Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, August 21, 1913, Image 10

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Tillamoolc Headlight, August 21, UH 3.
(Continued from 3rd Pag»
30, 31 and 32 Liverpool .—
Nellie Besw ck, Macks 34. SL
96 and S7 Liverpoo’
Ne.aeJBe»» irk. tote A. 8. Ik.
11 block 38 and block» ft. 4b.
41. 42. and 4S and u.u 1 and 2
block A and iota 1 ami 2 flock
B Liverpool — —— ——
F R Beat» iota A A 6. ~. 6
»Mock 1 M«Mer
Victor Lunoer K-ta 7 anc 8 i iock
7 Matter------------------
F K Heals • t* S. 1A, II a»4 12
tloe* f M«Mer------------
F R BeaH. tots 2 and * HM ca
- ■ ■ _ __
- —
V -tor L u - km - l « cs » aarf Moc*
10 Moeler----------------- —
«>« I and 1 ttoca
M Mix*
T H Goynt. Ma 14. 15 and 1«
bkxk 12 Motler
. _
The Neha>m Co. tot 4 block 5
The Nehalem Ctoi, tote 9. 10. 11
and 12 block 7 Wheeler ......
The Nehalem Land Co., tot 3
block 11 Wheeler.................
The Nehalem Co., lots 7 and 8
block 12 Wheeler...................
The Nehalem Co., tot 9 block 20
T 11 McClaren, lot 9 block 21
H E McKinney, lot 2 block 22
Henry Wagner and Paul Wei-
singer, lot 6 block 22 Wheel­
er ...........................................
The Nehalem Co., tot 5 block
24 Wheeler......... .....................
The Nehalem Co., lot 11 biock
32 Wheeler .............................
Frank Bluchet, lots 17 and 18
block 6 Brighton....................
Agnes Thompson, lote 1 anil 2
block 8 Brightou...................
C M Sharpstein, lote 31 and 32
block 9 Brighton....................
Manhattan Realty Co., lote 8
and 9 block 3 Manhattan.....
Manhattan ¡Realty Co. lote 7
and 8 block 5 Manhattan
M A Gore, lot 2 block 7 Man­
hattan .......................................
Manhattan Realty Co., lot 3
block 7 Manhattan... . .... ..
Manhattan Realty Co., tote 17
and 18 block 10 Manhattan...
Manhattan Realty Co., lot 31
block 10 Manhattan................
Manhattan Realty Co., lot 7
block 11 Manhattan.................
Manhattan Realty Co., lot 6
block 12 Manhattan .............
Maria Stryker, lote 18 and 19
block 3 Manhattan................
Lizzie Maguire, lote 14 and 15
block 4 Manhattan Beach ...
C. E. King, lote 22 and 23
block 4 Manhattan Beach
Lizzie Finn, lote 3 and 4 block
5 Manhattan Beach.................
Manhattan Realty Co., tote 19
und 20 block 7 Manhattan
Beach .......................................
E. R. Angell, lote 21 and 22
block 7 Manhattan Beach. .
W W Wiswell, lots 23 and 24
block 7 Manna tian Beach ....
Manhattan Realty Co., lots 4,
5 and 6 block 8 Manhattan
Beach .......................................
G E Fitzgerald, lote 27 and 28
block 9 Manhattan Beach ..
Manhattan Realty Co., lote 45
and 46 block 10 and lote 1 and
2 block 11 Manhattan Beaah
Alma Olsson, lots 3 and 4 block
12 Manhattan Beach .
Eva I Hughes tote 9 anil 10
block 12 Manhattan Beach
Harriet Manning, tote 16 and
17 block 13 Manhattan Beach
Maria Stryker, lots 18 and 19
block 13 Manhattan Beach
M E Edwards lote 27 a id 28
block 13 Manhattan Beach
May Enright, lot 10 block 4
Lake Lytle.......... ...........
Wing Lee, lote 5 and 6 block 11
Lake Lytle.......... ..............
May Enright, lote 10, 11 ami 12
block 14 Lake Lytle
May Enright, lote 10 and 11
block 15 Lake Lytle
May Enright, lote 1 and 2 blocM
22 Lake Lytle.............
May Enright, lote 6 and 7
block 32 Lake Lytle ........
May Enright, lots 3. 4. 5. 6. 7,
8. 9. 10. 11, 12, 13. 14, 15 and
16 l>l< ck 39 Lake Lytle
Thomas B. Watt, lote 45 and
46 block 65 Brighton Beach
Arch Bishop of Oregon, lota 21.
22. 23. 24. 25. 26.17, and 28
block 92 Brighton Beach
Beals Land Co., tot 8 block 49
Beals Add. to Lake I.vtle
H L staver tot 9 block 49 Beals
Add. to Lake Lytle
E P Frost, lot 10 oiock 49 Beals
Add to l-ake I.vtlo-
Beala Land Co , tots I, 2, ami 3
block 50 Beals Add. to l-ake
Heals Land Co., lot 9 block 51
Beals Add. to Lake Lytle
Heala l.ami Co., tot 10 biock 62
Beale add. tn loike Lytle
Beals Ijimi Co., tot 10 block
53 Beals add. to Lake Lytle
Beals I .and Co., tot 1 biock 54
Beals add. to Ijike Lytle
Beals ljimi Co., tola 19 and 2U
block 60 Beals add to Lake
Beala Land Co., tots 29 and 30
block 66 Beals add. to Uke
F I. Sappington, Trustee, tots
6, 7 ard 8 block 9 Roae City
F I. Sappingt ■ton. lota & and 6
block 10. Ri
luee City Beach
F L Sappington. U Truste«, lota
8 ami 9 block 10 and lota I. 2
3 and 4 block I 11, Rose City
F I. Sappington Trustee, tot 6
and . block 11 Rose City
F 1. Sappington. Trustee, lot 5
block 12 Roae City Beach
F I. Sappington. Trustee, tote
I, 2, 3. 4. 5, 6, 7 ami 8 block
16; tote 1, 2. 3. 4. 6, 6. 7.
and 8. block 17 and lota I, 2.
3, 4. 5. 6. T and 7 block 18
Roae City Reach
The Tillamook Bay Co., lota II
12 btea k 2 Oceanlahe Park
The Tillamook Hay Co., Impro­
vement« on lot 2 block 3
Ocean lake Park
The Tiftatmsik Hay Co., lota 7
■nd 8 block 5. Oevanlaka Park
Katberin Bolling, tote 13. 14.
15, 1< 17. 18. 19 and «1 block
7 Oeeanlake Park
J O Boaorth, lote 1. 2. 3, 4 ami
5 block XL Oi-aanlake Park
F S GaoL l'*t» 25 ana 2* block
ft ¿L-ewntakke Part
TTw TffiMIMWk R*' <X, i*** 24
ami 2t block XS iVeanlake
KM 4 C Sn.) th lot» I. 2 ami S block
12 Ftariwe
1 «K I C Siruli. lot E hin. I
1 C Smith. Ini i hhv<
L C Smit!», ><■1 6 hhwi
C Srrolh. im IS biM-a 14
« M L view
C SuoLT.. N4 1 h«Wk 16
C Smith. mt 6 Mock 16
1« L wear
C A J,»bnaor.. Iola L 2, 3. 4. 5,
6. 7, S. 5. 1«. II, It. 11 14.
15 and 16 block 11 Garibalii
c A J<4»na«r. lota 7 and 8 block
1 17
IS Garibaldi Park
W E Ingalls lot« 9, 10, 11. 12,
l.% 1 18. 14. 15. 16. 17 and 18
block 2 Oeeanview
1.4Ó W E Ingall«, lota 3. 4. 5. 6. 7,
8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15, 16,
and 17 block 3 Oceanview
W E Ingalls, lota 19. 20, 21. 22,
23. and 24 block 3 Oeeanview
G H Higgins, lots 25 and 26
block 4 and lota 1. 2, 3. 4. 5.
6, 7, and 8 block 5 Oeeanview
1.40 G. H. Higgins, lot 23. 24 and
25 block 5 Oceanview
1.68 G H Higgins, lota 12, 13,
and 15 block 6 Oceanview
1.68 G H Higgins, lots 4, 5, and 6
bbxk 7 Oceanview
G H Higgins, lots 8, 9. and 10
block 7 Oceanview
Beals Land Co., lota 17. 18 and
. 19 block 67 Beals Add to
1’68 Beals“ Laml'co., lot I block 68
Beals Add to Lake Lytle
Beals Land Co., lots 27 and 28
biock 70 Beals Add to Lake
L M Berger, lots 26, 27, 28. 29,
30, 31. 32. 33. 34, 35 and 36
block 80, Beals add Lake
I Lytle...................................
Kate W Connor lota 25 and 26
block 1 Rockaway Beach
First Bank & Trust Co, lota 29
and 30 block 1
1 Peter Murry, lota 36 and 37
block 1
J C McCannon. lots 38 and 39
2.24 l block 1 Rockaway Beach
First Bank*& Trust Co, lote 41
and 42 block 1 Rockaway
• Beach
First Bank & Trust Co, lots 47
. m I and 48 block 1 Rockaway
1001 Beach
1 C A Sadler, lote 23, 24, 25, and
26 block 4
Rockaway Beach
1.12 F’ A Harden, lota 18 and 19
block 14 Rockaway Beach
Fannie Wood, lote 24 and 25
1 block 14 Rockaway Beach
First Bank & Trust Co, lote 7
and 8 block 15 Rockaway
I, W Belden, lote 26 and 27
1 block 15 Rockaway Beach
L W Belden lote 42 and 43
’ block 16 Rockaway Beach
Addie N Browning, lote 1, 2, 3,
4. 5, 6 and 7 block 17 Rocka-
way Beach
Ellen B Gaynor, lots 14 and 15
block 17 Rockaway Beach
Addie N Browning lots 16, 17,
18 19, 20, 21 and 22 block 17
Rockaway Beach
2.24 Fiust Bank 3i Trust Co., lote 44
I and 45 block 17 Rockaway
A L Snider S J of lot 4, and lot
1 12
5 and block 18 Rockaway
1.12 peier Moore, lote 8 and 9 block
18 Rockaway Beach
1.12 | Matt
Genie, lots 12 and 14
18 Rockaway Beach
1.12 C block
M Hurlbert lots 12 and 43
block 18 Rockaway Beach
C H Hammond, lota 14 and 15
1 block 19 Rockaway Beach
Marie Gonlan, lote I and 2
block 211 Rockawav Beach
May Nichols, lote 19 and 20
block 20 Rockaway Beach
John O Rose, lots 12 and 13
2 82 1 block 21 Rockaway Beach
E L Peters, lote 31 »ml 32
block 21 Rockawav Beach
A W Gieay, lote 33 ami 34
block 21 Rockaway Beach
19.60 Phelps Grossmaver Iota 35 and
21 . Rockaway Beach
1 36 block
1 fix " A S|>ence, lota 40 and 41
I block 21 Rockaway Beach
and reie
Pete Barger
i r reu Melzer ana
lota 14. 15 ami 16 block 22
Rockaway Beach
o ... A Ague« Lane, lota 33. 34 and
' I 35 block 22 RoekaWay
J B Clarerie lots 11, 12 and 13
o ...
block 23 Rockaway Beach
Rose Morgan lota 14 and 15
block 23 Rockaway Beach
no. Adaline G Miller lota 34, 35,
I 36 ami 37 block 23 Rockaway
1.68 1 Beach
W M F Barker, lota 12 and 13
block 24 Rockaway Beach
First Bank and Trnst Co., lots
27 and 28 block 24 Rockaway
1.41 H B Powell, lota lota 5 and 6
block 25 Rockaway Beach
First Bank ami Truat Co., lota
18 and 19 block 25 Rockaway
Anders lx-e, lota 24 and 25
Block 25 Rockaway Beach
H H Ferris lota 26 and 27 block
25 Rockaway Beach
8.40 Frances Ricks, lota 28 and 29
bluck 26 Rockaway Beach
Bank ami Trust Co., lota
5.60 First
42 and 43 block 25 Rockaway
First Bank and Truat to., lo
8 ami 9 block 26 Rockawav
D T Davis, lota 11 and 12
block 26 reocsaway
Rockaway neacn
. J ’ H
11 “
*“•'—ird, lota 32 and 33
26 Rockaway
Hockaway Reach
. J K Conner, Lta I and 2 block
27 Rockaway Reach
James Einminghain lots 14. 15,
, 16, 17. 18, 19. » and 21 bkwk
27 Rockaway Reach
17*1 “eorgv Ralheim. lota 26 and 27
block 27 Rockawav Reach
Harry Gibha. Lt« 31 and 32
block 27 Rockawav Reach
: First Hank and Trust Co., lota
33. 34 ami 36 block 27 Rxka
way Reach
Bank ami Truat Cm, lots
31. 82, 33. 34 ami 36 block 30
Rock sway Reach
11.30 First Bank ami Truat Co., lota
24. 25. 2«. 27. ft and 29 block
>7 Rockaway Beach
First Bank and Trust Co., lota
1. 2. 3 and 4 block 40
R xtaawav Beach
W H Ferris lota 26’and 27 block
40 Rockaway Beach
James M Rice, lota 28 and 29
block 40 Rockaway Beach
Nora McGinnis, lota 32 and 33
block 40 Rockaway Beach
First Bank and Trust Co., lota
34, 35, 36 ane 31 block 40
Rockaway Beach
Era M Taylor, lota 3 and 4
block 41 Rockaway Beach
V F Martin lots 14, 15. 16, 17,
18, 19, 20 and 21 block 41
Rockaway Beach
H B Ferris, lota 26 and 27 block
41 Rockaway Beach
C R Elliott, lote 28. 29 and 30
block 41 R-ickaway Beach
First Bank and Trust Co., lota
37 and 28 bloc« 41 Rockaway
Fir t Bank and Trust Co., lota
7, 8 and 9 block 42 Rockaway
W F Schiel, lota 18 and 19
block 42 Rockaway Beach
C. B Olmsted, lota 20, 21, 22 and
23 block 42 Rockaway Beach
First Bank and Trust Co., lota
37, 38 and 39 block 42
Rockaway Beach
First Bank and lrust Co., lota
49 and 50 block 42 Rockaway
A F Hanson, lots 1 and 2
block 43 Rockaway Beach
Esther E Wells, lots 26 and 27
block 43 Rockaway Beach
First Bank and Trust Co., lota
36 and 37 block 43 Rockaway
E B Salsbury, lota 41 and 42
block 42 Rockaway Beach
Lavton Wisdom lota 1, 2, 3 and
4 block 44 Rockaway Beach
FirstJBank and Trust Co., lota
18, 19, 20 and 21 block 44
Rockaway Beach
Ora Marrs, lots 32 and 33 block
44 Rockaway Beach
Lora B Brindley, lota 45 and 46
block 44 Rockawav Beach
J. W Lowrenz, lota 49 and 50
block 44 Rockaway Beach
H M Haworth lots 1 and 2
block 45 Rockaway Beach
Henry Jordan lots 3 and 4
block 45 Rockawry Beach
First Bank and Trust Co., lots
6 and 7 block 45 Rockaway
Lewis Irish, lots 11 and 12
block 45 Rockaway Beach
Eneas McIntosh, lots 13 and 14
block 45 Rockaway Beach
E F Story, lots 43 and 44 block
45 Rockaway Beach
F M Bell, lota 12 and 13 block
46 Rockaway Beach
Samuel Iankowitz, lota 14 and
15 block 46 Rockaway Beach
First Bank and Trust Co., lota
23, 24 and 25 block 46
Rockaway Beach
First Bank and Trust Co., lota
1. 2. 3, 4, 5, 6 an 1 7 block 48
Rockaway Beach
First Bank and Trust Co., lota
42, 43 and 44 block 48 Rock­
away Beach
Emma L Williams lots 1 and 2
Block 49 Rockaway Beach
First Bank and Trust Co., lota
3 and 4 block 49 Rockaway
First Bank and Trust Co., lot
8 block 51 Rockaway Beach
B J King, lol 14 block 51
Rockaway Beach
First Bank and Trust Co., lot 23
block 51 Rockaway Beach
First Bank and Tsust Co., lota
42 and 43 block 51 Rockaway
First Bank and Trust Co., lot 3
block 52 Rockaway Beach
L B M Crouse, lot 22 block 52
Rockaway Beach
First Bank and Trust Co., lota
34 and 35 block 51 Rockaway
F C Hamilton lota 1 and 2
block 50 Rockaway Beach
First Bank and Trust Co., lot
11 block 53 Rockaway Beach
Thus. R Davis, lota 10, 11 and
12 block 54 Rockaway Beach
George Watt, lot 4 block 55
Rockaway Beach
5 Purdy, lota 6 and 7 block
55 Rockaway Beach
First Bank and Trust Co., Iota
14 and 15 block 55 Rockaway
Robt. Watt, lots 19 and 20
block 55 Rockaway Beach
J G Pringle lota 21 and 22
block 56 Rockaway Beach
First Bank and Trust Co., lot
23 block 55 Rockaway Beach
Frank Mennefee, lot 22. and NJ
of lot 24 block 56 Rockaway
First Bank and Trust Co., lot
3 block A Rockaway Beach
George Watt, lota 4 and 5 block
A Rockaway Beach
First Bank and Trust Co., lot 8
block 57 Rockaway Beach
Wm Webber, lot 22 block 57
Rockaway Beach
First Bank and Trust Co., lot
34 block 57 Rockaway Beach
First Bank and Trust Co., lota
21 and 22 block 58 Rockaway
F M McGloin, lot 12 block 59
Rockaway Beach
Sarah O'Malley, lot 14 block 59
Rockaway Beach
Adam Gordan, lot 27 block 59
Rockaway Beach
First Bank and Trust Co., lota
29 ami 3D block 59 Kocliaway
First Bank and Trust Co., lot
1 block 60 Rockawav Beach
B F lhxklriiige lota 47 and 48
block 61 Rockaway Beach
W A Green lota 1 and 2 block
62 Rockaway Beach
Elizabeth Woods lots 8 and 9
block 63 Rockaway Beach
Oliver Jooef lots 10 and 11
block 63 Rockaway Beach
First Bank «nd Trust Co., lota
23. 24. 25 and 26 block 63
Rockaway Beach
Win l.enti. kite 31 and 32 block
63 Rockaway Beach
F and M Falvey, lota 8 and 9
block 64 Rockawav Beach
N J Collin, lota 10 ahd 11 block
64 Rockaway Beach
W H Daley, Iota 1» and 13
block 64 Rockaway Beach
A N Coy, lota 34 and 35 block
64 Rockaway Beach
E A and L G Newby lota 41 and
42 block 65 K -ckuwav Beach
w T Cracknell lota 25 and 26
block 66 Rockaway Beach
First Rana and Trust Co., lota
« and 46 block 66 Rockaway
L —*
Tillamook Beach
lots 17. 18. 19. 20. 21, 22. ¿3,
■’4 25, 26. 27. 28, 29. 30. 31
arid 32 block 1 Tillamook
T.^Tffiamook BeaehRaaJty
Co., lota 17. 18. 19. 2£2>.22.
23, 24, 25, 26. 27. 28, 29, 30,
31 ami 32 block 2 Tillamook
R M Shafer, lots 1. 2. 3 and 4
block 3 Tillamook Beach
Ernest Bru. lots**. 10 11 and
12 block 3 Tillamook Beach
D W Mann, lota 13, 14. 15 and
1»; block 3 Tillamook Beach
R M Shafer, lota 29. 30. 31 and
32 block 4 Tillamook Beach
I M -stcrtz, lots 1. 2, 3, 4, 5.
6. 7. 8, 9. 10. IL 12 13. 14. 15
and 16 block 4 Tillamook
.1 Mostertz, lotr 19, 20. 21, 22,
23 24, 25. 26, 27, 28, 29. 30,
31 and 32 block 4 lillamook
The Tillamook Beach Realty
Co., lota lo, 11, 12, 13, 14 and
15 block 5 Tillamook Beach
C W Michall, lots 29, 30, 31 and
32. blk 5, Tillamook Beach -
Tillamook Beach Realty Com-
panv, lots 1, 2, 3, 4. 5, 6, <, 8
9, 16, 11. and 12, blk 6, Tilla­
mook Beach
„ J
R Kruger, lots 14 and 15, blk 6
Tillamook Beach
P B Wickham, lots 19, 20, 21
and 22, blk 6, Tillamook B'ch
Guda Binswanger, lota 25, 26,
27. 28, 29, 30, 31 and 32. blk 6
Tillamook Beach
R Kruger, lots 17 and 18, blk 3
Tillamook Beach
E M Rankins, lots 31 and 32 blk
11, Tillamook Beach
Tillamook Beach Realty
pany lot 17, blk 13,
mook Beach
Tillamook Beach Realty Coni-
pany, lot 6, blk 16, Tilla-
mook Beach
Retta Holt, lot 7 blk 16, Tilla-
mook Beach
The Tillamook Beach Realty
Company, lot 16, blk 17, Til­
lamook Beach
Tillamook B“ach Realty Com­
pany, lot 17 and 18 blk 18
Tillamook Beach
E Laycock, lot 2 blk 19, Tilla­
mook Beach
Tillamook Beach Realty Com­
pany. lot 7 blk 21, Tillamook
Tillamook Beach Realty Com­
pany, lota 26 and 27 in blk
22, Tillamook Beach
W E Hutchinson, lota 25, 26 27
and 2g and wj of 29 and 30
blk 10, Twin Rocks
W E Hutchinson, lots 25 and
26 blk 11, Twin Rocks -
Twin Rocks Land Company
lota 14 and 15, blk 13, “ Twin
Twin Rocks Land Company,
lot 2o, blk 21, Twin Rocks
W E Hutchinson , lut I blk 24
Twin Rocks
K P Gilchrist, lot 30 blk 24
Twin Rocks
R G McMullen, lot 9 blk 25
Twin Rocks
G H Higgins, lots 12, 13 and
block 7 Oceanview
G H Higgins. 4, 5. 6, 7, 8, 9, ..
II, 12, 13. 14 and 15 block 9
G H Higgins, lots 19 and 20
block 9 Ocean view
G II Higgins, 12, 13, 14 and 15
block 11 Ocean view
G H Higgins, lots 7, 8, 9, 10,
11, 12, 13 and 14 block 12
G H Higgins, lots 23 and 24
block 12 Oceanview
G H Higgins, lots 15, 16 and
17 block 13 Oceanview
G H H'ggins, lots 2, 3, 4, and 5
block 13 Oceunview
G H Higgins, lots 22. 23, 24
and 25 block 13 Oceanview
G H Higgins, lot» 1. 2, 3, 4, 5,
and 6 block 14 Oceanview
G H Higgins, lot 14 bloc ; 14
G H Higgins, lots 18, 19, 20, 21
22. 23. 24. 25 and 26 block 14
G H Higgins, lots 5, 6,
8 block 15 Oceanview
G H Higgins, lots 13
block 15 Oceanview
G H Higgins, 19, 20
block 15 Oceanview
G H Higgins, lots 24
block 15 Oceanview
2 80 G H Higgins, lot 1 block
1.41 G H Higgins, tot 16 block
Ocean view
G H Higgins, lot 18 block
Ocean view
2 24
G H Higgins, lots 19
block 18 Oceanview
G H Higgins, lots 25
block 18 Oceanview
G H Higgins, lota 6 and 7
block 19 Oceanview
C J Jones, lot 8 block 19 Ocean­
G H Higgins, lota 9. 10 and
block 19Oceanview . ..
G H Higgins, lot 18 block
G II Higgins, lot 20 block
Oceanview ......
G H Higgins, lota 13.
_ _ 14 and 15
block 19 Oceanview................
G II Higgins, lots 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,
9, and 10 block 20 Oceanview
G 11 Higgins, 15, 16. and 17
block 20 Oceanview .. ...........
G H Higg'na. lots 18. 20 and 21
blk 20, Oceanview
G II Higgins, lot 6 block 21
Oceanview, .. .
G H Higgins, lot 24 blk 21.
G H. Higgins, lot 8 blk 23,
G H Higgins, lots 14, 15, 16,
17. 18, 19. 20 and 21 block 23
Oeeanview .........................
Chas A Sararian. lot 5 block 6
Netarts . . . ..............................
Chas A Sararian, lot 7 block 5
G B Lamb, lot 4 block 9 Netarta
E L Cooper, lot 2 block 9 Ne-
_ tarta Bay park .....................
Geo E R ibinson, lot 3 bl.ick 9
Netarts Bay Park
C R?urt,>n- kts 5 and 6 block
9 Netarts Bay Park
II I. Billings k>u 3 and 4 block
17 Netarts Ray Park
A E Nolan. 19, 3) anb 21 block
Netarts Bav Park
W G Dwight, lota 22. 23 and 24
Netarts Bay Park
H < «nd F C Mack Lt 2 block
9 Malaney« Add. to Ocean
1.12 A H Malaney, lota 4, 5, 6 and
"7 block 3 Pacific City
• •
A H Malaney 18, 19, 20 and 21
2.24 Whin th« Log Cabin and Hard Cider
Enthusiasts Rejoiced.
F K Beals, lota 13, 14, 15, 16, 1 1
and 18 block 4 Pacific City
Political enthusiasm bus taken many
Tillamook Cranberry Co., lota
forms during the lifetime of this na­
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9
5.63 tion. The Harrison-Van Buren presi-
block ’ Kiwanda Beach .....
dential campaign of 1840 was in some
Tillamook Cranberry Co., lots
respects the most remarkable the coun­
12, 13. 14. 15, 16, 17 and 18
try has ever seen. “From May till No-
block 1 Kiwanda Beach... ••
vember,’’ says oue historian, “It seemed
1.12 L W McAdams lots 22 and 23
block 1 Kiwanda Beach .- •••
as if all ablebodied citizens simply
1.12 Tillamook Cranberry Co., lots
went about in processions to attend
24, 25, 26, 27 and 28 block 1
3.13 mass meetings.”
Kiwanda Beach ...... • • ■ • •
The great oddity of the campaign
L W -McAdams, lots 29, 30 and
1.88 was the log cabin, the coon and the el­
31 block 1 Kiwanda Beach..
Tillamook Cranberry Co., lota
der barrel. The log cabin idea origi-
40 and 41 blk 1 Kiawanda
anted with an opposition paper which
1.25 had said slightingly that “William
Tillamook Cranberry Co., lots
Henry Harrison better go back to In­
44. 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51,
diana and stay there in his log cabin
52, blk I and lota I and 2 blk
6.80 drinking hard elder."
2 Kiawanda Beach
I The taunt was taken up by Harrt-
and 7 blk 2 Kiawanda Beach
1.25 sod ’ s followers. Log cabins sprang up
¡Tillamook Cranberry Co., lots
all over the Union. In every town
11, 12, 13, 14 blk 2 Kiawanda
„ „ there was a house warming, and the log
i Beach
cabin was thrown open to the public
2.24 Tillamook Cranberry Go., lota
amid general rejoicing. On the roof
21. 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28,
! wns a live raccoon, and a barrel of
29, 30, 31, 32 blk 2 Kiawanda
8.13 elder stood before the door, where any
" ,
one who desired might drink all he
C.72 Tillamook Cranberry Co., lots
' chose.
36, 37, 38 and 39 block 2, Ki­
It was a campaign of oddities. Some
wanda Beach .......... , •
Tillamook Cranberry Co. lots
[of the symbols have never been eur-
2.24 ' io" 41 and 42 block 2 Kiwan­
I gg passed for genuine absurdity.—Maga­
da B;aeh .................................
zine of American History.
Tiliam.-o!: Cranberry Co., lot 46
and 47 block 2 Kiwanda
Beach ......................................
1.12 Tillamook Cranberry Co., 1 >ts
I 51 and 52 block 2 and lots 1, 2,
There Is Such a Condition as Having
3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10, 11, 12,
Too Many Furnishings.
13, 14, 15, 16, 17 and 18 block
I 3 Kiawanda Beach................
Many nervous, irritable, dissatisfied,
1.12 Tillamook Cranberry Co., lots
unhappy women would become calm
19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26,
and contented if they would store, give
27, 29. 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34,
or throw away half of their belong­
35, 36, 37, 38, 39. 40, 41,
ings. Some have abandoned elegant
43. 44, 45, 46, 47 and 48
18.75 residences and taken their families
block 3 Kiawanda Beach....
into hotels or boarding houses who
Tillamook Cranberry Co., lots
could have continued to keep up their
49, 50, 51 and 52 block 3 and
1. 2, 3, 4. 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11,
homes if. Instead of giving up their
12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19,
houses themselves, they bad doneaway
20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25 and 26
with the superfluous furnishings.
block 4 Kiawanda Beach....
Some one. often the mistress herself,
Tillamook Cranberry Co.. lots
must clean and care for every article
’ 27, 28. 29, 30. 31, 32, 33, 34,
of furnishing, no matter how humble
35. 36. 37, 38, 39. 40, 41, 42,
its use or bow ornamental its function,
43, 44, 45, 46. 47, 48, 49, 50,
51 and 52 block 4 and lots 1,
and Ibis round of duties proves many
2, 3 and 4 block 5 Kiawanda
times to be a grievous burden on deli­
cate shoulders.
Tillamook Cranberry Co., lots
There is sueb a thing possible as hav­
5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. 11, 12. 13, 14,
ing too many utensils and tools to
15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23
work with, so that taking out. replac­
24, 25, 25. 27, 28, 29, 30, 31
ing and keeping them clean and in or­
| 32, 33 and 34 block 5 Kiawa-
18.75 der add to the daily labor. Too much
da Beach...............................
furniture In a room, ao thnt walking
Tillamook Cranberry Co., lots
35. 36, 37. 38, 38, 40, 41, 42,
through it seems a perilous attempt to
43, 44, 45, 46. 47. 48, 48, 50,
steer a course without disaster, too
51, 52 block 5 and lots 1, 2 and
many garments to wear, for time is
3 block 6, lots 1, 2 and 3
consumed in caring for them, and even
I block 7 and lots I, 2 and 3
45.00 in choosing w hat to put on.—Suburban
block 8 Kiawanda Beach ...
Life Magazine.
F R BealB lots 17, 18. 19. 20. 21,
i 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 26, 28, 29,
( 30, 31 and 32 block 9, Sea
A Widow’s Curious Cap.
View Park
A very curious cap forms the "wid­
F R Beals, lot 16 block 17 Sea
1.12 ow’s weeds" of the Australian aborigine
View Park ............. . ..............
in one part of the great island conti­
| NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that nent Near the northeast bend of tbs
six months from and after the 7th
Murray river it is the custom for wid­
of April, 1913. (the date on which
taxes became delinquent on said above ows to attend upon the tombs of their
described real property) the Tax Col­ departed lords. Then after shaving
lector of Tillamook County, Oregon, is their beuds they cover them with pipe
authorized, upon demand of any person clay kneudvil into a paste. The bead
making application therefor and the is first covered with a net to prevent
payment of the taxes, penalty, interest the clay from sticking too tightly to
and cost of advertising, to issue to the skin, a misfortune which is partly
them a certificate of delinquency as averted by the amount of grease with
provided by law, which shall bear in­
terest at the rate of fifteen percen, per which every Australian native is anoint­
annum from the date of issuance until ed. A layer of this clay several Inches
In thickness is plastered over the bead
Dated at Tillamook, Oregon, this 7th and «hen dry forms a sort of skullcap
day of August, 1913.
exactly fitting the bead on which it
was molded. As it weighs several
Tax Collector of Tillamook County, pounds, the widow’s cap cannot be
Weather Vanes.
The best weather vanes are made
with the greatest nicety and precision,
so that they balance perfectly and turn
Local Office in the Commercial
with the least possible wear. The
vane is, of course, louger on one side
of the socket than on the other or it
would not turn with the wind, but it»
weight is the same on both side«, If
It is a narrow vane, for instance, the
weight of the solid head is easily
made equal to that of the longer, pro­
jecting but thinner feather end. and all
vanes, whatever they may be, are bal­
anced as to weight and so adjusted
BEGINS its forty-fifth school year that they turn easily and with the
SEPTEMBER 19 1913.
DEGREE COURSESin many phasesof least possible friction.
A well known artist tells of an amus­
T wo - year C ourses in agricul ­ ing colloquy in an art gallery whew
home E conomics
M echanic two young women were viewing a coPf
arts forestry , commerce . P harmacy
of Millet’s “Gleaners."
One of the young women was earns«
training, agriculture, domestic science away by her enthusiasm. "How be«*
and art.
tlful! How wonderfull What art”
MUSIC, including piano, string, band she exclaimed. “Above all, bow oat*
instruments and voice culture.
h *'!”
Then, after a pause, she said, »»
A beautiful B ooklet entitled
“T he E nrichment of R vral L ife ” what are those people doing?"
Drawing nearer to read the title,
and a C atalogue will be mailed free
on application
was enlightened. "Oh, now." she so*
Address II. M. T ennant , Registrar, ed. "I see! Gleaning millet! How
derful! How beautifulT-Exchang*
«w 7-14 to a-«)
Corvallis, Oregon.
P ommel S licker
Keeps both rider
and saddle perfedh|drg.
Made for rough wear and
lohg serrice in the wettest
L ook for
A Subatitute.
Mrs. Crabshaw —When the wotnal
next door returned after being
week her busband was just contemp«'
ble enough to say that he hadn t n»B*
ed her. Crabshaw—I don’t suppose
did. He bad the talking machine go­
ing all the time__ Judge.
Musical Not«.
Tardy Arrival (at the concert)-««*
I missed much? What are they :> "1“»
now? One of the Elect - The Mnta
Symphony." Tardy Arrival—Goodaaw
Am 1 as late aa that?— Harper's Baft*-
Her Advantage-
“Toor daughter baa so angelic “
“Teo; we always let her bare
own way about everything "