Tllamook Advertís ng Rates. L egal A dvertisements : see that Tillamook is still in the lead in road building, When it come to catering for summer travel, people will go to places where there are good roads, in fact, good roads will help toad vertise the county as much as anything. Headlight, July 31, IÖI3 We Can’t Use It. Z, The Observer iti in receipt of a large assortment of campaign literature from a concern styling itself “ The Progressive News Ser- vice." The word "news” in the title of this concern is happily placed. In fact it ia most necessary that it be there, as that ia the only Some of those interested in indication we have of the "news” the prosecution of the pavement feature. We are also informed that case have endeavored to make we may have this service "abso­ a mountain out of a mole hill lutely free” if we but say so. Well, because the construction comp­ we didn't say so The Observer ia any dined some of the city ofli- still of the opinion that there ia no ciills when they were taken out excuse for the self-styled " pro­ RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION. to inspect different pavements gressive” other than as a Demo­ (STRICTLY IM ADVANCE.) When business men from this cratic aid society, and a refuge for 1.5o One year........ I city go to Portland, San Fran­ disappointed office seekers mid 75 Six months.... 5(1 cise or other places, the jobbers political has beens of which its Three months 1 endeavor to get hold of them for leaders mostly consist. All really Entered as secondclass mail mat­ the purpose of giving them a progressive movements in thia ter July, 1888, at the post office at 1 good time, taking them to the country politically, has been given Till..mook, Ore., under the act of chibs, theatres, auto rides and us by the Republican party and we March 3. 1879. dinners. Tillamook City has refuse to desert it simply because on several occasions shown its a monumental egotist and perennial ^illitmooh Ijenbligbt, hospitality in dining and wining office seeker asks us to do so to V 'O' ’ BT distinguished visitors, and we help him into another job. have no doubt that a good many The progressives served their real estate deals bav“ been con- purpose in 1912. They defeated the Editorial Snap Shots sumated in this city over the regular Republican ticket and social cup. So why give Tilla­ placed the Wilson free-trade, elas­ What put Tillamook City real mook City such a bad reputa­ tic currency, anything-to-hold the- tion when “They all do it and job forces in the saddle estate on the bum this year ? The I enjoy it.” majority didn’t want any of these things, but we got them just the Beautiful Tillamook weather I and many visitors here to en­ The drowning of George H. same and we should take our medi­ cine without making wry faces. joy the cool atmosphere. Stockwell, of Portland, on Ne­ halem bar last week is not to But tlie country will some day sud­ denly discover its mistake, just as The stage between this city­ be wondered at, in fact, it is a it has always done before. When surprise to us that these fatal and Cloverdale is certainly well accidents are not more numer­ it does, it will .be the Republican patronized these days. ous, for the practice of crossing party that will offer a pathway back Tillamook, Netarts and Ne­ to prosperity, and development and The third-party move­ Autos are making the trip halem bars in small gasoline progress. between this city and Ne tarts launches have been pointed out ment never can hope to make a in 25 minutes. Thanks to good as exceeding dangerous by the showing that will entitle it to seri­ ous consideration. It made its best roads. And with a good road to ' Bayocean it would take 1 less lKive predicted what took place time than that,which should be* Ion Nehalem bar last week. To the next improvement. our way of thinking something today isn’t what he was a year ago, should be done to prevent small or even less, as a modern Moses, taking passengers and his followers are rapidly find­ What a contrast. Instead of launches campers coming in with teams * across these bars, because it is ing their way back into the fold. and wagons as in previous years I risking life to do so as well as When the people next demand a it is surprising to see how many 1 jeopardizing the lives of visitors change in this country, a release are now using autos to reach who are not familiar with the from free trade, rubber currency the beaches, especially amongst risk they are running when they and all the other ‘’isms” and farmers who are using modern consent to go on a dangerous "panaceas” which Democracy has trip, The many accidents and given us, they will want no further methods of travel. drownings in past years ought experiments—they will forget all to convince anyone that persons about the " progressives” and will We beard one of the attorneys who are so foolish to risk their support the political organization in the pavement case say that own lives and that of others in that has always, since its birth, be was in the case for the money small vessels on dangerous bars given thia nation and its people and that the legal light had only are not deserving of any sym­ every period of real, genuine and just begun. We believe it, and i pathy when an accident occurs. lasting prosperity they have en­ it is safe to say that the attor­ It takes only one wave to cap­ joyed. The only periods in history neys will hang on as long as size or put out of commission a when " third party organizations” possible and pluck the contes­ small launch, and those who may flourish is to assist the people tants for all there’s in it. , were oil the Elinor on Friday in having a "change.” And the can thank tlieir lucky stars that people are very forgetful and un­ men they did not met the same fate appreciative— aftter they are—tired | wéek that befell Mr. Stock well, which of the change, they’ll forget all' should act as a precaution to about the party ami the men who others not to risk their lives in helped them, but will vote with the! organization which they know will like manner. I I give them what they want. No, we can't use the "Progressive From one of our exchanges News Service” paid for by the Mun we cull an article that is not out sey magazine trust.—Polk County of place to republish, which Ims Observer. something to say in regard to conditions which should exist Georgia is the first state to elect a in a progressive city : i Every Success achieved tiy a legit­ senator by popular vote under the The hotel at Lake Lytle is one new constitutional amendment. of the best places on Garibaldi imate business enterprise in any community is a benefit to the whole There was but one candidate, which beach for comfort mid accoin- community. Every legitimate busi­ is a good thing when a state knows modation for visitors, It is mi ness enterprise that succumbs to exactly what it wants. ideal place to spend a summer’s failure is a detriment to the com­ It has been brought out. during outing, for the hotel is built munity. These declarations will, of course strike many i us trite tru- on a commanding position over­ isms, yet they are too commonly an investigation of an application for a discharge as cured, made by looking the ocean mid the take, ignored or forgotten. Thia hotel is worthy of good A community interest in the sue- an inmate of a Pennsylvania state patronage and needs n little cess of its business men mid busi- asylum for the insane, that the establishments cnlli * for com- applicant has for some yeats past boosting mid advertising, We ness »»limit v co operation to build them can highly commend it, for it is up, and to protect them against ef­ been loaning money not only to a good place to stop and take forts to tear them down. It will lie other inmates but to persons o it- When asked your friends, where they can concede I that every community is side of the walls enjoy comforts during a vaca­ afflicted frail time to time with busi­ what rate of interest he has charged ness ventures that it would lie bet- tion. Look Out Inn is O. K. ter off without, piratical schemes, upon such loans he answered: “Ten mid we can highly recommend blue sky speculations or plain per cent a month You see it is frauds and swindles, which should necessary to take large risk in it. | not l>e conten.inced. much less en­ making such loans, and my lusses couraged. But the merchant, Free speech is h question that die manufacturer mid the jobber, are considerable.” is causing some discussion tie­ investing real capital, employing It is a political axiom that "you cause the I W.W.'s are abusing labor at fair wages, serving custom can not corrupt a whole people.” ers witli honest goods, is a valuable the liberty of free speech. Free asset, not only for himself and And it might be said, with equal speech docs not nor should it those directly interested with him. truth, that one half of a people can permit anyone to insult the flag but also for his neighbors, includ­ not be corrupted But it is equally nnd malign officials. That, to ing liis competitors. It is a com­ axiomatic in politics that a not in­ mon practice lor a city to offer in- our way of thinking, is treason, diiceinents to secure the location of considerable percentage in a popu­ 4inn. mid it it is worth while cerning mutters in which neither to hold out attractions for busi­ l>e for the country. We believe forit ness capital, it must tie equally their interest, their prejudices, or there should lx* an organized worth while Io strengthen or at any of the motives or | movement of loyal, law ahi line least not needlessly to weaken, the ordinarily govenng their passions conduct. citizens to tight the spirit « f business it already has. r.~ appealed to. Such human A motto once a favorite in the treason, which appears to be world was "Live and weaknesses destroyed most of tlie the gospel the l.\\ W.’s are commercial let live'' In a community of in ancient democracies of which Aris preaching mid practicing. If tereat, however, it is not enough to totle writes. these rabid individuals are not let live, but the demand ia to help It is somewhat unusual to hear willing to res|H>ct the flag nnd live. A man wlio is ulwavs running the oilier fellow down cannot make the laws they lui I better migrate much headway himself. The town from the pulpit the beautitude to come other country. whose people decry tlieir own in­ about the blessed condition of the dustries anil industrial captains peacemakers applied to interven must have its growth retarded, lion in Mexico by ths United States. The heavy travel to Netarts while the place «here all join in Intervention meace war and the on Sunday allows what goxxl the forward pull will spelt success sacrifice of many live« Its end. to and keep near the head of the pro- roads will do for the Ix-acli re be sure, would tie peace but the cession aorta of this county. Never l»e prace of the sword is scarcely what fort* have so many autos, rigs was meant in that wonderful ser mid |M*ople gone to Netarts'in I’ A. Font Conejo, Calif , gives mon. Yet we made peace tn Cut a one day from this city. What a iMiinler for others to profit by. “| with the sword, and no body will have sold Foley's Honey and Tar used to a Kid road is turned in Compound, also other lines of coug h to a delightful drive Not only medicine for a number of year« but ever be able to persuade us we did have the home people npprv never use J anv tiling but Foley's not do the rignt thing And we have maintained it in the same way cinted the improvement, but llonev ami Tar Conqtoiind for mv several times when that country' camper» from the Willamette self or family, as I find it produces the twst resuits, alwayaenres severe Valiev who come to this countv colds, anddoea notcontain opiates ’’ was threatened with intertwine' •tnfe. such as is now desolating fur their summer vucatiuus will For sale by all druggists. Mexico. First Insertion, per line $ Each subsequent insertion, line Business and professional cards, 1 month .............. 1 CO Homestead Notices................... 5 00 Timber Claims ................. 10 00 5 Locals per line each insertion Display advertisement, an inch, month.................................. 80 All Resolutions of Condolence and Lodge Notices, 5c. per line. Cards of Thanks, 5c. per line. Notices, Iaist, Strayed or Stolen, etc., minimun rate, 25c. not exceed­ ing five lines. '( U • fl ' / \ •' / \ 7 i ) R L. E. HEWITT, OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN AND * St’RGKox ........... ........ D Vi — Both Phon^. Residence and Office in Whitefi, It's Import ! Where you invest your money. '1 he \\ estern Loan anti Invest- ment Co., of Salt Lake, Utah, is now open to make you a loan or build you a home on the small monthly payment plan. Residence, TILLAMOOK, OREG on JJ)R. ELMER ALLEN (Successor to Dr. Sharp), A. McNAIR, President. I» !.. StlRODE, Vice-President. CANZADA EVERSON, Sec. and Treasurer Hoard of Appraisers — E M BALES. F H. MIICNK. R. F. ZACHMAN E. J. CLAUSSEN. Board of Trustees— .9)) JOHN I.ELAXD HENDERSON. B. L. BEALS I. C. SMITH. W. G, McGEE, DENTIST. Commercia! Building, 0R. JACK OLSEN, DENTIST. A. C. EVERSON, Beals office. (Over F. R. Loan Agent. ! // Till^ Tillamook - Oregon For Sale or Trade-Tillamook Co Land. City Property, / Vacant lots in all additions and Merchandise Stock. \ ¿JOHN LELAND HEN’DEBSOS n ATTORNEY It X AND counsellorat - law . T illamook B lock Till tuook V . ■ " ‘ °regot, Room No. 261. X T. BOTTS, I ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Complete Set of Abstract Booh . Office. 4 n: 11 51 Taxes Paid for Non Resident* Jr T illamook B lock ... n Both Phones. ^K0"' Tillamook Overland Model 69T The 30 h.p. car, four or five passenger, $1,150 ; with electric equipment and CARL habbrlach , starter, for $1,325 ; 45 h.p., fully equip equip-' ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. B , ped with electric starter and lights, Tillam ook T $1,800. A few exceptionally good bargains at reasonable prices Q^EORGE WILLETT, illamook eock Oregon. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW^---- ; T illamook C ommercial B cildl ^ . Tillamook - Orem T. BO ALS, M.D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, T illamook B lock , Tillamook See A. K. CASE, Tillamook, Ore - s. Oregon. • KERRON, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON T illamook B lock , - Tillamook OWN YOUR HOME- STOP PAYING RENT We Make Only 6 per cent. Monthly Installment Loans. On Completed City Residence Property, Or for Building Purposes. • Oregon. C. HAWK, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEOX, If You Want to Buy, Or Build a Home, Or Repay a Mortgage, Bay City Atid desire the aid of borrowed money, we ask your careful consideration of the advantages allorded by our monthly installment plan of loans we will gladly explain our plan of a loan to von interested, J Orem SARCHET, The .Fashionable Tailor Cleaning, Pressing and Repoinnf a Specialty. ROLLIE W. WATSON, Store in Heins Photographic Gallery. Realty, Loans, Ins, Rents, Collections. rJ'' H. GOYNE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Office ; The best ßaher ever built Built like a locomotive boiler O pposite C ourt Horst Tillamook ",vefed, bolted lo1eth - OrtgOT- jJ)R P. J. SHARP, Cult, RESIDENT DENTIST, Office : Commercial Block, . Oregon Tillamook I J. AMERICA’S BEST RANGE * ho Arrad-'sa h a perfect baking —.^ bakcr for a 11?!; hrc1l’‘feit **11**°^ ’r10 a ,ocon»otivo I D. !er. . - Leal of malleable uvq iron rua fad caarcoai charcoal — Ira t r.vcled together in/lead of be lag bolted \ ‘jp^cr. J“™* »bfiqht without the use of \ itove putty to crumble end fall oat, as hap. Peru In cast Iron and so- called sice! ranges, allow- ing false drafts to La lha fire or deaden it j CLAUSSEN, LAWYER, DEUTSCHER ADVOKAT. 213 T illamook Tillamook J VETERINARY. Both Phones. Tillamook THZ ARCADIAN IS SOLD BY US. H • ifiwft» yosi to ea Jones-Knudson Furniture Co Oregt* - E. REEDY, D.V M.. **7. ww*