premium list . Class B. First Prize, —------ *9 on Prize.--------- 1, $i.00. Children’s IndustrialFair Second HAND MADE APRON. .. September 3, 4, 5. Class A. William Squires. Two Following is the premium list of i Holly trees. " —----- theC il 1 *"’• lndll8trial Fair,which i Second Prize, Grant Mills, $1.00. w be held in th city in connec­ CI hss B tion with the Tillamook County Fair or M"erPThiibi«H- Fil,ed As ociation, on September 3, 4, 5; ment should give age of exhibitor also. 2. Each child must do all the work FOUND ITS GOLDEN HEAD. m preparing his or her exhibit. In gardening the ground may be plowed Riddle of s Marble Column In Italy Road by a Beggar, by some one else if deaired. 3. No pupil will make more than Near the monastery of San Vito, In one entry for eaeh prize, but they may Naples stood a marble column that enter as many competitions as they hud been erected by an eccentric Rait: or Shine, Our Suits will tit and give satisfaction, Freucliuiau about the beginning of the desire, in their class. let us prove it. We also do cleaning and pressing. last ceutury. On it were written In 4. Entries for living things will ..... all ........... B ...... Garden Products. be received up to 12 o’clock noon, Sept French the following enigmatic words: EMBROIDERY. POTATOES (10.) 8. Other entries will close at 9 o’clocx "On May 1 every year I have a golden Class A. head." MEN S AND LADIES' TAILOR, P- M., Sept. 2. Class A. First Prize,---------- , $2.00, I The Inscription sorely puzzled the Class A — Children twelve years Second Prize, ---------- , $i.oo. First Prize,---------- , $2.00. SECOND AVENUE EAST, Opposite Ed’s Parage. of age inhabitants of Naples. On May 1 the or older. Sec >nd Prize,----------- , $1.00. TILLAMOOK. ORE. Class B. I year after the erection of the column Class B. First Prize, William Squires, Two Class B—Children under twelve years a great crowd came to it in the hope of age. I ¡rat Prize, Tillamook County Bank, Holly Trees. i of finding the top covered with gold Note— All ‘chicken entries for prizes pieces. Needless to say, they went Second Prize, ---------- , $1,00. $2.00 c eond Prize, Tillamook County must be trios, one cockerel and home with their pockets as empty as SIDNEY E HENDERSON, CROCHETING. JOHN LELAND HENDERSON they were when they came. two pullets. | President. Secretary-Treae. Class A. Ba ik, $1-00. For several years people came to see First Prize,---------- , $2.00. CABBAGE. (1.) Attorney-at-Law and Notar» the promised wonder and went away Second Prize, ---------- , $1.00. Class A. Public. MAYOR AT TIIXAMOOK disappointed. At last the authorities Class B. First Prize, Tillamook County Bank, had the column taken down in the be­ Colonel Poorman Tells About lief that treasure would be found be­ First Prize,---------- , $2.00. $2.00. Second Prize,---- - ----1 $1.00. neath It Nothing but earth was Its Development. Second Prize, Tillamook County found, and so the column was set up Bank, $1.00. Flowers. From the Woodburn Independent. 1 again. Obviously the words had a Class B. Mayor Poorman, who was over at mystic meaning, but no one was clever SWEET PEAS. First Prize,-----------, $2.00. Tillamook last week, talks very in-' enough to guess It. and for years the Class A. Second Prize,-----------, $1.00. terestingly of what he saw in that riddle remained unsolved. First Prize,---------- , $2.00. CELERY (One bunch.) Finally In 1841 a ragged beggar Second Prize, C. I. Clough Asst. section, which became connected by ! Class A. rail with the outside world lees named Annibale Toscl noticed the In­ Flower Seed, $1.00. (INCORPORATED), scription. He stood looking at it for a First Prize,---------- , $2.00. than two years ago. Class B. long time while be pondered its mean­ Second Prize, W. A. Williams, $1.00. The city is building up rapidly, ing. Then suddenly the solution of First Prize,---------- , $2.00. Class B. Second Prize, William Squires, One with a new bank, hotel and opera tbe puzzle flashed Into his mind. He First Prize,---------- , $2.00. house under construction—and waited patiently until May 1 before he Holly tree. Second Prize,----------- , $1.00. strange to tell, the finest residence' tested the accuracy of bis interpreta­ ASTERS. Class A. inthecity is the property of a news­ tion of the mystic words. CARROTS. (5.) BOTH PHONES. TILLAMOOK, ORE. First Prize,---------- , $2.00. paper man On tbe day mentioned In the Inscrip­ Class A. Second Prize,---------- , $1.00. But the roade are really the piost tion Tosct. bearing a pick and shovel, First Prize,---------- , $2.00. Class B. notable feature of this region now. set out at daybreak for the column. Second Prize,----------- , $1.00. First Prize,---------- , $2.00. The county has just expended $35,000 He arrived before any chance visitors, Class B. and as soon as tbe monastery's bells Second Prize, ---------- , $1.00. in building seven miles of hard sur­ tolled 6 be started digging tn the First Prize,---------- $2.00. DAHLIAS. face road from Tillamook around the ground covered by tbe shadow of the Second Prize,-----------, $1.00. Class A. south end of the bay to the beach at top of the column. He bad not dug Ouiner of PARSNIPS (5.) First Prize, E. T. Haltom, $2.00. Netarts, where there is not more: long before he came on a satchel that Class A. Second Prize, Tillamook Drug Store, than twenty permanent residents, ■ contained 80,000 francs. The Inscrip­ First Prize,---------- , $2.00. $1.00. but where a great summer colony is tion was a true one—the bead of the Second Prize,----------- , $1.00. enjoying the bathing and the sea. column covered tbe golden treasure Class B. Class B. This road was cut through big tim­ every year on Mny 1. First Prize, ---------- , $2.00. First Prize,---------- , $2.00. Annibale Toscl. the beggar whose ber and graded like a railroad. Second Prize,---------- , $1.00. Second Prize, ------ -—, $1.00. sharp guess had given him compara­ Some of the forests that line it have tive wealth, became a landowner near NASTURTIUMS. BEANS (String beans, one quart.) Will be in Tillamook from THURSDAY First Prize, C. I. Clough, Asst. trees from six to twelve feet in di­ Mantua. He died at the age of nine­ Class A. ameter, and the trees in the tide­ ty-four.—Youth's Companion. Flower Seed, $1.00. EVENING until MONDAY MORNING fol» First Prize,-----------, $2.00. lands grow closer than anyone eaeh uueek for the next tcuo months at the Poultry. Second Prize,----------- , $1.00. would believe were we to tell it. HISTORIC RAILROAD TRIP. BARRED PLYOMUTH ROCKS (Trio.) When it comes to getting out Class B. First Prize,— ----- $2.00 Class A. stumps eight feet in diameter and Fillmora and Webster on the Erie’s Second Prize,----------- , $1.00. First Prize, W. S. Buel, $2.00. making big fills and cuts the coat First Through Train, BEETS (6.) Second Prize, W. S. Buell, $1.00. of the railroad often exceeds that of The completion of tbe Erie was the Class A. Class B. most Important event In the history of the concrete road itself. First Prize,---------- , $2.00. First Prize, W. S. Buel, $2.00. That the roads there are the best railrond building down to thnt time—a Second Prize,----------- , $1.00. Second Prize, W. S. Buel, $1.00. in Oregon is Mayor Poorman’s can­ matter of national consequence. Rec­ Class B. WHITE OR BUFF PLYMOUTH did opinion. The county has built ognition of this fact was made when in May, 1851, n special train carried ROCKS. First Prize,---------- , $2.00. two half mile stretches of asphalt on a two days' trip through tbe moun­ Class A. Second Prize,----------- , $1.00. paving in the neighborhood of the tains nnd valleys of southern New First Prize, ---------- , $2.00. city while in the city itself seventy York, sweet with the leaves and blos­ SQUASH (1.) Second Prize, C. I. Clough, $1.00. Class A. blocks have just been put down, soms of early summer, President Fill­ where it was voted to build but more. four memliers of his cabinet and Class B. First Prize,-----------, $2.00. seventeen. None of this has been other guests of national distinction. First Prize,---------- , $2.00. Second Prize,----------- , $1.00. Daniel Webster, majestic even un­ paid for yet, the matter being in ' Second Piize, ---------- , $1.00. Class B. der bls henvy burden of age and ill- litigation, but it is probable that Buff.) LEGHORNS (White, Brown or First Prize,----------, $2.00. health. was secretary of state In Fill­ the lot owners will get off with more's cabinet and rode on that first Class A. Second Prize,----- —. $1.00. First Prize, Tillamook County Bank, about a dollar a yard. through train. He made the journey Industrial. One reason the county is spend-1 in a rocking chnlr lashed to a flat car. $2.00. ’***ïu£ LIBRARY TABLE (28x46 inches,) ». ; [Second Prize, ('. I. Clough, Asst. ing so much mony for roads is that: that he might lose nothing of the scen­ BOYS ONLY. ery and the sweetness of the fresh ver most of the cost is peid by the non- : Poultry Food, $1.00. Class A. residents who hold the title to so dure. Nor wns he too feeble to enjoy Class B. First Prize, Tillamook County Bank, i much of the timberland of the the great barbecue at Dunkirk, where Firs' Prize, Alex McNair, $1.00. $4.00. I county. And the visible supply of, oxen nnd sheep were roasted whole, Second Prize, Alex McNair, $1.00. pork and beans were cooked In ves­ Second Prize, Tillamook County timber rune into the billions of feet sels bolding fifty gallons each, bread RHODE ISLAND REDS. Bank, $2.00. and is altogether beyond imagina ­ Class A. was baked In loaves ten feet long and BIRD HOUSE, BOYS ONLY. two feet thick, so heavy that two men tion, First Prize, J. S Lamar, $2.00. Class B. In some places the soil is so' staggered under their burden, and the Second Prize,---------- , $1.00. First Prize, Erwin Harrison, $2.00. : spongy and creepy that it is given : whole was served at a table 300 feet Clas > B. j a coating of clay before the gravel long, spread under a specially built 5 "oM Prize, Erwin Harrison, $1.00. First Prize.---------- , $2.00. or crushed rock is put on, and road shed along Railroad street from Deer LIB IARY CASE, (Not less than three Second Prize,---------- , $1.00. to Lion street. nor mere than four feet wide, not less WYANDOTTES (White or Silver Pen- 'material is no more readily avail- It was a great day for Dunkirk; It I able there than here, some of it be- wns a great day for New York stale than four nor more than six feet in ci led.) i ing brought from the sea beach. height, shelves not less than six nor and tlie nation, and It was n great day Class A. While the roade are thus being also for President Fillmore, who found more than ten inches wide.) BOYS First Prize,---------- , $2.00. taken care of by three supervisors tbe pork and beans es|>eclally to his ONLY. Second Prize, W. B. Haney, $1.00. for the county, each having charge taste.—Wells Fargo Messenger. • Class A- Class B. of a third of its area. Uncle Sara is F»rst prize. King & Smith, Carpen- First Prize,---------- , $2.00. Soaking the Clothee. looking after the bar and the deep t $1.00. Mrs. Browning had a new domestic sea channel across to the mainland, Sec >nd Prize,-----------, $1.00. BLACK MINORCAS. about three quarters of a million ( named Agnes Domestic Science. "Agnes." said Ibe mistress, “did yon Classes A. & B. having been appropriated for that' put tbe clothes in soak?' First Prize,---------- , $2.00. BREAD, (One loaf.) purpose by the last congress. “Oi did nob" answered the girl. • Second Prize, ---------$1-00. Class A. The receipts at Tillamook and "Did you want me to, mum?" INDIAN RUNNER (Pair) First Prize,Tillamook Feed Co., $2.00. The one Guestting the nearest to the number vicinity for cheese and butter fat "Why, certainly," was tbe reply. Classes A. & B. Second Prize, Tillamook Feed Co., reach $75.0 $100- into cheese, there still remain pos­ I It's sorry Oi am that ye bees so bnrrud Shrode. Second Prize, Grand Leader, silver Miscellaneous. sibilities of profit in the residue, up ”—Harper's Magazine. mesh bag. from which they are beginning to HEIFER CALF. . i CAXE (Loaf cake.) make milk sugar—which com "Bapsy.” Class A. Class A. rnands a high price for medical "At Liverpool street station. London." % First Prize, First National Bank . First Prize, ---------- . $2.00. aald an American, "1 asked a booking purposes. 'Tillamook, $3.00. Second Prize, C. I. Clough, Asst. clerk whether he could tell me where Second Prize,---------- , $2.00- Flav. Extr. Haps worth was. His answer was tbnt Notice. Class B. be had never heard of such s place CAFE (Layer cake.) First Prize. First National Bank, "But.” I urged, "Is not thnt the way Kasper Zweifel is now successor Class B. Tillamook, $3.00. to R. R Roberts, in Tillamook tbe country people prondflnce Raw­ Pri:*. B- D. Lamar, Doll, Second Prize,---------- , $2-00. County. All accounts owing the bridge worth 7" "No, Indeed." he laugh­ RABBITS. (All Kinds, Pair.) J. R. Watkins Medical Co. are pay­ ingly replied. "They call It Bapsy." Second Prise, E. T. Haltom, $1.00. able to Kasper Zweifel. Classes A. 4 Il- R. R R oberts . CANNED FRUIT AND VEGETA­ Kipling’s Response. K asper Z weifel First Prize, ---------- ■ $2,00- BLES (One jar each variety) (Quality The Cantab, the Cambridge univer­ I Tillamook. Ore., July 23rd, 1913. Second Prize, --------- ■» I 1 - 00 •nd number of jars considered [in sity weekly, onced ssked Itudyard Kip PIGEONS. ling to contribute to Ita columns In awarding prize.) Good R«ae,n to* Hia Enthusiaam res|M>use came the following reply: Classes A. 4 B. CI,M A- When a man has suffered for sev-1 There once was ■ writer who wrote, First Prize, ---------- . $2-W Birst Prize,---------- , $2.00. eral days with colic, diarrhoea or “Dear Sir—In reply to your note hoi- « Second Prize, Wm. Squires, one Second Prize, ----------- , $1.00 I other form of bowel complaint and Of yeatrrday's date. I am aorry to state ■a then sound and well by one or ly tree. Class B. ft's no good at the prkw you quota." two doses of Chamberlain s Colic, ! Birst Prize,-----------, $2,00. Bules. Cholera aid Diarrhoea Remedy, as Second Prize,-----------, $1.00. 1. Every boy and girl in Tillamook is often the case, it is but natural Gymnastic Stunt. JELLY (Three glasses. 1 County under 21 years of age is elhg- that he ehould be enthusiastic in Rsrbonr—Yoa seem warm. Have yot> hi« praise of the remedy, and tieen eteecMncT Waterman—Yes. In ‘ ible to enter these contests. I he con­ e'p«ira»y ia this the case of a Claaa A- Birst Prize,---------- , $2.03. test will be divided into two -classes. severe attack when life is threaten- font I went to the mutes' dance and the drunkard, the heavy drinker, “ when in need of such a swung dumb belles around all evening Class A will include all 12 years «nt eve sb* S' ted toward me like s weath ­ 8ewinp Btc. 1 aecompaning each exhibit s.gned by; ForSale, ... 10 ----------- acres of bottom land er forecast Wsrdle—flow vae that! W. J. Van Schuyver & Co., General Agents MACHINE made dress . ------ Good house WalNe-Fair and very cooL-Kanaas I I the narents or guardian of each child mile« from town. Claes A. __ _ -__ __ I nine cowe. City Star. _______ __ Portland, Oregon pg’^-by the azh.bitor ’Z7uu- «*•*««•» girst Priii,----------- , $ beeond Prise,-----------, $1.00. Fall and Winter Samples --Now on Display-- J. WM. EDWALL, Tillamook Title and Abstract Company Law Abstracts: Real Estate Surveying ; Insurance. E. F. ROGERS, MAJOR WEITZEU LORD REX and Commercial Stables. Guess How’ Many Beans ! One Guess with every DOLLAR CASH PURCHASE, at the Tilla­ mook Feed Co. enemies ■J I '■‘B