> * Tillamook Headlight, August I z , 1913, T County Fair Notes. I JETTIES TO BE built BASEBALL STRATEGY. At tbe board meeting Monday it OperatiODS Will Begin in 60 A Gam» That Wat Won by Two Play- era and a Live Snake. wai arranged to give prizes for or 90 Days-- Tillamook Tommy Tucker lost a game for grade heifers from 1 to 2 years old, Improvements. ' Wnslilngloo to Chicago once and start-. as follows Jersey grades, 1st, I , ,| a battle all bemuse of a trick Bill $8.00, 2nd, $4 OU; Holstein grades, Telegraphic authority reached Dahlen and Bill Everett put upon him. 1st, $8 00, 2nd, $4.10; Guernsey Major Morrow, Crops of Engineer», Tom never did like snakes Indeed • grades, 1st $B 00, 2nd $4-00. U.S.A., to proceed with the comple­ he held them in abhorrence, aud In If what you have to exhibit is not tion of the south jetty at the mouth some way Dahlen discovered this un tbe premium list, bring it in for r oi the Nehalem and when that is Washington was to play Chicago that there will be prizes awarded five ’ finished the force will direct it» afternoon, and during tbe morning exhibits that are not on the list. energ^ien toward the north jetty. practice on tbe west side grounds Dab Mr. F. Severance was elected 1 The ¿building of both is being leu and Everett discovered a small officer of the day for the fair. counted on to give a depth at the gurtersnake and treasured it up Along in tbe fourth Inning Everett H. Creushaw was chosen to 1 entrance of 16 feet, against the pre cracked out a bit. aud as soon as be »range the anto parade. sent depth of 12 feet. lauded ou first base Dahlen, ignorlug Dr. Ready, stock parade. A message was also received, bis usual custom, ran out to coach, and W. S. Buel, children's parade. that assures authorization of tlie a moment later he slipped tbe harmless Thpre will be a prize for the best Tillamook Bay project within the little reptile to Everett, who dropped it decorated baby buggy or vehicle next few days. Only one detail of iuto Tucker's hip pocket. in tiie children a parade. Tommy discovered the snake Jiist as the contract with the Ports of Till The board is arranging for a Ne­ amook and Bay Ci’y remains to be the pitcher was delivering tbe ball halem day, Bay City day and a and. with a yelp, be deserted first base Tillamook day, so these places can attended to. The Nehalem project calle for The batter bad hit to the shortstop, arrange for a holiday that day and gathered up tbe ball on the run an expenditure, estimated of $632,- who give everybody a chance to go to started to throw to second, but and 350, and a total of $82.000 was tbe fair. was too late and threw toward first. spent by the Port of Nehalem Com­ Tommy was twenty feet off the base. The secretary’s headquarters are in mission on the south jetty, which Jumplug up and down and diluting f»r the offee of the old Snuffer building has been extended seaward a dis­ something with which to kill that where you can find him. Call and have tance of between 1000 anil 30 0 feet. snake, and the ball went to the stands a talk with him about the fair and if Major Morrow ha® directed his and Chicago scored four ruus before you have not paid your subscription, force to begin preparations and the the Inulng ended. settle with him. Tucker protested wildly, but the um­ first actual construction wotk will Dr. Lytle, state veterinarian is now be under way within 60 or 90 days. pire couldn't find anything about in the county in company with Dr. snakes in the rule book and let it go Specification» for roi k are about Reedy making arrangements for test- at that. ready and will be advertised in a ingthe cuttie for exhibition. Piling, timber and other Erwin Harrison, W. C. King and few days Morrison Mills were elected as audit­ material also will l>e required under contract. The plant nee led is ready ing committee. Then Profit by ths Shadows In Which We are aiming to have some able for shipment and after being as­ You Havs Lingered. sembled there will have to be set speakers here during the fair. We If you are In a hurry don't get behind will hnve better entertainments, up, while a few buddings will lie a lame man. "Hitch your chariot to a better parades and a better show erected as simps and in which to star." Beware of tbe sheerer and the care for the men that will be em­ scoffer Seek the man who believes In than the Wild West Show. Tlie Nehalem project is things that are good aud who is trying Now come and see if we don’t ployed. beat them to hollow for a heap less viewed as highly important. Efforts to make everything else better by on the part of the men responsible deeds and words. money. Come into the sunshine for a little R. Y. Bl.AYI.OCK, for it being carried out have been while. It Is a good world nfter all Sec. unceising. The taxpayers of the You have bad hard luck, ill health and Port district will assume a share hard blows, but open your ledger aud of the cost, the Government having Loomer-Berge Wedding. see If the credit doesn't overbalance agreed to do the improvement work tbe debit side. On Sunday evening at the residence on a co-operative plan. Be frank with yourself and see how of G. W. Burge father of the bride, It is expected that authority to much of tbe debits can be charged to Miss Kathryn Burge and Mr Benjamin construct the north jetty at the your own fault—a lack of foresight, Franklin Ixiomer were united in the entrance to Tillamook Bay will be trusting the untrustworthy, overreach sacred bonds of marriage, Rev. D. A. received by Major Morrow within Ing selfishness, stupidity, extravagance, Mackenzie, pastor of the Presbyterian the next few days. The authorities failure to learn by experience or re­ fusal to profit by advice. church officiating. at Washington have asked the ports Take a few precious moments for Mis» Burge is well and favorably of Tillamook and Hay City to tile a self examination. Don't mourn because known in this city as one of Tilla- bond to maintain a channel to some one who started In life with few­ tnook’s popular young teachers. Mr. Tillamook instead of the agree­ er advantages than you had has done Loomer is a stranger here his residence ment in its present form. This will so much better. Think of those you is in King's County. California, where b” done immediately. have left behind In tbe race. Yours he holds the position of telegraph The Government appropriation must be n hopeless case If you are last operator. Miss Burge and Mr. Loom­ applies only to the bay proper. In line. Happiness Is from within, not from er came to the coast from Nebraska, Tillamook and Bay City are guaran­ without. No greater happiness can be whore they had met and known each teeing to maintain a nine-loot chan­ found than that which comes from the other several years ago. They left nel to Tillamook. sweet content of right thinking, right Monday afternoon for their new home Tlie Tillamook jetty will cost living aud a good conscience. Try It. in California, and carry with them the See how warm and Inviting Its sun­ good wishes and highest regard) of ull $814,000. The Government has ap­ shine Is.—John A. Slelcber in Leslie's. propriated $200,000 and will add the who knew them. remaining $207,001 of its share as Applied Legal Tactics. soon as authorization to proceed A gray haired lawyer enjoyed a To Boost a Bayocean Road ia gi ven. laugh at the expense of tils friend, an W ashington , D. ('., Aug. 5—In uptown bank cashier, the other day. Another effort ia to lie made with The youngest member of the law the object of getting work started on structions were telegraphed Major Arm. also known to the cashier, thluk- a road to Bayocean this year, by Cavanutigh today to make prepara­ Ing possibly to make the latter the public subscription and with some tions for commencing the work of butt of a practical Joke, had attempted help from the county Several at improvement of Tillamook and Ne­ without success to change n counter­ tempts huve been made to give that halem Baya, for which conditional feit üfty cent piece at the window. Told of the Incident au hour later retort a way out. which fell flat lie­ apCfopriation» aggregating $100,(XX) the elderly lawyer reached Into his cause tbe T. B. Potter Realty Co. have been made by Congress. was not on hand at the proper Jwlu-. The conditions incident to the ap­ pocket aud drew out a uu tn her of After tlie large amount ojtZYmniey propriations required that one-half coins. "When you are weak on any one expended in improveinetifH mid the of the amount required for the pro­ point.” he snld. ns be selected $150 iartre amount of taxqa paid annually jects be subscribed by local inter from the handful, “try burying It un­ into the county >>coffera, the com­ eats and placed at the disposal of der ns much other evidence as may be pany think« it'is justly entitled to a the War Department prior to com adjudged relevant—In short, let me road and a way out. The Iconnty mencment of work. Today the War have that bud half—confuse the ques­ Here. Jimmie,” calling has expended large sums of money Department was notified l>y the tion at Issue to improve the roml to Netarts, were Secretary ol the Treasury that the an office boy. "tnke this change down no improvements have been made tiancial requirements were complied to Mr —. the cashier, aud get a two dollar bill." to property, but the lurtre amount with, the actual deposit of the local And the boy did —New York Sun. of travel to Netarts the past few fund being at the disposal of the weeks show how that r< ad ia appre department in Cleveland banking Wudna Suit the Kilt. elate 1 by the traveling public and house. A further bid will be re­ in the early days of tbe territorial our own citiaera. Wherein it can- quired for maintenance of the in - army there was a boom In recruiting n it tie said that any improvements prove ment for It. In ooe part of the highlands al­ at Netarta have increased the taxes most every man In the district Joined tbe local battalion of "kilties.” and the from that section, contrary ia tlie men were signed on without medical case at Bayocean, where the tazea examination, ft being quite usual In li ne increased from about find to some country districts to wait until the $7,(XX> Inst yea with over $20 020 annual camp before medically examln paid in taxes since the property was Ing recruits On arrival In camp It was taken over five years ago. That in noticed that one man was wearing the BEGINS it» forty-fifth schxil year a c intrust. probably, some persona trews at drill Instead of the regulation SinTtMacn i» i»u have not made, and considering a kilt. and. being asked the reason, he coni>any will erects large structure DEGREE COURSES in manyphaseaof explained that he had left his kilt at AaaicuxTuni C noinixaino Hom with machinery which will cause E conomics M ining rontsrnv. com . home. "Why on earth did you do that?" Inquired Ids company officer. surf in the bathiug tanka, with the Mincx. pharmbcv Weel. ye see. sir." replied the recruit. water slightly warmed, thia will be T wo - year C ourses in samcuL- runi homi E conomics M ichanic "I'm afraid I wudua suit the kilt another improvement which will Verra weel. na I've got a wooden leg." ASTS PonXSTSV. COMMXSCX P hasmacv increase the taxes at Bay-ocean. It —Glasgow News. TEACHER'S COURSES in manual ia hoped that $10.IW can be obtained training, agriculture, domestic science so that that amount of work can tie and art. Synonymous. dune this full. MUSIC, including piano, string, baud It was Springer's afternoon off. and A number of those who subscribed he thought he would take the children I instrument» and voice culture. to the Bayocean roml a trout a year A BEAUTIFUL BOOKLET entitled for a little outing i go hnve agreed to pay halt the "My dear." he said, approaching hta "T hs KnniCHMRNT or R vkal Lira" amounts next month, when the aud a C a TALOC.UK will be mailed free wife, "mtppone we tnke tbe children tv the aoo today." on application county court will let a contract for "Why. Will, yon promised to take Addreaa H M T knnan T, Registrar, a part of the work to be commenced, them to mother's." IwTUuW) Corvallia, Oregon. but as the court hail made no pro­ "All right. If It's all the same to tbe vision to expend money on thia roml children."—Lippincott's. it will have to go slow this year, but it will be better able to spare money An Eseeptian. nest jjenr. Added to this the bul •When people want some quiet. re«t- ance qf the subscriptions can tie ap' fttl topic they always mention tbe weather" plied. > ♦ — “Not Io the department of agrictil- Notice. tnra."—Washington Star tin your front porch can I m -pit GET IN THE SUNSHINE, OREGON AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE A 15 Watt Mazda Lamp CONFECTIONERY. Centurion Ago It Was a Part of the Art of the Apothecary. Curiously enough, the making of con­ fectionery originated In a way with the apothecaries about 500 years ago. It was then that sugar was first Imported Iuto England, aud It was then that "confections" flrat became kuowu. For a time they appeared ouly in medical form, tbe apothecaries using the newly imported sugar as a means of mitigat­ ing the bitterness of their doses. In other words, they mixed their drugs with it. aud therein lay tbe origin of many of the sirups and medicated cau­ dles, the ancestor» of our cough drops aud lozeuges. The cost of sugar was far too high, and most people were far too poor to permit of its b<^tg eateu tor Its own sake alone and as a mere luxury. It was only a couple of eentures ago that there began to appear a new phase of the apothecary’s art Con fectious begun to be made more or less apart from any medicinal purpose and because people liked them, and eventu­ ally tbe confectioner's business became quite separate aud distinct from that of tbe apothecary. Although tbe confectioner’s trade may be said to be about 200 years old, it was only within recent times that it became a real and extensive industry. At first sugar was heavily taxed, and tbe confectioner's trade was pursued upon very elementary principles. For a long time everything was done by baud, implements were of tbe very simplest—candy kettles heated on small brick furnaces, pestles and mortars, rolling pins and scissors, etc. The out­ put was very small, and, comparative­ ly speaking, sweetmeats of all sorts were expensive and frequently uuat-1 tractive. All this has been changed, and now- adays the most improved machinery and implements combine to produce the most delicate and attractive sweets. Muscles have been superseded by en­ gines, pestles and mortars and rolling pins, and scissors have given place to revolving pans and steam pans, and mechanism for beating and kueadlng aud mixing, for cutting and slicing and grinding, for rolling and grating and stamping, for crushing ice aud freezing ' cream and other processes. While many of tbe best and most. expensive candies are still very largely; made by hand processes, by far the, greater mass of sweetmeats is produc­ ed by machinery.—Harper's Weekly. Hopkins, the Witch Finder. Though some people still believe I d witches, there Is no longer any use for i the witch finder. Englishmen of ear­ lier generations gave this |>erson abun­ dant employment, sometimes fetching tbe real expert enormous distances to cleanse an afflicted town, in 1649, fot Instance, the magistrates of Newcastle sent Into Scotland for one who could find witches, agreeing to pay 20 shil­ lings ($4-81» a head for all that he con­ victed. His particular method consist­ ed In pricking the suspect with pins, and fifteen old women were duly exe­ cuted as the result of bis visit The most notorious of witch finders, one Hopkins, was finally executed as a wizard after trial by one of the more painful of his own many cleverly de­ vised tests. TILLAMOOK COUNTY BEACHES “Nature’s Playground,” as these beaches have been called, are now open for summer visitors. New hotels, with all modern conveniences, cosy cottages, camping grounds and Double Daily Train Service Leaving Portland daily............................ “ " daily except Sunday Business men can leave Saturday afternoon and arrive beach points in time for dinner, spend the evening and Sunday with the family and return to Portland Sunday night with­ out loss of time from business. ROUND TRIP FA RES FROM PORTLAND Season Tickets on sale daily . . $4.00 Cail tor cur brand new t older “TILLAMOOK QOUN1Y BEACHES” Folders and full information from any S. P. agent or at SUNSET OGOCN&SHASTA ROUTES City Ticket Office SO Sixth St,, Cor, Oak J ohn M. S cott , General Passenger Agent Portland, Oregon Merchant’s Collection Association of Tillamook, Ore Let us handle your accounts both new and old. We guarantee to make an earnest endeavor to collect them with the least possible bother or unpleasantness to all concerned. Rentals, Notes, Mortgages and General Accounts, Surveying, Mapping and General Engineering. We arrange Loans and have on hand at present seyeral good securities awaiting loans. Offices in connection with Tillamook Title and Abstract, in New Tillamook County Bank Bld. C, H. THOMAS. S. E HENDERSON. Some of the Reasons Why •4 -4erfecf ¿fa6cr—absolutely dependable, every day» year io» year cut. Built on honor, of the best materials. Out-.vears Three Ordinary Ranges range made entirely of charcoal and malleable iron. Mcdcab.j iron can’t break—charcoal iron won’t rust like Steeb Economical In Fuel Tte eenmj cf th 9 Majestic are riveted (not put together with polt3 and r-tove putty)—they will always remain air tight, b caune ncith r h at n~r cold affects them. The Majestic orca i, Lned throughout with pure asbestos board, L*-.d .1 place by an open iron grating —you can see it —and J* st..; •. there always. Air tight joints and pure asbestee Ln'ag assure an even baking heat, saving one-half the fuel. _ ■.doors drop to form rigid shelves. No springs, iron oven racks alide out automatically, hUd- lng whatever they contain. I he Great M ajestic ^Charcoal and Malleable Iron Long Lived Ornaments. Ornaments last longer than anything else that man makes. There are brooches and necklaces In museums more than forty centuries old. Mon­ uments. perhaps, stand second, and houses third The life of furniture la I shorter still There la very little fur­ niture In England which dates be­ yond the year 150) Pictures iast long­ er than furniture, and there are paint­ ings still In fair condition which have I weathered six centuries of life. Few things are ImpoeeiNe to aiti- Rues aud akUL-Satuuel Johnson, . Week End (for return Monday) . . $3.00 Corresponding low fares from other points Hugo's Long Sentence. For tbe longest sentence on record we must go to the French. In "Les Mlserables" Victor Hugo has one sen­ tence that runs through a hundred lines, and earlier tn the book. In one of the chapters descriptive of Water­ loo, there are over fifty lines without a full stop England’s record rests jinder official patronage, for It would appear to be the seventh section of the foreign enlistment act, which does not stop until It has very nearly reach­ ed Its six hundredth word.—London Graphic. Thsn Shs Got Mad. "I've never seen the man yet” she I declared, "who couldn't be made a fool of by a pretty woman." I’m!" he replied “Of course you, I take IL have studied the matter from the standpoint of the Innocent by­ stander.--Philadelphia ledger. 8.45 A. M. 1.20 P. M. BEACHES REACHED IN 5 HOURS Elizabeth'a "Excellent Wash." Good Queen Bess liked her ale and had to have It Wherever she went there ale had to go also—strong ale. Great were the trials of her host, the Earl 04 Leicester, as expressed In a letter from Hatfield to Lord Burleigh: "There was not one drop of good drink for her here We were fain to send to London ami Kenilworth and divers other places where ale was Her own beer was so slrong as there was no man able to drink It.” And one quart of this "excellent wash" of good strong ale for breakfast, we are told, put the queen In good spirits for the start of tbe day’s work —London Chronicle. Tha Party Lina. Hubby —Why didn't yon come to th* dew and let me In? W1fe-I couldn't. Hie Instrument. George One neighbor was talking to "That executor hi very enerteflc la somebody, and | was at tbn phone carrying out the various provisions of Cleveland Halo Daolee. every night until midnight Notice in Hereby Given.—That I and register not over will not be responsible for any debts titty vents per month on the meter. contracted by my wife. Kffielena Kri«k»>n, after thia date. T illamook Kucrwic L ight AND tbe testator - “He does seem to be working with a JVUV* K mic K wo N. , F vm . company will. “ Baltimore Anerlcau. Tillamook, Ore., A uk - 7, 191* W ill S tauung , Manager. SUMMERING AT L MtJisncI ■ ^MAJESTIC || •ddiae 300» ta Weef rWj\ A LEK. McNAIR