Tillamook Headlight, July 24, IÔI3. PERFECT SPHERES SHE MET THE SULTAN. ----- I Pasha ”. _ Fooled . tho But Wily Reschid GENERAL PICKETT. YOUR OWN VOICE. How You May Hear It as It Sounds to Other Persons' Ears. WILD WIND ANTICS I AN ANECDOTE OF M’KINLET. His Gsntls Rebuks to a Chief’s Subordinate, Lady and the Monarch. President McKinley’s scrupuion, u, iJiloy, who appears to have scien­ A certain Countess of Londonderry tifically investigated the matter, as­ The Havoc That May Come When alty to his cabinet officers h spoke/7 The Friendship Between Him and I to meet tlie Sultan Mahmud as one of Ills characteristics. It is J? sures us that not only does one not see With All His Scientific Skill Man wanted a Tornado Breaks Loose. II., to whom no European lady had that he never went over the head/; himself as others see him. but that he I Lincoln and Grant. been presented, but Lord Ponsonby, Ills secretaries to cousult an tuiutJ does not bear himself as others bear Cannot Produce Them. the British ambassador, refused to him. Some interesting experiments but held each to responsibility fw trifle with precedent. Lady Ixindon- STORMS PLAY QUEER PRANKS department. * A NOVEL BATTLEFIELD SCENE were made by- the French savant in derry then had a talk with Reschid Of all the events of bis adtniujtn THE CURVING OF A BASEBALL. Pasha, tbe Turkish minister for for­ this connection. in order to ascertain whether a man tion probably none was a sourc/L ♦ eign affairs. The wiJy Reschid, desir­ When the Blue and the Gray Joined In really knew the sound of bis own Houses Have Been Carried Bodily Into more anxiety to him than the decim. the Air and Exploded, and Half a ing to do his best for her ladyship, I a Birthday Celebration—A Meeting voice, Laloy has been at some pains to It Is Possible Only Because the Ball Is of the supreme court on the statua made known to tbe sultan that a per­ Building Has Been Swept Away, the colonies. It was a matter of s an Imperfect Globe and In Compari­ With Grant In Washington—Lin­ determine the facts, ills experiments son bad arrived at Constantinople with While the Rest Remained Unharmed. moment whether the highest judJaJ' son With Its Size Much Rougher show that if a person record on a coln’s Visit to Mrs. Pickett. a wonderful collection of most valu­ phonograph disk a few sentences pro­ Than ths Surface of the Earth. Tbe weather bureau at Washington body should uphold the view Of tb‘ able jewelry for sale and ventured In Mrs. Pickett’s introductory chap­ nounced by himself, together with otb- has been collecting statistics and facts administration that tbe coustitutkq Tbe real reason why a baseball can humbly to suggest that his imperial ter to “The Heart of a Soldier. As Re­ ers recorded by friends, and causes the sanctioned the possession of coloni^ be thrown so that It will dew-rllie won majesty might like to see tlie gems. vealed In tbe Intimate Letters of Gen­ machine to reproduce these, it most about cyclones and tornadoes for many which were not granted full repraaaj. di-rful curves during Its progress Tlie sultan was interested, and an In- eral George E. Pickett, C. S. A,” there frequently happens that the man more years, and tbe experts have succeeded tation. There were conflicting rumott in securing considerable valuable data through tbe air is that every such ball • terview w*as arranged, but Reschid Is an extremely interesting story. It easily recognizes the voices of his about the big winds; but. after all, the and forecasts of tbe color of the dtci. bus a surface made up of mountains, ! merely told Lady Londonderry that she appears that while at Richmond. Just I friends than be does ids own. slou. and these added to the tension . would lie presented and that the sul­ It appears that the differences lies freaks of tbe storm are the things thut felt at Washington. Shortly btfot, valleys, craters, canyons gorges, plains tan. having heard of the fame of her after the surrender, she was summon­ give it special Interest, and if all these in the quality of the tone. One hears lind other Irregularities of the surface 1 Jewelry, had particularly requested ed to the door by a sharp rap. She were properly classified some remarka­ the announcement of the finding of tbe Unit. when tbe difference In size Is that she would put it all on when she gives a charming account of what fol- his own voice not only through the ble reading would be furnished. Every court a subordinate officer of one of air. as do his auditors, but across the tbe departments appeared at Hie White taken Into consideration, makes the ! came. The gratified lady did so. lowed: solid parts between the organs of visitation of a tornado udds to this val­ House at an unusual hour anil insisted surface of tbe earth seem like plate On her arrival nt the palace Reschid uable storehouse of queer freaks. With my baby on my arm I answei- speech ana those of hearing, The glass. Pasha conducted Lady Londonderry it is not uncommon for the whirling upon seeing the president on the plea If it were possible to make a perfect Into lhe presence of the sultan. Her eil the kuock, opened the door and sound thus produced has a different wind to cut a house in half, demolish- ; of important business. Having been that conducted to the ear looked up at n tall, gaunt, sad faced timbre from sphere—If it were possible to make a dress glittered with diamonds, pearls, ing one side and leaving tbe other un-. admitted, he came at once to his er baseball with an absolutely smooth sur­ turquoises and other precious stones. I man in ill fitting clothes, who. with by the air above. disturbed. This happened in an Iowa rand. If one entertain any doubt as to this the accent of tbe north, asked: face and an exact sphere—no pitcher “Pekkel!” (“Good!”) said tlie sultan tornado, and the part that was left in-; “Mr. President, I have some good let him try the following experiments: "Is this George Pickett's place?” In the world could make It curve. Tbe ns Lady Londonderry courtesied. "She tact was so little disturbed that the news for you. I have Just learned io- 1» Take the end of a wooden rod between “ Yes. sir. ” I answered, "but he very best plkchein baseball has ever tins magnificent Jewels.” the teeth and pronounce the vowel clock on the mantel continued ticking, thoritatlvely that the decision of tbe not here.” ktiowo or probably ever will know supreme court is to be in your favor." Reschid (to the ladvl—nis majesty continuously. Let the other end be as if nothing had happened. “ I know that, ma ’ am, ” be replied, could not make the bull deviate n hair's graciously bids you welcome. I "but 1 Just wanted to see the place. taken alternately In tbe Texas town of Sherman, He fairly glowed with the importance between the teeth breadth In Its flight. Lady Londonderry bowed and ex- and released by another person who at which was visited by a tornado in of bis welcome message. And so while It Is partly in the art pressed her thanks in French, the Ian- I am Abraham Lincoln.” “Thank you,” said Mr. McKinley the same time stops his ears. The lat­ 189(1. two houses were picked up and “The president!” I gasped. or knack the professional pitcher has gunge used by Reschid. quietly. “That is good news. But carried into the air, where they ex ­ ter will find that every time be seizes The stranger shook bis head and In holding and releasing the baseball have you informed your chief?” Reschid 'Interpreting)—She snys she as be throws It. It Is also due to the has other Jewelry, but could not put said: “No. ma’am; no, ma'am. Just the rod in his teeth the sound will be ploded. Every one in them was severe­ “No, Mr. President. I thought you stronger than when It reaches the ear ly injured except a baby, which did not Abruliam Lincoln; George's old friend. ” fact that a baseball has a wonderfully on nil. I "I am George Pickett’s wife, and this through the air above and that it has a receive so much as a scratch. A man ought to lie the first to know it.” rough surface against which the air “Well, Mr. ---- , I'm sorry for that Sultan Ask her whnt is the price of Is his baby,” was all I could Bay. different quality. The passage of milking a cow in a shed saw tbe cow catches and turns It that gives It the that diamond necklace. I My baby pushed away from me and sound through a solid body augments and shed carried up in the air, but lie Now, will you please do me the favor curve. Reschid His majesty inquires wheth­ to go at ouce to your chief and give It you pirns your hand over a plate er this Is your first visit to Constanti­ reached his hands to Mr. Lincoln, who its intensity and modifies Its quality.— was not so much as touched. Not a him the information so that he may took him in bls arms. As be did so Harper ’ s Weekly. drop of the milk in his pail was spilled glass It moves smoothly with nothing nople? communicate it to me?”—Silas Harri­ an expression of rapt, almost divine or disturbed. to retard it. If you puss your bund Lady Londonderry—This Is iny first tenderness and love lighted up tbe sail In the St. Louis tornado of the same son in Century. o . er un unpinned lain rd you cun feel vl“lt, and I am delighted. A DIPLOMATIC KNOT. face. It was a look that I have never year a carpet in tbe parlor of one house tho roughness— splinters we call them lleschld ito sultan)—She asks a □ 111- seen on any other face. My baby You cannot move your hand as easily lion of plasters. SPINNING ASBESTOS. Wasn’t Tied In a Tangle Just For was pulled up by the twister and car-' It I opened Ills mouth wide nnd insisted ried away a few hundred yards with ' over the Ixaird. This is tho same prin­ I Sultan—That Is too much. the Fun of the Thing. upon giving his father's friend a dewy, ciple with the baseball. There is a i Ever since diplomacy was first in­ out so much as a rent being torn in it. A Thread a Hundred Yards Long and Res' hid ito Lady Londonderry)—His roughness In its surface that catches majesty asks whether you have seen Infantile kiss. As Mr. Lincoln gave vented its most eminent practitioners The tacks bad been pulled up as neatly , Only an Ounce In Weight. in the air and forces one side about or the mosques. If not, he offers you a the little one back to me. shaking his have expended their best efforts in as if extracted by a careful carpet When it leaves the cobbing shed«« finger at him playfully, he said: layer. retard* that side. This has but one firman bestos is sent to the spinning mills li I "Tell your father, the rascal, that I mystifying if not in actually deceiving result-to make the baseball leave Its In another house tbe bedclothing and bags containing about 100 pounds. It Lady Londonderry expressed her forgive him for the sake of that kiss their rivals. Uber Land und Meer cites straight course, and In doing this it de­ thanks. an amusing anecdote of diplomatic life mattress were lifted from tbe bed, and is then first carded by a machine and those bright eyes.” scribes a curve. the bedstead was left intact. A resi­ somewhat resembling the saw tooth Sultan What price does she put on I dent Mrs. Pickett explains the interest in the eighteenth century. I'bls does not detract In the least was carried through the roof of gin seen in cotton mills. This machine In 1741 Count Bestushew was sent that set of turquoises? I Lincoln showed In her husband by f: un tho cleverness of the pitcher who Hexchid Ito Lady Londonderry)--His stating that it was through Mr. Lin by tbe emperor of Russia to Stockholm another house with the bed and drop­ separates the tangled fibers, upon the can so accurately Judge bls muscular ped a quarter of a mile away without completion of which operation there oc­ majesty says that perhaps you would to put tbe question of war or peace to control as to make a baseball curve up like to take a walk In tbe garden. coin's Influence that her husband re­ the Swedish government. Upon arriv­ injury. Tbe mattress saved him in the curs a final carding on a regular card or down, right or left But tbe fact I Lady Londonderry expressed her ceived his appointment to West Point. ing the count made known Ills mission fall, and he picked himself up in a va- ing machine. Leaving this carding mt- remain* that It Is the roughness of tbe thanks and said she would like to see One Impression the book conveys is and then waited patiently for an an­ cant lot to dress without knowing ex- chine the asbestos is combed smoothly buRebull that makes all bls pitching the imperial garden. actly what had happened to him. and the fibers are laid parallel in a uni­ tliat of the kindly and generous feeling swer. cleverness possible. The “twisters” have been known to form mass. Reschid (to sultan)—She says 400,000 that existed between Confederates Finally when he had almost given up Dike a brand new league ball la plasters. The next step is to treat this mast and Unionists graduated from West hope of getting a reply he received a pull nails out of shingles and then go your band. ¡1 looks to tie a perfect Sultan-Take her away. 1 shall not Point who had been friends before the long communication from the Swedish on to pick up a chimney bodily and in a rotary spinning machine. First sphere— that Is. absolutely even and give such prices. carry it through the air. In Kansas tlie mass I b spun Into n coarse yarn. I war. An exhibition of this feeling was minister of war. Eagerly Count Bestu­ one picked up a buggy and lauded it in uniformly round and ns "smooth as Then It is drawn and spun until it he Reschid (to Lady Londonderry)—His shew opened tbe letter, for he knew made at the time of the birth of Gen ­ glass" And it may be as smooth ns majesty graciously expresses siitisfac- the branches of a tree. At another comes fine and quite strong, in cases that It contained the long expected an ­ glass, for glass also has a rough sur­ tion nt having made your acquaint­ eral Pickett’» first baby. Mrs. Pickett, swer. But to Ills despair he found it time It ripped the harness completely hard, strong thread is required forcer face. telling the story, says: ance. so encumbered with official phrases off a horse and left horse, buggy and tain fabrics the asbestos yarn is placed I Put a baseball under the most pow­ On the occasion of my son's birth and formalities that he could make man uninjured. In Louisville, In 1890, in a doubling and twisting machine, Lady Londonderry courtesied low and erful microscope, enlarge it microscopi­ withdrew from Ills majesty's presence bonfires were lighted in celebration all nothing of its meaning. For two hours a tornado carried the roof off a bouse where two or more of the yarn threads cally 10,000 diameters, and What do to visit the garden with the amiable along Pickett's line. Grant saw them and pulled a child from the mother s are combined. If the asbestos is to be you see? The very thing mentioned In and courteous Reschid, and afterward and sent scouts to learn the cause. be struggled In vain to comprehend the arms and carried it safely to another impregnated with rubber a smooth, confused document. Then he hastened the first paragraph of this article. Tho she hail a delightful story to tell toiler When they reported he said to General house six blocks away. hard finished tlirend is not desirable. i surface I* rough It looks like the friends of the kindness with which the Ingalls: "Haven’t we some kindling to the minister of war. But these are merely among the For a long time the problem of spin­ “ My dear Count Bestushew." said landscape in tlie Alps or Yellowstone sultan had received her. on this side of tbe line? Why don't the minister when tbe count had ex­ harmless freaks of the big wind. There ning asbestos presented many diffi­ park or any other rough section of the are others more heartrending. It has we strike a light for tbe young Pick plained his difficulty. "I have no au­ culties by reason of the manner In earth It lata peaks, ranges, ridges, dismembered human beings, tearing which the threads persisted in slipping ett?” Long Drawn Out Elections. thority to communicate to you orally valleys, pin Ins and holes, gulches nud arms and legs from the body, and past one another. Eventually it wm In a little while bonfires were flam No complaint with regard to undue all Hurts of uneven places, nnd If the limitation of polling time wns possible lug from the Fereral line. A few days the contents of this document. I could twisted tbe hair of women into ropes. found that, under the microscope, I not think of it. ” ♦ tirth could lie made ns small as a in the old parliamentary days The later there was taken through the lines In Kansas it drove a piece of scantling “But I have puzzled over this for six inches square through the body ol' thread of asbestos displayed a notched luiseliall It would be practically a per­ danger was Hint polling might be pre­ a baby's silver service engraved, “To surface and that by means of special two hours, and still I can make noth fect sphere and absolutely smooth. longed fer a fortnight or a month, George E. Pickett. Jr., from bls a hog. At another time it blew in the twisting the spinning could be success­ Ing of it. ” Thin Is because the highest mountable Drastic action to bring the poll to a father's friends. U. S. Grant, Rufus In­ door of a farmer’s bouse and carried “Pray, do not blame yourself, count,” the owner away on the door, to drop fully accomplished. The result is that uf tlie earth nnd the deepest valleys dose once provoked a riot 111 the West­ galls, George Buckley.” after many years of experiment, manu­ said the minister. “ You could hardly would lie millions upon millions of minster division of London. At the General Pickett. In a letter from expect to unravel in two hours a doc­ him in the branches of a tree. Tlie iI facturers nowadays nre able to turn times smaller In comparison with the general electiou that began on April Washington, relates another incident in tornado did not hurt him, but be broke out a single asbestos thread 100 yards rough uneven places on a baseball If 25, 1741. tlie two Westminster minis which this same kindly feeling was ument that took me two days to knit his neck falling from the tree to the in length and not exceeding an ouac» and kuot together.” ground. either the earth were reduced to the terlal candidates were on the fifth day In weight.—Exchange. size uf a bn ae ba 11 or a baseball enlarg­ of polling well nliend, but an opposl manifested: No one has succeeded in measuring Painfully Mixed. After breakfast we went, as ar ­ ed to the size of the earth. the full force of a tornado, but it is tlon party of electors approaching the A Voice Without a Soul. A very fashionable young man stop­ kiiown to travel at the rate of 200 If thin were not true the earth would hustings In great force, the lilgli bailiff ranged. to see Grant. I can't Just tell Tibet’s dalai lama was greatly di*- ped at a florist's one hot summer day you. my darling, about that visit. miles and more an hour. not revolve so regularly upon Its axis. (who favored the ministerialists) de­ Imbed by the first phonograph beMw Tornadoes are exciting more general It would jierform an "In shoot'* or clared that he feared a riot and dosed You’ll have to wait till I see you to tell to order a box of flowers sent to his lady love, At the same time he also attention than formerly because of the Edmund Candler, when in I.isM with you how the warm hearted, nuxlest old "out shoot" nnd curve off through the |>oll. The battled voters rioted and warrior and loyal friend met me; how purchased a design for the funeral of greater number of towns and villages the Younghusband expedition, b**™ space. i the military were called out. The high from the Nepalese resident liow be bad Even the billiard ball has a surface bailiff had afterward to apologize on he took In his the hand of your heart- a friend. <»n the card for the box he located In the tornado lielt. Each suc­ recently brought the uncanny toy *** wrote sore soldier- poor, broken, defeated, cessive one is more dangerous than Its much rougher In comparison to Its size bls knees to the speaker and pay a “Hoping this may help you to bear predecesoors because It is apt to find present from the maharajah of NcP*' profession gone—and. looking at him tluiu the surface of the earth, and we heavy due. to the priest king. The dalai lam* the heat." for a moment without iqieiiklug. »aid more human material to destroy. For­ walked around it uneasily as It bl*iw refer to a billiard ball as about the slowly, "Pickett. If there is anything The other card bore the one word. merly it might travel half tbe length forth an English band piece and *n I* mmaitliest thing known. “Ae smooth An Early Postal Experiment. on the top of God's green earth I can "Sympathy." of a continent without finding anything delicate Bhutanese song. Then W li* a billiard ball” Is a well known As long ago as the seventeenth ten do for you. say so." • • • Very soon the girl telephoned: in its path to destroy except grass, simile For the same reason tliat a fury the attempt whs made to prepay When I started to go Grant pulled "Thank you so much for the flowers. trees and ocaslonally the crops of a thought for a long while, and UMW perfiH-tly smooth liaaeball could not be letters by lining stamps In 1erlenee of the pio­ "Not any. old fellow; not a cent, "The government throws all tbe 0 fulled know the disappointments of the of mountains. It may create wild ward and then roll backward or In any neer ridicule. Ml< e were dropped Into thank you." I oald. "I have plenty.” “But Rufus tells me that you have song writer striving to induce a pub­ havoc among the trees and bowlders solete army weapons in the Junk P* direction Jnat by the manner In which I the letter Ixixes. and when the letters begun to build a house to take tbe lisher to look at his work. For those of a mountain, but it cannot carry the They are unsalable." they strike It with a chalked cue. I came to be collected It waa found that "Seems to me the government fiT* Fids fact of roughness causing It to the iinlmal* hail made a hearty meal of place of the one old Butler burned, and who would try here is a tip from one mountain Itself away. It will uproot spill becomes all too evident when a them As notxxly could tie sure of the how can you build it without money? who has made good: “if your song Is giant forest trees, suck the water from very little thought to pleasing it* f®’ You do need some." to make a lilt the air must be hard to wells nnd streams, twist and demolish zeus;” player forgets to chalk bls cue and fate of the parvela. the experiment ”1 have sold some timber to pay for remember, though catchy and pleasing. iron bridges and carry up bouses, but "How now?” playa several ahota thereafter. If the came to a sudilen end. It," 1 told him, and to show my appro If It can be whistled by any one who tbe mountains are proof against tbe "Think of tbe innocent Joy •*• lea i her tip of the cue becomes shiny elation and gratitude, unobserved, I hears it once or twice it will not sell, mighty force of the wind. would result if they buried tb*J It w III slip on the ball. There Is no Maeterlinck on ths Futuro. affectionately squeezed bls leg. when and the publisher will reject It.”—New Until we know how to control tbe weapons on the various battlefield* I* I i.r. h.Hv with which It can take hold. Maeterlinck In his book called “I* tornado or And some means of baffling tourists to dig up."—Kansas City J**r Ill t chalk 1» sticky etuff, and the gran- Mort" says of the mystery of the after he called out "Rufus, It’s the same York Sun. It. Its menneing danger must always nal. iile» uiv largo, »o that a well chalked death that outside of the religions old George Pickett Instead of pulling Wonderful. be n source of considerable uneasiness ■ io has a very rough surface, and this there are four Imaginable solutions my leg, he’s squeezing it.” Critic- The heroine of your story, old In the great plain sections of tbe coun­ Ovid and Aviation, neigh »<■■ face of the tip of the cue fits and no more These are total annihila­ man. is simply wonderful. Author (de­ try. But. like earthquakes, tbe tor­ Sugar For tho Heart Into the rough projections on tbs ball, tion. survival of our eousclousneas of If the aviators of today wish f* Sugar la a splendid medicine for the lightedly!-You think so? Critic-Yes nado and cyclone do not come every I classical auvuv, motto, what can n_L!: l*^ mid thereby a ball can bo given a lot «ua, better m «.«,— — of twist in order to accomplish thia today, survival without any sort of heart In certain diseases of (his organ. You say on page ten that she hissed year, and sometimes they defer their i take than this passage from 0”* consciousness, survival with universal In others, iikh ns oedema. It has no "You are a liar!" and any woman who visit for a decade or so. for which we "Ars Amatoria." 2, 43— «tie, iwifully. moreover, the billiard consciousness or with a coMckraaneaa I cloth nap moat be new and therefore dllTerent from that which we ponsesa effect In the London t-aneet Is re can hiss such a sentence as that can’t may be thankful.-George E. Wnlsh in i quls crederet help being wonderful. — Boston Tran ­ ported the cure of a woman of seventy- Harper's Weekly. rough. Acrlas homlnem carpere posse ’*** In this world script aeven with "rapid. Irregular, feeble which means, “Who would lielievet During recent exjierlmentatlon with pulse, cyanosis and attacks of parox man will ever be able to taka M*** regard to the kinetic theory of gases The Pleasure of Raising Whiskers. Cold Comfort. Ths Jefes on Father. ysmal breathing" by the administra­ Re'glsn scientist desired to find out The enthusiasm of those engaged In paths?”—Youth's Companion. “Oh. papa. Mr Spooner proposed last Rhe had refused hliu. and he was “all tion of four ounces of lump sugar | .<„ wnen —— r your — ■ «on uu went io ■-.■Ohl lie made, but a round ball waa h»ve a cent mt «elf until Saturday to our bad debts -Fltegende Blatter "Yon really like country life. Bhik» Would you lend It to me then ’ She Hings opinions differ "-Waahlng ,o '""ke his fortune deliver tbe goods?" i*von "No wfih them be Dobby f asked Petlow. l>IUIiineuL-N»w Vorfe »American. Some people bear three kinds of trou "You bet I do.” said Dobson. ”—Houston Poet. ble—all — they had. all they hare now | You may stretch a troth Into a Ilo 1 fore he had a chance. “Wfiat do you do with yoU^ ____________ Nature when she adds did), u It lee and all they expect to have - nights’” asked Pet low. ___ add» brain». - Kmargin Everett Uaie. “Oh. 1 even* to town,” said Dot** pletely.- I'endao I’roverb. Harper’s Weekly. _____ »-* E,lw’rt I ’hrink ’ * ,n,°,ru,fc I n”‘n«