U Tllamook Headlight, July 24, 1013. Saving the Birds spirit when it undertakes to raise >150,000 to help tioost ail The act for the protection and L egal A dvertisements : migratory birdr. 10 parts ot Oregon. There is noth­ preservation of First Insertion, per line 5 ing small about that, but it con­ passed by the last Congress and Each subsequent insertion, line Business and proiessiunal cards, clusive!'. proves that the Port­ approved March 4 as one of th<- 1 month................................... 1 £0 land business men believe in official acts of President Tra't, w ill Homestead Notices................... 5 00 advertising and boosting, and tie made effective October 1 by the Timber Claims ................. 10 00 Locals per line each insertion 5 that it is the live Commercial regulations prepared by the Depart Clubs that are doing commend­ inert of Agriculture and now pub Displav advertisement, an inch, is lished for the criticism of the month.................................... 50 able publicity work, of public. All Resolutions of Condolence and what the news reports These regulations in a Lodge Notices, 5c. per line. to large measure the effort to raise supersede state Cards of Thanks, 5c. per line. help boost tlie state bird laws. Where game laws and Notices, Lost, Strayed or Stolen, That the policy of the Pori I a nd they are more restrictive than the etc. minimun rate, 2ùc. not exceed­ Commercial Club ____ . to continue the state laws, the latter will not ap­ ing five lines. campaign of farm development throilgnoiit the state is in high ply, but in such instances as those favor with the business interests of where the state laws apply addi­ RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION the city is evidenced by the fact tional restrictions, the latter will (STRICTLY IN ADVANCE.) 1.5(1 thut the present campaign has remain in effect. There is nothing One year......... 75 met with more prompt and favor­ Six months.... 50 able support among property own­ permissive about the federal law. Three months ers of Portland than any movement It is not a license to do anything of like nature that has been conduct­ not prohibited. It is restrictive Entered as second class mail mat­ ed in the past. only, and states may indulge in as ter July, 18HS, at the post office at A few weeks ago the Commercial Tillamook, Ore., under the act of Club set out to raise a fund of $150, much additional protection to birds March 3, 1H79. ' (JOO to be expended in development within their borders as they desire. work throughout Oregon during No hunter can violate a state law I the next three years ami bo success- ôÇtie ^illamooh fejieabligbt ful has been the effort that at the beca-.ise it differs from the federal present time the fund is we'l above law, nor can he violate the federal the $100,000 mark and it is believed law because of any »tate regula ■ ; I by those having the campaign in that the full sum will be tion. Editorial Snap Shots I ! charge Protection is given to all so- pledged within the next month. In the list ot those who have given called game birds of a migratory | detinite sums are l(i0 firms and in­ Visitors to the city ¡ire sur­ dividuals representing virtually habit and to all migratory insec prised at the progress and the [ every branch of business activity in tiverous birds. This includes nearly all birds of common knowledge and permanent improvements that the city. many the ordinary individual is not are being undertaken. The paved streets and large, costly The Presbyterians of this city familiar with. The regulations put buildings have greatly added to have decided against forming a an end entirely to all spring shoot- the appearance of the city. federation of three denomina ing of any kind of fowl, and tions. It is probably the wisest much restrict the fall open seasone thing to do, for somehow there in most states. On a number of birds which has alarmingly de no great disposition on the part i creased in numbers a complete of the citizens to assimilate and closed season for five years is estab- ( pull together If they w'll not lished. Among these are pigeons, do in public affairs they swans, curlew, plover, shorebirds, will not do so when it comes to jaeksnipe and woodcock. A com­ forming a federation of three of plete closed season is established the denominations. We must on inaectiverous birds. It will be admit that it is a splendid ideal, unlawful to shoot them at any time. but impractical in this city for This embraces all the common the reasons we have given and birds, such as the bobolink, cat No more duck hunting in Till­ religious prejudices held by amook after the 1st October. some of our church going peo­ bird, chickadee, grosbeak, martin, That is enough to give every ple, which would soon cause meadowlark, oriole robin, shrike, Tillatnooker a duck tit, for they dissension and trouble after a swollow, tanager, thrush, vireo, woodpecker and have become so used to go duck federation was formed. We are whippoorwill, hunting in the winter that the perfectly aware that there is wren. Another protective measure world won’t be worth living in misspent effort in-maintaining is the establishing of a free mi when they are deprived of this half a dozen organizations when gratory highway from north to south, where no shooting may be J pleasure. the whole membership would done at any time. This highway make but one fairy good con­ Now that the Netarts road is gregation, but as there is a ten- consists of the Mississippi River, finished and Garibaldi beach deuced amongst some of our from Minneapolis to New Orleans, has obtained a road, let Bay- citizens who still adhere to the the Missouri from its mouth to Bismarck, and the Ohio from Cairo oci'iin be the next to receive a old Tillamook methods of rule to Pittsburgh. little consideration, for it is not or ruin, it would soon creep into The protective feature of the fed­ fair to keep that summer resort a federation of churches in this eral law is made operative by pre­ bottled up for want of a road city. scribing a tine of $100 or ninety when so much money is in­ days in jail, or both, for violation vested in improvements. No More Duck Shooting. of any feature of the law or regu­ lation, and the appropriation of Some of our citizens have Hereafter it will be a crime to kill $10,000 to carry it out. This appro­ shown that they have consider­ a wil I duck anywhere in the United priation is small and does not per able civic pride. This can be States. W ilil ducks are now c lassed mit employ meat of special in­ seen by the clean, well painted as migratory birds by the govern­ spectors, but ttie department no1 residences and pretty lawns mid ment in a law just enacted and a doubt expects to work in harmony flowers. But Tillamook is a fine of $10) ami IK) c|avs imprison with the state wardens and local long wav behind other progres­ meat are provided for a violation authorities Every lover of bird sive cities in this respect, vet of the law. For a long time there life must feel gratified that at last it is pleasing to observe that has been agitation in favor of feder­ this practical step has been taken every year there is a great im­ al legislation for the protection of to preserve our wild fowl and song provement in beautifying the game fowl to prevent their complete birds, whose extermination has city. We believe that it will extermination. It has been said been so visibly going on, and whose become one of . the cleanest, that wild turkeys, wild geese and value to farmers and orchardists as some of the other wild fowls have insect destroyers has only of late beautiful cities in the state. almost entirely disappeared all years been fully realized. over the country Wild ducks have The reitsmi that money is not also breome scarce and wild pige­ ns plentiful is on account of ons have disappeared; the only A West Virginian unable to write ba n »a all over the country forti­ known wild pigeon in the country lias been convicted of forgery. He fying themselves, as it is diffi­ living the one in the z.oo at Cincir persuaded his sweetheart to do the cult to foretell what effect free nati. So the government put a bill pen and ink work on a fraudulent trade is going to have upon the through congress as a rider to the order and the jury refused to con­ business life of the country. It sundry civil appropriation bill to sider the woman in the case is generally understood that the prohibit the' killing of migratory A bachelor who died recently in Iwinks have been playing safe - birds and fowls The lull designates dosing down on creditors, and ■as migratory birds those which do Philadelphia left $317,50Uto churches ill this wav a large amount of not spend the year in any one and chartiable institutions and to money is taken out of circula­ state, but which move from the a friend $100.01)0, an automobile and tion, and it will remain tiiSl up north in the fall to the south, and $1500 a year for its upkeep. The for fear thut free trade will he from the south to the north in the last item is thoughtful and also as disastrous as when it w IIS spring. Since the federal law has suggests the experienced motorist. Not satisfied with letting the Sen tried liefore. been passed the states can do ate dig into the Mulhall and other nothing to change thin law. They lobby charges, the House will do The disastrous tire to t lie cannot nuke duck shooting legal. some digging also. As the special A man thut shoots a duck now will business section of Sheridan is session approaches its end the end onlv >i reminder that Tillamook be as much a law violator as one (is pushed more remotely into City is linble to meet with n who runs a blind tiger without a ( the future, like a man walking to like fate when so nuiny tire federal license, or that does any­ . his office on a slippery morning, traps are iillowed to mennee thing else in x lolation of federal At last we may be finding therea- the whole city liverytmdy in law. eon behind the Democratic search the city knows, mid have known for “insidious'' work in politics tor nuiiiv years, that should a >100 Reward >100. Mulhall, testifying before the Sen­ The fouler« of this pit per will pleased tin' get started with a strong ate lobby committee, haa been tell­ to learn that there la at least one Urea Util northwest wind in the dry sea­ disease that hwihy ha« been able to cure in ing how Democrats ar* often turn- son tlmt the business section all It« stage*. ami that 1« Catarrh. Hill*« ed aside from the path of duty on would meet the same fate that Catarrh Cure 1« the onlv positive cure now known to the medical fraternity Catarrh election day. Testifying of the elec- wiped out Sheridan last week. living a constitutional disease “ l.„.. uti . , mnill, " M“"'c fonKreeoional dia- constitutional treatment Yet for all that tire traps have Cure is taken internally, aetin« dirwtly upon | itnet, *nct, where where tariff tariff line«* lines were were drawn drawn. blood atal mucous surfaces of the stew . . - .« lx*en allowed to multiply mid the thereby ratte party oartv vote vote Wil W.l a uuirny destro«!»« newtrovtn« the ttte foundation D>un>laUon of or the- thei * and the Democratic ■ Wiig no action taken to prevent the Ht’in« the voa«llt<«»Ion ane tear­ ing dow n or removal of frame buildings in the business sec­ tion. nature In domic >t wurk The pruprletora have *»» •<> túne much han l faith in . It« curative ________ inmerv -U.-«.-- that ihn thev oftrr offer i < »uv me Hnntlrnl Hnndml l»olî*r« Hollar« for «nv anv tliMt ca*r th At it fail» to ewrr Send for list of testimonial« Athlre«« II. li. CHKXEY a CO.. TeMo Ohio Hold hr all l»rtiuxi«t*. TSe. Take A all « Famtlj Kill* for constipatiou • A Panama working ship is likely t>. puss through the canal in Sep temtier But thia is merely a me clianicul detail that will not count for a formal event. Thia la expect ed not later than October. It is a hundred years since the first locomotive got down to practic­ al work Ifow fast the world moves may t»e |udged trout a comparison Money tnlka. Portland hits of the engine of IM1 with a big the right idea and the boosttug uiouataiu ch tuber of today. I of tree trade. It’s Import ! Where you invest your tiHittev. The Western Lottti and Invest- ment'Co., of Sult Lake. Utah, is now open (ff^i to make vtm a loan or build you a home on (S)) the small monthly payment plan. < ( ? ( J2)R ELMER ALLEN (Successor to Dr. Sharp), A. McNAIR. President. Il I SHRODE, Vice-President. t ANZADA EVERSON, Sec. and Treasurer Board of Appraisers — if F M BALES. F. H. MIICNK. R. F. ZACHMAN E. J. CLAUSSEN. N Board of Trustees— it ’(0)) JOHN LELAND HENDERSON. B. L. BEALS ■ i G. SMITH. W. G, McGEE, DENTIST. Commercia! Building, Tillamoct > JACK OLSEN, DENTIST. A. C. EVERSON, ■/. (( N I (Over F. R. Beals office. Loan Agent Tillamook - Oregon For Sale or Trude—rillamook Co Land. City Propert Vacant lot* in all addition» and Merchandise Stock. J OIIN LELAND HENDERSON ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT-LAW. T illamook B lock , Till ni°“k * - - - Oregon, Room No. 261. Í H. T. BOTTS, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Complete Set of Abstract Books in Office. Taxes Paid for Non Residents. T illamook B lock , .... Oregon, Both Phones. Tillamook The 30 h.p. car, four or five passenger, $1,150 ; with electric equipment and CARL habkrlach , starter, for $1,325 ; 45 h.p., fully equip-' ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. T B , ped with electric starter and lights, $1,800. A few exceptionally good Tillamook bargains at reasonable prices. QfEORGE WILLETT, illamook eock Oregon, ATTORN EY-AT-I..\W,r*“ T illamook C ommercial B uilding , Tillamook - Oregon. T. BO ALS, M.D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. T illamook B lock , Overland Model 69T Tillamook . CASE, Tillamook, Ore g . . , Oregon. . KERRON, M. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON T illamook B lock , Tillamook OWN YOUR HOME-STOP PAYING RENT. We Make Only 6 per cent. Monthly Installment Loans. On Completed City Residence Propertv. Or for Building Purposes. 50^ Oregon. C. HAWK, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, If You Want to Buy, Or Build a Home, Or Repay a Mortgage, Bay City Oregon. sarchkt . The 'Fashionable Tailor And desire the aid of borrowed money, we ask your careful consideration of the advantages afforded by our monthly installment plan of loans we will g adly explain our plan of a loan to von if interested, J T • Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing a Specialty. R0LLIE W. WATSON, Store in Heins Photographic Gallery. Realty, Loans, Ins, Rents, Collections H. GOYNE. ’’J’’ ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Office: O pposite C ourt Horn«, The best Baker ever built > Tillamook - Built like a locomotive boiler < >regon. p J SHARP, RESIDENT DENTIST, Office : Commercial Block, Tillamook f Mlllh.lll told of dome insidious work. Large ------ Large nuiukr« of the Democrats, lie swore under oath, were so far persuaded that tree whiskey is better than free trade, that they tarried with it until no longer able to go to the polls. In one voting precinct, testifies Mui- hall, he counted on election day, twenty three Democrats lx tng drunk in a room, who had been purpoeely made drank by him to keep them from voting for free trade. And he adds that the trick succeeded so well that the free trade candidate for Congress was defeated, after it war reg anted as a certainty that his election was inevitable, owing to' Republican diviatuua R L. E. HEWITT OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Both Phones, Residence and Office in Whitebc«t Residence, TILLAMOOK, OREGON. D Z. K . i 'regon- J. CLAUSSEN, • LAWYER, DEUTSCHER ADVOKAT. E The ArcsdUa 13 a perfect baking range, and s'i.'.ys a per'ecl baker for a lire- i.ne because H is built like a locomotive L -CT. Built cf malleable iron and charcoal iron riveted tprethcr in lcad of being bolted Made airtight wifaout the use of Move putty to crumble and fall out, as hap- 213 T illamook B lock . Tillamook - J I ’regoo. E. REEDY, D.V M-, VETERINARY. Both Phonea. Tillamook - w Prego» G. -McGEE, M.P PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. Jones-Knudson Furniture Co. Office .J Next door to Star I Theatre.