Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, July 17, 1913, Image 4

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Headlight, July 1-, 1913..
Blunt and
I Found In Tiny Mollusk« of the
Duk« William Tam«d Matilda, and 8h«
The First Messages Ar. Sent Just Fivs
American Coasts.
Minute« After Sailing.
> a f
South American eyestones are h .«
I A modern lover who resorted to
I The first regular wireless message Is
objects that look like flat, round bit, L
of Them
brute force to win his lady would soon Millions on
Pathos and
Fill the find himself in the street, if not in the
polished bone. Upon one side of
from her pier. It is timed Just flve
Flying Through
stone there are numerous concegh?
Could Enjoy Joke. | minutes after sailing. The sharp crack
Their Diaries.
| of the sending apparatus is usually
If au eyestone la placed In vine«,,-
drowned by the roar of the whistle
A COLLISION a weak sulutiou of limewater it u.
set out to muke Matilda, daughter of
OF JUSTICE. , calling for a clear passage in mid­
haves very much as if it were sMr«
the Count of Flanders, tbe happiest
All transatlantic steamers
of maidens he adopted measures that What Would Happen if One of the Lar­ it moves slowly about in various dlrec-
seud to the wireless station at Sea
It Was Strikingly Illustrated by the ' Gate, while the coastwise steamers The Journals of Captain Scott, Do were forcible, to say the least. Tbe
ger of Th«»« Erratic Derelicts Should tioiis and altogether couducts itasif |
Way Ho Handled Two Defaulting l call up tbe station on top of one of the
Long, Livingstone, Franklin and Oth­ New York Sun tells tbe story of his
Whirl Itself Into Our Solar Syatem. a most mysterious manner. Tbf,
strange activity has given rise a moot
Employees and the Rebuke He Ad­ skyscrapers on lower Broadway.
ers Are Mute Testimonials of Their tempestuous wooing:
The Birth of a Nebula.
I The suitor Matilda bad she did not
ignorant and sujieratltlous persons to
| This is merely a formal message, but
ministered to a Wall Street Shark.
Heroic Sacrifices For Science.
want, and the man she wished to woo
Possibly It has never occurred to tbe notion that tbe eyestone baa ¡if,
no wireless log would be complete
Moat people wbo knew J. P. Morgan ' without It, writes Frauds Arnold Col­
A peculiar and pathetic interest at­ her she could not get. The man she many people that there are such bodies and "loves to swim.'*
knew blm as a man blunt to tbe point lins In St. Nicholas. This first mes­ taches to the last records of lost ex- did not want happened to be William, as dark stars, but so great an authority
As a matter of fact, of course, an
of gruffuesa, yet be bud a keen seuse sage is known as tbe “T. R.” No one plorers. dying alone and unaided amid duke of Normandy, and he decided to us Sir Robert Bull has said that tbe eyeatune bus no more life than a ptv
ing stoue. it is composed of calc,*,
of humor. This is recalled by the way seems to know just why. The wireless icy wildernesses or in the steaming go to Bruges and conquer Matilda.
I There were no national roads through dark stars are to tbe bright for num­ ous muterial, nnd In limewater or cor
be appreciated so well tbe joke of a station replies as briefly as possible, depths of tropical jungles.
France in those days, and William
tain other liquids It is made to mor,
young Irishman wbo served In his of­ ami the wireless operator shuts off.
Tbe diary kept by the gallant Cap­ doubtless bad a hard trip. Perhaps are to tbe red hot oues. For every such
about by the carbonic acid gas cauwd
Business soon picks up. Before tbe
fice as u sort of exalted porter that be
tain Scott teems with tragic touches, Matilda noticed tbe mud on his clothes
by the contact of the stoue and the
passengers are through waving fare­
raised his salary.
but It also bus its beautiful and its when she came out of church and of cold oues, so that if tbe simile is liquid.
Tbe juke was on one of tbe banker's wells some one has usually remember­ heroic side. No more Rplendld Instance
found blm waiting foe her
These curious little stones were ones
visitors, wbo, thinking to have some ed a forgotten errand ashore or decid­ of magnificent self sacrifice has been
At any rate, William descended from credible number of these derelicts on tbe "frout doors,” so to speak, of tbe
fun with ttie young man, remarked to ed to send a wireless (aerogram is tbe recorded than tbe action of the dis­
his horse, and taking Matilda firmly
shells of a tiny mollusk that live,
him bis was a most difficult task, keep­ . word), and visitors lo-glu to look up ubled Captain Oates In seeking volun
by the back of the neck, rolled her their life, have grown cold and dead,
ing those whom Mr. Morgan did not the wireless station. It is usually a tary death In the blizzard so as not to over and over In the mire of Brugew, but are still racing about at star speed along the South American coasts. Tb,
wish to see away from blm without detached house ou the uppermost or be a burden on his surviving compan planting well directed blows upon her uutil In their wanderings they meet calcareous formation occurs at tbe tip
| sun deck, just large enough for the
end of tbe mollusk, aud when It draw.
giving offense.
royal face nnd body with his other some other beuveuly body in terrific Itself Into Its shell to escape danger or
“That’s so." said tbe Irishman, “but mysterious looking apparatus aud a
Tbe world Is richer In the possession hand. Life was elemental a thousand collision.
I bunk or two. Before the voyage is
J don't mind. I earn $50 a week."
Such gigantic catastrophe as tbe to go to sleep that tip tits so suugly
I over most of the passengers will have of facts such as these, which is why years ago.
Duly impressed, tbe visitor remarked
the last diaries of men dying In similar
ot two euns, each perhaps mil­ into tbe mouth of tbe shell that It at-
This strenuous lovemaking somehow
to Mr. Morgan that he paid pretty . Iiecouie familiar witli the station, for circumstances have always been ar­
miles in diameter, rushing at fords the creature perfect protection
appealed to Matilda, Perhaps it was
g.vd salaries, mentioning tbe tigure it is after all ubout tbe most interest­ dently sought and carefully treasured
each other nt the rate of twenty or against its enemies.
The mitives collect these little awl-
given him by the doorman. Mr. Mor­ ing place nboard.
It was. for example, in order to try Brihtric, tbe gentleman she could not thirty or even more miles per second
If no messages are filed for sending
gan rang for him.
to recover the papers belonging to get, who was only the English am­ would result, so the mathematicians lusks for no other purpose than to get
the eyestones. Sailors on tbe vessel,
"What do you mean,” he demanded, the operator picks up the shore sta- the lost arctic explorer Mylius Erich
bassador at her father’s court and not tell us. in a world splitting explosion
engaged In the fruit trade with those
"by telling this gentleman that I pay I . tion and clicks off the name of his sen that Captain Mlkkelsen recently
at all a proper person to be snubbing exactly as If each were composed of
you $50 a week?"
spent two awful years among tile icy n princess. So Matilda sent word to billions of billions of tons of gunpow- I regions get the stones, bring them to
l here,”
“I never told him anything of the
solitudes of northeast Greenland. He her father that, “sick in health and der, and as when gunpowder explodes the United States aud sell them to
I Should the operator have any mes-
sort, sir,” tbe man replied. “I told
failed In his quest, and be and his dolorous in body," she bad firmly re­ nothing Is left but gas and smoke, so druggists.
I sages to file he »'111 add the number—
The stones are often used for remov.
him I earned $50 a week keeping
solitary companion came near to losing solved to marry uo man but Duke In tbe clash of stars nothing would be
for example, "Atlantas 3.” The re­
cranks out, and I think I do.”
their own Ilves.
left of tbe two great solid bodies which ing foreign substances from the eye
ceiving station picks this up and re­
"Well.” said Morgan, lighting up,
These Journals of poor Erlchsen, if
Later, after William had conquered hud collided but an immense whirling when tbe services of a physician or an
plies quickly. If it has no message to
we won't discuss that now, but Just
they are ever found, will doubtless tell England, he offered his queen the mass of IncandMcent gas called a oculist are not to be had conveniently.
send it will reply: "O. K. Nil here.”
tell tbe tssikkeeper you are to have $5
a similarly stirring story to that left estates of any English nobleman she nebula, of which, as most people know, Many persons think that before using
Should there lie any messages to de­
more a week. And have no more talk
behind by Scott. Until then there Is might name. Matilda did not have to there are quite a number dotted over one you must put it lu vinegar to gfr»
liver It will reply, “O. K. G." (Go
with my Inquisitive friend here on tbe
only one record that closely parallels think twice. She not only chose Brih- the heavens. This maelstrom of gas It "life," but the notion is absurd. You
private affairs of tbe office."
It. and that Is tbe diary left by the trlc's estates, but she put him in prison would sail about among ihe stars for need only Insert tbe stone at the outer
All the way down the harbor the
Every banking house has little pecu­ I
American. De Long. who. with other
and kept him there all the rest of bls ages, in the course of which it would corner of the eye with the grooved side
survivors from the arctic exploring life—an excellent argument for the nuturally cool down aud condense Into next to the lid. The pressure of tbe
lations nt one time or nnother. No I i
ship Jeannette, perished amid tbe fro
public record exists to show that tbe I
wise custom of restricting woman’s a star system much like our own. wltb eyeball moves tbe stoue about Io the
questions and answers. The passen­
zen wastes of nortbeastern Siberia in
Morgan house suffered in this respect,
probably a central sun, planets and eye. Tbe grooves collect and retain
gers, who have been calling their fare­
choice to one year in four.
tbe winter of 1881.
but that Is because the banker handled
tbe foreigu matter, and when the stOM
wells from the ship's side as the wa­
these cases in bls own way. Two sueb
De Ding's diary, which was recov­
Some of these would sooner or later has accomplished Its circuit it emerges
ters widen, are merely continuing their
cases ure recalled by a veteran In tbe conversations with the shores now ered and has been published, might
arrive at a condition of temperature at tbe eud of the eye next tbe nose.
ntr<*et In une the culprit, a married rapidly slipping past. Your message almost be a duplicate In parts of that
suitable for the support of life and as
There are other eyestones. In the
kept by poor Scott.
man, admitted that lie was some $3.500
A Bleak Country, the Very Spirit of the centuries passed would become
bend of the common crawfish there ar»
meanwhile will be delivered almost
short when the head of tho bouse anywhere In the United States within
peopled with sentient beings. Grad­ two little bones just behind and be­
called blm Into tils office. It had gone an hour and In nearby cities In much was even more appalling than In
Beyond the forests of Siberia lies the ually they would grow too cold for life neath tbe eyes. These bones resembl«
Scott's, for his party consisted of no barren center of tbe Asiatic continent to exist and finally become frigid, cold, the South American eyestones, but tbs
in apex illation, he said. He admitted
less time.
fewer than thirteen men, nnd these all —that inhospitable, desolate land of dark stars once more. The number of fish bones nre w holly smooth Instead
that his salnry was ample for his
died from starvation and exposure. nakedness, t|ie haunt of roaming nom­ stars visible to the naked eye is only of being grooved on one side. These
Lending a Couple of Miles.
Mr Morgan advised him to go home
"Three to Albany,” said a club car The last entry reads as follows: "One ads, a region of bitter winds and hos­ a few thousands. With tho best tele­ crawfish bones have been used in tbe
mid tell I.Is wife about It and see blm passenger as he handed over a mileage hundred nnd fortieth day—Boyd and tile climate. In the very heart of the scope and other Instruments it Is cal­ west as eyestones, but they are not so
In the morning. In the morning he hook to the conductor and pointed to Gortz died during the night. Mr. Col greatest continent. In that part of the culated we can detect about a hun­ efficacious as those from South Amer­
handed hl.u the amount lie was abort Ids two companions, The conductor Hus dying.”
earth's surface which is farthest re­ dred millions—not n large number ica.—Youth's Companion.
The gallant De Long was then left moved from the sea, lies the lone, bleak (there are fifteen times as many peo­
after th. !erk bud said he had told bls ran Ids eye down the long strip and
with but one companion. Dr. Ambler, land of Mongolia.
wife eio,y>!ilug.
then turned about with the query:
ple ns that living on this globe); but,
"Pul Hui' where you took the money
In all its immense area there are but Judging by Sir Robert Ball's horse­
"Who will give this man two miles?” the medical officer to the expedition,
from.” be ordered. "It is a loan from
Half a dozen books were presented for tbe deaths of the other men had few towns where men live settled Ilves, shoe simile nnd reckoning only a hun­
Why Some Men Are Angels Abroad
me I expect you to pay it back. Noue immediately, and the conductor tore been previously recorded, nnd doubt­ and It possesses but a scanty popula­ dred dark ones to every bright one, we
end Demons at Home.
of the others know anything about It off two miles from one of them while less the two last of the survivors died tion, while because by its very position may take it tbat-there must be at least
Let’s see If you can’t be a man.”
There Is a form of Insanity, bo well
the man w ho had been short expressed that day or the next, At all events. it is cut off from the softening influence 10.000.000,000 dark stars chasing about
the Journal ended abruptly at this of the sea it presents a dreary aspect in space, most of which we have never recognized that wills have been broken
Later tbe clerk returned tho money ids thanks.
to him. wltb a stammering expression
on tbe strength of it, that takes the
"Yes, It’s a kind of treating frequent­ point.
of windy wastes, endless steppes and Beeu and probably never will sec.
By far the most dreadful tragedy of barren mountains.
of thanks.
ly practiced," said the conductor after­
I say most of which, for perhaps it form of brutality to those of one’»
“Humph!" said the banker. "It was ward. “it’s the same ns with a postage arctic exploration was the loss of the
Wild and wide is Mongolia, stretch- may come as a surprise to some that owu family when at the same time lie
n tilt harder aaviug than losing It. stamp. When you need the extra mile Franklin expedition, when the ill fnted ing as it does for 2,000 miles in the the earth we live In Is a dark star.
victim Is kind, benevolent and charm­
wasn’t It? Well, now, take It homo and or two you need It bad. but there are officers nnd men of the two explor­ savage splendor of limitless expanse. So are all tbe other planets and plane­ ing to nil outside. This Is known to
give It to your wife. 1 guess she saved few passengers who will accept the ing ships. Erebus nnd Terror. 130 Man cannot rest in such a country nor
alienists and lawyers ns "olklmanle."
toids of our solar system, which with
more of It than you did."
proffer of payuieut on the part of the In all. perished. Curiously enough, live a sedentary life. It has been tbe their moons, of which bodies, shining Historic cases of It are those of Deen
Tbe ether clerk, unmarried, became man whose book has run out.”—New though many relies of the ill fated birthplace of tbe greatest migrations
I only by tbe reflected light of tbe sun. Swift, Mrs. John Wesley and tbe I»-
commander Sir John Franklin were the world has ever seen.
Involved through associating with too York Sun.
tber of Frederick tbe Great
Restless there are at least 600 known to as
recovered by search parties and are movement. In fact, is the very spirit ' tronomers.
lively a group. Like tbe other, te was
Nor must we forget to
In women It generally takes tbe
now preserved In the museum attach­ of Mongolia.
advanced the amount of bls shortage
The Lion of Janina.
I mention those bodies called shooting form of an unreasoning and baseleu
and. like the other, repaid It. Not long
About a century ago London was
What history this land could tell if .stars which may be seen almost auy jealousy, leading them to make life I
afterward Mr. Morgan called him into threatened with a grisly show from his diaries or personal papers were only Its deserts could speak and Its ' clear night If patiently watched for.
burden to their husbands, to sulk per
his office and gave him three months' Janina. The fame of All Pasha was ever found.
mountains bear witness! Here rode ( These, though they look like stars, are versely at borne while shining in so­
noth e
One single written record of the lost Genghis, the Mongol Alexander, the
considerable In England, enhanced by
. hardly, as every oue knows, to be dig- ciety or spending much time In re
"But. Mr. Morgan,” he protested. Byron's stanzas In "t’hllde Harold.” expedition remains to us. It is in tbe
most ruthless and inhuman destroyer ■ nlfied by tbe name, being mostly but llgious devotion or In works of benere
“I'm ail right I haven't taken n dollar So when the great Albanian had nt form of a sheet torn from a small
the world has exi>erienced. On these ' very small masses of matter flying lence.
of your money since you gave me an Inst been murdered and his bend was pocket diary, nnd these are the words wide plateaus wandered those Mongol ' i about In space,
In men oiklmanla takes the form of
other chance."
exhibited to the public at Constantino­ It contains: “April 25. 1848.—Terror headsmen wbo fed their flocks and t —* J— “ —" • They are quite cold nctlve brutality to their wives «4
"I know It." said Morgan.
ple on a dish a merchant of tha. city nnd Erebus were abandoned. Sir John moved their camps with complete con
It is often ncompnnled by
pliete, which they do nt such a speed children
won't lie long before you will. You're thought the head and dlsb would be Franklin died on June 11. 1847. and
tent and splendid Isolation until at last as raises them at once to n white heat continuous nnd exhausting remoflk
traveling with your old clique again."
a paying sight In Ixuidon. We need I he total loss by deaths up to this date
the wanderlust came over them and hy friction of their passnge through
under the terrible consciousness tbit
There Is one bunker, not of tbe sec
not regret that a former confidential nine officers and fifteen men.”
they burst out from their fastness to It. and thus they are revealed to us.
they are torturing those they reslly
ond class in imiiortniice. who probably agent of All offered the executioner n
This precious scrap of paper was dls-
overrun the world. —Wide World Mag­
love. But they are unable to shako
For every one we see there must be
never will forget Ills experience on the higher price tiinti the merchant had torered In a cairn on Klug William's
many thousands whose paths miss ns ofT the Im hit Sometimes, when the
"Blink Monday" panic. The head of and obtained the bead, with those of Island In the year 1858. There was no
entirely, ships that pass In the night. object of their persecution Is dead,
one of the largest commission bouses All's three sons and grandsons. He de- signature, but the handwriting was
The Oath Gesture.
t silently and unknown. Some of these they themselves become actnslly In­
tn the “street" went to Morgan for aid |x>slted them near one of the city gates afterward identified as that of Cap
The act of uplifting the hand during are of Immense magnitude and are un­ sane Such was the case with De*’
"We are absolutely solvent,” he said, with a tombstone and inscription.— tain Fltzjames. one of Sir John's of
the taking of an oath Is so ancient that doubtedly regular !n their course.
Swift after the death of Stell*, tbe
“but Mr Blank has called a loan on u« London Spectator
it would lie futile to even attempt to Others are doubtless flying about the victim of his brutality, when be P*«
for $1.000.001) We can't make It and
In tbe tragic history of exploration
say when it started. Ilomer mentions heavens on haphazard paths, and It the penalty In pathetic alternation*of
Something Awful.
must c I oho . We'll pay 101) cents and
no briefer record than this exists of a
It as common among the Greeks of his it conceivable that one might come delirium and melancholy.
"Is your wife pretty fierce In the disaster so appalling In its magnitude,
hnve enough left for all of ns, but we
time, and it is also found in the earliest along aud collide wltb us or our sun.
So well Is this form of Insanity recog­
don’t want to sacrifice that business of scolding line?" naked the new SC- although Burke and Wills, wbo first
— I I The result of such a collision would nized that the courts will throw oot
■piHlntniii e wbo was trying to find OUt crooned Australia, left behind them Biblical time. For instance, Abraham,
the father of the Jewish people, says ' undoubtedly be the end of this earth the will of a man who fteis manif**t**
"Wtnit security have you got?" asked «hit particular kind of sympathy his only a few tattered leaves from an old
i h>r* i.n.va
.. , aD(j
It If this will cuts off bls natural heir*
friend moat wanted.
|H>ckethook to tell the story of how , "I have lifted up my baud to Jehovah,”
the banker.
intruder were of any respecta- — New York World.
"Fierce! oh. It's something awful they and their companions bad lain
The broker told him.
.rlo<l tbe practice «as existent. It was 'hie size a collision with any of ttie lar-
down In the desert to die.
"All right. I'll give you tho money. when she scolds."
"What does she aayF'
Of all the many valuable and inter , from tbe Jews, of course, that the prac- 1 ger members of the solar system wonld
Rend the stuff here. Jack, telephone
How They Cured Madness.
"She doesn't say anything She Just eating documenta left tiebind by lost tlce found Its way into Christendom. 1 produce such a conflagration as would
Blank I want to see him."
Murder ns well ns suicide was son*
when' it has ever since held its place ' raise tbe temperature
of nil tbe . rest
<1 It___ ___________
“I »ent for you," roared the tnan shuts her moutb tight and looks at explorers, however, none can vie in
times Justified in the old days. Io ”■
Importance with tbe last journals of in judicial trials.—New York American. I above the point at which life ns we cient parish registers In England tbe"
who had l>een up days and nights try uie" Buffalo Express.
know ft could exist "The earth and are such entries as “Hodgkinson TW*-
David Livingstone, who died, worn out
ing to bring flnanclat peace out .of
Good Advice.
by hunger and privation, at llala. In
all the Inhabitants thereof would be ns dyed ye 14th dale of April.
Chaim, “to tell you what I think about
Just a Suggestion.
My son.” said the old hunter, “you I burnt up and the elements would melt N. B — He was smothered for ye Bad­
you. but I haven't tho time now.
A young lawyer appeared before a central Africa. May 1, 1873
Yuu'te lieen pounding this market Washington Judge with his U tu brails were brought down to the coast, to­ are starting out to earn your living as I with fervent heat" Even If such a ness.'' Which means that as HodgMo
ever aluev this trouble began, trying under his arm and Ids hat on his head. gether with his body, by his faithful a guide Remember that some people star did not collide, but merely passed son had been bitten by a mad
to make money when everybody else The young man was so agitated that black "boys" and were published In will want to see bear, while others will I through our system, tbe effect of Its kind hearted neighlmrs settled hfs f*
want to see bear tracks.”
Inis lo-en trying to help those in trou he forgot to put aside Ida umbrella or December, 1874.
attraction would altogether upset pres­ for him by putting a feather bed *
“Yes, dad.”
They told of vast and farreachlng
You go back to your office and to remove Ids hat. lie l>egan speaking,
ent conditions and almost certainly top of hln> and sitting on It till be <**
“If they're satisfied with tracks don't bring about the cessation of life on the
»top calling loans, if you call another when the court kindly suggested:
dlmoveries and explorations uudertak
"Hadn't you better raise your urn- eu under almost Inconceivable condi­ try to show 'em bear "—Louisville Cou­ earth
one I'll break you and drive you out
of buelnean!”
brails ?**—Exchange.
tions of hardship and privation. I
Neither can we encourage ourselves
Clear Cm of Overwork.
And that settled It
fact, Livingstone literally laid down
with the hope that tbe collision would
Polito Doctor—Your busband,
David Dowa, In bls day one of the
tils life for his country since to bls pio­
Turn About.
be too sudden for ns to know much am. Is suffering either from over*J
“What's the matter. Hans?"
greet men In the financial district
Banker—Allow me to call vour at­ about It No such thing Our astrono­
neer etiterprise is largely due the fact
once «aid to the banker:
“Father caught me In the she«! that so great a part of Africa Is todav tention. sir. to the fact that your ac­ mers would see the star directly It got or excessive Indulgence In *1«™°“
It Is difficult to •*
Moreno, you nee a lot of young smoking tils pipe."
colored red upon tbe map -London An count is fioo overdrawn? Customer— near enough for the sun to light It up.
Wife—Oh. I'm
men and seem to lie able to pick up
Indeed! That means that 1 have £100 probably fifteen or twenty years before
latter ones than auy man 1 know. I I suppose?”
of yours, doesn't It?
Banker-Yes It urrtved. according to Its size nnd It's overwork! Why. he can't e**>
“No; father made me finish it ouL”-
».mt a man whom I can trust to look
Customer-Well, look here; last week speed They would be able to calcu­ to the theater without hurrying
Where the Benefit W»e.
half a dozen times to see ooe **
out for ui) affairs when 1 am away. Fliegende Blatter
why did you had £150 of mine, and I didn't say late Its path and foretell to a few mln
partuenl— Ixwdon Taller.
you tell Mrs. Lanods that I r~*
If ye i can get me such a man I'll pay
am only
ntes the precise moment of the catas­
b"n ll&ixio a year and forever bo
eighteen when I am really twenty
A Proscription.
trophe. and we ahould have the added
"If you aay your wife Is • doctor
Fin« Idea.
horror of tbe anticipation of our slowly
Tommy-Pop. what Is flattery! T"
Widow Rf.iiw eighteen is six
■Dowfil" »aid Morgan, "when you why didn't you go to her for your
Insurance Man-If you lose a hand advancing doom. Indeed, the passage
find that uinu «end him to too. and I’ll coldr
year» under twenty four, my dear.
we pay you $1.000 Pat-DI spake to of even a small star quite outside our toy’s Pop—Flattery, my son. I*
pay him tfiO.Otn a year and pay you a
"T im expensive, doctor, Lsst time
Daughter—Yea, ’ I ' know,
____ but surely I me brother Mike
He's a contractor •ystem by many millions of mllea some one else tell ns the nice tl^w
•.... us for discovering blm.” — New she ordered me alt weeks tn the Kt- don't need tbe benefit
---- of
— those
-—-J six an' do be bein' hands all the tolme - ’ would still have a sufficiently disturb­ we have always thonght stioet
York World.
Hern and came with me herself— year» at iny age. do I»
ing effect on ns to draw us out of our selves—Philadelphia Record.
ntogende Blatter
"Mow-Not at all. my child, but
petb sod alter entirely onr climate and
I do.
Cramping th« Bank.
Neglected His Duty-
temperature.—Chambers' JournaL
Greet Is the art of beginning, bnt
Mr. Pester-What msde you $*»
Cashier (to lady cashing check for
There are proper dignity and proper I15V-How will yon have It. madam,
greater is ttie art of ending -t ongtai.
< hear fulness and cootent are groat that car backward? Any
lion to be observed tn the performance gold or notes? Ijidy-Oh. all gold
hare told yon not to
Mrs I ■"
and famous preserverà of
of s'try act of Ufs.—Marcus AureUua.
please, if j vu •»-, got lt-Loudou luuxh. I
Then why didn't you?-Kaus**
youthful kwka.-Dicke
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