EOX. Hicuit WHEELER, OREGON, I THE MANUFACTURING CITY ON Offers to men of place in the energy and small means State of Oregon For information regarding Wheeler, write to NEHALEM HARBOR CO., WHEELER, OREGON. Portland Office : Tillamook Office 327 FAILING BUILDING Care ,of F. R. BEALS. * people ought to pay you, what peo­ The Flight from the Farm. Fewer Bird« and More Insects. ple think of you; and to you noth­ I Two Minnesota professors have Several days ago there appeared Below will be found some extracts ing will be pure. You will spoil been studying the movement of in the news column a number of everything you touch, and be mis ­ from the writings of a few of the population toward the cities by ill stories of insect pests, grasshop­ foremost thinkers and sages of the erable as you chooie. (Kingeey). quiries prosecuted among 13t> pers, worms, San Jose Scale, chest OBSTINACY. past Can you think of anyone to Obstinacy and contention are families occiij ying thirty-six square nut blight and so on. These stories »horn they are applicable, or can common qualities, most appearing miles, one township, and the re­ i are nothing new. We have been you recognize anything in them in, and best becoming, a mean and sults are as valuable as most of familiar with them for many years, that you wish to avoid in your- those derived from what passes and they have afforded an always illiterate soul, (Montaigne). self? now among college professors as ready and excellent excuse for crop Obstinacy is will asserting itself MALEVOLENCE. original research. The farmers shortage, inferior and undergrown without being able to justify itself. Avoid an angry man for awhile, told them that hard work, the fruit, high prices and nearly all the It is persistence without a reason a malevolent one forever. (Seneca.) other ills the farmer is heir to The Th? malignity that never forgets able motive. It is the tenacity of scarcity of labor and the movement of boys and girls to the towns were methods and processes of combat­ or forgives is found only in base self love substituted for that of rea the most vital problems of Minne ing the evil have increased and and ignoble natures, whose aims eon and conscience. (Ameil). An obstinate man does not hold sota farmers. “Plenty to eat does multiplied and been reduced to a •re selfish, and whose means are Every year the farmer not satisfy the farmer boy,” was science indirect, cowardly and treacherous. opinions, but they hold him; for more the summing up of one well to do must expend more cash, when he is once possessed with an I Hilliard). glower ‘They read thrilling stories time and more labor to overcome Malevolence is misery; it is the error it is like the devil, only cast of the 'Great White Way,’ of 'Gay the insect peat. Everything must mind cf Satan the great enemy, an out with great difficulty. (Butler). Obstinacy and vehetnency in Faria’ and 'Berlin Night Life,’ and be sprayed, from the orchard to the "utiast f-om ¡di jOy, and theoppon- potato plants Of course, it costs ■ opinion are the surest proofs of so on, and what are we goingtodo? ent of all goodness and happiness. money. All this would give the leader the stupidity. (Barton). Hamilton) Lets go back a little How did the impression that the movement of MALICE. boys to the city was a new thing. farmers do in the early days of the Malice is th; devil’s picture. Lust Imported Meat New York’s Great White Way be­ country? Did Washington have an makes man brutish; malice makes came famous and ephemeral fiction outfit of spraying machinery and I 'hem devilish—it is mental murder. A shipment of about 207.000 of a highly sensational character “insecticides*’ on his 301) acre I 'Watson). pounds of beef and mutton, the was to be bought at every news plantation before the revolution ? I I m 31'0* 8Corned. puts out itself; third in three weeks, has arrived at To go back a little further, did the I - argued, gives a kind of credit San Francisco from Australia, for stand. Yet the truth is that the Indians, he mireds of years earlier, movement has been it) progress ' Ti,^186 accu8at*on- (Massinger). direct sale through retailers to con­ for more than a hundred years and have any insect ravages? No more ,ere is no benefit so large that sumers. The shippers exact the than the middle of the Atlantic malignity will not lessen it; none condition that the meat be sold at there can be no profitable study of Ocean And why? Because nature it without recognizing that it has -narrow th:,t a Kood interpretation considerably under beef trust kept tilings evenly balanced. The been going cn ever siuce we be ­ ” oot «large it (Seneca). prices. Proportionately to the insects were kept down by the ‘ al‘ce 8uc^s up the greater part weekly cosumption of meat in the came a nation, and that it is going birds. We of this prosaic and on now in England, Scotland and *r own venom, and poisons United States, these shipments are metripolitan generation can not ap­ Ireland, in Frarce, Germany and >>eneif. (Montaigne). insignificant in qusnitity; and it is preciate the teeming bird life of the Australia. I meanness . probable that a much stronger An Ever since manufacturing began forests of a century ago. Civiliza­ m(,0„da,ly m»ch with subjects tipodean kick will be required to to pass from the home to the fact­ tion, the pothunters, the sportsmen .and low proves that the raise a welt on the hide of the trust ory, and especially since transpor­ and women's hats have all but ex­ 18 w'ak or makes it so. Some relief from extortion may tation became rapid and cheap, giv­ terminated the birds of thecouutry. l'-°opet). come to consumers in San Fransico ing a tremendous stimulus to the In their wake have followed the Tl-l*Per’or 11 en' and >'e* no* always through Australian competition, industries, the town has offered Audubon societies, alleged game therr'h* ,ilere have been; but but if the trust is to be "busted'' it more constant employment and laws and similar agencies, and so •"d ».a,*i,0< Ver b*en a ,nean will have to be assailed, in one way better wages, besides more amuse it is the insects have stolen a march ^«uciusX ean’e U“e virt“ou" or another, in every market which ment more companionship and on the crops. it holds in its grip. At prevailing the possibilities of wealth. The detMtV loireata contempt and prices there ought to be profit in urban movement of population is fl00 Reward >100. »tmM for meanness that I stock raising, even near the cen­ too old. too widespread and too Th< rt ailer» of this paper wiU be pleased »1^ h ner make a friend of one ters of population; and. with co­ vast to be explained by asking a to learn that there ia at leant one dreaded a D-- * c°mmitted murder than of operative or municipally operated Minnesota boy what he reads and 'iiffeaae that science has been able to cure in nil its ata Mirrng the patient strength by Sedentary habit», lack of out door huikbntf up the constitution and assisting «trie- he *”er «very species chant cf Whitemound. Win . boWJfbt nature in d.MUff its work The proprietor» a stock of Chamberlain a exercise, insufficient masticsV.on of have so mark faith in its curative mmfi d ‘mmorality. (¿terne). so as to be able to supply ,he"' that they offer One Handrad Hollars for any misery . his customers. A*er receiving them food, constipation, a torpid liver, case that it fails to cure head for Mot s that worry and anxiety, overeatir.g, par­ Address H A. CHENEY At CO , Triedo. ¿XT*!*° ’u«nel taking of food a nd dri nk oc t su ited one small bottle of 1 * >• to < quariel <>hto - - •• with Provi- : Colic. «.old by aJI IHuf slats Cholera and D’a7,l't’' tn tnufirt and occupation. Cor- If Alexander) Take ttall a Family Fills for constipation Remedv was worth more t bim Remedy /¿c'kcf fe/t rour habits and take Vhatwber- thiakT0? Wi,h »° be . • s Tablets soonle miserable, ' than the cost of his entire le by all , lain Tablets and and yo" you i you these medicines. For sale by 7 su iai For «le a. 1 dealer«. your««,f. what Subscribe for the Headlight lara •’you like, what respect . ( 1 zl*» dealers. Just Gleanings i ili)llliilllliyiUMHffln'IIMiniiliiinmniinecial display of attrac­ tive new styles. We are l>erfectly ^equipped for making group pictures and will please you with tne qual'ty of oUr work. v Connoisseurs know that its delicious flavor is beyond comparison. Find out lor yourself. Order from LAU3HLIN. Monk 's Studio Next to POST OFFICE ■ « I 9 Family Recipes The valued family re­ cipes for cough and cold cute, liniments, tonics aud other remedies have as careful attention here as the most .intricate'pre­ scriptions. Our fresh, high grade drugs will help to make these remedies more effec­ tive than ever. Right prices are also assured. •• CLOUGH, ; : Reliable Druggist. I L ■assssasssss| Sewer Pipe for Bale Tillamook Baker’s Bread Sold at AÌI Grocers with the p'roblrm of buying Hnru sa you will find it distinctly ad -uits- g^ou* to come and do your select ing here. You will get the beat qualities, the moat thorough end const iention« workmanship •’ 1 1 be charged the most reasonable prt< a. We can supply single or d< it le Seta or any single article that you may be in need of. W.A, Williams* Cc. ltrs tv T'P»auoi Const «Ba