OlfttlWk llcaùl i®bt T" 11 -LIAMOOK, OREGON, JULY The ladies of the Fairview Birth- day Club wdl give cld fasl,k)ned picnic iu Bester’s grove on Sunday, July 27th. Everybody come. Bring jour lunch and spread it under the trees. What You Gain 24, 1913 50c., and the proceeds will towards the club. go Benton A. Sitford, of Portland, general agent tor the California In­ surance Company, is in the city. TILLAMOOK COUNTY BANK.' Mr. and Mrs. A. J Anderson were Mr. and Mrs. A J. Anderson and daughter, Pearl, of Aberdeen, the complimented guests at a party Wash, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Tuesday evening at the residence c. H. Schultz and other relatives. of Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Schultz. Five It is the aim of this bank to Mrs. Anderson is a sister of Mrs Hundred was played, after which the hvstess served refreshments, give the best banking service Schultz. assisted by Mrs. C. H. Schultz. po88ible--and cue do it. Next Monday evening the monthly Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. meeting of the members of the A. J. Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. It is also our aim to have Tillamook Commercial Club will be Franklin, Mr. and Mrs C. W. Mil the best equipment sueh as held in the club rooms, when it is ler, Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Schultz, hope there will be a good at- Mr. and Mrs. O. A Schultz, M. A. Modern Fire Proof Banking tendance of members. Schultz and J. F. Stranahan. Room, Fire Proof Vault, Burg­ burnished Rooms to Rent, New­ In order to protect the seeds of lar Proof Safe, Modern Safe ly fitted up with electric lights and the Douglas Fir that is to be plant­ bath, corner of 3rd St. and Miller ed during this summer, a campaign Deposit Boxes—and uie have Ave.; also 6 room cottage with of extermination will be waged them. electric lights, can be used for 2 against field mice and other ro­ families. Henry Dunstan. » dents in the burned over sections A. J. Stillwell has moved his dry of Tillamook County, and poisaned goods and ladies mid children’s grain will be liberally scattered ready-to-wear, in temporary quar­ over a tract of about 2.000 acres to ters until the Oddfellow's building be reforested. As soon as the poi- is complete, when he will have an son crew finishes its work, a force ■a----------- up-to-date store and stock of goods of men will be sent to do the seed­ ODDEST CAPITAL Judge Campbell adjourned the ing a task which will require about $30.000 00 BANK hearing of the pavement case on three mouths. In addition to the ; IN THE. STATE 2,000 acres to be seeded, an addition­ Saturday until this (Thursday) TILLAMOOK CITY, ORE. COUNTY SUPERVISION morning as he had a case in Hills­ al 1,000 acreB will be planted with young trees. boro. It is expected that the pave­ Adjutant General Finzer, of the ment case will be finished this week TILLAMOOK JOTTINGS Free, an elegant bevel edged stag Thomas Lundson was here last Oregon National Guard, sent the ________ I handle hand mirror, containing week performing at one of the following reply to the letter sent by the Tillamook Commercial Club : Visitor» at Happy Camp. SeeDr.Monk fornovelties in place y°ur photo with our folders.—Tilla- picture shows, anil after he had baptized by Presiding Elder Bone Portland, July 18. 1913. mook Studio. brake. She leaves a husband, two departed he was wanted for passing Mr. Fred C. Baker, csid:. A. M. Davies and wife, Beaverton. an aged mother and C. N. Drew returned to the city worthless checks by the Warden of President, Tillamook Commercial children, See Big Mack for your sewer con­ Ague» Dungey, Gladys Dur-gey, Chib. Tillamook, Oregon. Funeral services were brothers. op Friday after attending the re­ the State penitentiary, as he was nection». * Edith l.angberg, Florence Sni ler, M y D ear S ir : I am in receipt of I conducted at the Beaver Church by union at Gettysburg, very much out on parole. Anna Peterson, Amanda Peterson, jour letter of the 14th ins', express­ Stylish City Photographs at the Rev. Dora Young from II Peter 3:11. pleased with hie trip. At a meeting of the members of ing your satisfaction over o the man ­ J. Van Zante and wife, Al Nelson Tillamook Studio. ' which the officers and men Interment in Beaver Cemetery. the Presbyterian church on Sunday- ner in and wife, Max Lamfrum, Mrs. C. G. There will be a dance at the opera , Wanted,—Small dairy farm. Give conducted themselves while on duty evening, acting upon a report of during the encampment just closed. particulars, price, location, if stock ­ Lyon anil Grace Lyon, Portland. house on Saturday. The Presbyterian Church. E. A. Bassett and wife, Prineville. ed, etc., in first letter. E M. In- the officers, who did not think I wish to thank you for your kind L E. Lewis and wife are in the quire at Headlight office. union with two other churches ad­ words and to say the encampment The general public are cordially Tillamook, Allen Page and wife, city from Portland. was one of the most successful ever Dr. C. A. Wills and wife, of San visable, the members coincided he'd by the 3rd Infantry and Am­ invited to services of praise and Mr. Chaffee and wife, Glen Leach, For Sale, -a Jersey bull, 2 ye?/® ' I.e7ndro, ‘cai,'"is "stopping with the same. R. A Deeter, at the bulance Company So far as I have preaching at 11 a.ill. and 8 p.ill., W. M. Kennedy, old. See Frank Tone. Hotel Kaltl8eV) antl enjoying a sutn- Erick Gulstrum, Henry Leach, Jas. C. M. Jones, of Portland, has been able to learn the members of conducted by the pastor. Theme of the morning sermon: Stewart. commenced the erection of an the Guard have expressed great sat­ A. R. Thompson, of Portland, is mer vacation here fishing. isfaction over the success of the en­ Hillsboro,- Mr Longs and wife, in on a fishing vacation. j For sale, PairShetlandPonies and ' apartment house on Fourth Ave. campment and for the kindly inter­ “The Dateless Christ and the Changing Order.’’ Mr. Tooze and wife. A. W. Porter and wife, of Gaston, ( Spring Colt, Pony Surrey-, Double and 4th Street. to accommodate est shown in our service by citizens People’s Vesper service at 8 p.m. Oregon City,—J. L Deford ¡nd ' eight families. It is to be a two of Tillamook and vicinity. A copy were in the city this week I Harness, Saddle and Bridle. En­ story frame building, and with the of your letter will be forwarded to Subject of the address: “The Gos­ wife, Mrs. A. Rittenhouse, Miss For Fine Photographs at popular quire at office A. F. Coats Lumber both Commanding Officers, 3rd In pel of <'iit-of Doors. ’’ In keeping Mattie Peerman. 1 lot will cost $5,000. faritiy and Ambulance Company Co. * prices.—Tillamook Studio^ Boise, Idaho,—Labrot Edwards. W. C. King has a nice display of to be used in such manner as they with the thought of the sermon, State Forester F. L. Elliott will H. F. Ciaueeen and wife, of Port- Los Angeles, Cal.,—E. Baker , dahlias, and he has planting the see fit. The troops left your city Rev. Mackenzie will speak Henry be in Tillamook to day accom­ with the best of feeling and witli a land, are visiting in the city. Carlton,—Jas. Edson nnd wife. 1 parking in front of his residence desire to return for another tour of Van Dyke's poem: “God of tile Open Air," Mrs. T. J. Drew, of Port­ Geo. Karl, Mrs. Geo. Stickney, Miss Call up the Mutual Phone for a panied by C. S. Chapman, Secre­ with these flowers. Mr. King is duty at some future time. tary Oregon Forest Fire Associa -land, sister of Mrs. Mackenzie, will Bauman. date at the Tillamook Studio. Very respectfully, making a specialty of dahlias and tion. sing the solo- “Hold Thou My W. E. F inzer , The Dalles,—Rev. Father Burne, Dr. M. A. Flinn and wife are in he has a choice assortment, which The Adjutant General. Hand,” by Briggs. The Nazarene Church holds ser­ gives his place a pretty appearance. Dr Fred Thompson and wife, Dr. from Portland on a vacation D. A. M ackenzie , pastor vices Tuesday and Friday evenings. A large number of citizens turned Alfred Thompson and wife, Ernest Misses Nellie and Mollie Ald­ Glasses fitted. Any kind, any out on Saturday evening io witness Sunday School at 2 p.m., and Thompson and wife. ridge, old friends of Mr. and Mrs. style. Guaranteed. Dr. Wendt. * the arrival of the excursion train preaching services at 3: CO and 8:00 Notice. Newberg, F. W. Halcomb and W. C. King are in on a visit. They W A. Sargent and wife, of Forest from Portland with about 250 ex­ p. m. wife, A. II. Falkner, M. Kerry, Mr. are from Grand Forks, North Da Grove, were in the city this week. Zweifel is now successor Kasper A federal law will go into effect kota. They have taught school cursionists belonging to the Moose to R. R. Roberts, in Tillamook and Mr». Samuels. Miss Florence Nr. and Mrs. Arnspiger and Miss October let. prohibiting the killing lodge cf that city. The local lodge County. All ------------- accounts owing the Potter, E. Kurry, Karl Falkner, ---- ------- „___ there for over 30 years, and Mies 0. Hand are in the city on a visit. lies gone to a great deal of trouble J. R. Watkins Medical Co. ure pay ­ Miss Kurry. of birds that migrate, and under Mollie has been re-engaged to teach. j .—----------- in preparing for a much larger able to Kasper Zweifel. Ira Latimer, wife and child came this law it embraces wild duck, R R R obert *. J. W. Bristow, special agent fur number than came. After the in from Portland on Sunday on a geese, pigeon, etc. K asper Z weifel . HAPPY CAMP, NETARTS the Pacific States Fire Insurance special train arrived the band head­ visit Tillamook, Ore., July 25rd, 1813 R. R. Roberts, who has been the Co , was in Tillamook Wednesday ed the procession to the city. Ar­ BAY BEACH, W. W. Bollom and family of Port­ agent for the Watkins Medical Co. and transferred the agency of that rangements had been made for two land, were registered at Hotel Till in thia county, has sold his busi­ company from F. S. Whitehouse A Farm for Sale dances, one at the opera house and Tillamook County, Oregon •mook. ness to Kasper Zweifel. Mr. Roberts Son to A. H. Gaylord This is the the other at the Commercial Club For Sale, 16 acres of bottom land Live chickens wanted at the Tilla­ will move to Dallas. company that made the lean on the rooms. Sunday the visitors and Pi miles from town. Good house Most attractive beach for camping mook Meat Company's Market, 12c. There will be an excursion to Bay­ new Masonic building Will run nine cows. others were entertained at a feed, and bain in Oregon First class hotel ac­ W pound. • ocean on Saturday on the Henrietta, P. S. Bromby, representing the when a large amount of home pro­ Enquire of the Headlight office. commodations, store and post- The milk sugar factory will be leaving this city- at 7 p.m. for a Blodget Co., came in on Saturday ducts were consumed, viz , 600 lbs. office on grounds; adjoining Fed­ To Water Consumera. rorcnleted and ready for operation dance in the open air pavilion. to look after the timber interests of of saloon, lri) lbs. brick cheese, eral and State reservation con­ next Monday. the company. Mr. Bromby does pm bushel of clams. 300 loaves of Round trifi tickets 75c. taining beautiful scenery, Three 1 he Water Commission has given II our work does not suit you tell Arch Rocks, caves, sea lions, Mr. and Mrs. A W. Donovan, of not think it right that part of the bread, one barrel of pickles, and 100 4 Mr. Hoag positive instruction* to seals, parrots, etc. Happy Camp if it does tell your friends. City San Francisco, and Dr. D. C. I rie, timber in the Tillamook water shed gallons of clam soup. Two ball shut off water from all consumers Transfer Company • baa seven varietieties of clam a, of Camas, Wash , are visiting at should be faxed for harbor improve­ games were played,resulting in the home team being defeated in both who have not paid their water rent oyster beds, crabs and crawfish Bring yOur chickens to the Tilla- the home of F. D. Small. Mrs. ments and the other part exempt by the lOtii of each month. The Commissioners of the Port games. The visitors were highly on the beach; bears and berriea «ookMeatCi mpany’s Market We Urie is expected today. By Order Water Com mission. pleased with their visit to this city in the wtxiili; good deep sea fish­ Dawson Bros, will meet all trains of Bay City are in receipt of tele­ ”T 12c. per jiound • and the hospitality shown by the graphic communications from the ing, fine boating and bathing in Nerril Smith, mail carrier on the with bus, and will handle passen­ Surprising Cure of Stomach bay or ocean; excellent spring First National Bank of Cleveland, ' members of the local lodge. gers and baggage to all parts of the Trouble. forai route, has bought a uniform water. New seven-mile automo­ O , which has purchased the $407,- Call or phone at the Livery When you have trouble with your city. Livery- of the regulation color. Big Circus Coming. OOo bond issue of the Port of Hay stomach or chronic constipation, bile road from Tillamook just William Smith and wife, of Bux- barn on 2nd Ave East. don't imagine your case is beyond City, saying that the money had co mpleted. Camping space $1 00 Che Oklahoma Ranch Wild West Dr. E. E. Daniels, the new Chiro­ *°n, are in on a vacation. per week; furnished tents $5.00 been deposited to the credit of the Show will exhibit in thia city either help just because your doctor fails Switches made to order out of practor. successfully treats all ner­ Government for use in the harbor on the 4th or Sth August. Thia is to give you relief. Mrs. G. Stengle, Good pasture for per week. Plainfield. N. J , writes, "For over vous diseases, rheumatism, etc. horses All under new manage- '"’"b|ngs. Apply Mias R. Werts, improvements on Tillamook Bay. a month past I have l>een troubled the biggest show to make Tilla ­ Consultation free. Office Com­ my stomach. Everything 1 George Ave West, off 2nd St ment, Dr. P. J. Sharp. The new hotel, which will tie mook and no doubt will draw a with mercial Club Building. ate upset it terribly One of Cham­ T. Kiehm Aivin Johnson, wife and daughter, known as Hotel Tillamook, opened large crowd from all parts of the berlain’s advertising books c ame to Buy a Ford car tiecause they run *•* Helena, of Portland are visit- tor business last week, with Charles county. The circus will come here me. After reading a few of the let­ 20 miles on a gallon of gasoline. Bcrrowera find that money costa ">«f home folks this week in its own train, there being 225 ters from people who have been When you get them your troubles Weiside as manager. The hotel is cured by Chamberlain's Tablets, I more than in 1912 The lfemocrutic persons connected with it and 170 not quite finished, but by the 1st L Older and wife left on Tues- are over. See Kd. Hadley, the local decided to try them. 1 have taken reformers should keep theirr)'» on August it is expected that every­ head of horses, and buffalos and nearly three fourths of a package of 7 ortheirhome in Portland after agent for the Ford auto. the coat of living. An advance in­ thing will be in first class shape long horned steers. Cow boys, cow them and can now eat almost every­ Siting with Mrs. Dodge. The Shakespeare Club met at the for business. Unite a nt:inlier cf girls, Cossacks and auto polo will thing that I want.” For sale by stead of re