illamook Headlight, August 7, 1013. eusocext tax l ' st - CoQt.nucJ trom 2nd pate. and blocks 39, 40, Ub^-\?43 and lota 1 and 2 ‘JoyA7ndl»h.land2bkx:l‘ .’ft^eKvand^^k ¡’tflotsK^irani 12 .^lsjotsi'and 4 block ¿tti’lots'9 and Ibtoik ^GiKlotsiani2-Uock ¿nejotsil,' ¿5 andlii ,^h.2i?mhCor.‘"iot 4 block 5 ¿^temCo.7loi»9/io/il «deblock 7 Wheeler ...... ¿Nehalem Land Co., lot 3 hlnck 11 Wheeler............ •■••• he Nehalem Co., lots 7 and 8 htakl2 Wheeler...... fte Nehalem Co., lot 9 block 20 ' H McClaren, lot 9 block 21 | h E McKinney, lot 2 block 22 (Renrv^'agner and Paul Wes- n"-gen lot 6 block 22 Wheel- ¡fhe Nehalem Co., lot 5 block Nehalem Co., lot 11 block i 32 Wheeler .................... • ■ ••• Frank Bluchet, lots 17 and 18 block6 Brighton .............. I Agnes Thompson, lots 1 and 2 block 8 Brightou................... If \| Sharpstein, lots 31 and 32 j block 9 Brighton.................. .. Minh»ttan Realty Co., lots 8 and 9 block 3 Manhattan.... ¡Manhattan Realty Co. lots 7 I and 8 block 5 Manhattan.... MA Gore, lot 2 block 7 Man- hzttan.................................. Manhattan Realty Co., lot 3 block 7 Manhattan................. ¡Manhattan Realty Co., lets 17 and 18blc-k 10 Manhattan... Mani-Man Realty Co., lot 31 , block 10 Manhattan................. Manhattan Realty Co., lot 7 i block 11 Manhattan................. ¡Manhattan Realty Co., lot 6 block 12 Manhattan............... Maria Stryker, lots 18 and 19 i block 3 Manhattan................. Lizzie Maguire, lots 14 and 15 block 4 Manhattan Beach.... |'C. E. King, lots 22 and 23 block 4 Manhattan Beach... Lizzie Finn, lots 3 and 4 block 5 Manhattan Beach................ Manhattan Realty Co., lots 19 and 20 block 7 Manhattan Beach ..................................... E. R. Angell, lots 21 and 22 block 7 Manhattan Beach.... WWWiswell, lots 23 and 24 block 7 Mannattan Beach.... Manhattan Realty Co., lots 4, Sand 6 block 8 Manhattan Beach....................................... G E Fitzgerald, lots 27 and 28 block 9 Manhattan Beach... Manhattan Realty Co., jots 45 and 46 block 10 and lots 1 and , 2 block 11 Manhattan Beaah Alma Olsson, lots 3 and 4 block 12 Manhattan Beach............. Eval Hughes lots 9 and 10 block 12 Manhattan Beach... Harriet Manning, lots 16 and 17 block 13 Manhattan Beach Maria Stryker, lots 18 and 19 block 13 Manhattan Beach.. M E Edwards lots 27 and 28 block 13 Manhattan Beach May Enright, lot 10 block 4 Lake Lytle............................ Wing Lee, lots 5 and 6 block 11 Lake Lytle.............................. May Enright, lots 10, 11 and 12 block 14 Lake Lytle......... . M*y Enrighi, lots 10 and 11 block 15 Lake Lytle................. Enr’£ht, lots 1 and 2 bloc* 22 Lake Lytle.......................... May Enright, lots 6 and 7 block 32 Lake Lytle............... May Enright, lots 3, 4. 5. 6. 7, 8.9. 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 and 16 block 39 Lake Lytle......... Ttomss B. Watt, lota 45 and a k 65 Brighton Beach °,8h°P Oregon, lots 21. 2J. 23, 24, 25, 26. 27, and 28 bl«.;» 92 Brighton Beach wals Land Co., lot 8 block 49 Heals Add. to Lake Lytle.. H L Stiver lot 9 block 49 Beals F pdF I7ake Lytle............... L iZrost’ loi 10 block 49 Beals Add to Lake Lvtle................. «‘‘•Land Co., lota 1, 2, and 3 block 50 Beals Add. to Lake Jjtk............. “J1’Land Co., lot 9 block’51 Beals Add. to Lake Lytle Land Co., lot 10 block 52 Be,is add. t0 Lake LyUe „■’Land Co., lot 10 block M Beais add. to Lake Lytle “‘■’Land C°„ lot 1 block 54 Beals add. to Lake Lytle hl?,,L!?d„Co-. >ots 19 and 20 btock 60 Beals add. to Lake aiv“ ' - - . - h1i*i'a"d„Co-. lots 29 and 30 • Lytle 66 Bea'8 “dd' L“ke F.L Sappington, Trustee, lota ^ard 8 block 9 Ro«e City ,ota 5 and 6 ,bl<*l< 10. Koae City Sappington, Trus i ’ Mock 10 and lota 1, 2 p^h4 block 11 Rose City FLSa? Trust«e>|o»6 block 11 Rose City S 4 ¿ *1 iota x, £, and7 block w~*C>ty I Beseh - . 18 12 IuS"*?k Bay Co., loto 11 Tv UfTk 2 Oceanlake Park v»r> in>o,)k Bay Co., Impro- lot 2 block 3 Park - . Bay Co- I®»« 1 Oceanlake Park 15 ,7n B'dfing. lota 13. 14. 7 Oe.’ 181 1’ 20 b,ock s bterä- Í” Oeeanlake Park ■ 23 »nd 24 block n?T^01aka park - - ^'liunook Bay Co., Iota 24 **“ 25 block 53 Ocean la k« Park.................................. 1.12 40 Rockaway Beach L C Smith, lota 1, 2 and 3 block James M Rice, ]0t3 28 and 29 12, Barview - . . 6.84 block 40 Rockaway Beach L C Smith, lot 9 block 12 Bar­ U McGinnis, lots 32 and 33 view .................................. 2.28 block 40 Rockaway Beach L C Smith, lot 3 block 14 Bar­ rirst Bank and Trust Co., lota view - . . 2.28 ¿1. 35, 36 ane 37 block 40 L C Smith, lot 6 block 14 Bar­ Rockaway Beach view .................................. 2.28 Er®, Taylor, lots 3 and 4 L C Smith, lot 13 block 14 Bar­ v y°f.k 41 Bockaway Beach view .................................... 2.28 V 1 Martin lota 14, 15, 16. 17 L C Smith, lot 1 block 16 Bar­ 18, 19, 20 and 21 block 41 view - . ... 2.85 Rockaway Beach L C Smith, lot 6 block 16 Bar­ H B Ferris, lots 26 and 27 block view - - - . . 2.85 41 Rockaway Beach C A Johnson, lots 1, 2, 3. 4 5 C R Elliott, lots 28, 29 and 30 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13. ’ 14' block 41 Rockaway Beach 15 and 16 block 11 Garibaldi First Bank and Trust Co., lots Park - . . . 9.12 37 and 28 block 41 Rockaway C A Johnson, lots 7 and 8 block Beach .... 13 Garibaldi Park 1.71 First Bank and Trust Co., lota W E Ingalls lots 9, 10, 11, 12 7, 8 and 9 block 42 Rockaway I?’ J4A z J8’ ^7 and Beach - . . . block 2 Oceanview 2.30 W F Schie), lots 18 and 19 W E Ingalls, lots 3, 4, 5, 6. 7 block 42 Rockaway Beach 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13. 14, 15, 16,’ 0 B Olmsted, lots 20, 21, 22 and and 17 block 3 Oceanview 3.45 23 block 42 Rockaway Beach W E Ingalls, lots 19, 20, 21, 22, First Bank and Trust Co., lots 23, and 24 block 3 Oceanview 1.38 37, 38 and 39 block 42 G H Higgins, lots 25 and 26 Rockaway Beach block 4 and lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, First Bank and Trust Co., lots 6, 7, and 8 block 5 Oceanview 4.14 49 and 50 block 42 Rockaway G. H. Higgins, lot 23, 24 and Beach .... 25 block 5 Oceanview 1.38 A F Hanson, lots 1 and 2 G H Higgins, lots 12, 13, 14 block 43 Rockaway Beach and 15 block 6 Oceanview 1.84 Esther E Wells, lots 26 and 27 G H Higgins, lots 4, 5. and 6 block 43 Rockaway Beach block 7 Oeeanview 2.07 First Bank and Trust Co., jots G H Higgins, lots 8, 9, and 10 36 and 37 block 43 Rockaway block 7 Oceanview Beach .... 2.07 Beals Land Co., lots 17, 18 and E B Salsbury, lots 41 and 42 19 block 67 Beals Add to block 42 Rockaway Beach Lake Lytle Layton Wisdom lots 1, 2, 3 and Beals Land Co., lot 1 block 68 4 block 44 Rockaway Beach Beals Add to Lake Lytle 1.40 First Bank and Trust Co., lots Beals Land Co., lots 27 and 28 18, 19, 20 and 21 block 44 biock 70 Beals Add to Lake Rockaway Beach Lytle - - - 1.12 Ora Marrs, lots 32 and 33 block L M Berger, lots 26, 27, 28, 29, 44 Rockaway Beach 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35 and 36 Lora B Brindley, lots 45 and 46 block 80, Beals add Lake block 44 Rockawav Beach Lytle - - - . . 1.56 J. W Lowrenz, lota 49 and 50 Kate W Connor lots 25 and 26 block 44 Rockaway Beach block 1 Rockaway Beach 1.12 H M Haworth lota 1 and 2 First Bank & Trust Co, lots 29 block 45 Rockaway Beach and 30 block 1 - - - 1.12 Henry Jordan lots 3 and 4 Peter Murry, lots 36 and 37 block 45 Rockawry Beach block 1 1.12 First Bank and Trust Co., lots J C McCannon. lots 38 and 39 I 6 and 7 block 45 Rockaway block 1 Rockaway Beach Beach .... |1.12 First Bank & Trust Co, iota 41 Lewis Irish, lots 11 and 12 and 42 block 1 Rockaway block 45 Rockaway Beach Beach .... 1.12 Eneas McIntosh, lots 13 and 14 First Bank & Trust Co, lots 47 block 45 Rockaway Beach and 48 block 1 Rockaway E F Story, lots 43 and 44 block Beach - - 1.151 45 Rockaway Beach I F M Bell, lota 12 and 13 block C A Sadler, lots 23, 24, 25, and | 46 Rockaway Beach 26 block 4 - Rockaway Beach 1.12 Samuel Iankowitz, lota 14 and 15 block 46 Rockaway Beach F A Harden,'lots 18 and 19 block 14 Rockaway Beach 1.12 First Bank and Trust Co., lots 23, 24 and 25 block 46 Fannie Wood, lots 24 and 25 Rockaway Beach block 14 Rockaway, Beach 1.12 First Bank and Trust Co., lota First Bank & Trust Co, lots 7 1, 2. 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 block 48 and 8 block 15 Rockaway Rockaway Beach Beach .... 1.12 First Bank and Trust Co., lots L W Belden, lots 26 and 27 42, 43 and 44 block 48 Rock­ block 15 Rockaway Beach 1.12 away Beach ... L W Belden lots 42 and 43 block 16 Rockaway Beach 1.12 Emma L Williams lots 1 and 2 Block 49 Rockaway Beach Addie N Browning, lots 1, 2, 3, First Bank and Trust Co., lots 4, 5, 6 and 7 block 17 Rocka­ 3 and 4 block 49 Rockaway 3.92 way Beach - Beach .... Ellen B Gaynor, lots 14 and 15 1.12 First Bank and Trust Co., lot block 17 Rockaway Beach 8 block 51 Rockaway Beach Addie N Browning lots 16, 17, B J King, lot 14 block 51 18 19, 20, 21 and 22 block 17 Rockaway Beach 3.92 Rockaway Beach First Bank and Trust Co., lot 23 Fiust Bank & Trust Co., Iot3 44 block 51 Rockaway Beach and 45 block 17 Rockaway 1.12 First Bank and Tsust Co., lots Beach .... 42 and 43 block 51 Rockaway A L Snider S J of lot 4, and lot Beach - 5 and block 18 Rockaway 1.12 First Bank and Trust Co., lot 3 Beac'n .... block 52 Rockaway Beach Peter Moore, lots 8 and 9 block 1.12 L B M Crouse, lot 22 block 52 18 Rockaway Beach Rockaway Beach Matt Gerde, lots 12 and 14 1.12, First Bank and Trust Co., lots biock 18 Rockaway Beach 34 and 35 block 51 Rockaway C M Hurlbert lots 42 and 43 Beach - • - - 1.12 block 18 Rockaway Beach F C Hamilton lota 1 and 2 C 1! Hammond, lots 14 and 15 block 50 Rockaway Beach block 19 Rockaway Beach First Bank and Trust Co., lot Marie Gordan, lots 1 and 2 11 block 53 Rockaway Beach block 20 Rockaway Beach Thos. R Davis, lota 10, 11 and May Nichols, lots 19 and 20 12 block 54 Rockaway Beach block 20 Rockaway Beach George Watt, lot 4 block 55 John O Rose, lots 12 and 13 Rockaway Beach 1.68 block 21 Rockaway Beach S S Purdy, lota 6 and 7 block E L Peters, lots 31 and 32 55 Rockaway Beach 1.68 block 21 Rockaway Beach First Bank and Trust Co., lots A W Giesy, lots 33 and 34 14 and 15 block 55 Rockaway 1.68 block 21 Rockaway Beach Beach . . - - - Phelps Grossmayer lots 35 and 1.68 Robt. Watt, lots 19 and 20 36 block 21 Rockaway Beach block 55 Rockaway Beach W A Spence, lots 40 and 41 1.68 J G Pringle lota 21 and 22 block 2) Rockaway Beach block 55 Rockaway Beach Fred Metzer and Pete Barger First Bank and Trust Co., lot lots 14, 15 and 16 block 22 23 block 55 Rockaway Beach 1.68 Rockaway Beach Frank Mennefee, lot 22, and NJ A Agnes Lane, lots 33. 34 anti of lot 24 block 56 Rockaway 35 block 22 RockaWay Beach - - - " " 1.68 Beach - First Bank and Trust Co., lot J B Clarerie lots 11. 12 and 13 3 block A Rockaway Beach 1.68 block 23 Rockaway Beach George Watt, lota 4 and 5 block Rose Morgan lots 14 and 15 A Rockaway Beach 1.12 block 23 Rockaway Beach First Bank and Trust Co., lot 8 Adaline G Miller lots 34, 35, block 57 Rockaway Beach 36 and 37 block 23 Rockaway 2.24 Wm Webber, lot 22 block 57 Peach • Rockaway Beach WMF Barker, lots 12 and 13 1.12 First Bank and Trust Cx>., lot block 24 Rockaway Beach 34 block 57 Rockaway Beach First Bank and Trnst Co., lots First Bank and Trust Co., lota 27 and 28 block 24 Rockaway 21 and 22 block 58 Rockaway Beach - - ” ' Beach - - - H B Powell, lots lots 5 and 6 F M McGIoin, lot 12 block 59 block 25 Rockaway Beach Rockaway Beach - - e First Bank and Trust Co., lots Sarah O'Malley, lot 14 block 59 18 and 19 block 25 Rockaway Rockaway Beach - - Beach •_ Adam Gordan, lot 27 block 59 Anders Lee, lots 24 and »5 - Rockaway Beach - Block 25 Rockaway Beach First Bank and Trust Co., lota H B Ferris lots 26 and 27 block 29 and 30 block 59 Rockaway 25 Rockaway Beach - - Beach • - • * Frances Ricks, lota 28 and 29 First Bank and Trust Co., lot block 25 Rockaway Beach I 1 block 60 Rockaway Beach First Bank and Trust Co., lota I B F Doddridge lota 47 and 48 42 and 43 block 25 Rockaway block 61 Rockaway Beach 1.12 Beach - ■ * ’, . W A Green lota 1 and 2 block First Bank and Trust Co., lots | 62 Rockaway Beach - 8 and 9 bloek 26 Rockaway 1 12 Elizabeth Wood, lota 8 and 9 Beach - * ' " I block 63 Rockaway Beach D T Davis, lots 11 and 12 - 1 12 Oliver Jonef lots 10 and 11 block 26 Rockaway Beach | block 63 Rockaway Beacn J H Sheppard, lota 32 and 33 1.12 First Bank and Tru.t Co.. Iota block 26 Rockaway Beach | 23, 24, 25 and 26 block 63 J K Conner, lota 1 and 2 block Rockaway Beach 1.12 Wm 27 Rockaway Beach - - Lentz, lota 31 and 32 block James Emmingham lots 14. 15, | 63 Rockaway Beach - 16 17, 18. 19. 20 and 21 block 4 48 E and M Fa Ivey. lot. 8 and 9 block 64 Rockaway Beach 27 Rockaway Beach - - George Balhe.m, lota M and 27 1 12 N J Collin, lot. 10 ahd 11 block block 27 Rockaway Beach 64 Rockaway Beach - Harry Gibbs, lota 31 and 32 1.12 W H Daley. 12 »'¿13. block 27 Rs an option as to the royalty to be paid for the rock. He left for Pen: land next morning. Obituary Notice. A. P. Spaulding was born Aug 4th, 1851, at Eddyville, Iowa. In 1852 lie crossed the plains in »u emigrant train with hie parents. They lived in Port'.and till 185", when they returned to Eddyville and in 1871 came back to Skamo* kawa, Wash. In 1883 he married Edna McAlbany, Kerkuk, low». He came to Tillamook county in 1901. Died August 4. 1913, at the age of 62. Leaves a wife and two daughte s. Grace and Ella, to mourn their loss. The funeral services were held at Beaver, August 6, at ten o'clock, and were conducted by the Rev. Dora Young. Notice of Adminxtrator’s Final Account N otice is H ereby G iven —That Hie undersigned adiuiniatrntor of the estate of Joseph Anton llirili- mann, deceased, has filed in the County Court for Tillamook County, Oregon, his final account, and that by order of eaid Court, Monday, the 15th day of September, 1913, at ten o'clock a. in. is set as the time, and the office of the County Judge in the Court House of said County, as the place for the hearing of said account, when and where nil ob­ jections to said account will be heard and determined. J oseph D urrer , Administrator aforesaid, Dated August 7. 1913. Card of Thank9. We wish to thank the many kind friends who so freely offered their services in our recent bereavement, and also for the many beautiful flowers. M rs . E ijna S pauldino , G rack S paulding , E i . la S paulding . Rockaway GetB New Church. Arrangements are being made to erect a church building to cost about $400 on a lot which wdi be donated by the Rockaway Beach Company at that place. The Pres­ bytery of Portland will take up the matter of constructing the but; bng and will be responsible for the property till such a time as a per­ manent church is organized there. The Rockaway Sunday school is well attended, the Bible cl.' is hav­ ing 53 and the children’s class 14 in attendance last Sunday evening. The Presbyterian Church. No morning services Praise and preaching service at p. hi . The pastor will discuss the theme, "The I'nity Which bins Christ Taught,” under the follow­ ing sub heads- (1) Oneness of Faith, n community of sentim 'n.— not one church, one organi-zatii n. (2) Oneness of love, n crmiimin ly oi affection -n^t one creed, one I e- lief (3) Oneness of action, n cot i- munity of service—not a sats. ic spirit where one sect tries toabsi b all the others-the lion ai.d fie lamb lying down together, wiili tie lamb inside the lion—NEVER. During the past fiscal year t ic Presbyterian church in the l'nit*y confession of faith than noy pievioiis year within ten years. The contemplated improvemerta Io ii'- church property ft............ il anil literary extention work will be taken up and completed at the close of the holiday season. The report current on the dreeta that Rev. D. A. MacKenzie is con» templating leaving Tillamook this fall, is an absolute falsehood, 'le hss no such thought in mit.d On the contrary lie is laying plan« for tfie moat energetic and aiiccessful \ ear in the history of this church in Hie city of Tillamook. Look out for the announcement of the win­ ter's program. The slogan foi the coming year will be: 'The mem- bershiti, social and spiritual activ­ ities of the Chun II doubled." "I can do all tilings through Christ who strengtheth me.” B. A. M ai K enz . ii :, B D. Pastor. 8 Local Office in the Commercial Building. TILLAMOOK, - ORE. lews F ish B rand P ommel S licker Keeps both rider and saddle pcrfedhjdrij. Made for rough wear and long service in the wettest weal her. S atisfaction G uabanteed L ook for T bis H ai ' k ; or E xcellence Cano« for Bale. A practically new canoe, one seaaon old with two paddles •ail and foot lioard. Original P< ice KW.QO, selling price f25.00. Owner has it here for vacation and does not wish to tske it hack mlai.d. Rlquirc at office of thia paper. Hide« Wanted. Call Hides, 15c.; Veal 11. ' bb H< ; Cow Hides, 9c Take your fii<> « to Honey A ilatbaway’s on the tost and lust days of the month ... I will be there to receive them.—8. Michaud. To Water Consumera. I he Water CoamiMion ha«gi eti Mr. Hoag positive inatru tk ro to shut off water from all consum rs who have not paid their water rent by the Kith ot each month. , By Order Water Com miss ion.