Tllamook Business Men Who Help. We have been particularly im­ pressed with the capable and ef­ ficient irannerin which theencamp- mrnl was handled The gentle manly conduct of the men while off duty, and in and about this city has w?n the res(>ect of the entire com­ munity. We shall tie pleased to have you return at future encamp ments. Ycura very truly, F ked C. B aker , President. E. J. CLAVsexx. Secretary. Headlight, July I \ IOI3 ’ FEROCIOUS DOGFISH. OUR FEARLESS SAILORS. _______ An Incident of the Old Day, Off th» Th«»» Ravsnou« 8harklik» A, there are a cumber of liberal Would Eat a Man Aliv^""1 Cape of Good Hope. business men in tbe city who are "*N' be »aid. 'My God. Frank ib™, American vessels In those days (1833) alway, ready to aaaist any move surpassed the sailing records of ships me quick, about mo quick-uy ment that will benefit the business “"B of every other nation. Once when are eadn me alive!* interest of the city, we publish to­ “I Hauled up my sbotguo, j poh. down nearly to the latitude of the Cape Rain or Shine. Our Suite will fit and give satisfaction, day the amount, given by them to of Good Hope we encountered the most back tb' bammera, but I couldn't doit let us prove it. We also Captain L. ordered tbe w heel five miles from Criehaven a bunch ut 1" .1’ sisted the Senator, “that whenever First National Bank ............. and old. put up and ran down to have a look at coots, flying low. came skimming along C. 1 Clough ............................. 10 00 a defective spot was found, some­ NOTES, LOANS. MORTGAGES, RENTALS and GENERAL her. As soon our signals could be Freeman tired Into them, and Hire» or Tillamook County Bank ....... i;.v body would suggest that a sample ACCOUNTS promptly attended to. : clearly seen he asked what she want- four dropped. Tbe Alpine was brought Grant Milla .. . .................... (.<■> tie taken, and that a sample would Consultation on Railroad Freight Rates and Railroad ' ed, aud the bark replied with a request King A Smith Co.................... I to stand by. Captain L. then ran up up into tbe wind, and with her main­ 5 00 be taken at that place?” claims for loss or damage sail and Jib flapping tbe gunner Jump­ A. I. Thoma,........... .................. "Oh." said Day, "occasionally 5.00 flags demanding if tbe bark were in­ ed Into tbe dory aud started to pick op SURVEYING. DRAFTING AND GENERAL ENGINEERING. Flasker Bros................................ 5 0) they would use some judgment." jured or anything wrong on board. Tbe bis game. Harn, A Roger........................ 5 00 Britisher replied again. “Stand by. Do There was a shout a splash, and l Again, while P. W Told was on F. D. Small ................................ 5.00 I Freeman was struggling in the water. not like look of weather.” Chas. E Haas .......................... 3 (1) I the stand, he test fied that at the When the second mate read the Iu reaching over the side of tbe dory Alex. McN air.............................. meaning of this signal out of tbe code he bad lost bis balance and fallen Into 5.0) I time he and M. F. Leach went to book a great laugh went up in our tbe choppy sea. In a moment tbe hun­ Webster Holmes ...................... .1(0 Portland at lhe request of the cabin, and Captain L. replied with gry. sharkisb dogs were after Wm. Old Spanish Kitchen ........... 5.00 council to get samples of bitulithic flags reading, "See nothing wrong in The opening paragraph tells all tbert Ray A Co........... .................. .. ■ pavements laid there, they were this weather.” and hoisted'the Ameri­ is to tell G. A. Edmunds.......... ............ 5.00 met by employees of the Warien BOTH PHONES. can ensign above the signal in order i Many stories are related to show th» J. W Maddux 5.U0 Construction Co and were enter­ to give point to his remark. No doubt ferocity of the dogfish. It was not tained at dinner and the theatre. rredC Baker........................... 5.0 j the British captain said. “Another of more than half a dozen years ago tbit C. K. Trombley .... ................. 5 OU He said also that A. G Beals and those crazy Yankees!" when he read two New York yachtsmen were lolling W. G. Dwight accompanied them J. S Lamar .......... ................... 5. CO our flags, but we were in Batavia a along In a sloop yaebt tn I'enotxcut John Wagner ............................ 5 00 on the trip. week before he appeared.—From “The bay one July afternoon, One of ttw On cross-examination. Senator F. R. Beal,................................. Journal of Captain Nathaniel Webber” yachtsmen, a physician named Bow- 5 09 i In Outing. Tillamook Feed Co.................. ker. decided to take a pl ti use. Be 5. CO Malarkey questioned Mr fT.dd at stripped and dived off tbe bow of tbs Tillamook Creamery ........... 3 50 great length atxmt Mr Beals' par­ intending to pull himself into Fairview Dairy Asso ............ A 50 ticipation in the entertainment. TODAY IS YOUR ONLY DAY, sloop, SUM MERING AT the tender trailing behind as it passed "He didn't object totalling dinner Ed. Snodgrass............................ 2.50 R. F. Zach man ........................ Yesterday I, a Record and Tomorrow him. He had scarcely bit the water 250 with the Warren Co. men. did he ?' before lie let out a yell. He Juat man­ May Never Come. A. A. Pennington.................... 2.50 asked Malarkey. aged to catch the gunwale of tbe row­ J. S. Handley ........................... Good days and bad days exist only 2Z0| “No ” boat when bis companion reached film in your own head. The weather has Mr, J. C. Holden ................... “ You didn't have to drag him 2.00 and hauled him In Three ugly wounds "Nature's Playground," as these beaches have been called, nothing to do with it. Each day is II. Crenshaw............................... 2 00 into the Warren Co. automobile?" •bowed in bls legs where tbe roraelow what you make it for yourself. Bad are now open for summer visitors. New hotels, with al) “ No.” M. Schi ... i(O dogfish bad bitten ont chunk« He weather Is only an unfortunate opin­ modern conveniences, cosy cottages, camping grounds and F. S. Whitehouse ................... Finally Judge Campbell inter­ 2.00 was taken into Rockland, where a phy­ ion. * Carl Haberlach............. ............. 2.05 vened. *' You are wastieg Hire.” I sician treated him for several weekl Suppose It is raining pitchforks. You J. C. Holden —... ....................... before he was out of danger.—New zoo he said. get word that your salary has been Latimer A Mowrey................... 2.00 I " I j”st want to make it clear in doubled or that a forgotten uncle has York Sun. R I). Cruikahank, Portland. 1 00 the record." said Mr. Malarkey, left you $1,000,000. What do you care Leaving Portland daily ....... 8.45 A. M. Chemistry and Truth. H. T. Botts.................................. "that Mr. Beals, although one sf about the weather then? Or suppose •• daily except Sunday ...... 1.20 P. M. Dr. Reiijaniiu E. Smith, the noted Ralph Ackley............................. 1 Of) the plaintiffs in this case, accepted the perron you love is dying. Unex­ A. K. Case ................................. pectedly a turn for tbe better comes. lexicographer. once made an aniobh 1 00 , the courtesies shown him by the The doctor says your dear one will live. »graphical statement which may inter­ Tillamook Sheet Metal Works 1.00 i Warren Co., and did not object to ! What if it is hotter than Tophet? It est advocates of scientific education, Honey A Hathaway................. 1 to receiving entertainment from their is a good day. a great day, a happy day. says the Manchester Guardian. Some F. D. Severance .................... .. ICO employees.” Business men can leave Saturday afternoon and arrive beach It's what you think and feel about it one bad asked his opfuiou about th» The Court," said Judge Cainp- S. B. Whitehouse ............. . I ou points in time for dinner, spend the evening and Sunday ' that makes each day what it is. You, best methods of teaching trutbfulnen , tell," will take notice oi the fact with the family and return to Portland Sunday night with­ within yourself, can make each day. to children. "Frankly.’ he replied, that you and Mr Beals have both out loss of time from business. every day. a good day. Put down iu "I know 1 luld the truth as a child , been members of the State Legis­ Third Regiment Leaves the notebook of your soul tbe poet purely from a desire to please my ¿notber. as I would have carried out lature an 1 he knows that legisla­ Runeberg's thought: any other course of action on whk-b ROUND TRIP FARES FROM PORTLAND The ThirX- Regiment Oregon tors always take everything good “Each day Is a life.” she insisted But I never saw any National Guard, entrained early ,,,a, way.' When you get up in the morning Season Tickets on sale daily . . . $4 00 other reason for doing It UDtll as a lad throw back your shoulders, take a deep I worked in a chemical laboratory. Monday morning alter holding a I Week End (for return Monday) . . $3.00 TUh HAZI.XG OF HV.XTIXGTON. breath. Meet the new- day like a man. week', encampment on the railroad Then I realized that nothing that wm Corresponding low fares from other points A TALE OF WOK. Say to yourself: «■ said made the slightest difference to land east of the dc|>ot Notwith- I “ Another day — another life!" At dead of night when all was ing at luce, the weather was wet. the elemental fact, and 1 believe I bar» Cal/ for our brand now folder “TILLAMOOK OOUM1Y st 11. For all we know, it may be the only loathed exaggeration and falsehood the encampment proved highly suc- A Ginney. puffing at a pill. BEACHES“ day we'll ever have. Let's make it the ever since." es,lu! from ■ military point of Sneaked to the room of Carlos II. best day we can. Let's strive to see view and satisfactory from the cit- And stole seeping babv s that It is a day worth while. Let's slioe. zen'a view point. Cost of a Boat Rae». move a step forward In our work A writer io Bailey's Magazine of The Regiment paraded through Oh woe* Oh shame! When came Let's do all tbe good we can. I^t's get Oily Ticket Office the morn England has been figuring ou the cu»t the city on Sunday morning in full all tbe happiness we can—today. It found (K>or Carlos all forlorn. »SMAST» 80 Sixth St., Cor. Oak marching order, and in the after- For there besides hi, ,oor Carlos would go and sorceresses, is being blasted away lame regiment. stating that a great ini to make room for public improvements. goiug for preparation from Uetub< Notice. is hereby given that tbe From the tenth century to the early until tbe day of tbe race. prvveuient had taken place in re­ And tins is just between our selves — , Iounty Court of Tillamook County, seventeenth those supposed to be In cent years, lie condemned The kicks he loaned*w»te No. 12*a. Room Doors on the Stag». Oregon, will receive sealed bids, for traffic with the evil one were tortured, ing and filthy talk of men while in In real life room doors alway» open Poor Car'oa now is in a cell BEGINS it» forty-fifth »ch »1 year the clearing of the right-Oa-way. grad­ executed and burled there. The exca camp Iu making a comparison He eaya life is fffmplv hell. 1en outward, or away from the room. AunicucTun» tiwiN«»iha homc shews are in contempt of wagon road, running from the East and 3ft( men from Tillamook City, . "T«a economics M inins roacsvav com ­ Exits are one of tbe most difficult part* Court " Still He Had It. line of Garibaldi, at Sta 4 x 10 to Sta : mence MaasMacv there would be more religiou, m«a of the actor's art. and If he or she bad A certain physician told some of his TWO-YEAR COURSES in aomcui- 09 x 30 near tbe East Garibaldi rock to fumble with the handle, poll th* and mtn of higher moral standard i mac home economics mechamic quarry, on the J. M. Harrison County patients that as long as they kept their door toward them, step round It nod E. E DANIELS, in the former than the latter He feet aud legs dry they would l>e safe mt « roMsrnv C ommewce f « mu * ct road, according to’plans and specifica­ pass through they would probably a.ud the regiment appreciated the T eacher ' s C ourses '■ manual tions on file in the office of the County from an attack of the grip One day make a clumsy dodge of It. That I* CHIROPRACTOR. clama and lhe cheese the Comuier-' training, agricaltnrv, domestic science Clerk of Tillamook County, Oregon. be was surprised to receive a letter why, as a rule, doors are constructed cial Club had sent I and art. from a patient in which the latter sal t l.ocal Office in the Coni lercial to open outward at a push. The first train left on Mondai MUSIC, including piano »tnng, band Contract to be completed on or before that be hid two wooden legs and yet Sept. 5, 1913. Building. be had had tbe grip for five consecu- morning at aiz o'clock and the instrument» and voice culture. Mad* Him Hungry. others followed later. | A certified check equal to 5 per cent Uve years -Philadelphia Ledger A BEAUTIFUL BOOKLET entitled TlLlAMlHiK. - ORK “I'm hungry." complained a bn»kf In appreciation of the Third Regi­ of the amount of tbe bid. must "Tna ENatcHMKxT op Ri nat. Lira" accom- husband tbe other day. and a C a T al OGVS will be mailed free pany each bid as a guarantee that the ment’, visit to Tillame lit «>t lhe Third WegimenL ONG., Fin this morning ,n,1 then cried be- Press SATW ACTION CL'ARAKTEZDl every night until midnight County Clerk. tor the man) courtesies extended to A A TCI» Ca. and register no« over rauw I left home without kissing her I ua during your re taipmrgi here fifty cent, |>er month rwdby Pittsburgh Piwt. Hidra Wanted. We have appre«iated the kindly on the meter • turit in which auggesliona off err. I CaugM the Hatot. T illamook E lm rw L ight axp t alt Hides, 14c.. Veal Hides. ||c : by us were recall ed and the evident F vm . C omp ax v That yachting party are telling tbe C »w Hutes■ * Tak* your hides to deaire on your part to make the en- Howey A Hathaway'« on the frs Nggest fakes 1 ever beard " W ill S fa UHXG. Manager. campmtat, so far aa possible, in and last day, ot the month an.. I Tnu C*B ** *' • gtancr hrvaung sad laettuctii, tv us. wdi be there to rvcene then.—S, thd even the yacht is lying to”-Balti Method will teach you to win tit«*- Michaud. more America*. Goethe, J Fall and Winter Samples —Now on Display— J. WM. EDWALL, Merchant’s Collection Association Tillamook, Ore. Collections Surveying Real Estate Offices in connection with Tillamook Title and Abstract Co. Ground Floor, Tillamook County Bank Bld. S. E HENDERSON C. H. THOMAS. TILLAMOOK COUNTY BEACHES Double Daily Train Service BEACHES REACHED IN 5 HOURS OREGON AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE D" KEEPS OUT ALL THE RAIN A 15 Watt Mazda Lamp I