TILLAMOOK, OREGON, AUGUST 14, 1913 Robert Eichinger came to the city years. Their friends wish them a on Thursday afternoon and report long and happy married life. , that a crazy man Wag 8een Mrs. L. M. P. Reed, of New York, towards Fairview, who was hatless representing the Lecture Bureau and traveling at a rapid gait. Charter No. 8574. The Hotel Tillamook, which is a of the Southern Pacific Co., and For Eleven Years Mrs. John M. Scott, came in from model hotel, is receiving good pa­ Condensed Report of the Portland on Tuesday. Mrs. Reed tronage, considering that it was came to Tillamook for the express only recently opened. One night purpose of obtaining information this week 52 bed rooms were occu­ about the cheese industry, to be Of Tillamook, Ore. pied. Has been a strong factor in the commercial used in lectures to induce people Submitted to the Comptroller of the currency Miss Inez Paul, of Hebo, who has in the East to come West. They progress of Tillamook City and County. been visiting at the Schififinan home were shown several of the cheese at the close of business Aug. 9th, 1913. Since its organization in 1902, this bank has at Bay City, returned home on factories and watched the process Monday accompanied by the Misses of making. They left on Wednes­ RESOURCES. maintained its individuality, and has grown Schiffman,;who will visit there for a day. Loans and Discounts...................... I 91,539.07 while. continuously in resources and in the public On Monday a number of the fish­ United States Bonds........................ 25,000 00 For sale, team, harness and confidence. ermen on Tillamook bay met at the Other Bonds Securities, etc... ....... 46,707.21 wagon. Horses about 1100 pounds, Court house and organized a co op- Real Estate, Furniture and Fixtures 8,412 94 well mated, gentle, gray. The perative association, to be known The high position which it has attained is Cash on hand and in Banks........ 101,573,49 whole thing for $350. Wagon practic­ as the Tillamook Bay Salmon Com­ due to its conservative policies and the ally new. C. N. Crusou, Tillamook, pany. It is the intention of the com­ $273,232 71 Ore. Phone 78J. satisfactory service which its clients have I pany to handle and dispose of the L1AH1L1TES. The young daughter of Thomas fish of the members. The commit­ enjoyed. Edwards met with an accident on tee appointed to carry on the busi­ Capital Stock .... 25,000.00 Friday by falling into a pan of hot ness oi the company is composed of Surplus ................ 4,000 00 water, seriously scalding it. Dr. R. P. Hayes, Charles Pike, IL T. Undivided Profits 084.09 Boals was sent for and the child is Hilton, Fred Schofield and Harry Circulation ......... 25.000.Q0 getting along nicely. Deposits................ 218,548.02 I Mitchell. Another meeting was held Alla Sours vs. Harold V. Sours this (Thursday) afternoon, when 50 $273,232.71 is a divorce suit filed in the circuit fishermen were present at the Court CAPITAL $30,000.00 court. These parties were married house. STATE in Portland the 17th of Nov., 1907, A. B. Countryman, the old wheel- ^ v J^TIULAMOOKCIT^ORE. SUPERVISION and desertion is the grounds upon horse of Grand Ronde, has changed which the divorce is sought. hie base of operations. He went I Jack Latimer has sold his interest over to Tillamook, and was so Issued Her Own Marriage Artisans Plan Gayety. in the barber shop to hi9 partner. C. struck with the progressive spirit TILLAMOOK JOTTINGS Auction sale of household goods, E. Mowery, and it is his intention 1 manifested in the matter of good licence. Members and officers of the | thoroughbred chickens and farm roads that he tied up with an 80 Miss Vida Rogers, who is a de­ United Artisans in Portland aie ! implements, at Hemlock, Aug. to take a course in the North Pacific acre ranch and has moved over B. S. Clark, auctioneer. Dental College at Portland, where puty in the county clerk's office, busily preparing for the three big ' 23rd. there permanently. He says that i he will go in a few weeks See Dr. Monk for novelties in place I there is no part of the state that is , ‘ surprised the court house officials events which are scheduled to take I Free, an elegant betel edged stag ¡and her friends on Saturday, by is- place in the next 30 days. cards. The ladies of the Sacred Heart handle hand mirror, containing being fitted up with such excellent ' I suing her own marriage licence, The second of these events Will Church will give a basket social on Stylish City Photographs at the 1 your photo with our folders.—Tilla- roads as that county. Miles upon | | and later in the day was married to be a street parade at Tillamook by Friday evening at the parsonage Tillamook Studio. ■ I ' inook Studio. miles of solid, hard surf.ee being by"B” ' He" the members of Tillamook, Bay Boro, on Sunday, to 4he wife cf For rent, meadow, pasture, horse hall, the proceeds to be used for the constructed each year, and they Jope of the Christian Church. The City, Beaver and Nehalem lodges. benefit of the new church. A cor Cliff Mattoon, a son. don’t have to go outside of the liappy couple spent a few days at The young men and women for $1.00; cow 50 cents per month. Ap- dial invitation is extended to all. county to get their overBeer, either. this parade will tie drilled by Mrs. Born, on Friday, to the wife of p Peter __ Newberg. r ]y to ____ ___ Hemlock, I Mis. Anna Kirk is enjoying a visit We hope that our county, Old Yam the beaches. The bride is the Ella Watt, Supreme Instructor of Ulrich Wyss, a girl. | Sandlake road, Oregon. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. Rog- from her mother, Mrs. Hoy, who re- ' For Fine Photographs at popular Lost, a crop of whiskers. Finder sides at Monument, Ore., aud to hill, may catch the good roads : era, and is an accomplished young the Order, who is now in Tillamook prices —Tillamook Studio. . • . will __ please return them to John please Ernest, who has not seen her spirit and keep the fine road grow­ lady well known in the county with for that purpose. Many visitors, ing right on down the line until many friends. She was at one time including the Supreme Officers of Call up the Mutual Phone fora Sheets, for his friends hardly recog­ for mere than nine years. Wilber is there will be a hard surface road the Society, will come to Tillamcok • nize him without them date at the Tillamook Studio. glad, too, for he laughs more than from Tillamook to Portland.—Wil on the Headlight staff but since for this event, which is now plan­ I then has been a deputy in the Choice young ducks, dressed, 25c. ever. Glasses fitted. Any kind, any lamina Times. county clerk’s office. The groom ned for the night of August 30. a pound post paid, weighing from style. Guaranteed. Dr. Wendt. * Mr. and Mrs, John Cryderman, of J. H. and Hud Rosenberg, of is from Kansas, where he was con- Mason's Fruit Jar Caps, porcelain 2lbs. up to albs., guaranteed. M ibs Spokane, who were visiting at the Aumsville, Ore., came in on Sunday 1 nected with the Western Baseball Rockaway Notes. King A Smith Anna Roenicke, Woods, Ore. home of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. King, lined, 22c. per doz. 1____ __ ______ 1 in auto, accompanied by O G. Par­ | Association before coming here Mrs. G. Drynan and family and , I Rev, A. J. Schmelzer, of the Ger- are amongst those who have been Co. ker, of Junction City, were shaking ' about two years ago. He has been Born, on Sunday, to the wife of'mo" Reformed Church, left this wonderfully surprised with the ■ hands with old friends. They were ' pitcher for the Tillamook Baseball Mies Johnson, of Portland, are oc- __ __ - war . . ' ' u-aolr /-» attend a a oiinfarunra cupiug the Bolting Cottage for «be Poetmaster W. -»Ar-»« F. Baker, a daugh- week ♦ to conference of that growth and prosperity of thio city 1 all in business at one time in tliis .team .v„.„ and is .. a — favorite amonst the .... season. and county church in Portland on Friday. ter. ' city, and Mr. Parker, who was in the young people and Tillamook funs. Mrs. Alex McNair and daughter The rain on Thursday was a plumbing business here, said he . The happy couple will make their Live chickens wanted at the Tilla­ For sale, Pair SlietlandPoniee and Blanch, with Mies Nellie O’Brian blessing to the county for it will missed it when he moved from this home in thia city mid their ninny as guest, are at the Wheeler Cottage. mook Meat Company’* Market, 12c. Spring Colt, Pony Surrey, Double Harness, Saddle and Bridle. En­ help keep the meadows green and city. The ” of per pound. • ----- * ----- * ’ — * --- ‘ — friends wish them all the joys cf Rosenberg Bros, having judge Dayton and wife, of Port­ quire at office A. F. Coats Lumber wet down the timber, thus lessen­ disposed of their bank at Aumsville, married life. Mason Jar Rubbers, 10c. per doz. land, are on the beach milking pre­ ing the danger of forest fires, but they have decided to return to this Co. • Threedozen for 25c. King A'Smith parations for the erection of n The Nazarene Church holds ser- somewhat disagreeable to the large city, being greatly surprised at the County Business. Co- cottage on their lota at Rose City vices Tuesday and Friday evenings. number of campers. ' progress the city is making, and are We are iu a position to make In the matter of bids for the con- Beach. Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Doak, after anxious to get back to a city that is Sunday School at 2 pm., and •ome long time farm loans. First Mrs Frank Myers and family are preaching services at 3: CO and 8:00 spending their honeymoon at Sand­ growing and with a bright future. struction of a road from Garibaldi National Bank. , the ________ balance ___ of the season in _ for __ lake, left Thursday morning for They will build and engage in busi­ to the rock quarry, the bid cf M._ p.m. M. Mead A Son, in the sum of $1,400, 1 ,,t the Davies cottage, See our window for Special Prices C. J. Crook, of Hemlock, used his their new home at Stanfield, in ness on their return. When they was accepted. | H. G. Davies, of Portland, is at on Hammocks and Croquet Sets. from Aumsville in their auto auto truck for haying thia week, Eastern Oregon. They will travel started Uiev thought tliey would have ¿om' H wa8 ordered that the claim of his cottage at Rose City Beach. King & Smith Co. from The Dalles to Stanfield in which is perhaps the first auto to i> W. u Turner i... for $7.50 .i i.„ be rejected. ....... .„.i ( p|lg j.-ay clime of Michigan, i* ble in getting, through, but they B. If our work does not suit you tell be used for that purpose in the auto, which is about 80 miles It was ordered that the claims of the guest of Mrs. H. J. Cox. were agreeably surprised, for they us; if it does tell your friends. City county. I H. H. Eyman, the shoemaker, Feeney & Brenner, tor $11.10 and Mrs. L. H. Huntley and eon, Transfer Company • I will leave for Portland this week to found the roads, especially in Tills- $9.Ia- Screen doors , and hangings from In the matter of the petition of Portland, are occupying n tsut at The Pacific Grange Bulletin says : W. II. Christensen for a county nook Meat Company’ ................. s Market. • We $1.25 to $2 50 complete. Adjustable which he will stock his store with, City Beach. P»Y 12c. per pound. • Window' Screens, 35c. and 45c. King Mr. Eyman is a practical and ex­ A few days ago a companvof bright road the same was continued. I I Rose A lively crowd consisting of Miss perience shoe maker and under­ boys from Tillamook, with their Mrs. D. L. Shrode l _2 In the matter of the petition of 11. and children a Smith Co. superintendent came tramping B. Johnson for a county road, the Peck, White Salmon, Wash. ; the returned from a visit to Vancouver, | The road north of the city has stands the shoe business Misses Grace, Prudence and 0<-f> Miss Frankie Smith has resigned over the mountains, enrou’e to the same was continued “ash., on Saturday. been closed to travel and will re­ ttude Cox, Ed McAfee, Herb Clatk, State Sunday School Convention. her position at the poetoffice, which In the matter of the petition of Wasco Erickson, of Portland, and Mr. F. H, Gilhatr, who came in main ee for another week, while the These boys were having a “ good htt week on business, returned to Warren Construction Company is she has held with credit to herself time” in their cuting and were Eugene Atkinson for w hat is known Tom Stora, of Bend. Oregon; are and satisfaction to the public. Miss as the Saudi.ike road upon the slopping at Coxy Camp witii Mis. onland on Wednesday. hard surfacing it. Smith say*, however, she is not getting much good practical know­ favorable report of tin- board of L Samuel, of Portland, manager It is the intention of the railroad leaving her position to get married. ledge and experience under the road viewers, and it appearing to Chas. Cox. Mrs. A. G. Jones and son, If r- 0 the Oregon Life Insurance Co.. officials to keep the motor car run- Bruce Wade will take her place in capable management o( a mature ttie court that the road would be of ’*• in the city last week. ! ning between this city and Mohler the poatoffice. and exjierienced man. These boys great public utility, it was ordered low, of Portland, are spending the season at Rose City Beach. K,nobloch returned to the through the winter, if the travel E. P Ingle, special representa­ are sowing that they tray reap in that the road be ordered opened Mr. and Mrs. J F. Burtts, of later years — not the “ wild oats ” “unty Wednesday after being in will justify doing so. and known as a public highway. tive of the Sewell Northwest Busi­ Portland, are camping on Rose City • era Oregon for six months Dawson Bros, will meet all trains ness Bureau, was in the city this that same would have you believe Beach. boys must sow, for “ That which ye Ray 4 Co. r Ket ■ — - Orauge Cider. Fleischmann’s with bus, and will handle passen- week, for the purpose of getting in Mrs. Helen A. Dearborn Hnd Mr». d,, . ™n Wednesday and Fri- „er8 antt baggage to all parts of the tonch with the business. It is the sow that shall ye also reap. ” Let us A delicious, refreshing, cooling E. 8. Morgan and family are guest« encourage our boy scouts, for they by mail. Leave your ordeta. • city. U... ,- ______ ' ’ * ....... Call or phone at the Livery intention of the Southern Pacific Co. drink made from Clough's concen­ of Mrs. Scott Bozarth, Ocean Lake. to induce people ¡to settle in Tilla­ are manly fellows learning manly trated extract of orange cider. mateurs ' Better pay a small barn on 2nd Ave East. A new cottage ia being erected virtues and deeds, and our Camp­ ar>?5 and good results from I Dr. E. E. Daniels, the new Chiro- mook. and this i* one of the agen­ A 50c bottle will make 5 gallons for Miss Myrtle Porter in Ocean fire Girls are little women learning UI kodaks.— Tillamook Studio . • praetor, successfully treats all ner­ cies which the -ompany work*. Lake Park.______________ homely virtues and graces. We of orange cider. Ma«on s Fruif Jar-Pint Jars 70c. vous diseases, rheumatism, etc. | Mr*. Thomas Jenkins, who, with Mixed with water and sugar it is need more such organizations for How the Trouble Starts ¿7 Quart jars. 85c. doz. Half gal- | Consultation free. Office Com- her husband, has been visiting their our young people, where they are ready for use. Clough, the tellable druggist. Constipation ia the cause of many 1 daughter at Spokane, was taken to under tlje guidance and protection Co )•", $1.15 doz. King A Smith tnercial Building. ailments and disorders that make Married, on Friday, at the home Portland and underwent a very 'of mature, intelligent virtuous men life miserable. Take Chamberlain’s Auction sale of household goods. of M. R. Hannenkratt, in this city, serious operation Tuesday morn­ I and women.__________ Big dance at Netarts Beach Satur­ Tablets, keep your bowels regular Her daughter, Mrs. James J^thbr-d chicke«is day night. Where everybody has a and you will avoid these diseases. by the Rev. H. W. Kuhlman, of the ing For sate by all dealers. JPkment., at Hemlock, good time. * J M. E. Church, Mr. Frank T. Alvoid Murphv and Sollie Smith, went out Hopickere Wanted. to be ith her. Her physicians and Miss Rosa Reust. Have an enjoyable summer' a out-, Tillamook County Bank vs. I Buy a Ford car because they run give strong hope* of her recov­ ' ing and make some money. We’ Kile • 20 miles on a gallon of gasoline. ery. ' want 50 hop pickers for the best •uhfi7°.n a"d Fred w»*eUr is a When you get them your trout es It would not co*t a great deal for yard in the state; yard free from •“«filed ia the cir circuit court to re- are over. See Kd. Hadley, the local the city to improve the «hurt piece weeds, hops first class, free tents, tw round trip fare on the rail­ L. Shrode at bis residence in this road from Tillamook to Banks. cit) . Mr. Drury E. Daw*on and Mi** Oregon. d-«iring to make thi« yard Ora Holgate. The marriage came for Those picking will please call at Rol- aa a aurprtoe, •• « kno,rn be wataoa • office for booking that Drew had fallen a victim to Picking wil! Iiegin September the Cup4d'«4«rte The bnde ii »