2illarnQok Headlight, July 17, 1013. THE DEVIL’S ROOF. Tr..eh.rou. Snow That Conc..|. . Crev.,,0 |n the Antarctic. “Visitors to Switzerland alone c n appreciate the dangers of crevasse, ¡n be Ice sheets. But in the antarctic they are more numerous and attain far greater dhnenalons than in Switzer- and. said L. (j. Beruaccbi. the ex­ plorer. to a Loudon Chronicle reporter Tliey lie hidden under tbe snow, and very often tbe explorer does not know that be I n on a crevasse until he has traveled some yards, and tb..n be hears a hollow sound. He will then wonder whether to go on or turn back but experience has taught tbut tbe greater danger may be Incurred by turning back. “Crevasses are peculiar to the ice sheets over land. They are nonexist­ ent at the north pole because there tbe Ice is a frozen ocean. All ant­ arctic expeditions have bad to negoti­ ate the difficulties of crevasses, and sometimes tbelr existence has com­ pelled tbe explorer to make a detour of many miles. “Where land Juts out Into the sea, or. to be more precise, into an lee sheet In the antarctic, several cre­ vasses will be found radiating from this point Some bare been known to be fifty yards wide and 2,000 feet deep. Instances are also found where a sledge has sunk halfway through the ice roof and has been rescued with the greatest difficulty. In these cases the explorers were luckily roped to the sledge, but they had tbe uncomfortable experience of being suspended over a deep chasm." Captain Amundsen calls tbe treach- erous snow which conceals a crevasse "the devil’s roof," while both tbe late Captain Scott and Sir Ernest Shackle­ ton have described it exhaustively. i JOHN PAUL JONES. ffeckl.,. and Gallant Was th» Sailor Whom England Feared. bargains in ESTATE. real SIDNEY E JOHN LELAND HENDERSON Secretary-Trea«. Attorney-at-I.aw and N_t-irv Fnblic. HENDERSON, Preaideut. Ko. 1—bi Acres of bottomland In M. MacDermut Crawfords "The Italy Teems With Worthless and Sailor Whom England Feared" Is told with house and barn, and all the life story of John Paul Junes Bom slashed and some meadow within Counterfeit Currency. » ocoL till» lutreidd free lame ot tbe ’- utile of tl>e city limits, including sea. whose parentage remains a mys four cows, one horse, tery and who founded the Culled States or will trade for house CONFUSION IN ITS COINS. navy will ever Hve ln uava| Wslorj. gg . Tillamook City. the victor lu the valorous naval duel So. 2.—330 Acres on the Wilson rw Almost Rank With Tho.e of between tbe Serapis and Richard Hou Rivet, known hs the Rush farm horn me ln 1779. Korta. whar» th» D»»c»nding 8cal» (except a right of way deeded to the (INCORPORATED), I wish to have no connection with l, Good. Half Good, Bad and Coun- R.R. to. through the place), with any ship tbat does not sail fast. for I Good Only Aft.r Dark. Intend to go In barm’s way.” wrote everything on the place except 01 all the so called "great powers" Jones characteristically when negoiiat- wearing apparels and keep sakes. ins the most unstable and most lug with tbe French admiralty for a SO acres of hay laud and the balance -i »factory currency. Not alone Is ship. "You know. I believe, tbat tbi» good pasture land, with rolling ^change subject to fluetation hills and brush anil timber, and is not every one's Intention.” TILLAMOOK. OKE. it is true In greuter or less degree Jones’ relations with the gracious \\ ilson River running through the BOTH PHONES. rbe currency of every country!, but Duchesse de Chartres are delightfully place. Fine fishing and hunting, lere Is a great mass of counterfeit stated. She nicknamed bim “Chevalier 14 head of cows goes with the place, Sherry Witie............................ . 36c. | „„J worthless money floating about sans titre de la mer.” Charmed by bis but will run .15 or 40 head just the Atigelica Wine............................ :«c. I tw country for the undoing of the un Zenfendel Wine....... per quart 36c. impromptu defense of the Couite de way tbat it is, but will run 100 head Tokey|........................... per quart vary In the first place, the engrav Toulouse’s naval tactics nt a dinner of stock cattle. Also there is 1 bull, Pebbleford, bottled in bond, per bottle...................................$1 50 Claret .......................... per quart iug on the paper money Is of inferior she gave in bis bouor, tbe duchesse 2 head of horses. 1 mule, 2 light Clarke’s Pure Rye, bottled in White Grape Juice....................... quality, and hence it Is quite easy of pieseuted him with nn exquisite jew­ bond, per bottle......................... 1.25 Local Beer, quart. 3 bottlea for 50s. Imitation; secondly, there are so many eled watch that bad belonged to her wagons, mid farm implements in­ Old Crow, bottled in bond, per Domestic Beer, qt, Sbottleefor 75c. worthless or doubtful coins In circula grandfather. Then it was that Jones cluding mower, rake, hay fork, and bottle .......................................... 1.50 tloo that the temptation to add to made this memorable promise: “May it about 60 head of chickens, 20 stands Hermitage, buttled in bond, per Heir number is not easily resisted. please your royal highness, if fortune of bees, good 14 room house, with bottle ................... 1.50 Uke some of the paper money that should favor me nt sea I will some large woodshed and milch cans, Cyrus Noble. 3 Crown .............. 1.50 Keg Beer....................15 gallv » $».» and milk house, with US. separator. O T. O , bottled in bond, per not so long ago used to be quite com day lay an English frigate at your Keg Beer.............. 10 gallon- 4 00 bottle.......................................... 1.25 I,ocal bottle Beer, 6iloz. quurta 1000 mon In our own country, the Italian Is feet. He fulfilled this promise us far Harn 40 by 104 and 80 acres that Kentucky Dew, gal., bottled Local liottle Beer, 10 dox. pints 11.00 allowed to remain In circulation until as he could when he surrendered “to will go with the place if not sold or in bond..................................... 2 15 d »gracefully dirty nnd nearly obllterat tbe loveliest of women” the sword sur­ traded off or should wish to re­ Kentucky Dew, full pint, bottled el »nd therefore difficult of recognl rendered by “one of tbe bravest of serve the same that belongs to Mr. in bond..................................... 75 Budwieer Beer, 6 dox. quarts 415.00 tfc. as counterfeit or genuine. To add John Dewar A Sons, Old Scotch men”—Pearson of tbe Serapis “The James Hughey. Budwiaer Beer, 10 dozen pi. .* 18.00 Whiskey ..................................... 1.56 to the confusion. French silver is gen enemy surrendered at thirty five min 1 his Farm is located about 8 Old style Langer Beer, lOdozpt 11.0 utes past 10 p. m.,” wrote Jones to the miles East of Tillamook City, on Black A White, Old Scotch erally accepted, while the coins ol Whiskey ................................ duchesse, “by your watch, which 1 con the county road running up Wilson Switzerland. Belgium and Greece, al V.O. P., Old Scotch Whiskey .... suit only to fix the moment of victory.” though officially recognized, are. as a Sandy Macdonald’s Old Scotch White Port, Old Monk Brand, River. Price, #20,000.00. Napoleon’s opinion of I’anl Jones is rule, refused In commerce. Numerous Whiskey.................................... 1.75 $1 00 per gal. No. 3 6 acres with house and Hunter Baltimore, Rye Scotch tersely summed up in the remark he papal and Roumanian coins are still In Port Wine....................... 1.00 ”>r gal. good orchard, all cleared, 4 miles Whiskey .................................... 1 50 Sherry............................... 1.06 ,»er gal. made to Berthier when the news ot circulation, although they are value from the city. Price, $2,500.00. Canadian Club............................. 1.50 Claret ................................ 75c. ¡.er gal. I less and accepted only by unwary for Trafalgar was brought to bim: No. 4.—Two lots just west of the I. W. Harper................................. 1.00 Angelica........................... 1.00 per gal. "How old-was Paul Jones when he I elccera. whom the ltaliaus regard as died?" he gloomily asked. When Berthier Academy for $700.00 on easy terms. HarvesterOld Style..................... 1.00 Zenfendel ........................ 1.25 per gu). HITTING THE HYPHEN. fair prey. Monogram................................... 1.00 Tokey................................ 1.25 ¡ver gal. told him about torty-flve Napoleon re­ In addition, none of the large num No. 5.—One lot with 5 room Kentuck Dew............................... 1.00 marked: "Then he did not fultlll Ills des­ ber of one lira pieces coined before One Would Hardly Think the Little tiny. Had he lived to this time France house close _ in, rents for $15.00 Billie Taylor, full quart.......... 1.25 might have had an admlraf • • • Our ad­ per month. Mark Was So Important. Coronet Dry Gin....... per.............. bottle 1863 can be passed, although intrinsl gai. $5.00 Monogram . per „ mirals are always talking about pelagic A.V.H. Gin................. per bottle cally of equal value with those of Intel There is enough energy wasted in conditions White Corn Whiskey, per gat. 4 00 No 6.—One lot 60 x 105, with 5 Gordon Sloe Gin... .per bottle and ulterior objects, as If there ' date, since be period arbitrarily fixed placing the hyphen In "today," “to­ was any condition or any obiect in war room house close in, rents $15.00 Harvester Old Style ..pergtil. 4.25 Gordon Dry Gin .... per bottle McBrayer, 13years old.¡»er gal. 0.00 I for their ridemptlon has passed and night” and "to morrow" every week except to get In conlact with the enemy Rock and Rye ............ per bottle per month. Echo Spring....... .... per g 1. 4.25 the government refuses to accept them day to haul a passenger train around and destroy him That was Paul Jones No. 7.—Two lots with small house El Bart Gin ....................... Chestnut Grove Rye. .per gal. 2 75 I further. Luder this caption fall all the world. It is claimed there are 200,- view of the conditions and objects of na­ Virginia Dare Wine . perbottje val warfare. It was also Nelson's. It' Is Kentuckey Dew......... per gal. 2 25 OOO.OoO English writing people and a pity they could not have been matched with 4 rooms, these are line lots for Port Wine................... per quart coins bearing the head of Victor Em Alcohol .................. per gal. 4 90 sale on easy terms. somewhere with fairly equal force." manuel and the word "eletto” (elected! that they average to hyphenate these Cornet Dry Gin........ per gal. 4 00 Two Lots and House on Second words three times a day. Some may on the face AT not average to do this more than three Ave. East for $1400.00. The Italians possess a mania for mu ODDITIES IN RELICS. tflatlng and perforating the five nnd times a week and a few perhaps not J. S. STEPHENS, ten centeslmo copper coins, but owing three times a month; others write those A Bit of Shelley’s Charred Skull Treas­ ROOM 20, COMMERCIAL BLD. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER COR. 1st and 1st AVENUE E words and place the hyphens in them to their small denomination this usual ured In a Locket. scores of times each day, especially ly acts as no bar to their acceptance. 1 It Is not every man, not every hero “Oh, It's half good!" is often heard newspaper men, typewriters, authors, worshiper, who would esteem tbe tooth Notice of Publication. from some philosophical storekeeper as business men, school children and the of his hero of more value than dla- Department of the Interior. like. be tosses a doubtful coin into the till ■ monds. There is a ring belonging to S. L and O fficb at Portland, Ore. The acquiring of sufficient power Indeed, the traveler Is constantly re June I2tli, 1913. an English nobleman in which tbe from making these hyphens each day minded of Korea, the classical country N otice is H ereby G iven ,—That place of honor, formerly occupied by a of counterfeits, with its complicated to propel a passenger train around the diamond, is given to a tooth that once Alonzo E. Shirley whose poet-office world Is figured on the basis that it wale of descending money values address is 1241 E Main St. Portland, did duty in a human Jaw. Oregon, did, on the 18th day of No­ which are good, half good, bad, and takes half an.ounce of energy to make This tooth cost no less than $3,650, vember, 1912, lile in thia office counterfeits that are good ouly after the stroke either with pen or pencil and more for a typewriter that repre-' but it was the tooth of Sir Isaac New­ Sworn Statement and Application, dark. ton. A relic collector sold it at auc­ No. 0’1688, to purchase tlie SW j of But let the foreign visitor who has sents the hyphen, and this would total tion In 1846, aud the nobleman who NE1», Section 12. Township 2 North, lerved as a clearing house for worth 2,190.000 pounds of energy, or suffi­ i bought it gave it tbe place of a dia- Range 10 West, Willamette Meridan, less money beware of entertaining the cient for the train. anil the timber thereon, under the It takes an ounce of energy to make > mond in bls favorite ring. ifallacy that the rule is capnble of in provisions df tlie act of June 3, 1878, Auotber tooth which so far excites and acts amendatory, known as the verse application Like the legendary the hyphen on a typewriting machine tbe veneration of hero worshipers as to memory of elephants Is that of the and three to make it on a typesetting be able to bold a court of its own and “Timber and Stone Law,” at such value as might he fixed by appraise machine, and the statistician has fig­ Italian cabby or retail merchnnt. lead to draw from long distances it small ment, and tiiat, pursuant to such Ing him to pursue through storm and ured that typewriting nnd typesetting host of followers is one that was orig­ application, the land and timber darkness the man or woman who has machines alone take up sufficient en­ inally hidden behind tbe lips of Victor thereon have been appraised, tlie « passed a worthless coin into his keep ergy each day to propel a battleship Hugo. It is kept at bis former resi­ timber estimated 100.00 and 120 000 4. Ing On one occasion I was tracked from New York to the Panama canal. board feet at 25 and 40 cents per dence in a glass case bearing the tn All these figures were compiled as M, a.id the land $40.00; that said wen to the dinner table of friends aud an argument against using the hyphen scrlptlou "Tooth drawn from the Jaw applicant will offer final proof in toned to redeem a doubtful ten cen of Victor Hugo by the dentist on support of his application and In these words Many people do not, teslmo piece i2 cents! which I had In but the majority do. Those who are Wednesday, August 11, 1871. in tbe sworn statement on the 3rd day of «drerteutly offered ns aztlp. gardens attached to tbe bouse of Ma­ September, 1913, before the Regist Instead of seeking to strengthen the working toward greater efficiency In dame Koch at 3 o’clock in the after­ er and Receiver of tfie U. S. Land basis of the country’s paper nnd silvet everything claim that the hyphen in Office, at Portland, Oregonr noon." Cyrus Noble is pure, old and palatable— these words is not nt all necessary and money, tbg government adopted the Any person is at liberty to pro­ I < Tbe wig of a literary man appears to Bottled at drinking strength. should be discontinued by every one, test this purchase before entry, or very measure calculated still further to have been even more sought after than initiate a contest at any time before Sold all over the world flelmie tlie currency in the public mind saving a great deal of valuable time bls teeth That which Sterne wore patent issues, by filing a corrolsir- According to the ruling of the postof and energy.—Philadelphia Ledger. j while writing "Tristram Shandy” was ed afl’id ivit in this office, alleging V/. J. Van Sclmyver ¿¿ Co., General A^kub i e »utboritles. all money orders must Isold soon after the writer’s death for f, acts which would ilefeat the entry. Mending Egg«. be purchased with gold, silver and pa H. F. H igby , Portland, Oregon * The following Is taken from Farm $10.060, and tbe favorite chair ot Alex Per being refused. Owing, however, to . ander Pope brought $5,000 Register. und, also other lines of cough Rhe-Do yon belleve tbat F ne— i*» •*' it .¿J *’ f”Ped be orange Cbsrles. you «aid you wooidn t medicine for a number of years, but "" -Her dinner *nd you. never used anything but Foley'a hr. " ffttb a knlffc-KsMM City brunueiis izuv. — - __, who go sbroad generally sprea 'Jack, »»id the »»me Hare you d» Honey and Tar Compound for my­ aelvea-Boston TranacrtpL self or family, as I find it prodine | eetved me? Hie bent results, always* urea eevei. I 1 at. Jack n • rblrf smMtJon la gold; _ thsu be didn t «t suf orange. cotrla, and does not contain opiates.” I ** bot dust—Florida Retter be »tnafl ,h au be ate UUu.-Llf» For sale by all druggists. • Tillamook Title ano Abstract Company Law : Abstracts: Real Estate Surveying ; Insurance. BOTTLE GOODS. Special Prices far Family Trad.. Domestio Beers WINES. WHISKEYS. BILLY STEPHENS. The stronger and rougher whiskey tastes—the in * harm it will do. Why take chances with your nerves, your stomach, yo. general health Keep Abreast of the Times The Great Majestic Range and we can prove it! Alex. McNair Co great aod I