(iilliTllWOk roi. XXVI. NO. 8 Jkaölyjbt TII^AMOOK, OREGON, AUGUST ¡7, 1913 attend school at the same time. A work and long hours of toil. We arm near the city preferred. The M <8 15 years old Apply to Mr wish our young friend success and Henderson at the Tillimook Title we feel sure he will be the man be bind the gun who will he the big­ and Abstract Co.'s office. gest booster for Cornelius and the ,. >Iae Celete Post, who is spending upbuilding of that community. the summer at Brighton, was in the city on Thursday. She is a A large, strong bank does not lose Polk County Observer. writer of some ability and will write dignity or conservatism when it en- Dr. D. G Rempel and family left some articles for the Headlight this morning for a two weeks’ out- courages the small depositor. escriptive of the county. She is »ng in Tillamook county. Accom- delighted with the beautiful scenery ! pauying them are Henry D. Rem­ The large balances of the future are and splendid prospects of Tilla- ' pel, of Mountain Lake, Minn, and mook county'. having their beginnings today in Elizabeth Rempel, of Bowersville, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. De Lillies -tr. modest accumulations. Mr. and Mrs. W. I. Ford and Miso with their children, Lola and Sar- Etta Waters left yesterday in Mr. retta, of this city, who have been Ford's car for Tillamook, where they We want to place within the reach visiting friends and relatives in will enjoy a month's outing among of all, the privileges of an associa­ Eastern Oregon, have returned the beach resorts in that vicinity. tion with a strong, helpful bank. No home. Ihev report a very enjoy­ Chet Coad, jr., returned Sunday able time,but it was very warm and serious minded person who has a from a week's stay in Tillamook are glad once more to hit the ocean county. He left yesterday for Salem regular income and a desire to con­ breeze. Their son, Perry, remained and Portland to take up the duties in La Grande. serve it, need hesitate to become a of fire warden in place of H. H. Par- Died, this (Thursday) morning, Sons, formerly school supervisor of depositor here. Hiram Marble, aged 66 years. He Polk county, who has accepted the has been in Tillamook City for position of superintendent of the three years, coming from Lincoln, Wheeler county high school at Fos­ Neb. He leaves a .wife and four sil. children. The deceased is a brother­ We are now temporarily located in law to John R Harter. The re­ OLDEST1-------- ------------------------------------------ --------- on the north side of First Street, mains will be buried on Friday, I bank and the services will be in the M.E. between the Sweet Shop and Mow­ 1 ... _. . I« I Aunntz riTV oner 1 c- I COUNTY '. Til TILLAMOOK CITY. ORE? !____ SUPERVISION Church. The deceased is a Mason. ery' A Latimer’s barber shop with a line of Dry Goode and Ladies' and » : At a meeting of the city conncil Children's Ready-to-Wear. ; , on Monday evening it was decided From now on we will have con- ( The Nazarene Church holds ser ­ , to cancil all contracts with the stantly coming new goods of higli TILLAMOOK JOTTINGS vices Tuesday and Friday evenings. ( i W arren Construction Company, and quality. Sunday School at 2 p.m , and as a result of this Fifth Street will Upon the completion of the I B. S. Clark, auctioneer. not be paved. The council alsodis preaching services at 3:C0 and 8:00 I. O. O. F. building, we will occupy I See Dr. Monk for novelties in place pensed with the services of Com- the south half, with the best line of p.m. H cards. I missioner Day and Recorder Todd high grade merchandise obtainable. Mrs. Lee M. Travis and daughter I The Count}- Court is in session will fill the position which will be The equipment of this new store and eon came in on Monday from ! II this week. a saving to the city. will be a credit to the city, with all Eugene to visit her parents, and | I Everybody come to Netarts Satur- she was accompanied byMiss Emma ' Judge Campbell dismissed the conveniences found in the most I day night. * Travis. • j case of Mrs. Otelia Hadley vs. modern stores. c. E. Hadley “ ' on Monday after Our aim will be to serve you, al­ ( Stylish City Photographs at the Miss Ellen Peterson came in last hearing the evidence of~'th7 pl'ai in- ways bearing in mind your interests II Tillamook Studio. week from Seattle and will visit tiff| there beillK no evidence intro are our interests. For Fine Photographs at popular with the Boquist family at Kilchis ' • - I duced j- that a partnership existed A. J. S tillwell . | prices.—Tillamook Studio. . River. Miss Peterson is a niece Ibelwccd ' between C. E. Hadley and his Call up the Mutual Phone for a of Mr. Boquist. father. It was upon the evidence Was Easily Trapped. I date at the Tillamook Studio. W. B. Honey lett « eanesaay tor of the plaintiff that the case was i Glasses fitted. Any kind, any Independence, where he will en- ( dismissed, as she could not sustain Deputy Sheriff Oscar Sveuson | style. Guaranteed. Dr. Wendt. * gage in cattle breeding, having the assertions set out in the com- made his first arrest on Monday and Attorney Johnson was in Portland been employed by W. O. Morrow plaints by Attorney Oak Nolan. proved himself equal to an emer­ for that purpose. | This decision will deprive Nolan gency. The sheriff's office was noti­ I the first of the week on business. 4 L» A ÌYYÌ « 4 M » rt / aa 1« a ««» a a Dawson Bros, will meet all trains of the $25,000 attorney's fee he was fied that a man was wanted, who A marriage license was issued to I claiming. was receiving hjs mail in Tillamook, with bus, and will handle passen ­ Ralph D. Starr and Miss Leola A. gers and baggage to all parts of the I B F Felger, who is well known for breuking into a room at Seaside I Dougherty. city. Call or phone at the Livery in this county, having sold a large and {stealing jewelry belonging^ to Live chickens wanted at the Tilla­ i amount of nursery stock here, is a woman. The deputy sheriff talked mook Meat Companv’e Market, 12c. barn on 2nd Ave East. matter over with Postmaster Dr. E. E. Daniels, the new Chiro ­ I now with the Russellville Nursery the per pound. • Baker and they agreed upon a plan Co. He will be in Tillamook about For sale, —Horse and Buggy. No. 1 practor, successfully treats all ner­ etc. fhe 15th of the month. Mr. Felger of action to arrest the individual. Rig Enquire at the Clover Leaf vous diseases, rheumatism, Com- >8 able to "come back," for the rea After the postmaster had opened Consultation free. Office ' Creamery. , son that the nursery stock he sold up the call window on Monday the tnercial Building. Big dance at Netarts Beach Satur­ to Tillamook people was first class, fourth person in line usked for mail Buy a Ford car because they run addressed to "A. Sommers." The day night. Where everybody has a 20 miles on a gallon of gasoline. and now that he is representing deputy sheriff was standing in the good time. • another reliable nursery company, When you get them your troubles If ou work does not suit you tell are over. See Ed. Hadley, the local he will be able to furnish the beet post office watching the postmaster. The latter gave a sign as lie handed ’ nursery stock on the market. us; if it does tell your friends. City agent for the Ford auto a letter to a man about 26 years of Transfer Company • 1 Big Mack who struck ex-Senator F. H. Eggleston has purchased age, who appeared somewhat ne.’- Bring your chickens to the Tilla­ the Palm Cafe and opened it up for C. W. Fulton when the attorneys vous, and a few seconds after the mook Meat Company’s Market. We business on Monday. He is experi­ were inspecting the pavement a deputy arrested bis man and was Pay 12c. per pound. • enced in the business and will do few weeks ago, is going around escorting him to the county jail I with two badly blacked goggles Miss Lottie Banfield left for her his best to please his patrons. On Wednesday Deputy Sheriff having run up against a snag when home in Portland on Friday after The F. A, Cotes LumberCompany he aroused the indignation of one Spicer, of Clatsop county, took the «pending a vacation here. received the first raft of fir logs on of the Tillamook base ball players. man to Astoria. Amateurs ! Better pay a small Monday from the camp on Sut When the pitcher pitched his lists charge and get good results from ton creek, and from now on the Two Auto Accidents. they found the diamond every jour kodaks.—Tillamook Studio company will have plenty of first- time on Mac’s optics with the What might have been a most F. D. Small vs. Jesse S. Haja is a class fir lumber. result that Mac can take the prizes serious accident happened on the sou filed in the county court to re­ Furnished Rooms to Rent,—New­ for carrying around Netarts road Saturday night about cover $62 66 for goods sold the de­ ly fitted up with electric lights and j " Oh, what a surprise. nine o’clock The auto truck be­ Two lovely black eyes I” fendant. bath, corner of 3rd St. and Miller longing to the City Transfer Co., Free, an elegant bevel edged stag Ave.; also 6 room cottage with It didn't take long for Mac to admit was going to Netaits with a load that he had had enough of that handle hand mirror, containing electric lights, can be used for 2 and when this side of the hill met kind of pitching by the Tillamook * your photo with our folders. —Tilla­ families. Henry Dunstan. the auto driven by Nelson at a nar- mook Studio. John Patterson returned to the pitcher. row part of the road, Tlie passen- The value of cheese sold by Carl gers in the car were Henry Block, city on Friday with hie bride and Sheriff Crenshaw closed up one »‘de show in connection with the received the congratulations of his Haberlach last month amounted to a traveling man of Portland, and «reus on Tuesday, which he con- friends. He was married to Miss $83,178 82. for the following cheese his daughter, and Mr and Mrs. Luella Hickey, of Portland, at Van- factories : Geo. W. Coffman of this citv. Nel- •Klered indecent. ......... $l,9U6i35 son's breuks failed to act as they Choice young ducks, dressed. 25c. conver. Wash., by Rev. W. I Eck, Blaine ............... ......... 1,616.00 I Beaver ............... ......... 5.106.90 should and the light from the auto s pound post paid, weighing from of the Lutheran church . Clover Leaf .... ......... 2,781.0s truck somewhat interfering with A. J. Carpenter and wife, of Port­ Cold Springs .. i UP to 51bs., guaranteed. Miss ........ 2.591 68 hie optic vision he attempted to Anna Roenicke, Woods, Ore. land, has located here and bought East Beaver ... ......... 4,729.15 pass on the outside, but striking Elwood ............. .... 9,744.82 .There was a large crowd in the out S. A. Brodhead’s carpenter Fair view ........ ........ 4,228.5 h the hind wheel of the truck his > on Tuesday to witness the par-1 shop. Mr. Carpenter has been in Long Prairie ... .... 11,108.66 machine turned over and rolled Maple Leaf .... , *an<^ Bee *he performances of the Manual Training Department Central ............ . ... 3,462.77 down the side of the hill, landing of the Portland Schools, and he is ......... 5,572 si right side up. All the passenger* the Oklahoma Wild West Show. Mohler ............. ......... 2.334 57 Neskowin ......... For sale. Pair SheUandPonies and 1 an experienced cabinet maker. ........ 2.790.97 were pitched out. Mrs. Coffman The amount of warrants drawn by Oretown ........... PrinR Colt, Pony. Surrey, Double ........ 1,813.54 was covered with the cushion and Pleasant Valley 94 when Mr. Coffman went to her HN' arness. Saddle and Bridle. En-1 County Clerk Holden to pay »he Sandlake ........ «.224 36 WHM lre at office A. F. Coats Lumber bounty on rnoie and gopher scalps South Prairie ... ........ 5,549.00 sed with a few scratches, while ' U>C,’on Company struck for ' Our young friend, I. Mias Block hardly felt the accident, tie issued. th.' work at the f ame rate worth, who received his early edu Attorney John Lelsnd Henderson cation in this city, has obtained with the exception of a feeling that county i8 paying, but aa it did th.i "e 10n,i to obt®>n men to fill ■ i is wanting to place his eon in the possession of the Cornelius Tribune she had taken a somersault Mrs Coffman was brought to the city by Peaces, the strike was short 1 home of a dairyman to learn the and will edit that newspaper. The dairy business from the bottom ar.d citizens of Cornelius are to be con­ Roy Stillwell and taken to her gratulated in having Mr. Ferna- home, where she has lieen confined worth at the hel.n of their home since and had to l»e propped up newspa(»er, for he is industrious, with pillows. On Monday a tra< k was made up the bank and the auto pains taking and thoroughly relia­ pulled up it and into the city with ble as a newspaper man, and, above a liooater and a gentleman. Aa its own power, with a broken wind shield, smashed fender and a bent a newspaper ia one of the most im­ portant factors in the up building axle. While Martin Peterson, of Forest of a city and community, it is now up to the business interests of Cor­ Grove, was attempting to pass a nelias whether the Tribune receives truck with vegetebles south of niggardly cr liberal support, for Beaver on Sunday, a collision o* running a oews|>aper means hard cured and both vehicles went over Financial Growth It is the aim of this bank to give the best banking serviee possible—and cue do it, It is also our aim to have the best equipment such as Modern Fire Proof Banking Room, Fire Proof Vault, Burg­ lar Proof Safe, Modern Safe Deposit Boxes—and cue have them. First National Bank, Tillamook, Oregon. ! TILL AMOOK COUNTY BANK kflMHR’S VARIETY STORE, TI’üUAflQOOKf OREGON- Drop in and book Around« the grade into the Neetucca river, where the Ford auto landed on top of the truck. The only person in- jured, and that slightly, was a lady riding in the auto. at Sandlake, after which they will leave for their new home in Eaet- ern Oregon, with bon voyage from the editor and staff of the Head- •»Lrht. _________________ Special Announcement. THE OPEN SEASON. Duck and Geese Hunting from Sept. 16 to Dec. 16. Last week we stated that a big proposition would be announced next week. Well, it is going to be some big thing, for every dav since this proposition has been known to us, it has been growing larger. Every day some new thing comes up which is added to it, and it is gradually growing far beyond our fondest hopes. Just think. How would you like a trip to the World’s Fair in 1915, with side trips nil over California, a chance to see Mare Island Navy Yard, trip to San Francisco, Oak land. Alameda and Berkeley, with side trips to the Santa Crus mount­ ains and a whole lot of other things ? To get all of this and have abso- lately all of your expenses paid, sounds good, doesn't it? Now we are not telling you anything about this big proposition, but just you wait until next week and then it will be announced and you will know all about it. You may look, and you may listen, but mum's the word. Watch for next week's Headlight, August the 14th. Doak-IIanenkratt Wedding A quiet wedding was solemnized on Wednesday evening in this city at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Hanenkrutt, when their daughter, Miss Nellie Hanenkratt, became the wife of Mr. Stephen H. Doak. The nuptial knot was tied by the Rev. H. W. Kuhlman, pastor of the M. E. church, in the presence of the family circle, The wedding dinner, which was a most dainty repast, was partaken of and the Tillamook Concert Band serenaded the happy couple The bride is a graduate of the Tillamook High School and one of the most respected young ladies in the city, and was on the Headlight staff up to last week. The groom is from Eastern Ore­ gon and is a graduate of the Agri­ cultural College at Corvallis. He lias been engaged as superintend­ ent of the public school nt Stanfield, Ore. The happy couple have the beet wishes and congratulations of their riends. Thursday morning Mr. and Mrs. Doak left for a short honeymoon Replying to n letter written by Ira C. Smith regarding duck and geese hunting, Willinm L. Finley, state game warden, baa sent this reply: Dear Sir,—Replying to your in­ quiry of the 4th inst., desire to state that the migratory bird law does not take effect in thia State until October 1st. The open season on water fowl in thia State is fixed by said law from September 10th to December Kith, but since, nn we have stated, this law does rot taxe effect until October let, you would be governed until that date by i ur State laws, which place the op-n season on ducks and geese, in Multnomah, Clatsop, Tilluinooic, Columbia and Coos counties, from September 15th to December 31st Hunters in those counties, there­ fore would be allowed to hunt such game birds until the 1st day of October under the State law and then on to December 16th, in con­ formity with the federal law. ||We have taken the,'matter up with the authorities at Washington in the hope of having our season changed in this State so as to make the open season from October 1st to January 16th, but we have not yet received n rrply from the Department of Agri­ culture regarding the matter. Bids Wanted. Plans and specification* for the building of a woodshed, fence, platform and sidewalk, also the painting of same,for school district 23, Long Prarie, are now on tile tn office of the county school superin­ tendent. Bids may tie sent to Ed. Weston, clerk of said district The school board reserves the right to reject any and all bids which must be in the hnnda of said district clerk on or before noon ol August 16, 1913. By order of the board. Auto Stage for Netarta. Auto will leave lor Netarts every mornipg at 9;00 a.m., anil 4:30 p.m. in the afternoon. Fare. 75c. Round trip $1.25. C hatterton a A lexander . Costly Treatment, '•I was troubled with constlpa- and indigestion and spent tion___ ___ hundreds of dollars for medicine and treatment,’’ writes C. H. Hilus, of Whitlow, Aik. "I went to a st. lamin hospital, also to a hospital in New Orleans, but no cur- was ef­ fected. On returning home 1 be­ gan taking Chamberlain’s Tablets, and worked right along. I used them for some time ami am now nil right" Sold by all dealers. Coal, Cement, Lime, Brick, Shingles, Drain Tile, Plaster, Roof Paint. LAMB-SCHKADEK COMPANY. DOCKS : WAREHOUSE. FRONT STREET, BETWEEN Ind A 3rd AVENUE WEST