Tillamook Headlight, August 14, IÖI3 Headlight will not be held respon­ sible except to make the necessary parties in your neighborhood be­ THE GAME OF WAR, lieve the same as I at atly rate j • A correction upon the discovery of the same. In ease of a tie the prize wish any one who desires to com­ Som« of ths Thing« Thot Aro Forbid­ will be divided between the cand-. municate with me will do so. Per den by Civilised Nationo. haps your paper would lend a dates tieing. It is not generally realized that the hand on the subject. You will most It’s Import ! Where you invest your How to Nominate a Candidate. game of war is hedged round by as likely hear from me again. The Tilla«’"'* Headlight will many restrictions as a boxing contest You will find a nomination blank money. The Western Loan and Invest­ Yours most truly, ,ay absolutely free two trips printed on another page of this tinder Queensberry rales. These regti- is now ojien __ ment Co., of Salt Lake, Utah, lations, which nre under the sanction I. W. R ivers , World's Fair and other prizes paper. This nomination blank is Spring \\ alter, Clackamas County, >f all the eirlllxed countries of the » _ . . ______ <7^ ,na^e -von a l°an or build you a home on 10 „igantic subscription cam- good for 1,000 votes. This gives world, are designed to Insure fair play the small monthly payment plan. 111 The plan adopted is the you a fine start Fill out this blank Oregon, Route 1, Box 44. for tbe combatants. artial conceiv- A McNAlR, President. and forward same to the campaign 75 ben It Is intended to bombard a D L. SHRODE. Vice President. . [t affords every one an oppor- department of the Tillamook Head Glenora Items. place due notice should be given, so CANZADA EVERSON, Sec. and Treasurer . osiiv to win and at the same time light. A representative will call Board of Appraisers — Max M. Reeher killed a cougar that all women and children may be ¡ o mere chance enters into it It and furnish you with a subscrip E. M BALES F. H. MIICNK. ; removed to a place of safety, and ev­ measuring seven feet seven inches ery care must be taken to spare R. F. ZACHMAN E. J. CLAUSSEN. briefly a competitive plan in tion blank, order book. etc. Enlist , Board of Trustees— lieh work, personal effort and the aid of your friends and neigh­ from tip to tip last Tuesday at Me churches and hospitals, as well as all Namer's < camp ------ on ---- JOHN LELAND HENDERSON. B. I.. BEALS Wilson river. charitable or educational buildings. serverance will count. There bors in securing paid in advance I. C. SMITH. W. G, McGEE, After shooting all the shells he All chaplains, doctors and nurses are « 15 prizes to be given and they subscriptions to the Tillamook had at it from a ---------- small -J 22 revolver, revolver, protectee in every jiossible way and *rt of such a nature that they will Headlight. Use your telephone -lax ran about two miles and bor­ are not to he taken prisoners or in any opeul to every man and woman in and let everyone know that you are rowed a rifle from some injured. 7'*^ campers, way Any soldier robbing or mutilating an cQ}, the county. The following para­ a candidate. Be ambitious and de­ His little dog held the ______ animal at enemy is liable to be shot without trial, Loan Agent. ? ph, tells all about the plan-just termine to win ; your friends wish bay until he returned with the and death Is tbe penalty for wouudlng (ucvV For Sale or Trade—Tillamook Co Land, City Property, / J..... go about entering the cam- to go to the fair, therefore it is an large gun and killed it.. Max is or killing a disabled man. Vacant lots in all additions and Merchandise Stock. \ „ «hat to do after the nomina- easy matter to get them to purchase fire warden from zig zag to Reeh- Tbe bodies of the enemy are to be to-?has been accepted, etc. ^7 tripe to tlie fair through you and er’s and is camped at McNamer's carefully searched before burial, and This is The Plan. receive the 5,C00 votes which are camp. any articles found on them which prime motive of this cam­ given for the sale of each trip. Get Haying is over and a large crop might lend to their Identitiestion are to paign is to secure hundreds of paid every vote coupon possible, but be sent to the proper quarters. ------- of hay has been harvested. in advance subscriptions to the work for votes given for the sale of Explosive bullets must not be used, Mrs. Maggie fllingsworth and her Tillamook Headlight and to assist each trip to the fair, and paid in and quarter must be given to the en­ husband are camped for a Jew days emy whether be asks for it or not In the people in taking trips to the advance subscriptions as they at Bill Smith’s place. an attack on the enemy there must be ___ Panama-Pacific Fair in San Fran- count the most. The campaign Many hunting and fishing parties no concealment of the distinctive signs »3jF^ CISCO. manager will be pleased to have .. —_ House —„..„a this of the regiments, and tbe use of pol- In order to gain this end the Till­ you call at the office of the Tilla­ have been at the _ White sons for polluting drinking water is summer. amook Headlight will award these mook Headlight so that .he may ex­ strictly forbidden.—London Answers. 15 exceptionally fine prizes to wide plain anything that you do not un­ The trout are biting flies anil many are being caught. mke and energetic men and derstand. THE “CITY OF HOMER.” «omen both young and old of Till­ A deer was feeding in the oat Votes Not Transferable. amook and vicinity in exchange for patch right beside the White House Ramindars of the Ancient Architectural Votes issued to one candidate a little time and effort on the part one day thia week. Mr. Reeher saw Glory of Smyrna. cannot be transferred to another, of those who desire to compete. two in his pasture a short time Architecturally Smyrna must have but several people may work to­ back. Some of the prizes are as follows: — degenerated since tbe ancient days, for Ovcrland Model 69T gether under tlie name of one con ­ Two trips to the World’s Fair in we are told that then the streets were Arthur Reeher is making hay at broad and haudsotne. well paved ajid 1915. as per the itinerary published testant. This makes it so that the Stanley place. running at right angles with each eliewhere on this page, scholar­ should a contestant wish to divide other There were a uuniber of squares ship« to the Portland Business Col­ the prize that they may win with the friends who have been helping happy CAMP, NETART3 and porticoes and public libraries, a lege, beautiful gold watch, etc. museum, a stadium in which Olympic Who May Enter The Campaign. them they may do so. BAY BEACH, games were celebrated with great en­ A coupon good for 5,000 votes will Any man or woman married or thusiasm. a grand music hall or Odeou, single, boy or girl who is a reputa­ be issued to a contestant by the Tillamook County, Oregon. a Homerion and many temples, of ble citizen or Oregon is eligible to local agents of the Northwest Pan­ which tbe most famous was that of compete in this campaign. The ama Pacific Tourist Co., upon the Most attractive beach for camping the Olymplau Jupiter, in which the in Oregon. First class hotel ac- reigning emperor was practically the campaign manager reserves the sale of a tour. The contestant does commodattons, store and post­ god worshiped. right to reject any and all nomina­ not have to sell the tour outright, The ancient Smyrniotes were Inordi­ office on grounds; adjoining Fed­ tion«. No employee of the Tilla­ but by supplying the local agents nately proud of their city. They called of the Northwest Panama Pacific eral and State reservation con ­ mook Headlight or relative of an ft the “First of Asia." though the Ephe­ taining beautiful scenery, Three sians violently disputed tills claim. The employee is eligible to this cam­ Tourist Co. with the name of the Arch Rocks, cavee, sea lions, inhabitants also called their city the paign. Tile candidate does not prospective purchaser and by seals, parrots, etc. Happy Camp “City of Homer." who they claimed h«ve to be a subscriber of the Tilla­ bringing them in personal touch has seven varietieties of clams, had been born and brought up beside mook Headlight in order to enter, with the local agent. Should the all that is necessary is to send in local agent make a sale tothis pros­ oyster beds, crabs and crawfish their sacred river Meles. They put his Image upon a coin, on the beach; bears and berries your name or that of a friend, the pective customer, the local agent which they called a homerion, a na me will issue to the contestant the in the woods; good deep sea fish ­ address and the assurance that the ing, fine boating and bathing in given to one of their temples, Enor- person entering is in good standing above mentioned vote check or minis fragments yet remain showing coupon good for the 5,000 votes. bay or ocean; excellent spring what tremendous buildings once occu­ io his or her vicinity. water. New seven-mile automo ­ How Votes Are Secured. pied the broad plateau on tbe summit bile road from Tillamook just of the acro(>olis, and ns one rebuilds in Votes are secured in three ways. A Good Word For Tillamook. completed, Camping space $1 00 imagination these wonderful piles he Namely, coupons may be clipped per week; furnished tents $5.00 can easily forgive the Smyrniotes of from the papers, (2) votes will be Editor Tillamook Headlight. per week, Good pasture for old for their grandiloquent praise of Sir: — Thinking, perhaps, that you allowed on all pay in advance sub- their city and its beautiful crown.— acriptions, (3) votes will be given might wish a few lines from an out­ horses. All under new tnanage- Christian Herald. . Dr. P. J. Sharp. George ment, sider, that is, one who lives in the for the sale of trips to the Panama- Kiehm. T. Pacific Exposition. It does not Willamette Valley. I used to be a The Only Safe Course. cost anything to vote these cou­ resident of your county some few Bids Wanted. There Is a supreme court Justice In pon«, and you are not limited to the years ago. I visited your county Plans and specifications for the New York city who Is locally noted for about five years ago and now I have building of a woodshed, fence, his severity. If he can prevent It no i number you secure. With every pay in advance sub- just returned from a trip in which platform and sidewalk, also the guilty man shall escape, and In his OWN YOUR HOME -STOP PAYING RENT Krintion, or tour to the exposition I visited your city, including in my painting of same,for school district court very few of them do. Last full a man was on trial before ; 23, Long Prarie, are now on file in trip, taking in about 30 miles south •old, special ballot good for a cer- office of the county school superin him for forgery. The prosecution, so We Make Only 6 per cent. .»in number of votes is allowed. on Nestucca Bay, and will say a tendent. It seemed to most of the spectators. ' Monthly Installment Loans. Bids may be sent to Ed. Weston, failed to make out a very good case The number of voteB depending work in comment on your county clerk of said district. The school On Completed City Residence Property, upon the length of the paid in ad­ since I was there five years ago. I Nevertheless the Jury came tn with a board reserves the right to reject Or for Building Purposes vance subscriptions and the num noticed such an improvement in any and all bids which must be in verdict of guilty. « Later the foreman of tbe Jury was • , ; hands ___ -<— —j district clerk on hr of trips sold. This is explained the roads and buildings that I was the of •- said talking about the case with a friend If You Want to Buy, rhewhere in this paper. These amazed, especially the roads You or before noon of August 16. 1913. who had heard some of the testimony. • By order of the board. bailot« given free to paid in ad­ sure have some men that knows Or Build a Home, "We weren't certain that we ought vance subscriptions, and fairtours, how to build roads. If V illamette Or Repay a Mortgage, Auto Stage for Netaits. to convict either.” said the foreman, i way be held as long as dekired and road builderB could see Tillamook In explanation, "but after listening to Auto will leave for Netarts every And desire the aid of burrowed money, we ask voted and at any time up to and in­ roads they, sure, would take a back morning at V:00 a. m., and 4:30 pan Ills honor's charge, all of 11s realized your careful consideration of the udvantagi that if we acquitted that fellow we'd cluding the last day of the race. seat, for your county lias tlie valley in the afternoon. Fare. 75c. la» guilty of contempt of court”—Sat The coupons clipped from the Till­ skinned to a finish, which they un- Round trip $1.25. afforded by our monthly installment plan of loan urday Evening Post. C hatterton & A lexander . amook Headlight are only valid doubtly would have to acknowledge. we will gladly explain our plan of a loan to you it from date of issue.. Any one who Why, the roads there are away interested, Dangerous Dust. Costly Treatment, desires to vote may do so, using ahead of even the streets here of Dust is more dangerous than draft was troubled with constipa- some of these one horse towns out “ I lor the purpose ballot issued on Tb<- dust of the liorna» Is more danger­ aud indigestion spent „----- , and ... . here. I notice there prosperity on al­ tion------------- tours sold. hundreds of dollars for medicine ous that the dust of tbe street It is in most every hand, for instant as one and treatment," writes C. H. Hines, dry. windy weather that colds. Influ i The World Your Field. Realty, Loans, Ins , Rents, Collections. A candidate may secure votes travels along through your beauti­ of Whitlow, Aik. “I went to a St. enza. bronchitis, tonsilitis mid consump- I and subscrif tions any where in the ful Tillamook country one will see Louis hospital, also to a hospital in tion are caught. For every speck of , New Orleans, but no cure was ef­ dust is an aeroplane with an army of ’id.» wide world. There are no along as he travels old houses dis fected. On returning home 1 be­ Strict« or territories. This makes carded as well as barns and new gan taking Chamberlain's Tablets, disease germs as passengers Sunlight 11 to every candidate has the same fine houses and barns taking their and worked right along. I used destroys them; tbey thrive in dark­ ness. Tbe broom sod duster of the Population to secure votes from, places; also herds of fine milch them for some time and am now all housewife stir them up from their right" Sold by all dealers. o order to Becure votes on sub- cows which are increasing as time breeding places in dark recesses, and •criptions the money must accotn- goes by. I notice an increase in tbe ojien windows of the dusting hour The illíltI Notice. pany the order, and be sent direct cheese and butter factories, in fact, blow them all about the house.—New best like • | ‘ ’’'’i bolt?d •» the campaign department of the one cannot but notice the change Kasper Zweifel is now successor Yurk World. Baker HHamook Headlight, Tillamook, which is changing in your cheese to R R Roberts, in Tillamook locomotive S stove 1 ever Tasting. County. All accounts owing the ' or through an authorized county. koilcr I Putty built || J. R. Watkins Medical Co. are pay ­ “ Why do yon put your Anger on that When I left Spring Walter and as •^presentati ve. At the close of the able to Kasper Zweifel. paint? Don't you see tbe sign ‘Fresh R R R oberts . •mpaign a recount of ail the votes well as when we came back—as I Paint?* - K asper Z weifel . be made by a committee of had a companion by the name o. “Yea," replied the man with eccen­ Tillamook. Ore., July »rd, 1913. Clark Ackerline, of Spring Matter, tavxninant citizen«. tric Ideas. "But I can't keep from testing It nod thinking wbat a con­ P’Ue’ WU1 W Award'd‘ this county, we were asked ques­ Reason for His Enthusiasm venience It would be If freak egg« ; pereou securing the largest tions regarding Tillamook before Good When a man has suffered for sev ­ ,Ui*CA'S DE r RANGE of votes in the campaign and after our return and we, sure, eral days with colic, diarrhoea or could be tested tbe same way.’’— 1 Ar'zdlnnll«p<.-fectbalrlng“w^r th aveth5 first choice of any of gave them the straight goods in other form of bowel complaint and Washington Star. -i l flayi!» perfect baker lor s life- e prizes offered. The second favor of Tillamook county. Now if is then sound and well by one or On ths Stags. !y/ tlisx iccj'.ijo it h built tike a locomotive» two doses of Chamberlain s Colic, eecuring the second largest you have any printed matter and Cholera be.icr. Lvi.'tof m dh-able ironand charce-) riomde—Of course. In tbs theatrical and Diarrhoea Remedy, as J*,"3 r vo,e" •>’ the campaign will send same to us. we will do is often the case, it is but natural profession It doesn't matter bow often I i : tc id of being 1 >1 ,'i . er. Mxdc strttffht without the umc ci «ve second choice. The per- justice favorable to your county by that he should be enthusiastic in lovers quarrel. Gertie—Why *o? Flos­ H'.‘. j r iffy tu ctumblSBad fallout,«» Hi»- ^curing the third largest giving such to people making in­ his praise of the remedy, and sie-Bn-a use tbey make op every night I* j - |s»nS 3 n* In raw csfl irvn Iro® pul Mu * «3» esoecially i« Ibis the case of a quiries If you choose, please send »nd twice on matinee days.—London win’k F °* 'oteB *n the campaign called fleet range«, al lew- severe atta k when life in threaten- ^*»'***'"5 . . . drflit« fA fan t 1 ’ ing F ' mi drafts to fac .«! ‘1 ”e the third choice of the a copy or more to me that conta.ns Trv it when in need of such a TU-Bita. imedy It never fails. Sold by tire or deaden it this epistle and oblige I expect **• offered and so on down tbe Tn< A.-g'n ■•««r'zeB h®ve been county in the near future. I was a George— M a bel and Jack*« marriage l .,l«a MllM. «a»« ■ ISM Im Remember the cam- w»-., 1 Mar»"»'««-* m «WJ son of hearts' The Gtri—Yes; be <»DAJk irutakWil flj p-ar lite« M«. It Moy question that may arise King the noon hour you »e e jwwr^itflfllfrr»r»an«l