Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, August 14, 1913, Image 9

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Offers to men of
and small means
For information regarding Wheeler, write to NEHALEM HARBOR CO., WHEELER, OREGON
Portland Office :
Tillamook Office :
Care of F. R. BEALS.
Buy at Home,
Portland and
wholesaler», jobber», merchant»
of all kind»—and the public. The
man who buy» outside his city and
state what he can buy at home is
not the highest type of useful cit­
izen. Of course, he has the right
to »pend hi» money where he
pleases ; no one dispute» that. The
only law that can compel him to
buy at home is a patriotic one that
ha» not been passed by any legis­
lature and that is not wiitten in I
any etatute book. Mr. Samuel is
quite right when he says that what
we need is more civic pride and
loyalty to our own institution»
When we have these, the Buy-at-
Home movement will be a success.
From “The Spectator,” Portland,
Oregon, Saturday, July 26th, 1913.
Of the Tillamook County Bank, of
Your editorial», “Buy at Home,”
Tillamook City, County of Tilla
mook. State of Oregon, showing
re timely, and should be heeded
the amount standing to the credit
y every good citizen. The pro»
enty of every Oregonian depend»
to every depositor July 1, 1913.
who has not made a deposit, or
i tni«, and the appeal of the Re-
who has not withdrawn any part
il Merchants’ Association to our
tiiensto ‘‘Keep Oregon money in
of hi» deposit, principal or in­
terest, for a period of more
^<ron” is quite right.
than seven (7) years immediately
a**’ however, a campaign
prior to eaid date, with the name,
lould be started among the mem-
last known place of residence or
r, of the Retail Merchants’Assoc -
postoffice address of »uch de­
lion so that they also will pledge
positor, and the fact of hie death,
eutBclves to buy at home and not
z if known.
nil away for things that are pro­
W. A. Eggers, Balm, Ore., 10c.
iced in Oregon just as good and
A. J. Knightly,
Nehalem, Ore.,
l,er’ Just a» cheap and cheaper,
° “'‘‘Z ,can he produced else-
Wm Scott, Woods, Ore., 37c.
•re. This rule need» to work
State of Oregon,
I ss
J way» it should not be, Buy
County of Tillamook, )
hry at home, or dry good» at
being first
or clothing and »hoes at
•duly sworn, depose and say upon
ie, and when you want break-
oath, that I am the Cashier of the
* foods, or cheese, or printing,
Tillamook County Bank, of Tilla
¿¡"-“•«rance, and 80 on al<
mook City. County of Tillamook.
?tbe lne' then take whatever
State of Oregon ; that the foregoing
h. <wl pen 10 bave offered to you.
statement i» a full, true, correct
“ 0^8°” product from an Ore-
I arid complete »tatement, showing
at> firm should be the rule for
• the name la»t known resilience or
Th Uregonian
I postoffice address, fact of death, if
(2*.,r~'4ble with this “Buv at
320 Acre» on the Wilson Rner - known, and the amount to the
n,,'i . . Proposition is that fre-
!credit of each depositor m required
It ihi k-e ,ni!n ur8*nK it i» »im known as the Rush Farm, (except l>v the provisions
__ of Chapter 148, of
J thinking of himself and not of
.y GetTeral IV
__ - of Oregon. 11X17,
a right of way), with everything on lihe
rchii^r68 i Take> for instance,
E rwin H arrison .
mtea», who make it a rule to he place, (except keep-sake»).
Subscribed and sworn to before
60 Acre», 10 acres in meadow at |
"“’Jia their plane that brick
me thia 14th day ci June A.D, 1913.
,¿7, ln " ashington should be $37.50 per acre,
cash, balance on ( A. McGhee, Notary Public for
o in P„aJ?u:l9in$ ,hat ■» ‘o he put
iiirhi^Ort.aJl<J' "nd r*ght here I time.
2 lots just west of the Academy
1 Pnr«?a} Jbat tbe Public building»
Notice of Sale of Tide Landa
th?iaD.d ,bat bave been erected for $703 00. on ea»y terms.
1 Lot with 5 Room douse, that
XoffKK is H ereby G iven ,-That
or tw° are nothing
td ih.M? "f’ wben
18 consid­ rent» for $15.00 per month.
ihi. < late Land Board of the State of
er .i** ’ u raaterial was brought
Oreg 9" will sell to the highest bid-
iad2»~Where’ when better and
Her at- its office in the Capitol Build-
rht a»D'er P'aterial can be had erm?.
ing at Salem. Oregon, on October
7 1913 3» I**10 o’c|ock a.m , of said
1 lot 60 x 106 cloee in.
the r
oor®- Or, take some
latnv?,ra;,°r» of some of the
d'av alt »he Slate’s interest in the
2 good large lots with ho u.e,
fide antf overflow land» hereinafter
They buy only what
A Homestead relinqup,nment for Ascribed giving, however to the
r •vJ!?»V,ny here, and »end away
y aenfi tblrK ‘hat they can poMi- sale.
owner or owner» of any lands abub
ieven aw">’ Jor. impoverishing
80 Acres of unimr ,roved land, 5 bng or (renting on such tide and
•» tr.uch a» they possibly Mile» South of Tillrjrtiook City.
. verflow land», the preference right
m »on base »aid tide and overflow
8 Acre» with br,U8e and barn close and» »’ "v' >"«rhe8‘ P"« offer’‘d;
°eed “ roore civic pride
. Prided such offer fs made in goo«l
,0 our own institutions, in.
•ho’ki ."J* wi" r«ru'ate itself,
n- ^Mior.^any
e tn*»!? ,ake lessons from the
'prr^re “£«rd°‘ ^r^
* north of us and from ROOM 20, COMMERCIAL
er mJ0« tbe •°nth of us In
^dr,f.hn<i.° sr^tua;: m T.r^k
nr^.'2‘ ,he»e states the out
and tb* outside con- Notice of AdcLinstrsdor's Fi«.'1
Oregon, and described as
». th*0 .d niighty poor show
, u ,k * Rjlee *8 very much lower,
k1">gtnning at a point «**■•
To««,UH, h* 80 *“ Oregon.
N otice is H ereby G it en -That
°«r. truly.
c S amuel .
LT 47 min. E. from the quarter
the undersigned adinio istrator "f «a
21 <**5; ,orntr between Sectiona l
* L Samuel, there ia do more the estate of Joseph Ar ton Hirilt
5S. R 10W.ofWM.at
t»»»iD* and persistent boomer mann, deceased, has filed in the
d * X water lint on the right
bank of h.’8 L,ttle >>8,ucc* R,ver’
iMMu? a°d Oregon products
Oregon, bis final seco' jnt. and that
"®,,ona- And there is no by order of sa* J court. Monday, the
•betier ri«bt *° •» loth day of ^pte»ut»»r. 1913. at ten ^XWdeg 53 mi" W 27A1 feet
o’clock a. m. is *»et as the time, and "‘S’ttdig «*’° ,ee‘ to
m» fellow» in IocaI
* Spectator hopes the the office of I'.,» .County Judge tn ‘°k «dergh«™ro. E 273.1 along
the Court Ho»' t8e <>* 8a’d County. a
• ZL°f ‘he Merchants' Assoc <ba place F ,r the hearing of »aia
“’hers to whom he re- account. v he0 .md where all <£■ *°Z "Jkiega^mm E 71 Ofeet to the
«ad and profit by bia lections » j arjd account will be
of beginning, containing
’¿t ar^sof »de land, being tide
heard as j ditermined.
front of "-«c» owned by
^rUtOr •Urt*1 »he Buy st
•i9reM,d' Cba. Ly. « S«<bon. 5 sod A Tt
Veme°t io the iotereet ot
ed Auguat h 1313,
5 S., R. 10 W. of W. M.
Applications ami bids should be
addressed to G. G. Ilrown, Clerk
State Land Board, Salem, Oregon,
and marked “ Application and bid
to purchase tide land»."
G. G. B rown ,
Clerk State Land Board.
Dated July 22nd, 1913.
fore IHlirill
patent inwuvo,
issues, by
, ' tore
i.y ■ filing
■«■««K "
w« -
roborated affidavit in this, office,
alleging facts which would defeat
the entry.
11. F. H ighy , Register.
Notice of Publication.
Department of the Interior.
S. L and O ffice at Portland, Ore.
June 12th, 1913.
N otice is H ereby G iven ,—That
Alonzo E. Shirley whose post-office
address is 1241 E Main St Portland,
Oregon, did, on the 1> m 1 i day "i No
1912, file in this office
Sworn Statement and Application,
No. C1688, to purchase the SW.« of
XE’«. Section 12. Township 2 North,
Range 10 West, Willamette Meridan,
and the timber thereon, under the
provisions of the act of June 3, 1878,
and acts amendatory, known as the
“Timber and Stone Law,’’ at such
value as might be fixed by appraise
inent, and that, pursuant to such
application, the land and timber
thereon have been appraised, the
timber estimated 100.00 and 120 000
board feet at 25 and 40 cents per
M, and the land $40.00; that said
applicant will offer final proof in
support of his application
sworn statement on the 3rd day of
September, lflT.t, before the Regist
er and Receiver of tfie U. S. 1-and
Office, at Portland, Oregon.
Any person is at liberty to pro­
test this purchase before entry, or I
initiate a contest at any time before
patent issues, by filing a coiTobor-
ed affid ivit U this office, alleging
fact« which w>ould defeat the e’itry.
77,c Whi,ke
out a Regret
is the time
to\have ¿hat
group picture made
Pure, mellow, with a flavor
that tickle« the palate and
linger« in the memory.
roll SALE BY
[.et u» «how you our
a|«ecial display of attrac­
tive new^atyle».
We are
perfectly ¿equippe«! for
making group picture»
and will please you with
tne quality of our work.
Monk's Studio.
H. F. Hl«,BY,
Department of the Interior.
U.S. I>ind Office, at Portland.
¿Oregon, June 20tb, 1913.
N otice is H ereby G iven ,—That
whose post-office address is Cheno-
with, Washington, did, on the 25th
day of Septeml>er. 1912, file in this
office Sworn Statement and Appli
cation. No. 03636. to purchase the
Section 11. Township
3 North. Range 9 West. Willamette
Meridian, and the timber thereon,
under the provision» of the act of
¿une 3, 1»78, and acta atnendory,
nown an the ” Timber and Stone
Law,” at such value as might be
fixed by appraisement, and that,
pursuant to auch application th«-
land and timber thereon have been
sppran»-d. the timber^ estimated
.«ri.000 l and 80,000 board feet at
50c. and 40c. |*r M., and the land
MO’O; that said appli« aut will offer
final proof in support of his appli­
cation and sworn atateme nt on th/-
Wh «lay of September 1913, before
the Register and Receiver, U.S»
Land Office, at Portland, Oregon.
Any person ia al liberty to pro­
test this purchase before entry, or
initiate a contest at any time be
The valued family re»
cipes for cough and cold
cuie, liniments, tonics
and other remedies have
as careful attention here
as the most intricate pre­
Our fresh, high grade
drugs will help to make
these remedies more effec­
tive than ever.
Right prices are
• ft.«««*
M» ’
Reliable Druggist
1 iliUfUOOM,
Baker’s Bread
Sold at
All Grocers.
with tlie problem«>f buying Harner,
you will find it distinctly advanta­
geous to come and <lo your sele« t
, mg here. You will get the bert
<|iialiti«-r. the most thorough as I
I conscientious workmaasliip «nd lie
1 charge«! the most reasonable pri< ee.
I We can supply single or double
Sets or any mngle article that you
may be in nee.1 of.
¡W.A, Williams* Cc.