother, with their babies in tbeir carraiges or vehicles all deco- ' rated. The Grangers of the County, Commercial Clubs, ; Masons, Eastern Star, Oddfellows. Rebeccas and other orders of the county wearing their uni­ form, will be in the grand parade. Following up this will be the wild ani­ mals from the forest such as the sportsmen of Tillamook c8n catch and cage for this show. Some of the boys think they will catch "Skookum” of Skookum Lake and have him here, and the wild man from Borneo will be in this parade. All the float, of vege­ tables, fruits, etc we can have we want in this parade. There i, to be ■ moving picture man here to take the picture of thi, parade for the movina picture »how, which will go out over the world and advertise Tilla- nxwk County. Let u, show the world what Tillamook can produce. Your« for «ucceM R. Y. Bl«lock, Sec. Good Ro»«» {ot Hi» Enthusiasm. When a man has suffered for sev­ eral day* with colic, diarrhoea or . J wnn * uu.ic, 1 ■-I » a M t o / 1 other form of t bowel complaint and is then sound and wellI by one or two do«?« of Chamberlain « Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Re-trdy, a. ia often the cane. il ie but natural that he should be enthusiastic in l hi* praise of .the remedy, and especially •• »»>'• tbe c»“ o< ‘ t severe attack when life ie threaten- Trv it when in need of *uch a remedv It never fails. Sold by all dealer,_____________ Call for our new folder “Tillamook County Beaches,’’ it contains full information, or con­ sult with any S. P. Agent.» OWCMSSHASTA ROUTES « • ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, T illamook C ommercial B uilding , I Tillamook - • Oregon. JOHN M. SCOTT General Passenger Agent T. BO ALS, M.D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. T illamook B lock , The best Baher ever built. Built like o locomotive boiler Tillamook ”iveted • Oregon. no1 bolted Jo^ethe N<3 sto S. M- Putty K EKRON, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON T illamook B lock , Tillamook - • Oregon. CA’S BEST RANGE Tt.e Arcadian ij a perfect baking ~ rance, and Slays a pci feel baker for a life-^V lleae because it li built Eke a locomotive C'lZler. DuHtcf malleable iron and charcoal iron li ,’cled toqetlicr in&cad of being bolleit tejetber. Made aiiliy.ht wl.hout 1'ie use ot A. ii‘JVO fully to crumble and fallout, as h.ip- R-T.-r—r—pens in CaSt iron and so- < alied ileel raagei, allow­ ing false draft« to Uu the lire or deaden it * The Ai csdtan Rang* will never feav.*' false Hrafi',—,t will elwart do perfect baking, using • luird IcM fuel the« ccinmou reui'ee. ■^/ ffovrr need to v>whliv*krntnff—a rob with an ulkwj ek»t h rn*iLMlt Appear like Ik payr for 1 f wjif over and over i n ttio fuel it navea, U, bay nothing of the way It tnakea a woman'e work easier and allows her to du perfect baking. C. HAWK, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Bay City Oregon. sarchet , The Fashionable Tailor T • Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing a Specialty. TUX ARCADIAN IS SOLD BY US. W« Invite you to call as wo wish to demos. •train the value of (bis range to you. Store in Heins Photographic Gallery. •y H. Jones-Knudson Furniture Co. GOYNE, ATTORNEY-AT LAW. Office OPPOSITE Tillamook COUftT ■ HotSK, Oregon. 12)R P. J. SHARP. RESIDENT DENTIST. Office : Commercial Block, Tillamook Oregon. J. CLAUSSEN, . LAWYER, E Posts the Farmer on Market Conditions. NO ttselesH trips to town for the DEUTSCHER ADVOKAT. 2!8 T illamook B lock Tillamook Oreg< n progressive , VETERINARY. His Bell Telephone saves him all that. farmer, The )a The latest market <|tfotations are hie, anil he waits till market con Both Phouea. dilion* .ire right before shipping produce. The Bell Telephone is »a necenaary to the up-to-the-minute farmer Tillamook • I a* are modern agricultural implements. He must have both. Consult our local m.magement an t join the ever increa*ing host of armer* who are Heli Telephone subscribers. w O. PHYSICIAN Oregor McGKE, M.l & SURGEON Office : Next door to Star For sale, — Hor»e and Buggy. No. 1 Fig Enquire at the Clover Leaf Creamery* R. ELMER ALLEN (INCORPORATED) I I R. I- E. HEWITT, OSTEOPATH IC PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, OBSTETRICAL SPECIALIST. Both Phones. Residence and Office in Wbitel . use Residence. TILLAMOOK, OREGON. JOHN LELAND HENDERSON Sei retary-Treae. Attorney-at-Law and Notwrr Public. Every Bell Telephone the Center of the System. Theatre