ì illamook Headlight, August 7, 1913 4 OREGON, ! I WHEELER, THE MANUFACTURING CITY NEHALEM BAY Offers to men of energy and small means For information regarding Wheeler, write to NEHALEM HARBOR CO., WHEELER, OREGON Portland Office : Tillamook Office : 327 FAILING BUILDING. Care of F. R. BEALS. An Adequate Navy. Statement 5 S., R. 10 W. of W.M [ fore patent issues, by filing a cor- Applications and bids should be' roborated affidavit in this office, addressed to G. G. Brown, Clerk I alleging tacts which would defeat State Land Board, Salem, Oregon. : the entry. and marked “ Application and bid II. F. HlGBY, Register. to purchase tide lands.” G. G. B rown , HAPPY CAMP, NETARTS Clerk State Land Board. Dated July 22nd, 1913. BAY BEACH, Of the Tillamook County Bank, of Tillamook City, County of Tilla The leading armed powers of Eu­ mook, State of Oregon, showing rope are well disposed toward the the amount standing to the credit United States and show no active op­ to every depositor July 1, 1913 position to the Monroe doctrine as­ who has not made a deposit, or w’ho has not withdrawn any part serting that the United States baa of his deposit, principal or in­ rightfully a paramount interest in terest, for a period of more the preservation of American terri­ Notice of Publication. than seven (7) years immediately tory from foreign aggresion, and the prior to eaid date, with the name, Department of the Interior. last known place of residence or freedom of American governments postoffice address of such de­ U. S. L and O ffice at Portland, Ore. from foreign dictation. But the June 12th, 1913. positor, and the fact of his death, N otice is H ereby G iven ,—That Monroe principle implies power to if known. Alonzo E. Shirley whose post-office act as well as a disposition to draw W. A. Eggers, Balm, Ore., 10c. address is 1241 E Main St. Portland, a line on what shall and shall not A. J. Knightly, Nehalem, Ore., Oregon, did, on the 18th day of No $31.10. be in America. Recognized inter­ vember. 1912, file in this office Wm. Scott, Woods, Ore., 37c. Sworn Statement and Application, national law applies to America as State of Oregon, I No. 03688, to purchase the SW'i of wef as other continents. The posi­ County "ountyof of Tillamook, ) J I, Erwin Harrison, being first NEti, Section 12. Township 2 North, tion of Monroe was not taken to en­ sworn, depose and say upon Range 10 West, Willamette Mendan, courage turbulent or irresponsible duly oath, that I am the Cashier of the and the timber thereon, under the methods of government in the New | Tillamook County Bank, of Tilla provisions of the act of June 3. 187*, World. Conditions may become so 1 mook City. County of Tillamook. and acts amendatory, known as the "Timber and Stone Law,” at such bad in some countries that all other State of Oregon ; that the foregoing value as might be fixed by appraise is a full, true, correct powers will have a grevance. At ■ statement and. complete statement, showing ment, and that, pursuant to such times it has been so in China, and the name, last known residence or application, the land and timber thereon have been appraised, the several nations have combined to poetoffice address, fact of death, if timber estimated 100.00 and 120 000 known, and the amount to I"® enforce general international law. board feet at 25 and 40 cents per credit of each depositor ns required Some on occasion have also acted by the provisions of Chapter 148, of M, and the land $40.00; that said separately. It is not the province the General Laws of Oregon. 1907. applicant will offer final proof in eup|»ort of his application and E rwin H arrison of the Monroe doctrine to declare sworn statement on the 3rd day of Subscribed and sworn to before September, that these forms of intervention 1913, before the Regist­ me this 14th day of June A D, 1913. shall cease. But as far as America C. A. McGhee, Notary Public for er and Receiver of the U. S. Land Office, at Portland, Oregon. ” concerned this country claims Oregon.______ ________ _ Any person is at liberty to pro­ the initiative steps. test this purchase before entry, or Notice of Sale of Tide Landa. A Monroe doctrine without an ef­ initiate a contest at any time before fective navy would be only an ab­ N otice is H ereby h **! patent issues, by filing a corrobor- straction. But the people of the the State Land Boarcl of the State o ed affidavit in this office, alleging Lnited States hold it to be alive Oregon will sell to the highest b d- facts which would defeat the entry. H. F. H igby , der at its office in thrCapitolBudd- and for practical use. Then what ing at Salem, Oregon, on October Register. ■a an adequate navy? Admiral 7, 1913. at 10 90 o’clock a.m? of said Dewey defines it as a fleet second day. all the State’s interest in the NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION only to that of Great Britian. At tide and overflow lands hereinafte described giving. how ® v ®Y'° ab u. Department of the Interior. present the second place in naval owner or owners of any lands abut U.S. Land Office, at Portland, •trength is disputed, which is equiv­ ting or fronting on such tide«an ; Oregon, June 20th, 1913. alent to the admission that our overflow lands, the preference right N otice m H ereby G iven ,—Thai to purchase said tide and overflow CLARENCE E. BROUGHTON naval rank is in donbt 1« the lands at the highest price offered, present Congress it has been hard provided such offer «• ®‘de*“ *^2 whose post office address is Cheno- with. Washington, did, on the 25th to gain consent to the construction Faith, and also Providing that the day of September. 1912, file in this of even one first-class battle ship. land will not be sold for nor.any office Sworn Statement and Appli Yet it is unlikely that a single mem­ offer therefor accepted of less than cation, No. 03636, to purchase the per acre the Board reeen g Se *4 Nw ><. Section 11. Township ber would "ote for the abandon­ $7.50 the right to reject any and all bids. 3 North. Range 9 West, Willamette ment of the Monroe doctrine Said land« are situate in Meridian, and the timber thereon, Hands off of American territory’’ County. Oregon, and described under the provisions of the act of -aq c <__• X ¿une 3. 1*78, and acta atnendory. ’• • wise rule, but it does not follow follows, towit: Beginning at a point « ’ teet_• nown as the " Timber and Stone that unbounded licence is to be al 21 deg. 47 min. E. from Law,” at each value as might tie lowed an American country contin­ •eCd‘rTC5rrrR>ei0WOcMV,Mn,atl fixed by appraisement, and that, ually in a state of rebelious tumult, ."he hJh water line on Upright pursuant to such application, the urfkble to conduct itself peaceably bank of »he Little NeatuccTl. ver. land and bibber thereon have been •upraised, the timber, estimated °r to protect foreigners who have been invited to come, and then find ,hN°^deg 53 min. W 27«.! feet 3 teat this purchase before entry, or [has. Ray. i® SecUos. 5 and ®> H initiate a conteat at any time be Subscribe for the Headlight Tillamook County, Oregon. Moat attractive beach for cam pine in Oregon First class hotel ac- commodattona, store and post- office on grounds; adjoining Fed­ eral and State reservation con taining beautiful scenery, Three Arch Rocks, caves, sea lions, seals, parrots, etc. Happy Camp has seven varietieties of clams, oyster beds, crabs and crawfish on the beach; bears and berries in the woods; good deep sea fish­ ing, fine boating and bathing in bay or ocean; excellent spring water. New seven-mile automo­ bile road from Tillamook just completed, Camping space $1 per week; furnished tents $5.00 Good pasture for per week, horses. All under new manage- inent. Dr. P. J. Sharp. George T. Kiehm Now is the time tofhave that group picture made Let us show you our special display of attrac­ tive new styles. We are perfectly ^equipped for making group pictures and will please you with the quality of our work. COMME«« I Al. Family Recipes. LAUGHLIN I : » : I I I I : I CLOUGH, ’■ I : Reliable Druggist. I : How the Trouble Starts. Constipation is the cause of many Bewer Pipe for Bale ailment« and disorders that make life miserable. Take Chamberlain's Por Sale all aixea of sewer P'I* Tablets, keep yonr bowel« regular and you wilf avoid tnese diseases and sewer couue< Uosa, Se e I. li McMahan. For sate by «11 dealers. I ß Baker’s Bread Sold at All Grocers I I • BLO. Tillamook, Ore. Tillamook The valued family re­ cipes for cough and cold cute, liniments, tonics and other remedies have as careful attention here as the most intricate pre­ scriptions. * Our fresh, high grade ■ ■ drugs will help to make these remedies more effec­ tive than ever. Right prices are also I assured. I ¿ FOK SALK SY Next to POST OFFICE. J. 8. STEPHENS, ROOM For its exquisite flavor. The choice of all men who know good whiskey. Monk’s Studio. BARGAINS IN REAL ■ ESTATE. 320 Acres on the Wilson Rix er known as the Rush Farm, (except a right of way), with everything on he place, (except keep-sakes I. 60 Acre«, 10 acres in meadow at $37.50 per acre, cash, balance on time. 2 lots ju«t west of the Academy for $70000, on easy terms. 1 Lot with 5 Room nouse, that rents for $15.00 per month. 2 I-ots with small house on easy term«. _____ 1 lot 00 x 105 close in. __ 2 good large lots with house. A Homestead relinquishment for •ale. *0 Acres of unimproved land, 5 Mile« South of Tillamook City M Acre« with house and barn close in. Famous The World Over «HARNESS with the problem of buying Hnn e«s you will find it distinctly advet>i«-> g^ous to < <>me and do your ee'F.-t, ing here. You will get the <• t qualities, the most thorough nd conscientious workmauship i.r ' 1 e charged the moat reasonable pii a. We can supply single or .!.le Seta or any single article that you may tie in need of. W.A. Williams k Cc. Meal Duor to * g- wook Caaatyl'a