» Tllamook Advertie'ng Rates. L egal A dvertisements : ’ interesting section of Tillamook j 'county. Rah! Rah! Rah! For] 10 Nehalem Valley Industrial Fair, First Insertion, per line .. f 5 on the Utah and a giHwl time as Each subsequent insertion, line Business and professional cards, 1 well. 1 month................................... 1 «», ________________ 5 m1 Homestead Notices.................. 10 Timber Claims ................ 51 Men who work on the roads Locals per line each insertion now put in eight hours time and Display advertisement, an inch, receive ten hours pay. This is month ............................... All Resolutions of Condolence and class legislation brought about Lodge Notices, 5c. per line. by labor organizations with no Cards of Thanks, 5c. per line. regard for those who pay the Notices, Lost, Strayed or Stolen, i taxes, under our new tangled etc., minimuu rate, 25c. not exceed­ J system of legislation Of course ing five lines. those who are employed on the ! roads are not complaining, but RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION. it means that each county will ( strictly lx advance .) 1.80 have to increase the road tax or One year....... 75 do Jess road work. The people Spi months.... 50 having passed this law, there [ Three month.« .. . j is nothing to prevent the labor, Entered a» secondclass mini mat­ ter July, lbw, at the post office at organization passing a general Tillamook, Ore., under the act of eight hour law for the entire March 3, 137» state. We do not think that it, is right to enforce the eight hour law and place state and county ^illsmook employes in a privileged class because the over-taxed taxpay­ ers can foot the hills and have | to stand the extra burden. ijrabligbt. Bditorial Snap Shots The taxpayers who paid the Why, of course, the Tillamook Port of Bayocean tax should tie ' County Fair will knock the refunded what they paid in. I Oklahoma Ranch Wild West Show into a cocked hat. When It is gratifying to know that it comes to a parade of Tilla­ the summer travel to Tillamook mook live stock and other fea­ county is increasing every year. tures you can bet your last dol­ lar that the home show will be a thousand times better, more Tillamook City appears to tie interesting • and brighter and n mecca where outside attorneys cleaner than the antiquated can obtain big fees. Well, they junk that was paraded tnrough made a Rood ( the on Tuesday. have evidently < ------- streets --------- ------------ ----- „....j. If the milking. people would only be as liberal with their money to help the Tillamook County Fair Asso­ It is about time every dirty, germ breading cesspool was ciation’s show next month as connected up with the sewer they did the circus this week, system or tilled up. The city what a splendid fair the direc­ How­ council should go on a muck­ tors could arrange for. ever, attend the county fair raking tour of the city. and judge for yourselves whe­ ther the home fair don’t knock The dahlia enthusiasts nt Ne­ I the circus into smitbereen for I halem had better kx>k out. Some .real merit and enjoyment. of the dahlia enthusiasts in this city may compete in the fair nt that end of the county, and we Now that the Hadley case has expect to see the Nehalemites been ...... . ................. ......... out .................................... thrashed in the courts carry off some of the prizes at ’ it proves to be another instance the Tillamook county fair. I where a person lias been drag- I ged into court without any just But simply, The county improved the caU8e 4,r reason. piece of road from the city lim-!yi,.ber , hv h,’"k ur.‘r,f,,,k' to ob­ its to the depot, and now the t«m « b'g attorney s fees. Not citv should order the small <>nlv 80 the accusa Piece of road improved from the t,""s out tl,'e "*"t8 bridge across the slough to emt- i,re '? 'Wrace to the legal pro- nect with the road the countv is fe88i*?n n"‘l the lev* v w1'tl' improving north of the city. ’ I Y,"C ' at,,,rneVi* i,r5 . ¡disgrace courts of justice and ’put innocent persons to no end The county was paving at the of trouble and I expense. ............. .................. It is rate of $2,000 peb month for mole about time to tax those who mid gapher scalps, and the two tiring these petty suits w ith the months the 'bounties were paid cost of them. Attorney Nolan it took $4,032 from the county , made a great flourish with the treasury. That is certainly I ” tavii thrashed .nirtmaVM coippl-iinfH, ...... and when enough money to expend ih one out in the court he did not have year, and ns something had to H peg to stand on, for no part- be done to kill off the moles' nership existed between Clark and gophers,it was money spent Hadley and his father, and that for n good object. I li<‘ wns under no obligation to I pay Mrs. Otelin Hadley $7,(MIO, The lust State Legislature ' wtiich he did at the solicitation did not use good judgment in [of some of the latter’s friends. adding another official to the [Attorney Nolan is only one out Headlight, E. HEWITT, OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. SNAKÉS AS THEY FEED. wh«n They 8Urt Swallowing Thay Nover Know When to Stop. The swallowing proeeaa la a serious matter for any serpent, which must draw Itself painfully over its prey by hitching its Jaws, armed with back­ ward curving teeth, forward, on one side and then the other, and by simi lar movements of the neck, ribs and skin, until the whole mass has finally reached the prolonged stomach. Tbe snake's Jaws are attached to tbe skull, and the bones of the bead and neck are connected by elastic ligaments which may be so stretched that an ob Ject considerably larger than tbe bead itself may be swallowed if rightly seiz­ ed; hence prey is usually turned about after killing it until Its nose is fore­ most when tbe undertaking begins. A copious flow of aalira assists degultl- tlon. Once started, a snake never knows when to stop; has little ability to do so. Indeed, and the prey rarely kicks loose. It has happened frequently In zoological collections that a large snake has swallowed a smaller one meeban ically, as it were, when each has seized the same food animal. Both swallowed at It until tbe larger reached the nose of the smaller diner and then kept right on ns long as there was anything Iti Its mouth, unless tbe victim of this discourtesy managed quickly to let go of the fare and escape. Bartlett tells us. in his book on the care of animals In tbe London zoo. of one case where a boa constrictor de­ voured a cage mate nine feet long who did not feel disposed to let go of his half of a pigeon. Next morning this boa could not curl up, but had to He straight out for several days, and a month was spent in the digestion of this inhospitable meal. Snakes will keep pushing their Jaws over a string of frogs or mice tied together until they have got outside the whole chain These animals have little, if any, sense of taste nnd when they get their teeth Into anything soft try to eat it BULLET PHOTOGRAPHY. Curious Effect of Shooting Through a Thin Stick of Wood. Moving pictures have been made at tbe rate of 100,000 a second In contrast with the rate of fifteen or twenty a second, which is enough when repro­ duced on a screen to give tbe eye tbe Impression of a continuous picture The only thing that moves fast enough to make such tremendous speed worth using Is a bullet, and some extraordi­ nary pictures of bullets have been ta­ ken at this rate, seventy-two pictures being taken of a revolver bullet as it moved ten Inches from the muzzle. Pictures of a bullet passing through a stick of wood showed a queer condi­ tion. The bullet passed completely through tbe thin stick and was well on Its way beyond before tbe wood gave any sign of distress. Then some tiny splinters started out, following tbe bul­ let; the stick began to split, and after the bullet bad proceeded some distance tbe stick suddenly fell to pieces. Ne camera shutters are fast enough to take pictures at anything like this speed, so no shutter was used. Instead, a series of electric sparks was flashed, the sparks following one another at the rate of 100,000 a second, each spark making a picture. Tbe Him was mounted on a wheel nbout three feet tn circumference, and the wheel was revolved at the rate of 9,000 revolutions a minute. When all was ready tbe bullet was shot, the spark flashed and tbe wheel revolved, tbe actual exposure being limited to a frac­ tion of a second so as not to pile up pictures one over the other.—Saturday Eveulug Post -»-------------------- payroll of the county- tha^bf of the many attorneys who sue •es. 1 people with the hope of obtain aenier of weights mid ineiiiufTe. Not In His Line. Thia menus n soft job for whiic . ing n big fee, and there is rea- A motor stopped tn front of the pho­ body, It would have aafed the <•’ believe that some attor­ tographer's. and a woman lacking none taxpayers money had it been neys obtain "blood money" by of I he artificial accessories deemed nec­ put up to the sheriff's office to,*hat kind of practice essary to "looks" entered tbe studio. see that businewa people were A couple of days later the photogra not cheating their customers li Tillamook County Fair, Sept. pher submitted proofs for her approval. with short weight scales and "Not one of those pictures kM>ks any­ 3. 4. 5. It is going to lie a big thing like me,” tbe woman insisted. mensurg/. But who cares 1 jollification and get together Tlie photographer tried in every way for the taxpayers, nnywny .when it cgvttea to creating new offices gathering of all parts of the to pacify her. but. finding this an lm The boosting sp rit ixxlklblltty. lost control of his temper. arid tugging nt the taxpayers' county. will prevail and the “knockers" "Madam,” be exclaimed, "did you read tent ? will take t<> the woods, for they my sign7* "Yes." “Well, it does not don't belong to the class that say ‘cleaning, dyeing and remodeling.' It ia iilH-loun for newspa|>crs . will exhibit poduee and stock It says 'portraits.'"—New York Times. to publish any slnmlalous mat­ at the fair. It is the progressive Ths Sequel to the Joke. ter, but sttoruryn can inrike nil element, those who don't mind Many years ago a visitor to Edin kinda of filine statements in a n little time and expense, who burgh was being shown over the high complaint, yet that is not con­ who wi’l exhibit the county's court of Justiciary. He made some re­ sidered libelous matter. Tnke resources. Let it be n get to­ mark voucerulug the dock and Its du tin- Hadley cnse. Attorney Onk gether fair of the progressive ties, and In reply the official jokingly Nolan made aome awfully aenn- citizens and the I m *M stock and said the visitor might one day be sen­ dnioua and untruthful asser­ products in the county. The tenced to be banged In that very room. tions in the complaints he tiled officials of the Tillamook Coun­ The sightseer was the notorious Dr which he failed toprove. Whv ty Fair Association are doing Pritchard. Two years later In the dock not sue attorneys for that kind their best, but it require* united be had so closely inspected he was of libelous matter ? The levity effort and a pull together spirit, doomed to death for poisoning bls wife sud mother tn-law. of attorneys in courts of law is to make it a success. Take a I certainly surprising. Why not broad gunge view of the finrj Free Circus. disbar attornevs who tile com­ and evervtxxlv help to make a "They are the most popular couple In plaints loaded down with litrel- success of it. it may not come our fist. Wed all hate to see them I otta matter ? (up to the expectation of some iu more out" n few particulars, and for that I "Why are they so popularF* "They alwaya have the windows Help boost tin- Nehnlrtn Val­ reason we hope people will be ley Industrial Fair. The nsso- charitable, for no one should open when they quarrel."—Louisville Courier-Journal. cintion had a crvditatde fair Inst expect a perfect fair the first « -------------------------- ’ i year, mid we feel sure that the year. One thing is certain, the Surprising Infarinatisi«. lieople of Nehalem are progres association is going to give the “So your tittle boy U tn the hos­ sive'enough to do better. They beat fair it can with a limited pital?" have the honor of introducing amount ofjmoney at its dis|x»sal, "Yea; tba doctor said ho would baro the dahlia and exhibiting them and with ns much money as to havo hta asteroids taken out** at their industrial fair*, and it p<»ssibte put intoprtz.es. mid we "My starar—Baltimore American. in safe to say they will have a are sorry they have not double Moral exhibition of dahlias this the money for that purpose. Fleeee- A writer says: 'Tbe brave are al­ year that will lx» worth seeing. However that may be the asso­ Anyway, take a trip to Nehalem ciation has started out along waya tender." What a cowardly bird tbe average spring chicken must be?— ■ >n Saturday, August 30, and the right lines to make it a use New Orleans Ptcayuaa s|>enale or Trade—Tillamook Co Land, City Property, / ) Vacant lots in all additions and Merchandise Stock. \ I OIIN office. Beals - Oregon LELAND HENDERSON ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. T illamook B lock , Till mook - Oregon, Room No. 261. T. BOTTS, J J " attorney - at law . Complete Set of Abstract Books ia Office. Taxes Paid for Non Residents. (pip T illamook B lock , Tillamook .... Oregon, Both Phones. x------ ' Overland Model 69T The 30 h.p. car, four or five passenger, $1,150 ; with electric equipment and starter, for $1,325 ; 45 h.p., fully equip ped with electric starter and lights, $1,800. A few exceptionally good bargains at reasonable prices. « QARL haberlach , ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. T illamook B eock , Tillamook Oregon. QfEORGE WILLETT, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW ¡7“ T illamook C ommercial B uilding , Tillamook - Oregon. T. BOALS, M.D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, T illamook B lock , - Tillamook See A. K. CASE, Tillamook, Ore M. g Oregon. KERRON, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON T illamook B lock , Tillamook OWN YOUR HOME- STOP PAYING RENT. We Make Only 6 per cent. Monthly Installment Loans On Completed City Residence Property, Or for Building Purposes. If You Want to Buy, Or Build a Home, Or Repay a Mortgage, - • Oregon. C. HAWK, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Bay City Oregon. A. And desire the aid of borrowed money, we ask your careful consideration of the advantages afforded by our monthly installment plan of loans we will gladly explain our plan of a loan to you if interested, SARCHKT, The Fashionable Tailor T • Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing a Specialty. ROLLIE W. WATSON, Store in Heins Photographic Gallery. Realty, Loans, Ins, Rents, Collections. H. up GOYNE. "^ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Office- The Built best like o locomotive boiler Baker ever built I “‘velen ^ibo/fed O pposite C ourt H ouse , • Tillamook Oregon. 0K P. J. SHARP, No st Putty ¡RESIDENT DENTIST. Office : Commercial Block. Tillamook AMERICA'S BEST RANGE nw —»:! , |U • The Arcadian Is a perfect Likins - range, and shya a perfect biker for a life­ time because it is built like a locomotive holler. Built o( malleable Iron and charcoal iron riveted together iu.Acad cf being bolted together. Made airtight without the use of Stove petty to crumble and fall out, as hap­ pens in ca