'I Tillamook Headlight, July 24, 1013. I THE SHERIDAN FIRE Faults of Food Distribution HIS QUEER SENSE OF HUMOR, BARGAINS IN REAL ESTATE. f Fall and Winter Samples —Now on Display— In a communication to tl e New It Found R»li»f In Practical Jok»s 33) Acres on the Wilson River Upon th» Clergy. York Times a citizen of that city known as the Rush Farm, (except Some thirty odd years ago a young makes the point that poor methods everything on of food distribution in this country man came to New York from England a right of way), with S heridan , Or.. July 18,—The busi­ (I have forgotten bls name), and for a the place, (except keep-sakes). ure responsible for great waste. Rain or Shine, Our Suits will lit and give satisfaction year or so be pwd as n very ardent ness »ection i>t Sheridan has been 60 Acre», 16 acres in meadow at The writer say s: let us prove it. We also months ago I called attention seemed to be the ma king of trouble $37.50 per acre, *» cash, balance destroyed as a result of a tire which time. to the fact that cabbages were not for othiff people, with no particular Started tonight at 5 30 o'clock and 2 lots just west of the Academy salable at wholesale in New York nt object except thut aud certalaly with »wept an urea covering three blocks for $700.06, on essy terms. MEN’S AND LADIES’ TAILOR, $2.50 a hundred and were being fed no advantage to himself, as be very 1 Lot with 5 Room house, that on the south aide of the Yamhill to pigs, whi e the retail price was naturally remained “Incog." SECOND AVENUE EAST, Opposite Ed’s Parage r,ver The los» will reach about As Illustrative, be would send out a rents for $15J>0 per month. 15 and 20 cents a head TILLAMOOK, ORE 2 Lots with small house on easy $250,UÜ0. Yesterday’» diapatd.es from Chi­ hundred or more postal cards address The fire started from a gasoline cago stated that potatoes in that 41 to as many different plumbers in terms. stove explosion in a small restau­ market were sold id IK cents per New York, asking them to call on a 1 lot €0 x 105 close in. rant. Of the entire business sec­ bushel, while they were still being certain day. at a given hour, at the 2 good large lots with house. tion there is one blacksmith shop •old at retail id 15 and 20 cent» per residence of tbe Rev. Dr Morgan Dlx. A Homestead relinquishment for Another sale. and one garage standing. One half peck. Last year'» potato crop rector of Trinity church. time It would be an army of bakers, bakery and one butcher shop re­ waa the greatest in our history. bO Acres of unimproved land, 5 aud so on. On one ocaslon be sent In­ main to supply the town. .About Representative llelgesen of South vitations to a dozen of the clergy to Miles South of Tillamook City 30 buildings ou the south side of Dakota stated that the farmers in I 8 Acres with house and barn close ( dine with Dr. Dlx on a given date. the river were destroyed . his district would be glad to raise Imagine tbe good doctor's consterna­ in. The tire raged a little mure than potatoes at 25 cents a bushel year tion when bls unexpected guests ar- j J. S. STEPHENS, three hours but was not out at mid­ in and year out. rived! ROOM 20 COMMERCIAI. BLD. night. A rising wind was feared It is strrnge that this matter of One of bls bits of “funny” work. In hourly. distribution is not being taken up which he used tbe name of the late Let us handle your accounts both new Exploding car'ridges. ammuni­ pi a business like way. The United Bishop .laggar. wag as follows: Dr. tion and dynamite in the various Fruit Comp my by their organized Cornelius B Swope was the vicar of and old. We guarantee to make an well stocked stores were a constant sales department distribute banana» Trinity chapel, in Twenty-fifth street, earnest endeavor to collect them with the menace to the tireuien and residents from Jamica and Central America nt the time, and Dr Horntlo Potter the of the city who joined in fighting so capably that that they are sold bishop of New York Dr. Dlx hud be­ least possible bother or unpleasantness to the tlaine«. Six of the workers were in the remotest crossroads stores at come so exasperated as hardly to BEGINS it» forty-fifth school year all concerned know what to do. nnd one dny he went SEPTEMBER to. tots. prostrated by the heat and smoke, three for 5 cents, and no ‘corner or to consult Dr. Swope and to ask Ills DEGREE COURSES in many phasesof and fell close in on the flames, but fictitious advance in price is ever advice as to wlint equid be done, tak- Rentals, Notes, Mortgages and General AGRICULTURE. ENGINEERING. HOME they were picked up and borne to permitted. E conomics M ining F orestry , com ­ lug with him one of tbe cards that be Accounts. Surveying, .Mapping and merce . pharmacy . a.defy liefore seriously injured. Who will start the potato sales had received. On looking at It Dr. General Engineering. two - year C ourses in agricul ­ Tonight Sheridan is in darkness. company, selling potatoes in cheese Swope said: The electric wiring system is so en­ “I recognize that handwriting be­ i ture . HOME ECONOMICS MECHANIC cloth bags holding a peck or half i ARTS FORESTRY. COMMERCE. PHARMACY We arrange Loans and have on hand at cause I received a card some time ago tangled and torn up that hope of at a fair profit, say 25 per cept ? In the same hand, which I have kept TEACHER'S COURSES in manual getting even a fairly satisfactory present several good securities awaiting The whole ‘system’ of distribution as a curiosity.” training, agriculture, domestic science service in shape for tinnorrow night and art. of our food supply is discrediiable This was the card: loans. is faint. MUSIC, including piano, string, band to the intelligence of the American Cincinnati. Ohio Sheridan w - ih named for General people. Î Dear Cornel—It 1» rumored out here that instruments and voice culture. If this Is you would like to be a bishop l’hillip Sheridan, who made thia A BEAUTIFUL BOOKLET entitled The lack of system in marketing true please let me know at once, I have I his headquarters prior to the civil “T hk E nkichmhnt of R ural L ife ” undoubtedly cause» heaiy losses to great Influence with Morg Dlx and will war. It will feel the loss heavily at and a C atalogue will be mailed free see old Potter about It. Bo­ the producers, and in most cases lt you would like to be a bishop on application. this time, as it has just entered in­ And with the bishops stand, they are losses which are unneces ­ Address H. M. T ennant , Registrar, to contrri ts for extensive paving A miter on your forehead ctw 7-15 to 9-9) Corvallis, Oregon. And a crozler In your hand, Fire destroyed the following sary, On the other, hand, it entails heavy exqenae on the consumers please write me Immediately. Faithfully buildings, stores and offices: yours, THOMAS JAGGAR. Dinsmore’s jewelry shiip, Grand and sometimes abso’ute deprivation Bishop of Southern Ohio of certain commodities for more or moving picture show, Hadsell’s New York become rattier too "bot” millinery store, O K barber »hop, less extended periods for otir friend shortly after that, bb the ft seems a strange thing that police got on his track, and he disap­ Brigham’s confectionery store, Hans’ drug store, Demorest general wholesale dealers should be feeding peared. He turued up later at his old merchandise store, State Bank, vegetables to pigs while retail stores trick» In Pittsburgh, I think, where he On your front porch can be lit every night until midnight First National Bunk, Sackett & are selling the same articles at ex­ was exposed, and I don't remember what became of him.—Rev. Dr. W. W. ami register not ov Dowdy general merchandise store. orbitant prices. These things do Holley In Living Church. fifty cents per month Wilson hardware store, United occur in our American cities, how- on the meter. ever, and they are much more com ­ States piMitofiice, King-Smith gener­ Book» From Unexpected Place». T illamook E lectric L ight and al merchandise store, Popular bar­ mon than the average consumer Not only art. but literature, has been F uel C ompany ber shop, Newell’s jewelry* store, imagines them to he. The illustra­ produced In unexpected places. T'aere W ill S palding , Manager. Sheridan hotel, Sunderland's prune tion, given in the foregoing extract, «■as. for Instance. Robert Bloomfield, drier, Commercial hotel, Estate of the systematic manner in which wlto produced bis “Farmer's Boy" Shop, Oddfellows* temple, Hender­ bananas are distributed shows the while working so bard as a shoemaker son’s livery burn. Yocom’s confec­ practicability of applying business (In a garret with five or six others) tionary srore, Ivie A Payne hard­ methods to the marketing of other that he frequently had to carry a hun­ dred lines In bls bend through lack of ware store, Leonard harness shop, products leisure to write them down, .lames Shaw’s furniture store. Morri» cloth­ Under the lack of system which ing store, lligler A Rice restaurant, prevails one city may have a pletli Hogg. too. "the Ettrick 8heptierd,” Keeps bolli rider wrote Ills earliest verses while tending Yamhill drug store, Mark's real ora of a commodity while another his sheep In the Perthshire highlands. and saddle perfect'ijduj. estate office, Sheridan hardware city 100 miles away is suffering a And Taylor, “the Water Poet." com­ Hade for rough wew »nd store, O K restaurant, Bussey meat famine in that particular product. bined the very different offices of market, Sheriilan Sun, newspaper, Such conditions should not exist in literary man and Thames «•aterman.— long service in the wettest Bronson's tailor shop, Bockea mil­ a country where food production al­ London Chronicle. weather. linery and offices belonging to Dr ready ia failing to keep pace with S atisfaction G uaranteed W. J. Gilstrap, Attorney W. O. the increase of population. Food Th» Third Hand. How often the little things in life Sims, Attorneys Lewis and Simp­ waste will hive ’to be stopped.— make Impressions that linger in our ’ ookf OR^ b H a RK son, Mr. Mulkey and Dr. Tyler. Louisville Courier Journal. memories long after the larger events Residences destroyed were those OfEXCfULNCE F lire forgotten! Several years ago I was of Q. D. Hamstreet, R. A. Camp­ making a visit In a family where there Official Wasliitigton has been $5.50 tVERYWHOE bell, Robert Ivie, Orvis Drummeller, were several daughters, One of the Walter Graves, Clara Blackwell find further upset by the developments girls brought a bat Into the sewing A.J.Town C ol in the Diggs-Cmninetti white slave several others. To writ < uu»«sih» room oue morning and prepared to in thia list are several brick build­ cases of California, due to the pub trim It Before doing anything else ings, among them the post-office lication of the correspondence in she took a hatpin and pinned the bat the two banks and several stores. which McNab, the resigned district firmly to her skbts nt the knees, so Notice of Sale of Tide Lands. Government mall was destroyed nyiirney, ia shown to have given that she bad both bands free and held Attorney General M< Reynolds d ' the ribbon and flowers In place with when the poatoftice went. N otice is H ereby G iven ,—That tailed information about said cases her left hand while she sewed them the St.ite Land Board of the State of anil the state of public opinion con with her right—Philadelphia North Oregon will sell to the highest bid­ NOTICE. der at its office in the'Capi’.ol Build cerning them such as would make American. ing at Salem. Oregon, on October IHiatpo'ietnent dangerous and likely 7. 1913. at 10: 00 o'clock a.m , of said Notice, is hereby given that the It ’ » Easy to Learn. day, a!l tlie State's interest iti the County Court of Tillamook County, to defend the ends of justice The Alexander Urahnm Bell, the Inventor tide and oveitlow lands hereinafter letter from McNab appears to have Dragon, will receive »«sled bids, for of the telephone, hit on his marvelous described giving, however to the the elrating of the right-o.-way, grad­ given the very information which discovery while studying and while owner or owners of any lands abut ting or fronting on such tide and ing »ml excavating, and building all the attorney general in his expla­ teaching the deaf nation to Piesidest Wilson as Professor Bell once said, apropos of overflow lands, the Difference right necessary bridges and trestles, of a aerted that he was in ignor this fact: to purchase said tide and overflow wagon road, running from the East EmtHidied in the Me "Yea. we can learn valuable secret» lands at the highest price offered, line of Garibaldi, at Sts 4 x 10 to Stu: ante of Nsb repo t was nn account of the from the most unlikely sources. A Per­ provided such otter is made in good 69 if Ml near the East Garibaldi rock faith, and also providing that the ulMliictioii of the two voting girls sian poet, famed for his wisdom, was land will not be sold for, nor any quarry, on the J. M. Harrison County once asked by bls king where he had by the defendants by means of offer therefor accepted of frss than road, according to^plana ami specifica­ learned his philosophy. fi.5D per acre tlie Board reserving threats of arrest and exposure. tions on file in the office of the County “ ’From the blind, sire,’ the poet re­ the right to reject any and nil bids. Other parts of the suppressed cor- Clerk of Tillamook County. Oregon. plied—’from the blind, who never ad- Said lands Hre situate in Tillamook Contract to be completed on or before responds nee showed that liiimigra vance a step until they have tried the County. Oregon, and described as follow«, towit: tion Commissioner Cainientti. ground.’"-New York Tribunes Sept. 5, 1913. Beginning at a point 599.6 feet N father of one of the defendants, had A certified check equal to 5 per cent tried to get McNab to delay the -’I deg. 47 min. E. from the quarter Diamend» and Glass. section corner between Sections 5 of the amount of the bid, must accom­ trial, even prior to coming to Wash The diamond. Instead of being a real pany each bid ai* a guarantee that the ington, thus long before any ques­ •olid, 1» • mass of atoms all In rapid and H, T. 5 S . R. 10 W. cf W M . at the high water lin- ou the Tight bidder will execute a bond for the tion of his services living needed and violent motion. The edge of the bank of the Little Nestucca River thence completion of the contract if awarded by Secretary of Labor Wilson, the stone 1» formed of these moving mole­ N. 62 deg 53 min W 276.1 feet the "»me. cules as well as the body. Now\ glass reason given by Wilson to Mc­ along high water line; All bids to be fill'd in the office of Reynolds for requesting to delay 1» also made up of moving atoms, S. 43 deg. 57 min. \\ 60.0 feet to the County Clerk of Tillamook County, the trial. In consequence of Hus though they do not move »o rapidly or low water line; eo violently as tbe diamond atoms. S tO deg fo min. E Oregon, on or before 10 o'clm-k a.m. published -orrespimdence, there When the diamond edge, therefore, is low w iter line; Tuesday the 29th day of July, A. D. were many rumors afloat concern­ applied to tbe glass surface the dia­ N 43 dvgs ,57 nun.E. 71 Ofeet totlie 1913. ing the possible resignation of the mond atoms drive tbe ghiss atoms out I’1.......... beginning . ontaining of tbe way and force a pm m. *•’ acre« of tide land, tieing tide The County Court reserves the right attorney general. land in front ot tract owned by to reject any ami all bids. Merely S Mlcr»b«, ’ < ha«. Ray. in Sections 5 and ft Ti By order of the County Court. 5 - w i u ,,t tr.K No« Feeling Just Right T Read I "Do you bsllsvs Hist lor» 1» ln« to* fa 11 la < lerb fit lie l and Board bad I thought She would dte Chinn ly arise on account of pain m my lor». —Houstoo Post • fhat««d July ¿2nd. 191.1 l eri..ill . (idle. Cholera and Di ar kidneys. I tried three bottle» of w. J. Van Schuyver & Co., General Agent» noe» Hrn»triK tion "DMn t I bear Br. .< beat medicine in tlie world.” writes rey trout e since. Ask him S>ld Portland, Oregon of »n i. let low li «pil.il for contag that rowtfcg ct t6UwnornH«r Mrs Willinin Orvis Clare, Mich by all druggists. Y»». I tt»r»w tbs For »al» I,y »II deniers d,«r i« that of the Chicago elork St IL" «^i»»r» P A. Ford, Conejo, Calif., give» I boepH.I alami Io te rrreted. Each Hidra Wanted. "Hit fka ksastF' * / |M,intev for other» to profit bv ”1 Pesmit butter ligiiml largely in patient »I il» bave a privat? roo«» di. a h-ve aoM Foley . Ilo'ney V„?1 T.,1 12)R K- K. DANIELS. 1*°: ^L1dd Of tba .„rm -Mr* - VWted «41 If mt Ihr rr.t by a dear the lotion» of n college girl who < -If Hides. Ifc Veal Hides. , lie . 4 <>m(M>tind. alm, other lin-» of cough Tra*orrtp< lived on 90 cents a week. In thia < uw Hides, th- Take your hi.l,- ... wall, •hrotigh «hx h Velati » r» medicine for a number of year« Hit les t«> CHIROPRACTOR. Honey A Hathaway's on the that case Hie graduating essay would be tn frtefMto mar m iHm «ad a tele- never used anyth,„g btif Folei's anil last day» of the month an I I «»i the peanut view of human exi«t. Local OfBce in the Contuss*4* f try the twfoidr mil em.ble Honey snd Tnr t omiKmnd for mv" will be there to receive them -S, ?he l”r ’m,'V *” 1 *» 1^’h.T^ •ui e. •Wm Irv talk with ■ p»neit we|| Michaud. • he beet remits. alw»>.cures sever, Building. use M. •old», »nd doe« not contain opiates ” TILLAMOOK, - ORK For sal« by all druggist», 1 The Entire Business District Swept Out by Fire. J. WM. EDWALL, Merchant’s Collection Association of Tillamook, Ore. OREGON AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE Offices in connection with Tillamook Title and Abstract, in New Tillamook County Bank Bld. C, H. THOMAS. S. E HENDERSON. A 15 Watt Mazda I owers F ish B rand P ommel S licker the days of rough men- rough speech-rough manners — are fast passing away And - with it-the drink­ ing of rough, strong, high-proof whiskey I