Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, July 31, 1913, Image 3

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    i WHEELER,
Offers to men of energy and small means
better OPPORTUNTITES tlian any other
place in the State of Oregon.
For information regarding Wheeler, write to NEHALEM HARBOR CO., WHEELER, OREGON.
Portland Office :
Tillamook Office :
Care 'of F. R. BEALS.
How far our unfortunate policy
quires capital to give the farm ment. Gen. Carranza, as head of
the proper equipment. There are the present rebellion, declares that in Mexico since the legal inaugura
A committee of Kansas bankers silos to build barns to construct, Huerta is inspiring the anti-Amer - tion of Huerta as provisional presi­
is drawing up a plan of aid to farm­ water systems to be provided, field can uprising 11 the hope of sue- dent is to affect our prestige in all
ers without waiting for the report orain'ig to be intioduced, machin­ t lining himself on a wave of patri­ of Latin-America is an interesting
of the commission now abroad ery to be purchased, fertilizing a otic war fervor in the event of question in the case. There has
intervention. been, in our refusal to recognize
•tu 'ying the varioue systems oi be done, and other things which American
fsriu credits. This committee is cost money. Unless the farmers Carranza has established his head­ the authority of the Mexican consti­
working along the line of improve­ can borrow th; ne e<eary capital quarters at Nadadores, near Mon- tution, and the Mexican Congress,
ment of agricultural methods, such to pay for these things, on long | clova, which was taken by the con a suggestion of suzerainty, or over-
as providing farm experts to give i time and at a low rate, ¿he majority 1 Btitutionalists last week. Mexican t lordship, and something of cant
advice to farmers, better marketing of them will be unable to take in a hatred is directed especially against which will not sit well on proud
methods, seed selection, soil im- full measure the advice of the ex­ the Texans, who largely sympathize stomachs. This feeling might have
been forseen and all provocation to j
orovement through fertilization, perts and engage in the modern with the rebel movement.
it avoided. The pretense that the |
crop rotation and deep plowing, and profit-making style of farming.
Establishment of the parcel post
»nd a deve opinent of the stock We need better farm methods but in so short a time under so complex i assassination of Madero and Suarez
fanning idea, through which the we can not get them without farm a system as the zonal one, was a raised a moral question transcend­
products oi the iarm are used on credits to supply the necessary wonderful feat of executive and or ing all others, was not only out cf ,
the farm for dairy and market cat- capital. Banks now loaning money ganizing ability, for which ertdit line with our established policy, but
is effectually put out of considers
tle hogs anil sheep.
i to farmers at high rates and on goes to former Postrn ister General
tion by the action of other enlight­
1 hese things are all excellent. short time can not be expected Hi'c'icock.
The wonder is, no
They are the most advanced in voluntarily to lower the rates or that it has been possible to make ened governments in according
recognition to Huerta after he had
The Department of lengthen the time A new and improvements, but that it worked
made provisional president
^inculture, the experiment eta- special
system of farm credits successfully at all. A recent mag i
under the forms of Mexican law. i
h.ns and the agricultural press. I must be established and the com­ zine article, breathing inspin tion
We have not only isolated ourselves, |
;iided by special bureaus of some of mission when it returns wi.l un­ at every pore, declares the parcel j
but, in doing so, we seem to have
, the railroads and agricultural im­ doubtedly be able to outline such a post to be a failure. The railroads
asserted a superiority to Mexicans,
plement makers, have been urging system.
have been hard hit in tiansporta-
and their institutinnn, which they
*’’* ”• upon the farmers for several
tion charges by it, and especially
can hardly be expected to relish.
by the extension of the "blue-tag”
ear3, and not without success
Can a member of the president's
Such an attitude may be equally
Bi.t they do not directly touch the
system of bulk handling to termin­
resented by other Latin-American
cabinet manage to live in Washing­
matter of farm creditors. What the ton on his official salary of *12,000 a al-points, and there is a campaign
farmers need is a system of loans,
of discredit being carried on, list
A French aviator has made a !W0-
by which they can secure money to I
as there was. and is. a campaign to
almost a “burning question from
develop their farms and pay it back
pievent further extension of the mile nonstop flight in a monoplane.
one end of the United States to the
“blue tag,” which has saved the When this becomes the regular
>n a long term of years at low in-
other because of the explanation
’erest, the nterest being figured in
government immense
sums in thing instead of a great achieve­
volunteered by Secretary of State
the installment payments.
transportation. The chief criticism ment, the monoplane as a scouting
Bryan—the same William J. Bryan
ship in time of war will be an actu­
systems as thia exist in n~tr y' of free silver and octopus hunting of the parcel poet in the magazine
ality. For that work il may be nec-
Euiopean country.
Theyi fame in former years of his political
»re being e: amined by the ccnimis- career—as to why he deemed it his in good condition. These are prac­ cewsary to go a long way fro-n the
•ion now at road. The German and
tically the same parcels that form­ base, and travel far around before
duty as well as his privilege to con­
French fare 1er cau borrow money
erly went as merchandise at higher getting back again, all without
tinue his lecturing on the Chautau­
coming to the ground. It will lie
’* « very lo v rate and pay it back qua platform notwithstanding that rate, and were safely carried. If
impossible to hide anything within
10 en>all installments ever long he is the premier of the U íleon cab
tie handled carefully now. If not 200 miles of an army there eagle
term of ye ire, and be in no danger
inet and drawing his *12,000 per.
now handled carefully possibly birds will not discover. If Grant
•f losing h s farm. In this country
The explanation was made by Sec­ those interested in discrediting the had | ms Messed one there would have
me borrowing farmer must pay a retary Bryan on the 13th in the
igher rate than the commercial course of the first of hi. contracted system for greater transportation lieen no battle of Shiloh.
Having acquired a fortune suffi­
Oqe' can not get a long-time loan Chautauqua course, defivered at charges might be able to explain
cient to keep the wolf from the door
8011 '* alway* uneasy under the
Hendeesonville. N. C., when._ con-
Panama will receive perpetually and to fortify h'mself against a suc­
• a<5°w of ¡losaible foreclosure of trary to local precedents, a P» “/’-
the mortgage. It may be assumed
this country *200,(40 a year for cession of rainy day*, it is easy.
i mission Sunday lecture was on the
enough for Mr. Rockefeller to ad-1
of the isthmian zone. Uncle
_ »t tbs t anks as now organized
T*n never give the farmers the low
Sam's habit is to pay liberally even vise bis neighbors to take plenty of
rest and frreh air
in a case like the Philippines
■nterest or toe long term of small
A prominent official of Braz 1
however 1 coming out oi Mexico in the last fe»
Insurgents in the Senate are pre
rnuch they may be active in trying weeks have conveyed the impres paring protective speeches They nays the Panama Canal is the great­
farming sion of a rising tide of an vAmeri- caa point to the fact that protection est individual achievement of the
can feeling among certain classes was one of the few things that re century for the people of North
and South America.
No doubt,
Abroad, these long -term loans of Mexican citizens, eepeciaUy those ceived a majority last November.
and other parte of the earth are not
•»d lew rates are secured through standing for the Huert. rethne
Guatemala offers five •< holez.hips shut out.
00 ûf*rative banks or government Many American» are eai
its schools to American boy s and
Mexican« agree on one subject
controlled »re«, O’ xnized specially fleeing from the country and Ameri­
girls to promote the Paa-American only and that ia an unprovoked and
“e that purpos-
d nr‘ 'or com-
„pint. The opportunity ia more in irrational hostility toward ?.t»rri-
••rcial u**. The new agriculture, threatening to give their orders m
line with manliest destiny than a cans.
profit making farming, which
Cecil Rhodes scholarship at Oxford.
e farmers sre urged to adopt, re ter protected by Ibetr o«n govern-1
Firm t-icuAb.
Now is the time
fojhave that
group picture made
I.et ua show you our
a|iecial display of attrac­
tive new styles.
We are
jierfectly ¿.equipped for
malting group pictures
and will please you with
tne quality of our work.
Monk’s Studio.
■ :
The valued family re­
cipes for cough and cold
cute, liniments, tonics
and other remedies have
as careful attention here
as the most intricate pre­
Our fresh, high grade
drugs will help to make
these remedies more effec­
tive than ever.
Right prices are also
« Reliable Druggist.
Sewer Pipe for Ss'e
Baker’s Bread
Sold at
All Grocers
l V
»---------- tu?
with the problem of buying I*, rnes*
you will find it distinctly ad. uta-
I g<*ou« to come and do yo tr select
lint here
You will net tlI rat
qualities, the moat thoron? o - nd
conscientioue workmaaahip ami be
charged the moat reaaonable p
Wr can supply «ingle o.
«eta or any «ingle article th«’ >uU
may lie in need of.
W.A, Williams & Cc.
Meat Daur to T,M«wook Coaat.J’s