♦ ■'* * A f r $0). XXVI. NO. 7. TILLAMOOK, OREGON, JULY 31, 1913. Man wants to lease dairy farm of We are now temporarily located ‘ to 40 acres and buy herd. In on the north aide of First Street, qmre Tillamook Title A Abstract between the Sweet Shop and Mow­ office. ery A Latimer’s barber shop with a ! Dr. E. E. Daniela, the new Chiro­ line of Dry Goods and Ladies', and practor, successfully treats all ner­ Children's Ready-to-Wear. vous diseases, rheumatism, etc. From now on we will have con­ Consultation free. Office Com­ stantly coming new goods of high quality. REDIT is the temporary use of funds belong­ mercial Building. Buy a Ford car because they run Upon the completion of the It is the aim of this bank to ing to others, ¡and returning them promptly miles on a gallon of gasoline. I. O. O. F. building, we will occupy when due. It is the part of wisdom to estab­ -0 give the best banking service W hen you get them your troubles the south half, with the best line of lish one’s credit. possibl e--and cue do it, are over. See Ed. Hadley, the local high grade merchandise obtainable. agent for the Ford auto. The equipment of this new store Meeting every obligation promptly lays the It is alSo our aim to have A. E. Lincoln, one of the superin­ will be a credit to the city, with all undation. Having an account with this bank conveniences found in the most the best equipment sueh as tendents in the Portland postoffice, helps a long way. modern biores. stores. and wife, were in the city on . I muucm Modern Fire Proof Banking Our aim will be to serve you, ul Wednesday. They are spending This batik takes especial pleasure in aiding their Room, Fire Proof Vault, Burg­ ways bearing in mind your interests vacation at Rockway. its clients to establish themselves upon a good are our interests. lar Proof Safe, Modern Safe A large number of autos and rigs A. J. S tillwell . credit basis. went to Netarts on Sunday, and the Deposit Boxes—and cue have travel to the beach that day was so them. Don't wait until you want to borrow. Begin BOUNTY IN STOPPED heavy an extra coach had to be at­ tached to the gasoline motor car. to establish your credit now. Moles aud Gophers Fell Safe Misses Eva and Bernice Hewitt After To-Day. are visiting their brother, Dr. L. E. The County Court made an order Hewitt, in this city. They are from Michigan and will join theirparents that the County Clerk was not to any more warrants for mole who reside in Los Angeles after issue 1 leaving here. 1 and gopher scalps, on account of ] lack of funds after to-day (Thurs­ OLDEST CAPITAL I R. H. Ascroft, who ran the Palm ( day). Cafe, decided that he had resided in The amount of money paid out Tillamook longenough and sudden- , COUNTY SUPERVISION was $3,663.25 up to this (Thursday) ly took hie departure, leaving eev- ( morning, which paid for the exter­ L eral business men in the hole to , mination of 14,653 moles and goph­ | the extent of $500. I ers. nine-tenths of which were W. H. Burke, H. D. Hamilton and TILLAMOOK JOTTINGS I There will be a special meeting ( H, E. Jackson, of Forest Grove, of the Hose Company this (Thurs- gophers. Since the law went into J effect it has kept the Clerk’s office SeeDr.Monk fornovelties in place were in the city on Monday. Trip to Mountain Farm I day) evening, to make arrange i--------- busy, and it was necessary to have the plaintiff is not in court, Joseph Henwood came in troni mente to enter n team in the contest t|)e furnace going to burn them as and Attorneys R. R. Duniway und cards. Last Sunday Mr. und Mrs. John See Big Mack for your sewer con­ Portland on Monday, to visit his l to be held at Corvallis in the they came in. for some of those Beut S. S. Johnson are for C. E. Hadley. Burba took a party of friends to daughter, Mrs. Blaine Chatterton. month of September. nections. * in by parcel post had began to pu- visit their mountain home, which Amateurs ! Better pay a small P. W. Jacob met with an accident trify and fill the atmosphere with his about three miles north ot the SPECIAL EXTRA A. Jack Baker, of Seattle, was in charge and get good results from while haying Monday. The third obnoxious, unsanitary fumes. Blaine-Beaver road the city Tuesday. your kodaks. — Tillamook Studio. . ' Something Big is Going to finger of the left hand caught in a The most attractive feature of the ! Stylish City Photographs at the There will- be only one service at pulley and wrenched patt of it off, place is a lovely lake, surrounded Happen in the Headlight Tillamook Studio. County Fair Notes. ( the Presbyterian Church next Sun- and Dr. Wendt had to amputate the by verdure clad hills, its limpid Geo, V, Rooney, of Portland, is in ! of August 14th. uit- aiiucaie. waters rippled by every passing day, which will be in the evening. , < uiigci linger ai at the knuckle. Any one who uiins to exhibit cat­ the city this week. breeze The lake covers nn area of Furnished Rooms to Rent,— New- tle at the Fair please let us know at Man wants to lease dairy farm of The biggest tiling that has ever Born, on the 26th, to the wife of [ i 20 to 40 acres and buy herd. In- 1 ly fitted up with electric lights and once so we can notify the state happened in Tillamook County, is approximately 560 square rods and T. B. Finney, a son. I quire Tillamook Title A Abstract bath, corner of 3rd St. and Miller j veterinarian and he will have your going to happen. The Tillamook is fed by springs. It has no visible Jas. W. Duncan, of Portland, was office. • • Ave.; also 6 room cottage with ’ cattle tested for tuberculosis and Headlight is going to make it hap­ outlet in summer, but during the in the city on Tuesday. I Miss Nellie Banfield returned to e*ec,ric •>Khh’, can l,e used for 2 give you a certificate of health for pen and it is going to make it start rainy season it overllows at a point the animal Thia examination will to happen on the 14th day of Au­ on its southern shore. For Fine Photographs at popular her home in Port’and”on .ivuuaj Monday . * fan,ilie8’ Henry Dunstan, About nine years ngo Mr. Burba prices.—Tillamook Studio. 1 ............. . All cattle over a year old to be not cost the owner’anything, and is gust, or week after next. • after visiting with the editor’s put some trout ¡in the lake, blit showed at the Connty Fair, which in accordance with the law passed Call up the Mutual Phone for a family. How would you like to take a tripto in 1913, No entry for exhibit will the San Francisco fair in 1915, und they have not increased in number date at the Tillamook Studio. . | The Supreme Court has refused a is to be held September 3rd, 4th and be accepted until such certificate of have all your expenses paid? Now we as rapidly as he expected they 5th, must be properly tested before rehearing in the Port of Bayocean Glasses fitted. Any kind, any health is filed with the secretary. are not saying just how this is ro - would, so he intends to try another # exhibiting. All who wish to show case, which was decided against the style. Guaranteed. Dr. Wendt. variety of fish, and thia fall will live stock at the Fair please write or Do not neglect this. ing to happen, that will be an­ Mrs. Marion Hende son and son, Port. Now is the time to prepare your nounced on the 14th of August, but restock the lake with black bins. call Dr. J. E. Reedy in due time. Merril Smith, rural mail carrier, of Portland, came i” on Saturday. A delicious luncheon spread on grasses for the fair. W'e hope every take it from us The Headlight is Mell Mitchell vs. Harry Mitchell farmer will get a bunch of grass, going to announce one of the big­ the lake shore was partaken of G. W. Burnett a ife, r'r Kelso, and family are taking a vacation is a divorce suit filed in the circuit Wash., were intuc uiy on xueeday. on the beach, going to Rockaway court, in which the plaintiff claims I clover and oats. Give us a few gest things that lius ever been of­ with keen enjoyment by the picnic on Sunday. party, and every one went away Wtn. Mac and wife and Chas. | cruel and inhuman treatment on the choice specimens from each class. fered to the readers of any news­ feeling well pleased with the trip Man are in from Portland in their I Free, an elegant bevel edged stag part of the defendant. These par­ Quality rather than qtianity is what paper in Tillamook County. Be and grateful to the host und hostess handle hand mirror, containing we want. mto. sure and watch for the Headliglitof for a delightful day. your photo with our folders.-Tilla-, ties were married in the month of A few suggestions as to gather­ August 14th. W. H Burke and H. E. Jackson, inook Studio. Mr. Borha is building a new I November, 1902, in Tillamook coun- ing and preparing for exhibit: ofh’oiest Grove, were in the city on wagon road to his “ home among ‘ y- 1. Gather before too ripe, they L. C. Thompson and wife, Nina Tuesday. Hides Wanted. The Board of Directors of the the hills,"and when it is completed Thompson, R. R. Thompson and Tillamook County Fair Ass’n met will shatter if you do not. (as it will be in a few days) the E. E. Bently, of Hillsboro, was D. R. McCann, of Carlton, came in , 2. Select large well filled heads’] Calf Hides. 15c.; Veal Hides, 11c ; lusely little lake will be easier of Saturday at the Commercial Club In preparing, first, strip the straws registered at Hotel Tillamook on last week in their auto. Cow Hides. 9c. Take your hides to access and will undoubtedly be rooms, and as O A. Lonimen had Tuesday. L. O. Kennedy, representing the not qualified as a director, and clean of all blades; 2nd, arrange Honey A Hathaway’s on the first visited by many interested sight­ plumb at the heads and cut off the and last days of the month and 1 Live chickens wanted at the Tilla­ ‘ Pacific Coast Biscuit Co., is in the mook Meat Company’s Market, 12c. city for the purpose of advertising would not accept the position H. F. straws ends squarely, tie near the will be there to receive them.—S. seers. Effenberger was appointed on tlie heads, in the middle and at the Mi< baud. Many a buttle has been fought on Per pound. • - Oregon made biscuits. the southern shore of the lake by board. straw end. Each bunch should be One Week Only. R. Y. Blalock will preach at the i For sale. Pair ShetlandPonies and the Indians wjio once roamed these Officials of the P. R. A N. report three inches in diameter. We hope Adventist Church on Sunday at Spring Colt, Pony Surrey, Double that there is double the travel to every farmer will get a few nice Commencing Monday, August Ith. lulls and vales. Evidences of such **o o'clock. _ I Harness, Saddle and Bridle. En- the Tillamook Beaches this year bunches and send in. until Saturday, August t>th, indu« battles is furnished !>_, the number The opening dance at Happy quire at office A. F. Coats Lumber and they are well pleased with the sive, we will give 50c, for your old of ariowheuds to be found in the Yours for a successful fair, •mP. Netarts, will take place on Co. * amount of travel the extra trains Hot Water Bottles, no matter what vicinity of the lake. R. Y. B lalock . Saturday night F annie S mith , condition they are in. Clough, tlie The Nazarene Church holds ser- are receiving. It is surprising to j F. Murphy, representing Beaver, Ore. reliable Druggist the vices Tuesday and Friday evenings, see so many persons on Garibaldi The Hadley Case. Wash-0 Manufacturing Co., was in Sunday School at 2 pm, and beach, with a close race between Bar View and Rockaway as to Card of Thanks. the city this week. To Water Conbumers. preaching services at 3:C0 and 8:00 The Hadley case went to trial be­ which place has the most visitors. fore Circuit Judge J. W. Campbell Circuit Judge Webster Holmes p. tn. I wish to thank the many friends 1 he Water Commission liasgiven The crew of men working on the this week. This is a case where to-1 hold court for the first time at Elder B. J. Cady is in Tillamook who cared for me during my sick­ Mr. Hoag positive instructions to government reserve in this county ( ajlaR on Monday. Mrs, Otelia Hadley had sued C. and this week visiting relatives ness and the trouble I met with. shut off water from all consumera L?r*' Claude Thayer was in the will preach next Saturday in the came to the city on Monday. They E. Hadley for her interest in E ffielbna E rickson . who have not paid their water rent had been engaged in poisoning, i the estate of C. B. Hadley. She Adventist Church at y this week, and was a witness Seventh day and for some reason the work was by the 10th of each month. claimed that a partnership exiat- *« Lie Hadley case. Notice. 11:30 a m stopped, it being reported that the i ed between her husband By Order Water Commission. and M our work does not suit yon tell Tillamook Feed Co. vs. R. H reserve would be thrown open to ! C. E. Hadley. After the suit was Kasper Zweifel is now successor 'fit does tell your friends. City I Ashcroft is a suit filed in the circuit settlement. There were twelve in to R X. Roberts, in Tillamook The money in circulation is a’ out ran®fer Company • court to recover $161.95 for goods, the crew and they left on the < filed the case was settled out of County. All accounts owing the $31 per capita. Secretary Ur. an , court, C. E. Hadley paying Otelia J. R. Watkins Medical Co. are pay ­ “nng your chickens to the Tilla- wares and merchandise purchased afternoon train for Portland. may mean that the treasury punt­ i Hadley $7,000, which wasdone with­ able to Kasper Zweifel. We of the plaintiff. R R R o HEKTH. MeatCompany’s Market V- ing presses should be started tit» to I Dr. and Mrs. Monk returned to out consulting her attorney, Oak KASI EN Z weifel . w 12c. per pound • | Dawson Bros, will meet all trains the city on Wednesday after a Nolan, who opposed a motion to make both ends meet on a salary of Tillamook, Ore., July 23rd, 1913. only $12,000. The light shower of rain Monday with bus. and will handle passen­ three week’s auto trip to Crescent , dismiss the case for the reason ¡.syd year the corn crop of the trace it unpleasant for the gers and baggage to all parts of the City, Cal. While on their return that his attorney's fees, which he Farm for Sale. city. Call or phone at the Livery trip they ran across Attorney Tai- placed at $25 000, had not been paid United States reached 2,971 000,000 ca®pers at the beach. 1 mage at Gold Beach, who was en­ When the case came before Judge Switches made to order out of barn on 2nd Ave East. ForSale, Iff acres of bottom land bushels. The three billion m irk is joying himself camping with his p/ a miles from town. Good house tsntalizingiy near and the boys’ Galloway he stipulated that Nolan Mrs. B. J. Cady came in Sunday Kpply Miss R Werte, Will run nine cows. corn clubs will see that it doer.'t Ave. We it, off 2nd SL to visit her mother, Mrs. Weston. brother. The Tillamook attorney should pay the $7,000 into court to and barn Enquire of the Headlight office. has become a producer as well as ____ ~ ________ get away again. show good faith Nolan had not She is accompanied by her niece, fin ' Duniway came in reducing the cost of living, for Dr. jone this and Judge Campbell al Mias Opal Hurlbutt, of Wisconsin. tor«3 ortla,,d- being one of the at- They expect to remain about a I Monk says he is raiaing a crop of ]owed the case to go to trial. Some »raeys in the Hadley case whiskers. surprise was caused when a deposi­ 1 jn th* ' mmissioner Edner was month. W. E. Finzer, Adjutant General tion was read which Nolan admit-' the . . / Clty week on crutches as 1 Judge Campbell ------------ adjourned - of the Oregon National Guard, is ted on the stand that he had pre “It °f » recent buggy accident, pavemeut case on Friday as all the recovering from the effects of an pared in his office at Portland and Nan wants to lease dairy farm of evidence was in to give the attorneys automobile accident. He was went to California and cotn|>elled ® to 40, acres and buy herd In time to Prepare their arguments. J" T,lla'nook Title 4 Zbstrlct which wdi not be heard .nth.. thrown from a skidding car near Mrs. Hadley tosfgn it The deposi McMinnville last week with such tion covered a good deal of the pri-' “ce- county. violence that two of hie riba on the vate and business affairs of the1 right side were cracked The auto Hadleys Judge Campbell would belonged to Aaron H. Gould, of not allow thia to go in as evidence. In his reply Attorney Nolan had Portland, who was driving In the car were Geoeral Finzer anfl hie alleged that C E Hadley had agre­ son,* Marvin. Curiously enough it ed to divorce hia wife and marry was the boy's I3tb birthday. He Mra Otelia Hadley, provided she got off with less severe injuries would agree to settle the case for than his father. A sudden stop $7000. Attorney Nolan produced a sent Marvin Finzer through the number of deeda, but thus far he windshield. He was scratched han failed to show that a partner­ DOCMs : WARBHOU9K. considerable. but escaped with ship existed tietween C. B Hadley FRONT STREET, BETWEEN (nd A »rd AVX.4CX WEST. slight injuries. General Finzer was and C. E. Hadley. | Nolan is conducting the case but thrown cut of the rear seat BUILDING a credit C First National Bank, Tillamook, Oregon. W |TILL®y®yANK|^ DAMAR’S Coal, Cement, Lime, Biick, Shingles, Drain Tile, Plaster, Roof Paint. VARIETY STORE, TlUbflCQOOK, OREGON LAMB-SCIIRADER COMPANY. Drop m and Hook Around- * ofO^ '•to