WHEELER, OREGON, THE MANUFACTURING CITY Offers to men of energy and small means For information regarding Wheeler, write to NEHALEM HARBOR CO., WHEELER, OREGON. Portland Office : Tillamook Office : R. BEALS. 327 FAILING BUILDING Railroad Regulation. What proper regulation of rail- id» by the Federal Government ould accomplish, or prevent, in e matter of monoply, excessive apitatization, waste of resources nd extravagant expenditure, to >’ nothing of the lower rates and tter service such prevention nula assure, in shown by the re­ ft of the Interstate Commerce mmiBsion’s investigation of the >ew \ork. New Haven and Hart ord Railroad. The report shows hat at an operating property it badly mismanaged by financial aploiters. It shows that in 1902, a total mileage of 2050 miles, » capitalization was $93,000,000, bile in 1912, with only an increase 1 Similes, the capitalization has raised to $417,000,000. he increase was chiefly due to e *®ort of the financiers in con- of the road to create a complete onopoly ir. transportation in the ew England States by both rail "d water. They purchased steam- hnes at far beyond their value, “d expended large sums to pre­ mt competing construction. They re $13,5^0,(00 for nothing, so the Port »ays, in purchasing the trol- eX lines in Rhode Island. Propor. onate waste ia spoken of in sever- other transactions of the monop- 7 creating compaign The con- os tound here are extreme of which naturally grow out of *c of regulation or control by the . Wer from which the real oppor JBI|> to do these thing« arises. bKh >» the federal power. 'n et^ort is to be made to go ’)und the world in thirty.five days. * lanes travel 100 miles an the time might possibly be oed to half a day. • i« said that the Panama Canal ‘ ""O’sse immigration to the "‘’ed sutes As the gain in popu- «»a now i. 1,500.000 a year v„cle •» rot worrying. “»eryihing is relative. The Japa- •eminimsta want greater free an I opportunity for women. iba ' " 101 the , r "merits openly Properly recognised,” as oue Bulgaria Dissatisfied. Six British suffragettes commit, ted to prison are on a hunger strike. England may be a deliberative country in general, but its woman suffrage episode is a singular ex­ ception. N otice is H ereby G iven ,—That pursuant to and by virtue of an or­ der of the County Court of Tilla­ mook County, Oregon, duly made and entered on the 13th day of June, 1913, licensing, authorizing and di­ recting the unaereiinea undersigned w to sen Bell me the reeling me real ,,r(>perty hereinafter describ- ed, the undersigned will on and utter the 24th day of July. 1913. sell for cash, at private sale, to the person offering the highest price therefor all the right title and in­ terest of Frances Xavier Moreau (Frank Marey) in anti to the follow­ ing described real property, towit: 1 Situate in Garibaldi County of Til I oimook State of Oregon; Beginning at a point 58. IB chains west and 42.15 1 chains south of the northeast cor-1 ner < t Sec. 21. Township one Nordi. Range ten west of Willamette Me I ri'han, thence north 74 degrees east Iatt us show you our 7 ' ” chains for inital point of tract herein conveyed, said point being special display of attrac­ the southeast corner of what is tive new styles. We are known aa the Ralston 5 acre tract, perfectly (equipped for thence north IB degrees west 220 making group pictures feet, south 74 degrees west 23,45ft feel to the northeast corner of trad and will please you with sold by Geo. W Kiger and wife to tne quality of our work. Frank Marey by deed dated Octo­ ber !<», 1902, and recorded in book . “z" of deeds, page 31, record* of Tillamook County, , Oregon, thence south IB degree* east 220 feet to Next to POST OFFICE. southeast corner of Marey tract, north 74 degrees east 23.4.1ft feet to inital |K»int Such sale to be made subject to confirmation by the above named court. Hated at Tillamook, Oregon, this 20th day of June, 1913 N M c M illian , One of the marked features of the Guardian of the person and estate governments of the world during of Frances Xavier Moreau (Frank the last century was the general Marey. The valued family re­ aspiration toward an ampler and . cipes for cough and cold more secure national life. Germany j |fjjea were placed on the free list and Italy are the most notable re- |jy pfe9en| tariff and the Im- cute, liniments, tonics I cent examples, but there are many ports are double those of ten year« and other remedies have | others. This movement is partly aj,o Hut shoe« are no cheaper, I *as careful attention here i along race lines, but the ambition aoother example of the fact that the as the most intricate pre- | ia strong where these limitations administration of an article free of I scriptions. are not distinct. The tendency is l -------- will *,art ■ coro c,ub •n<1 ••tonish that the whole people would unite the old farmery who still believe in and «ewer connections, M. Malian i mvonolvgy. against intervention or invasion. Rage and disappointment among the Bulgarians at their loss of prac­ tically all of the fruits of their vic­ torious war against Turkey could be, and was, forseen at the time of Germany has net only built the . * ui.;« V,..* .,rn the armistice and the conferences , higeent passenger ship, but !>«>•, of the ambassadors in London vided it with life saving appliances Bulgaria had been, up to that far beyond the old standard. This tine, and was again after liostilites attention to safety has extended to were renewed, bearing the brunt of the shipping of the world since the the fighting against the common Titanic calamity. enemy. The other allied forces ( Dr. Rambaud, director of the in- were doing well whatever fell to stitut for the treatment of tuber- them in the division of the cam­ closis on the Friedmann plan has paign work, and the Greeks were now made public the nature of the operating on sea as well as on land. vaccine employed. He says it "con­ But the geographical, as sists of a homogeneous emulsen of well aa the military, necessities of live, virulent tuberclosis baccili in the case had thrown upon the Bui sterile distilled water,” and that gariane the greater part of the heat any physician in good standing and burden of the day. And their now learn free of charge the details preparedness for the struggle, of its administration. which they had evidently anticipat Secretary of State Bryan has ed for some years, was shown in has announced his intention of is- their fine equipment, and in the I suing his newspaper, the Common­ mebi ity and training of their er. hereafter monthly instead of troops. The tactice, as well as the weekly in order that he may find fine soldiery qualities displayed by the time to continue his active their army in its victorious attacks editorship of it. In the current is­ commanded the admiration of the sue it is stated that “in editorials world. written by Mr. Bryan himself With that fine army largely deci­ the Commoner will met attacks of mated. Bulgaria found herself, at those opposed to Democratic re­ the close of the war, practically where she was before its beginning. forms ” In the division of the spoil, Bul­ garia got nothing which anybody capable of appraising value* conld think to compensate her for her ex­ penditure of blood and treasure And she must have found, what it had also been possible to forsee, that some of her allies were cap­ able of treachery in playing into the hands of the great powers of Europe for their own advantage, and for the purpose of depriving Bulgaria of a primacy among the states of the Balkan country, The philosophic theory that pun­ ishment for an evil life consists in being what you are does not seem to fit the Lamar case He appear* to be fairly well (satisfied with him­ self. Miss Clara S. Loewti*. the Ithaca student of music who lived for twenty week* on W cent* a week, can have all the offers of marriage •he desires if she will make her ad­ dress known. There are enough men who think economy all ,h're‘" desirable in a wife to assure a flood but do not want the sed brazen independent of J the American and Euro- o women nott rmento’imi- ,r the men of Europe and ltiAhe,r attitude towards the tim, i .That will come later aa kcaatz, ' Japanese women become of projiosals. ^tomed to kmg ^mebody Notice of Guardian’s Sale. Now Ì.9 the time topiave that. group picture made Monk's Studio Family Recipes. CLOUGH, Reliable Druggist Tillamook Baker’s Brea I Sold at All Grocers. i • i j 4* I L HARNESS' n. ^q? oi „ wit It the problem of buying Harness you will find it distinctly advxnta- g.-ou* to come »nd do your select ing here. You will get tl:e I r«t qualities, the most thorough = nd conscientious workmanship and be charged the moat reasonable pi i< e*. We can «apply single or double Seta or any single article that jou may be in need of. W.A, Williams ft Cc. Beal Dour la r*He«MM>a CoaaljDa