Tillamook Headlight, August 14, IÖI3. ■■ pleased. We hope to see good roads to all the beaches, for the L egal A dvertisement »: mode of enjoyment is changing 10 First Inaertion, per line .... f like most tilings. Visitors with 5 Koch subsequent insertion, line autos don’t want to stop in one Business and professional cards, place more than a day and a, 1 month................................ 1 00 we do not know anywhere in , Homestead Notice«................ 5 00 Timber Claims ............... 10 00 Oregon where they can have | I. oca Is per line each insertion 5 such delightful enjoyment and Display advertisement, an inch, see such grand scenery as visit-' month ...................... .. SO ing the different beach resorts All Resolution« of Condolence and between Neskowin and Neah- Lodge Notices, 5c. per line. Cards of Thanks, 5c. per line. kah-Nie. We think we are con­ Notices, Lost, Strayed or Stolen, servative in our estimate in etc. miniinun rate, 23c. not exceed­ saying that 200 autos would he ing five lines. For the most part visitors to passing over a Bayocean road Tillamook beaches this summer every day at this season of the came here instead of going to RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION. year if that road was construct­ Seaside, and the indications are (STRICTLY LN ADVANCE.) One year...................................... 1.5o that every year it much larger ed, which would all go through this city. 75 Six mouth«................................... _______________ ' 50 number will make a change and Three month*............................... i spend their vocations here. The Jackson County is the first to Entered us second dace mail mat reason of this is that visitors ter July, 1888, ut the post office at acknowledge that there are invoke the law to submit it to Tillamook, Ore., under the act of so many fascinations and beauti­ a vote of the people to bond the March 3, 1879. ful things to enjoy in Tillamook county for $5(X>,000 for the pur­ county whenever the beach be­ pose of improving roads in that 3-íIlainooh ÍQeablígbt. comes monotonous the rivers, county. It will be remembered bays, mountains, timber, dairy­ the people of Jackson countv '*P W* hr ing, green meudows, excellent voted $1,500,000 bonds for that roads and grand mountain purpose, but the law proved Editorial Snap Shots and ocean panoramas, with faulty. No doubt other coun­ coot, refreshing atmosphere. ties which have not kept up For real pleasure anti comfort, I their roads will follow suit. We It looks as though some of the we do not know any county in believe there are times when it beach lots could stand a little is wise to bond or borrow money more tax than a few cents, and Oregon where persons owning autos can have more enjoyment to complete a piece of road so help pay the expenses of giving filllOS < «111 lluVv IIHHU v 11) t ’ j uiLiii ■ ivr uvnupiuit <1 picuv V at this season of the year than ¡that that it could be used, provided them good roads. in visiting the different beaches [that the money was paid off in and places of interest in Tilla-[ two or three easy installments The Democratic free trade mook county. It is no surprise . from the road tax the next few tariff bill is having a hard time. to us that people who take sum­ years. We are not in favor of It looks as if the prediction will mer vacations are changing lo­ | saddling a large bonding in­ prove true that the bill will not cations from Seaside for Tilla­ debtedness on the county under be passed until next year. present conditions But we do mook. think that the County Court Vinitora to Tillamook are sur­ The train service on the P. R. will act wisely, when it has a prised at the improvements in & N. is excellent this summer, piece of road work too expen­ the city. The city was a little the railroad company doing sive to complete in one year, slow in getting started, but it is everything possible to make the to call for a vote authorizing safe to say that it will now push travel to Tillamook as pleasant the County Court to issue war- to the front. One eyesore is the and convenient for seaside visit­ | rants. By that means the pub­ old wooden shacks and tire traps ors ami the traveling public. lic would have the use of a road I without having to wait several in conspicuous places. The railroad officials are cer­ I vears improving it piece meal. tainly deserving <»i of <» a K great deal in mi j uuBCi 1 vi,v vavc ' a . ; . of credit for the successful and [ T]"* A large number of dairymen which indebtedness on the county are having stock tested for the satisfactory manner in « ■ .J nor curtail work in other parts purpose of entering them at the they have greatly increased tin [ of the county, the only addi­ county fair, This insures a big travel to Tillamook this year, I tional expense being interest on and it is gratifying to know that stock show, in fact, the predic­ the warrants. We will quote tion is that it will be the largest the business interests of the | the new law on this point, for county and the railroad com ­ exhibition of stock ever seen in ¡there are occasions when the this county, with all the best pany are pulling together fori the purpose of boosting the i County Court has not provided grades represented. county. In view of the fact thati money for some immediate im the railroad had a most serious provement, which can be done The Tillamook County Fair I lie i rain ci i ii 1 , under this clause : financial loss caused by i the Association will have a clean, road out' After the inasuance of bond« has storm which put the i............... been authorized by an election held interesting, enjoyable fair next of commission for several weeks in accordance with tlie proviaions month, which will be a great last winter.it is pleasing to hear . [ . of ■ . 4 this « 1 • • O •• • 4 the 1 » A A • « — 4 ■ . court may ..a. J in . j act, county improvement over the punk and that some of that loss is coming lieu of the issuance of such ».—«• bond«, antiquated circus that visited' back by double the amount of or a portion thereof, issue warrants drawn upon the county treasurer this city last month, and where travel to Tillamook this sum­ for the purpose of securi’g the exhorbitant charges were made mer. Yet the summer travel funds or a portion thereof, sought for admission. The home show have only just commenced. In to be secured by the issuance of will l>e of more interest,because a few years the railroad will be such bonds, which warrants shall be in denominations of fOO, or mul­ it is home products that will be carrying thousands of passen­ tiples thereof up to $10fX), and shall exhibited. gers where it now carries hun­ bear the same rate of interest as the bonds would bear in lieu of dreds. which such warrants are issued. It seems that the government / engineers nre'exceedingly parti It is, however, up to the people Nptw that work is soon to start culnr that the expense of main to »auction this, but most of op, the improvement of Tilla­ tnining the middle channel to the taxpayers will readily see mook bar, this is something this city he shouldered bv thy that it is a ea«v plan whereby that the citizens of this county Ports. We remember a letter the expense of improving a road have been anxiously looking for written by one of the engineer« can be provided for in several for many years, not withstand­ who placed this cost at $25,000, years. For instance, a road to ing they met with mail'. disap­ Some tiny, when the commerce Bayocean could be build in this pointments in being turned of the bnv demandiuf, the natu­ way, to be paid for in four or ral channel, anil Tess costly to down. One stereotyped excuse five yearly installments from the was that the commerce did not maintain, wilt he opened. road fund. The same pro ess justify the expenditure, and the could apply to it road on Gari­ other that Tillamook was too On Saturday, Aug 30, this close to the Columbia river baldi beach to connect with the We have city will be visited by the Su­ Reason and common sense have road to Wheeler. preme officer* of the United taken the place of such non­ drawn attention to this in the Artisans, and assisted by mem­ sensical ideas mid the work is interest of good roads and to bers of other lodges, there will to tie carried out forthwith, but give people an idea as how to he a parade ami drill and other it is hoped it won't jar the feel­ proceed, which we think is a stunts by uniformed teams, and ings of those who made such good improvement in our road in nil probability the Commer­ absurd reports and kept Tilla­ laws when proper discretion is used in improving mads in that cial (. hili will take part in the mook tmttled up. Tillamook Taxation is high parade, for the Artisans are county 's on the eve of a great manner great boosters for the cities they awakening, for by the time the enough in Tillamook and should visit. We are sure tin- Arti- jetty is completed and large be decreased if possible, for with xans will be welcomed to this vessels can cross the bar many a large amount of money ex- city, for instead of the citizens lumlier industries will In* in op- pended on roads every year we having to entertain them they peration or in contemplation. cannot see the necessity of will come to entertain and in­ We have always predicted that bonding the county for a num­ ber of years, especially as there struct the citizens. Tillamook bay would he a is a Democratic administration second Grays Harbor for lum­ and everybody is on the anxious I illiimiMik City in uut jenlous bering, and the time is not far seat, not knowing what is go­ So watch Tillamook of other purts of tlie county, for «listant. ing to happen when the free the permanent improvements grow mid see how rapidly it is trade tariff law passes. mill its logical situation nt the breaking one fetter after ano­ head of navigation and in the ther that kept this immensely How’s This? center of the county mid heurt resourceful country isolated and W« oMrrOsi* H vhi >«* d D oll »«« Kin »«» of the cheese industry mid tim­ bottled up. Advertising Rates. ber resources, gives it mi ad- vnutsgo which no one can de­ prive it of. We wish the other l ilies in the countv were build ing up and milking the same progress ns Tillamook City. Work improving the liar wilt also help Tillamook City, for, like Gray* Harbor, the large saw mill« will for the most |>art be located inland a« far a« | h > s - sib|er protected from the south weat winter storms and Ila- torvik»'. - .♦“)-------------------- Kvefv member of the Tilla­ mook Commercial Club should wear h white uniform during the County Fair in thia city, a straw hat with a green band with "Tillamook llouater ! ” printed on it anil tan shoes, and c.ieli carry a Tillamook pen- uant. (x.-t the club member* show that they are as much up to date as clubs in other cities where the business men get out and boost for their home town and county. This is a good op­ portunity "to do so and help boost the fair. We make the suggestion that the club make this a get together, booster rally and head the processions at the fair. It will do us all good to get togetherand give a good yell for Tillamook. or any caar of Catarrh that cannot be curra by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J CHKXEV * CO.. Teledo. O Wr. the un,ler»i«nr.f have hnow n F « Chenev for (hr last IX years at,,I tnlnv. him perfectly honorable In all busineaa transactions ami financiallv able to ran, out any oblinatlonv made by his hrm NATIONAL BANK OP COMMERCH Some of our citizens who were disposed to oppose expending money improving roads to the different lieaches hi this county lire changing tlieir minds. The Toledo, t>. large travel to Netarts shows H»ll s Catarrh Cure is taken internally what gissl roads will do, and actin« dtreetly upon the blood a,,d mu with the large increase of sum­ CO-IS »urlaces of the ««stem I estononi uy fT* •’r*«’» cents tier bottle So',1 mer travel, this is small towliat by all Orugerljin'* for their’vticntions nreconviiieed ‘ -------------------- £o,k'. I h.ilers and Diarrhoe.« that there are so mativ differ- •»•niMy I used two bottles of it ent attraction* besides the ben­ I and it gave me permanent relief " wnte« H. W. Hill, of Snow Hill ches that they go away well N. ¿\ ----- . h For tale by aU dealer«. R L E. HEWITT, OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Both Phones. Residence and Office in Whitehouse Residence, TILLAMOOK, OREGON. D CHEESE. A CHAPTER FROM “ LOAFING IN OREGON." | MAE CELESTE POST.] 1 have a long strand of memory gems and yesterday I added thereto a beautiful pendant, a ¿•harm, the center and most valued of the whole collection, it is golden and solid, none of your rolled plate affairs, it was given me by the business men of Tillamook, and it is made of cheese, wonderful Tillamook cheese. I had rather be a salesman for Tillamook cheese than to hold any other position in the United States. Are you from Missouri ? Then I will show you. In the first place it is a perfect article. When you have a golden cube of it served with your apple pie, just try and remember some of the great things back here in Tillamook county that must come to pass before this delictable cube may be served to your order. There must be great green meadows, great clover fields, there must be the tender grasses of the mountain side. There must be great herds of slick cows sniffing the glorious air, sea salted. There must be sanitary barns, pretty girls and brawny brown men to care for and milk the cows, there must be slender legged horses and steady drivers to tote the milk to the factory in the early morning. Then, back of the factory with all its perfect appointments of vats, and hoops, its boiler and systems of hot and cold water, its ventilation and drainage, its white capped pleasant men to manage and order it all. Back of this is the Co-operative Association, solid and sure. We watched the milk carefully strained into huge vats, almost big enough to live in, and gradually by some means scientific but mysterious, it gradually change into a solid golden mass, was cut into small squares and salted and drained, men stirred and lifted it, until it was pronounced just right, packed into hoops, banked up on shelves, wrapped tenderly in white cheesecloth, after cooling three days it is dipped in melted parafine—and again laid up on long snowy shelves. There it remains until its appointed day and is then a dish fit to set before a king. Now the salesman can say that he has the best, that he knows it’s prepared in a cleanly man­ ner, from feeding the clover to the cow to loading the white spruce boxes, on the boat or car. That it is an ideal, nourishing food that no blood was shed to product! it, that its manufacture gives employment to hundreds of people from the tiny lad that “drives up the cow from the pasture” to the salesman. That the profits that accrue go back to the producer and builds homes ana schools and good roads He can say that the success of the Tillamook cheese industry is the practical working out of the socialistic ideal of co-operation,and that it has been brought about without the aid of a soap box orator,- or of any society’s ranting agitator, but by the cool “ United States” brand of business ability of the men and women of Tillamook county, under Republican and Democratic admin­ istration, under Lthe red, white and blue, star spangled banner. Hurrah for Tillamook county ! He can say that the recipients of the money and the glory of this achievement are well clothed, well fed and happy, that they live an out of door life. One of the 23 factories use 20,000 pounds of milk per day, that will make about 2000 pounds of cheese. The whole of the milk is used, cream and all, fresh from the farm every morning. Just try to visualize this amount of milk, put up in pint bottles, and spread upon the Port­ land porches at 8c. per quart, and then figure up how much you would have left if you paid the bill, and then figure up that amount'for 365 days in the year and multiply it by the 23 factories, or try to think how big a stack of sandwich», the 2000 pounds the product of one day would make. I haven't tried it myself, it makes me dizzy. Now then, they tell me that there is room for and need of four times as many cows, four times as many men and women to care for them, four times as much money invested, four times as much cheese can be made. And the valleys are smiling and the hills are waiting, the genial climate and the sea are call­ ing and the people are waiting for you and the table is a.1 ready spftad for your entertainment Make some sandwichs like this for a lunch pack them in waxed paper, take the train or boat' self"*0’ °rf00t traiI and come and see for your- Take one half pound of Tillamook cheese 1 green pepper, remove the seeds and veins Chop Hue, then run the cheese and pepper through the fine grinder of food chopper, season with salt, a dash of penka. and spread on thin slices of whole wheat bread. ELMER ALLEN (Successor to Dr. Sharp), DENTIST. Commercia! Building, Tillamook. I J~}R. JACK OLSEN, DENTIST. (Over F. R. Beals office. Tillamook - Oregon JOHN LELAND HENDERSON ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR. AT-LAW. T illamook B lock , Til mook - . . . Oregon. Room No. 261. i T. BOTTS, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Complete Set of Abstract Books in Office. Taxes Paid for Non Residents. T illamook B lock , Tillamook .... Oregon. Both Phones. QARL HABKRLACH, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. T illamook B eock , ... Tillamook G BORGE WILLETT, ATTORN E Y- AT-LA W J T illamook C ommercial B uilding , Tillamook .... Oregon. T. BO ALS, M.D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. T illamook B lock , Tillamook - Oregon. I M. g KERRON, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON T illamook B lock , Tillamook • Hides Wanted. I hr U a ter Commission has given Mr. Hoag pMilive instruction* tj ’ •hut off water fr >m all consumer* who have not paid their water rent by the 10th of each month. By Order Water <-mi nnaaion. Calf Hides. 16c.; Veal Hides. 11c ; Cow Hides. !kr. Take your hides to Honey A Hathaway's on the first •nd last day« of the month and I will be there to receive them.—S. Michaud. i Oregon. A Ä J C. HAWK, vv. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Bay City Oregon. : ------------------- ------ sarchet . The Fashionable Tailor — Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing T • a Specialty. i Store in Heins Photographic Gallery. rp H. GO.YNE, I ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Office- O pposite C ourt H ouse , Oregon. Tillamook . £2)R P J SHARP, [RESIDENT DENTIST, Office : Commercial Block, - Oregon. Tillamook J. CLAUSSEN, . LAWYER. DEUTSCHER ADVOKAT. E 2’3 T illamook B lock . Oregon Tillamook - J E. REEDY, D.V M-, I VETERINARY. Both Phones. Tillamook - To Water Consumers. Oregon. w Oregon- G. McGEE, M U PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Office : Next door to Star Theatre. J ! L . ♦