Tillamook Headlight, August 14, 1913. and 32 block 1 Tillamook 1.12 40 Rockaway Beach 1.12 5.50 Park..................................... 30, 31 and 32 Liverpool.......... Beach - " * James M Rice, tots 28 and 29 L C Smith, lots 1, 2 and 3 block Nellie Beswick, blocks 34, 35, 1.12 The Tillamook Beach Realty block 40 Rockaway Beach 6.84 1 65 12, Barview 36 end 37 Liverpool ................ Go., tots 17. 18, 19. 2b. 21, 22, Nora McGinnis, tots 32 and 33 L C Smith, lol 9 block 12 Bar- Nelli< ¡Bea wick, lots 8, 9, 10, 23 24, 25, 26, 27. 28, 29, 30, 1.12 block 40 Rockaway Beach 2.28 I view . . . - - 11 block 38 and blocks 39, 40, 31 and 32 block 2 Tillamook First Bank and Trust Co., lots L C Smith, lot 3 block 14 Bar­ 41, 42, and 43 and lots 1 and 2 Beach - - - *. 34, 35, 36 ane 3< block 40 2.28 view . . . - - block A and lots 1 and 2 block 2.24 R M Shafer, lots 1, 2, 3 and 4 Rockaway Beach 1.83 L C Smith, lot 6 block 14 Bar­ B Liverpool................................ block 3 Tillamook Beach 1.12 ^Ernest Bru. ¡otsj), 10, 11 and 2.28 Era M Taylor, lots 3 and 4 view . . . - • F K Beals lots 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and block 41 Rockaway Beach 9.64 L C Smith, lot 13 block 14 Bar­ 9 block 1 Mohler.................. 12 block 3 Tillamook Beach 2.28 V F Martin lots 14, 15, 16, 17, view . . - - - Victor Lnnden lots 7 and 8 block j D W Mann, tote 13, 14, 15 and 18, 19, 20 and 21 block 41 1.74 L C Smith, lot 1 block 16 Bar­ 7 Mohler-................................. 4 48 16 block 3 Tillamook Beach Rockaway Beach 2.85 view ..................................... F R Beals lots 9, 10, 11 and 12 i R M Shafer, lota 29, 3«, 31 and H B Ferris, lots 26 and 27 block 3.52 L C Smith, lot 6 block 16 Bar­ block 7 Mohler........................ 1.12 32 block 4 Tillamook Beach 41 Rockaway Beach 2.85 view ..................................... F R Beals, lots 3 and 4 block ij | Mostertz. lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. C R Elliott lots 28, 29 and 30 1.76 C A Johnson, lots 1, 2, 3. 4. 5, 8 Mohler................................... ' 1.68 “ 6, 7, 8, 9. 10, 11, 12 13, 14, 15 block 41 Rockaway Beach 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13. 14, Victor Lunden, lots 9 and block and 16 block 4 Tillamook First Bank and Trust Co., tote 1.17 15 and 16 block 11 Garibaldi 10 Mohler................................. Beach • 37 and 28 blocK 41 Rockaway 9.12 ' Park - - - • D J Gilbert, lots 1 and 2 block Beach .... 1.12 J J Mostertz, iotr 19, 20, 21, 22, 1.17 C A Johnsen, lots 7 and 8 block 12 Mohler................................. 23, 24. 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 1.71 Fir t Bank and Trust Co., lots 13 Garibaldi Park T H Goyne, lots 14, 15 Hnd 16 31 and 32 block 4 lillamook 7, 8 and 9 block 42 Rockaway 1.76 W E Ingalls lots 9, 10, 11, 12, block 12 Mohler......................... . . . - ___ 1.68' Beach Beach .... •' 13. 14, 15, 16, 17 and 18 The Nehalem Co. lot 4 block 5 i The Tillamook Beach Realty 2.30 W F Schiel, lots 18 and 19 1.40 block 2 Oceanview Wheeler....................................... 1.12 1 Co., lots 10, II. 12, 13, 14 and block 42 Rockaway Beach W E Ingalls, lots 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, The Nehalem Co., lots 9, 10, 11 I 15 block 5 Tillamook Beach C B Olmsted, lots 20, 21, 22 and 2.24 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15. 16, and 12 block 7 Wheeler . ... _ W _________ 2 24 C Michall, _ lots 29, ,_ 30, , _ 31 and and 3.45 23 block 42 Rockaway Beach and 17 block 3 Oceanview The Neh ilem Land Co., lot 3 First Bank and Trust Co., lots I 32. blk 5, Tillamook Beach - 1.40 W E Ingalls, lots 19. 20, 21, 22, block 11 Wheeler..................... Tillamook Beach Realty Com- 1.38 37, 38 and 39 block 42 23, and 24 block 3 Oeeanview The Nehalem Co., lots 7 and 8 1’68 panv, lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 Rockaway Beach 3.36 G H Higgins, lots 25 and 26 block 12 Wheeler.................... 9, 10, 11. and 12, blk 6, Tilla­ First Bank and Trust Co., lots block 4 and lots I, 2, 3, 4, 5, The Nehalem Co., lot 9 block 20 mook Beach . - - 4.14 49 and 50 block 42 Rockaway 1.40 6, 7, and 8 block 5 Oceanview Wheeler...,................................ 1.12 It Kruger, lots 14 and 15, blk 6 Beach . . . . G. H. Higgins, lot 23, 24 and T H McClaren, lot 9 block 21 • Tillamook Beach 1.38 A F Hanson, lots 1 and 2 1.68 25 block 5 Oceanview Wheeler. .................................... 1.12 P B Wickham, lots 19, 20, 21 block 43 Rockaway Beach G H Higgins, lots 12, 13, 14 H E McKinney, lot 2 block 22 i and 22, blk 6, 'lillamook B'ch 1.84 Esther E Wells, lots 26 and 27 1.68 and 15 block 6 Oceanview Wheeler...................................... 1.12 Guda Binswanger, lots 25, 26, block 43 Rockaway Beach G H Higgins, lots 4, 5, and 6 Henry Wagner and Paul Wes- I 27, 28, 29, 30, 31 and 32. blk 6 2.07 First Bank and Trust Co., lots block 7 Oceanview singer, lot 6 block 22 Wheel­ Tillamook Beach 36 and 37 block 43 Rockaway 1.68 G H Higgins, lots 8, 9, and 10 er ................................................ 1.12 R Kruger, lots 17 and 18, blk 7 2 07 Beach .... block 7 Oceanview The Nehalem Co., lot 5 block i Tillamook Beach E B Salsbury, lots 41 and 42 1.68 Beals Land Co., lots 17. 18 and 24 Wheeler.......... .................. 1.12 EM Rankins, lots 31 and 32 blk block 42 Rockaway Beach 19 block 67 Beals Add to The Nehalem Co., lot 11 block i 11, Tillamook Beach 1.68 Layton Wisdom lots 1, 2, 3 and 1.68 Lake Lytle ... 32 Wheeler ............................... 2.24 Tillamook Beach Realty Com- 4 block 44 Rockaway Beach Beals Land Co., lot 1 block 68 Frank Bluehet, lots 17 and 18 1.40 FirstjBank and Trust Co., lots i par.y lot 17, blk 13, Tills- 1.12 Beals Add to Lake Lytle block 6 Brighton..................... ' mook Beach Beals Land Co., lots 27 and 28 18, 19, 20 and 21 block 44 Agnes 1 hompson, lots 1 and 2 2.24 I Tillamook Beach Realty Com- 1.68 biock 70 Beals Add to Lake Rockaway Beach block 8 Brightou.................... pany, lot 6, blk 16, Tilla- 1 12 Ora Marrs, lots 32 and 33 block Lytle..................................... C M Sharpstein, lots 31 and 32 mook Beach 1 12 ! 1.68 L M Berger, lots 26, 27, 28, 29, 44 Rockaway Beach block 9 Brighton..................... ; Retta Holt, lot 7 blk 16, Tilla- 30, 31, 32, 33. 34, 35 anti 36 Lora B Brindley, lots*45 and 46 Manhattan Realty Co., lots 8 mook Beach . . . 1.83 block 80, Beals add Lake 1.12 ! block 44 Rockawav Beach and 9 block 3 Manhattan..... The Tillamook Beach Realty 1.56 J. W Lowrenz, lots 49 and 50 1 Lytle..................................... Manhattan ^Realty Co. lots 7 Company, lot 16, blk 17, Til­ 2 33 Kate W Cor.nor lots 25 and 26 1.12 ! block 44 Rockaway Beach and 8 block 5 Manhattan.... lamook Beach . . . block 1 Rockaway Beach H M Haworth lots 1 and 2 M A Gore, lot 2 block 7 Man­ 1.41 First Bank & Trust Co, lots 29 1.12 ! Tillamook Beach Realty Com­ block 45 Rockaway Beach hattan ......................... ............. pany, lot 17 and 18 blk 18 1.12 Henry Jordan lots 3 and 4 and 30 block 1 Manhattan Realty Co., lot 3 Tillamook Beach 1.41 Peter Murry, lots 36 and 37 1.12 I block 45 Rockawry Beach block 7 Manhattan................. ' block 1 1.12 First Bank and Trust Co., lots E Laycock, lot 2 blk 19, Tilla- Manhattan Realty Co., lots 17 ' mook Beach . . . 2.24 J C McCannon. lots 38 and 39 6 and 7 block 45 Rockaway and 18 block 10 Manhattan... ! Tillamook Beach Realty Com­ 1.12 1.12 block 1 Rockaway Beach Beach .... Manhattan Realty Co., lot 31 pany, lot 7 blk 21, Tillamook 1.45 First Bank & Trust Co, lots 41 Lewis Irish, lots 11 and 12 block 10 Manhattan................. Beach . . . 1.12 I I and 42 block 1 Rockaway block 45 Rockaway Beach Manhattan Realty Co., lot 7 1.39 Beach .... 1.12 Eneas McIntosh, lots 13 and 14 Tillamook Beach Realty Com- block 11 Manhattan ....... ....... FirsUBank & Trust Co, lots 47 1.12 ! pany, lots 26 and 27 in blk Manhattan Realty Co., lot 6 block 45 Rockaway Beach LOO and 48 block 1 Rockaway 22, Tillamook Beach block 12 Manhattan................ E F Story, lots 43 and 44 block , Beach .... 1.15 1.12 ! W E Hutchinson, lots 25, 26 27 Maria Stryker, lots 18 and 19 45 Rockaway Beach 1.12 C A Sadler, lots 23, 24, 25, and and 2g and wj of 29 and 30 block 3 Manhattan ................ F M Bell, lots 12 and 13 block ' 26 block 4 Lizzie Maguire, lots 14 and 15 blk 10, Twin Rocks 1.68 I 46 Rockaway Beach 1.12 Rockaway Beach 1.12 Samuel Iankowitz, lots 14 and W E Hutchinson, lots 25 and block 4 Manhattan Beach. . F A Harden, lo‘s 18 and 19 1.68 i C. E. King, lots 22 and 23 15 block 46 Rockaway Beach 26 blk JI, Twin Rocks - 1.12 block 14 Rockaway Beach 1.12 birst Bank and Trust Co., block 4 Manhattan Beach . Twin Rocks Land ' ‘ Company ~ • » lots Fannie Wood, lots 24 and 25 Lizzie Finn, lots 3 and 4 block lots 14 and 15, blk " 13, Twin 23, 24 and 25 block 46 1.12 block 14 Rockaway Beach 1.12 5 Manhattan Beacb-m.............. 2.51 Rocks Rockaway Beach Manhattan Realty Co., lots 19 • First Bank & Trust Co, lots 7 Twin Rocks Land Company, C First Bank and Trust Co., lots ' and 8 block 15 Rockaway and 20 binds 7 Manhattan vin Rocks 1. 2. 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 block 48 lot 2p, blk 21, Twi 1.12 Beach .... 1.12 Beach >.................................... 5.87 W E Hutchinson, lot 1 blk 24 Rockaway Beach L W Belden, lots 26 and 27 E. R. ■#hgell, lots 21 and 22 Twin Rocks First Bank and Trust Co., lots 1.12 block 15 Rockaway Beach 1.12 block 7 M anhattan Beach.. K P Gilchrist, lot 30 blk 24 42, 43 and 44 block 48 Rock­ W W Wiswell, lots 23 and 24 L W Belden lots 42 and 43 away Beach . . - 2.51 Twin Rocks / 1.12 block 16 Rockaway Beach block 7 Mannattan Beach .... 1.12 Umma L Williams lots 1 and-2 R G McMullen, lot 9 blk 25 . Addie N Browning, lots 1, 2, 3, Manhattan Realty Co., lots 4, 2.24 Block 49 Rockaway Beach Twin Rocks 5 and 6 block 8 Manhattan ' 4. 5, 6 and 7 block 17 Roeka- First Bank and Trust Co., lots G H Higgins, lots 12, 13 and 14 1.68 way Beach ... 3 92 Beach.......................................... block 7 Oceanview 3 and 4 block 49 Rockaway Ellen B Gaynor, lots 14 and 15 G E Fitzgerald, lots 27 and 28 Beach . . . - • 2 24 G H Higgins, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 1.12 block 17 Rockaway Beach block 9 Manhattan Beach . 1.12 First Bank and Trust Co., lot II, 12. 13, 14 and 15 block 9 Addie N Browning lots 16. 17, Manhattan Realty Co., lots 45 1.12 8 block 51 Rockaway Beach Oceanview - - - ' and 46 block 10 asul lots 1 and • 18 19, 20, 21 and 22 block 17 B J King, lot 14 block 51 G H Higgins, lots 19 and 20 2.24 Rockaway Beach 2 block 11 Manhattan Beaah 3.92 1.12 Rockaway Beach block 9 Oceanview Fiust Bank & Trust Co., lots 44 Alma Olsson, lots 3 and 4 block First Bank and Trust Co., lot 23 G II Higgins, 12, 13, 14 and 15 12 Manhattan Beach.............. 1.12 and 45 block 17 Rockaway block 51 Rockaway Beach 1.12 block 11 Oeeanview I Beach .... Eva I Hughes lots 9 and 10 1.12 First Bank and Tsust Co., tote G II Higgins, lots 7, 8, 9, 10. block 12 Manhattan Beach'... 1.12 A L Snider S J of lot 4, and lot 42 and 43 block 51 Rockaway 11, 12, 13 and 14 block 12 Harriet Manning, lots 16 and I 5 and block 18 Rockaway Beach .... 2 24 Oceanview 17 block 13 Manhattan Beach 1.12 Beach .... 1.12 First Bank and Trust Co., lot 3 G H Higgins, lots 23 and 24 Maria Stryker, lots 18 and 19 Peter Moore, lots 8 and 9 block block 52 Rockaway Beach 1.39 block 12 Oceanview block 13 Manhattan Beach. 1.12 18 Rockaway Bench 1.12 L B M Crouse, lot 22 block 52 G H Higgins, lots 15. 16 and M E Edwards lots 27 and 28 Matt Gerde. lots 12 and 14 Rockaway Beach 1.41 17 block 13 Ocean vie a block 13 Manhattan Beach 1.12 block 18 Rockaway Beach 1.12 First Bank and Trust Co., tote G II Higgins, lots 2, 3, 4, and 5 May Enright, lot 10 block 4 C M Hurlbert lots 42 and 43 34 and 35 block 51 Rockaway block 13 OceBnview Lake Lytle.............................. 1.97 block 18 Rockaway Beach 1.12 Beach .... 4.19 G H Higgins, lots 22, 23, 24 Wing Lee lots 5 and 6 block 11 C 11 Hammond, lots 14 and 15 F C Hamilton lots 1 and 2 and 25 block 13 Oeeanview Lake Lytle .............................. 2.80 block 19 Rockaway Beach 1.12 block 50 Rockaway Beach 2.80 G H Higgins, lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, May Enright, lots 10, 11 and 12 Marie Gordan, lots 1 and 2 First Bank Hnd Trust Co., lot and 6 block 14 Oceanview block 14 Lake Lytle.............. 5.89 block 20 Rockaway Beach 1.68 11 bloek 53 Rockaway Beach 1.41 G H Higgins, lot 14 bloc ; 14 May Nichols, lots 19 and 20 May Enright, lots 10 and 11 Thos. R Davis, lots 10, 11 and Oceanview block 15 Lake Lytle. 5.60 block 20 Rockaway Beach 1.68 12 block 54 Rockaway Beach 4 21 G II Higgins, lots 18, 19, _ 20, ___ 21 May Enright, lots 1 and 2 block John 0 Rose, lols 12 and 13 George Watt, lot 4 block 55 22, 23, 24, 25 and 26 block 14 ,22 Lake Lytle........................... 2 82 block 21 Rockaway Beach 1.68 Rockaway Beach 1.41 Oceanview May Enright, lots 6 and 7 E L Peters, lots 31 and 32 S S Purdy, lots 6 and 7 block G H Higgins, lots 5, 6, 7 and block 32 Lake Lytle............. . 3.92 block 21 Rockaway Beach 1.68 55 Rockaway Beach 2 80 8 block 15 Oceanview May Enright, lots 3, 4. 5, 6, 7, A W Giesv. lots 88 and 31 First Bank and Trust Co., lots G H Higgins, lots 13 and 14 8, 9. I". 11, 12. 13, 14, 15 and block 21 Rockaway Bench 14 and 15 block 55 Rockaway ‘ block 15 Oceanview 16 block 39 Lake Lytle 19.60 Phelps Grossmayer lots 35 and Beach ..... 2.80 G 11 Higgins, 19, 20 and 21 Thomas B. Watt, lots 45 and 36 block 21 Rockaway Beach 1.68 Robt. Watt, lots 19 and 20 block 15 Oeeanview 46 block 65 Brighton Beach 1.68 W A Spence, lots 40 and 41 block 55 Rockaway Beach 2.80 G H Higgins, lots 24 and 25 Arch Bishop of Oregon, lota 21. block 21 Rockaway Beach 1.68 J G Pringle lots 21 and 22 block 15 Oceanview 22. 23, 24, 25, '26. 27, and 28 Fred Melzer and Pete Barger block 55 Rockaway Beach 2 80 G H Higgi ns. lot 1 block 18 block 92 Brighton Beach 1.12 lots 14. 15 nnd 16 block 22 First Bank and Trust Co., lot Oceanview Beals Land Co., lot 8 block 49 Rockaway Beach 1.68 23 block 55 Rockaway Beach 1.41 G H Higgins, lot 16 block 18 Beals Add. to Lake Lvtle , 2 21 A Agnes Lane, lots 33. 31 and Frank Mennefee, lot 22, and NJ Oceanview H L Striver lot 9 block 49 Beals 35 block 22 RockaWay of lot 24 block 56 Rockaway H Higgins, lot 18 block 18 Arid, to Lake Lytle............... 2 24 Beach .... 1 68 Beach ..... 2.24 Oeeanview E 1* Frost, lot 10 block 49 Beals J B Glarerie lots 11. 12 and 13 First Bank and Trust Co., lot G H Higgins, lots 19 and 20 Add. to Lake Lvtle................. 2 24 block 23 Rockaway Beach 1.68 3 block A Rockaway Beach 1.41 block 18 Oeeanview Beals Land Co , lots I, 2, and 3 Rose Morgan lots 14 and 15 George Watt, lots 4 and 5 block G H Higgins, lots 25 and 26 block 50 Beals Arid, to Lake block 23 Rockaway Beach 1.12 A Rockawav Beach 2.80 block 18 Oceanview Lytle...................................... . 3.81 Adeline G Miller lots 34. 35. First Bank and Trust Co., lot G II Higgins, lots 6 and 7 Beals Land Co., lot 9 block 51 36 and 37 block 23 Rockaway block 57 Rockaway Beach 1.41 block 19 Oceanview Beals Add. to Lake Lytle 1.68 Beach - 2.21 Wm Webber, lot 22 block 57 C J Jones, lot 8 block 19 Ocean­ Kenis Land Co., lot 10 block 52 W M F Barker, lots 12 and 13 Rockaway Beach 1 41 view - . . . Beals add. to Lake Lytle 1.68 block 21 Rockaway Beach 1.12 First Bank Hnd Trust Co., tot G H Higgins, lots 9. 10 and 11 Beals Land Co., lot 10 block First Bank and Trost Co., lots 34 btocli 57 Rockaway Beach 1 39 block 19 Oceanview ........ 53 Beals arid, to Lake Lytle 1.68 27 and 28 block 24 Rockaway First Bank and Trust Co , tots G H Higgins, lot 18 block 19 Beals Land Co., lot 1 block 54 Beach - • - - 1.12 21 and 22 block 58 Rockaway Oceanview............................. Beals add. to Lake Lytle 1.41 II B Powell, lots lots 5 and 6 Beach .... 2.78 G H Higgins, lot 20 block 19 Beals Land Co., lots 19 anil 20 block 25 Rockaway Beach 1.12 F M McGIoin, lot 12 block 59 Oeeanview ........................... block 60 Beals add. to Lake First Bank and Trust Co., lots Rockaway Beach I 1 12 G It Higgins, lots 13, 14 and 15 Lytic • • - , 1.12 18 and 19 block 25 Rockaway Sarah O'Malley, lot 14 block 59 block 19 Oceanview................. Beals Land Co., lota 29 and 30 i Beach .... 1.12 Rockaway Beach 1.12 G H Higgins, lots 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, block 66 Beals add. to Lake Anders Lee. lots 24 ahd 25 Adam Gordan, lot 27 block 59 9, and 10 block 20 Oceanview Lytle ..... 1.12 Block 25 Rockaway Beach 1.12 Rockaway Beach 1.12 G II Higgins, 15, 16. and 17 F I. Sappington, Trustee, lota H B Ferris tots 26 and 27 block First Bank and Trust Co., tots block 20 Oeeanview.................. I 25 Rockaway Beach 6, 7 ard 8 block 9 Rose City 1.12 29 and 30 block 59 Rockaway G H Higgins, lots 19, 20 and 21 Beach .... 8.40 Frances Ricks, lots 28 and 29 Beach .... 2.24 blk 20, Oceanview F I. Sappington, lots 5 and 6 block 25 Rockaway Beach 1.12 First Bank and Trust Co., lut G H Higgins, lot 6 block 21 block 10. Rose City Beach 5.60 First Bank and Trust Co., lots 1 bloek 60 Rockawav Beach 1.68 Oceanview, ............................... F L Sappington. Trustee, lota 1 42 and 43 block 25 Rockaway B F Doddridge lota 47 and 48 G H Higgins, lot 24 blk 21, Oc- Beach . . . . ' 8 and 9 block 10 and lots 1. 2 1.12 block 61 Rockaway Beach 1.68 eanview .... 3 ami 4 block 11 Rose City First Bank ami Trust Co., lots W A Green lots 1 anil 2 block G H. Higgins, lot 8 blk 23, Oc­ Beach .... 16.80 8 ami 9 block 26 Rockaway 62 Rockaway Beach 1.12 eanview - - . . F I. Sappington Trustee, lot 6 Beach .... 1.12 Elizabeth Woods tots 8 and 9 G H Higgins, lots 14. 15 16 and 7 block 11 Roae City 1» T Davis, tots 11 and 12 block 63 Rockaway Beach 1.12 17. 18, 19, 20 and 21 block 23 Beach .... 5.60 block 26 Rocksway Beach 1.12 Oliver Jo>ef tots 10 aim ! 11 Oceanview ... ................. F I. Sappington, Trustee, lot 5 J H Sheppard, lots 32 ami 33 block 63 Rockaway Beach 1.12 ! Chas A Sararian, lot 5 block 6 block 12 Roae City Beach 2.80 block 26 Rockaway Beach 1.12 First Bank ami Trust Co., lots Netarts............................... F I. Sappington, Iruatee, lota J K Conner, lots 1 and 2 block 23, 24, 25 and 26 block 63 Chas A Sararian, lot 7 block 5 1, 2, 3. 4. 5, 6, 7 and 8 block i 27 Rockaway Beach 1.12 Rockaway Beach 2.24 I Netarts .... 16; tots 1. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, James Enimingham tots 14. 15, Wm Lente, tots 31 and 32 block G B Lamb, tot 4 bl.xrk 9 Netarts and 8, block 17 and lota 1, 2, I 16, 17, 18. 19. 20 and 21 block 63 Rockaway Beach 1.12 ! E L Cooper, lot 2 block 9 Ne­ 3. 4. 5 6, 7 and 7 block 18 ' 27 Rockaway Bench 4.48 E and M Falvey, Iota 8 and 9 tarts Bay Park ....................... Roae City Beach 17.SB George Balheim, lota 26 and 27 block 64 Rockawav Beach 1.12 Geo E Ribinaon. tot 3 block 9 The Jtllarpoi'k Bay Co., lota 11 block 27 Rockaway Beach 1.12 N J Collin, tote 10 ahd 11 block Netarts Bay Park l!w.« k ’2 Oceanlake Park 2.80 ttarry Gibbs, tots 31 ami 32 64 Rockaway Reach 1.12 CL Burton, tote 5 and 6 block The Trlla*bok Bay Co.. Impro- block 27 Rockaway Reach 1 12 W It Daley, lots 12 and 13 9 Netarts Bay Park verhenta ‘ on lol 2 block 3 First Bank and Trust Co., lota block 64 Rockaway Beach 1.12 II L Billings lota 3 and 4 block Organist* Park 1.66 33. .84 ami 35 block 27 Roeka- A N Coy. tote 34 and 35 bl wk 17 Netarts Bay Park The Tilluraook Bay Co., lota 7 I way Beach ... 1.68 64 Rockaway Reach I 12 A E N.dan. 19, 2U anb 21 block and 8 block 5, Ocean lake Park 2.80 First Bank ami Trust Co., tots E A and I. G Newby tots 41 and Netarts Bay Park . .............. Kntheryn Boling, lots 13, 14. 31. 32, 3». 34 ami 35 block 30 Rockawav Beach 1 12 W G Dwight, tots 22. 23 and 24 15, 1«, 17, 18, 19 ami 20 block Kock away Beach 1.41 W T Cracknell tots 25 and 26 Netarts Bav Park 7 Ocean lake Park 11,20, First Hank ami Trust Co., lota block 66 Rockawav Beach 1.12 H C and FC Mack tot 2 block I 24. 26. 26, 27. 28 ami 29 block J O Horror th, kite I, 2. 3, 4 and Rana and Trust Co.. Iota 11.20' 37 Rockaway Beach 1.6a rirat 5 block 32, Oeeanlahe Park * Park1""*’* AlW' tO l>C*“n 45 and 46 block 66 Rockaway B S Cook. Iota 23 and 24 block I First Rank ami Trust Co., lots Beach .... ,12 ‘“»•«.K « and .18 Oceanlake Park • . 2.24| I. 2. 3 ami 4 block 40 Tillamook Beach Realtv Co. The Tillamook Hay Co., lota 24 I Rockaway Beach 1 block 3 Pacific City 2.90 lots 17. 18. 1». 20, 21.' 22. ¿3, and 26 block S3 Oceanlake W li Ferns tote 86 and 27 block A H Malaney 18, 19. » and 11 • 24, », *, »7. ’26, 29. I block 3 ..................................... I- F R Beals, lots 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 NAPOLEON’S ARMY EAGlif 6.72 and 18 block 4 Pacific City Tillamook Cranberry Co., lots They Wara Patterned After the Aa. I, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 cient Symbol of the Caeeara. block 1 Kiwanda Beach......... Eagles lasted only from isqj - Tillamook Cranberry Co., lots 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 and 18 Waterloo. Before then it bad been tbe 2.24 block 1 Kiwanda Beach custom in armies to carry huge B#_ wleldy flags iiioimted on poles wblc^ 1.12 L W McAdams lots 22 and 23 block 1 Kiwanda Beach ........ while they afforded a rallying point for 1.12 Tillamook Cranberry Co., lots their corps, also drew the euemy’s Are 24, 25, 26, 27 and 28 biock 1 3.13 It remained for Nnpoleon to revive the Kiwanda Beach .................... 1.12 auclent symbol of tbe Caesars. L W McAdams, tote 29, 30 and 1.88 31 block 1 Kiwanda Beach.. At first au eagle was presented to 1.12 Tillamook Cranberry Co., lots every batlalion of infuutry and every 40 and 41 blk I Kiawanda 1.25 equadrou of horse. But owing to tbe Beach . . . - • 4.48 number of eagles captured this allovr- Tillamook Cranberry Co., lots anee was cut down. All battalion 44, 45. 46, 47, 48, 49, »50, 51, eagles were withdrawn aud one eagle 52, blk I and lots I and 2 blk 2 Kiawanda Beach was carried by each regiment of foot und cavalry. Io 1812 a still further 3.92 Tillamook Cranberry Co., lots 6 1.25 and 7 blk 2 Kiawanda Beach reduction was made aud in some cases Tillamook Cranberry Co., lots I line regiments were ordered to leave II, 12, 13, 14 blk 2 Kiawanda 3.36 2.50 their eagles in tlielr arsenal. Tbeee Beach . . . - - stnudards were also taken from all 2.24 Tillamook Cranberry Co., lots regiments of light cavalry and one 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28. 29, 30, 31, 32 blk 2 Kiawanda eagle sufficed occasionally for an in­ Beach - fantry brigade. 6.72 Tillamook Cranberry Co., lots Tbe eagle itself was eight Inches In 36, 37, 38 and 39 block 2, Ki­ height aud uine inches across tbe wanda Beach ........................... 1.12 wings. It stood on a brass block three Tillamook Cranberry Co., lots Inches square und weighed three and a 40, 41 and 42 block 2 K iwan- 2.24 half pounds. da Beach ................................... Tillamook Cranberry Co., lot 46 Modern colors, cumbrous as they are, and 47 block 2 Kiwanda are as nothing compared to the old 4.48 Beach ......................................... ones, which were as difficult to bide as 1.12 Tillamook Cranberry Co., lots the big drum. Thus there existed a 51 an 1 52 block 2 and lots 1, 2, regular system for saving eagles, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 1.12 Sometimes, when tbe tide of war ran 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 and 18 block 12.50 adversely, they were unscrewed and 3 Kiawanda Beach........... put into haversacks or great coat 1.12 Tillamook Cranberry Co., lots 19, 20, 21, 22, 23. 24, 25, 26, prakets. At other times they were 27, 29, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34. burled, thrown Into ponds or rivers, 42, 36, 37, 38, 39. 40. 41, 35, 1.12 I broken up. hidden lu hollow trees, and. 43, 44. 45, 46, 47 and 48 18.75 most humiliating or all. stuffed Into block 3 Kiawanda Beach ... 1.12 some dead horse, to be hauled out Tillamook Cranberry Co., lots 49, 50, 51 and 52 block 3 and subsequently.— Harper's Weekly. 1. 2, 3, 4. 5, 6, 7, 8. 9, 10, 11, 1.39 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25 and 26 COULDN’T SEE THE JOKE. block 4 Kiawanda Beach.... 18.75 2.81 Tillamook Cranberry Co., lots Charles Sumner’s Woeful Lack of a 27, 28, 29, 30, 31. 32, 33, 34. Sense of Humor. I.4I 35. 36, 37, 38, 39. 40, 41, 42, It was a rainy afternoon, and Mr. 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, Longfellow was obliged to go out. leav­ 51 and 52 block 4 and lots 1, 1.41 ing .Sumner stretched on the sofa read­ 2, 3 and 4 block 5 Kiawanda Beach.......................................... 18.75 ing Lowell’s volume. When he re­ lumed he asked Sumner how he liked 2.80 Tillamook Cranberry Co., lots 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. 11, 12. 13, 14, the poems, and Suuiuer replied: "They 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23 j are admirable, very good Indeed. But 24, 25, 25. 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 4.19 I why does he spell bis words so badly?" 32, 33 and 34 block 5 Kiawa- |g,75 I.otigfeHow said that he attempted to da Beach .................................. 1.68 explain that tbe poems were purposely Tillamook Cranberry Co., lots written In the New England dialect 35. 36, 37, 38, 38, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47. 48, 48, 50, but Sumner could not understand. 2.24 51, 52 block 5 and iots-l, 2 and One summer at Nahant I dined at 3 block 6, lots 1, 2 and 3 1.39 Mr. Lougfellow's with Mr. Sumner and block 7 and lots I, 2 and 3 some others. Sumner was a collector block 8 Kiawanda Beach ... 45.00 1.41 of cbina. about which he knew a great F R Beals lots 17, 18, 19. 20, 21, deal, us be did about many other 22, 23, 24, 25. 26, 26, 28, 29, 1.41 things. He totd us a story about 30, 31 and 32 block 9, Sea View Park................................. 13.44 going to see Lord Exmouth's collection 1.41 F R Beals, lot 16 block 17 Sea and liow tine it was. When be was View Park............... ................. 1.12 taking his leave Lord Exmouth gave 2.07 , NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that him two rare plates and offered to send six months from and after the 7th day . them to Ids lodgings, but Sumner 7.59 uf April, 1913 (the date on which said 1 ,voll|d uut be |(,irted frora hls prlze and taxes became delinquent on said above ................................... ... __ real property) uronertvl the the Tax Tax Col- Cnl. ' . us,1 , ‘ on . taking 1.38 described described real . , “ them home with bltn Hector of Tillamook County, Oregon, is lu t,ls cab 'vhe“ be had concludrd 3.68 ' authorized, upon demand of any person (llis ’,ory- " bich was Interesting, but i making application therefor and the luug In narrntion, Torn Appleton. Mr. : payment of the taxes, penalty, interest Longfellow's brother-in-law, who was 7.36 and cost of advertising, to issue to present, said. "A plenslng tale, lllus- , I thern, acertifieateofdeliiiquency asj t,.llfed wlth two p |niPS.-> ’’ Everybody itrnted with two plates. 1.84 provided by law, which shall bear in- ‘ ; laughed, and Sumner, looking about ( terest at the rate of fifteen percen, per * 2.76 annum from the date of issuance until. most good iiatiiredl.v, said: ’’What are redeemed. . you all laughing at? 1 suppose Apple- 2.76 Dated at Tillamook, Oregon, this 7th tou is up t<> some mischief, but my i day of August. 1913. : story Is quite true.”—From ’‘Some Ear- 5.52 HENRY CRENSHAW, ! ly Memories.” by Senator H. C. Lodge, Tax Collector of Tillamook County, in Scribner's Magazine. Oregon. 2.24 Removing Paint Stains. , Paint is uue of the most usual of tbe unavoidable stains which a til let tbe ' skirt worn out of doors. “Fresh paint" CHIROPRACTOR. I signs are all very well If they are seea Local Office in the Commercial In time, but they have an Incouvenlent way of appearing boldly before the Building. eyes after damage has been done. Tbe sooner a paint stain Is removed tbe TILLAMOOK, - ORE. 3.45 ‘ easier tbe task of removal will be. Spread a little dry laundry or corn- 2 30 ;ptarch around tbe spot to keep tbe 1.38 paint wbeu moistened from spreading. Then wet the stain with turpentine. 1.38 After a few minutes moisten again. < Scrape tbe paiDt up with a dull knife 1.38 « or a spoon handle and wet again vrltb 2.76 BEGINS its forty-fifth school year ' tiirpentiae. When there Is no trace S eptember to. ma. ! left of the paint rub tbe spot dry wi® 2.76 DEGREE COURSES in many phasesof a clean cloth and brush off tbe starch- AGRICULTURE ENGINEERING. HOME ♦ — Washington Star. ECONOMICS MINING. FORESTRY. COM­ 3.22 R. E. E, DANIELS, OREGON AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE MERCE 1.61 i 4 83 1 61 1.61 4.83 11.27 P harmacy . T wo - year C ourses in agricul ­ I I ture arts home E conomico . F orestry . C ommerce M echanic P harmacy TEACHER'S COURSES in manual training, agriculture, domestic science and art. MUSIC, including piano, string, band instruments and voice culture. A BEAUTIFUL BOOKLET entitled “T he E nrichment of R ural L ife " and a C atauh . oe will be mailed free on application. I Address H. M. T ennant , Registrar, 4.83 UW-M& to»-») Corvallis, Oregon. 1.84 ■ 1,84 4.83 I T owers F ish B rand ‘P ommel S ucker 1.84 1.15 Keeps both rider and 5addl«> perfectly dn£\ Made for rough west and long service in the wettest weather. 2.30 S atisfaction G uauttefd 1.84 LOOKFOtTiBlURR OfEmiLNCE 2.24 2.24 I Traveling Sand Hills. On the coast of Potnernnla there ar* large tracts of sand heaped up by the wind, hundreds of yards in breadth ' and from 60 to 120 feet high, and ’ these bills, propelled by the wind, move steadily lu an easterly dlrectlo* . Tbe speed at which these great bills I travel Is from thirty-nine to fifty-ala . feet a year. Pine woods, which some­ times come In their line of march, ca®' uot stop tbi tri and are completely de stroyed. The branches are rotted 0“ by the sand, and nothing Is left of the tree but the bare stems, which after i a few years wither and die. Difficulties of the Natural'»*. At one end or the other of every anl- mal Iles a danger which makes the closest Investigation Impossible, to study the mule we must hold him by the head, but to study tbe bull *• mnst hare a tail bold as a vantage point.—St. Louis Globe-Democrat. Plenty of Change. Fashionable Physician — What J** really need Is a change of clfmal* The Patient- Change of climate! Why. I've never had anything *l*! *’* lived In New York all%y Ilfe.-LB* Defined. “Pa; what Is a receiver7" "A receiver, my eon. is a mas *** winds up a business after It baa <*• down.”— Boston Transcript. After n scandal gets started t** broke» always retuse to work.-”*** cago Record Heral4