63116 T îlcaîilinljf fi S Vol. XXVI. No. 5. TILLAMOOK, OREGON, JULY f Banking service is not an expensive luxury. Some of the greatest services we perform cost our clients absolutely nothing. —----- j • The individual needs this bank DanKlUg to help him make his income go farther, and to turn some of it into a permauant asset. Service. The small business man needs this bank’s help to make his business grow. This bank is here to serve all the people, anil its officers will be glad to talk to any having need of banking service. » TÎLLAMOOK COUNTY BAÑífe° bank rnuNTY I' TlkkAMOOK CITY. ORE, TILLAMOOK JOTTINGS STATE SUPERVISION The improvements on the Netarts road will be finished in about a week, which will enable an auto to reach Happy Camp in 35 minutes. For sale, Pair Shetland Ponies and Spring Colt, Pony, Surrey, Double Harness, Saddle and Bridle. En­ quire at office A. F. Coats Lumber Co. * Fred Kebbe vs. Pete I.anghardtis a suit filed in the circuit court to recover $843.75 for labor, team, board, lodging and laundry furnish­ ed the defendant. Dawson Bros, will meet all trains with bus. and will handle passen­ gers and baggage to all parts of the city. Call or phone at the Livery barn on 2nd Ave Bast. Dr. E. E. Daniels, the new Chiro­ practor, successfully treats all tier vous diseases, rheumatism, etc. Consultation free. Office Com­ mercial Club Building. Buy a Ford car because they run 20 miles on a gallon of gasoline. When you get them your troubles are over. See Ed. Hadley, the local agent for the Ford auto The hay harvest is in full blast. See Dr.Monk fornovelties in place card». See Big Mack for your sewer con- nectiona Stylish City Photographs at the I Tillamook Studio. F. M. Lamb came in from Eugene I on Sunday on a visit For Sale,—a Jersey bull, 2 years I old. See Frank Tone. • For Fine Photographs at popular prices —Tillamook Studio. Wanted,—Three furnished rooms. Contractor on Masonic Bld. • Misa Nellie Banfield came in on Saturday to spend a vacation. Call up the Mutual Phone for a date at the Tillamook Studio. Glasses fitted. • Any kind, any style. Guaranteed. Dr. Wendt. * Ed. Hadley has received five Ford care, which he offers for sale. C. H. Wheeler was in the city the first of the week from Wheeler. R. Y. Blalock will preach at the Adventist Church on Sunday at 2 00 A. Linebach and wife have rented “a house in this city aud may re­ p.n>. main here next winter. Mr. Line­ The Tillamook County Bank was bach is in the piano business, rep­ moved to its new building this resenting Kohler & Chase, of Port­ morning. land. lave chickens wanted at the Tilla­ Young men who are desirous of mook Meat Company’s Market, 12c. forming a company of the Oregon par pound. • National Guardin Tillamook should The Loyal Scouts will give a party see Ira C. Smith, who will see at the Christian Church this (Thurs­ whether enough names catibese day) evening cured a. Page, after visiting in this S. E. Henderson and C. H. Thomas rity, left on Monday for his home in have started a Merchants' Collec­ Oaksdale, Wash. tion Association in this city, and If our work does not suit you tell will handle real estate, loans, stir- «•; ifitdoeH tell your friend«. City veying, etc., in connection with the Tranefer Company • association, Bring your chickens to the Tilla- Two games of baseball will be Meat Company's Market We played on Sunday between Tilla­ »V 12c. per x>und • mook and Lodge No. 291, L O O.M., Gustave Haberlach has come to at Stillwell Park, the game in the 19 city to help his brother, Carl morning to be called at 9:15 and in the afternoon at 2:30. «berlach, in his office. A large quantity of furniture for t " Watson has returned e city after ua two weeks’ visit the new hotel have arrived in this htt mother in Portland. city and the bed rooms are being •'laeon fruit jar caps, 18c. doz.; 2 fixed up as speedily a» possible so • 35c. Lamar’s Variety Store, as to be ready when the Moose ex­ cursion arrives here on Saturday. in and Look Around." • I I ‘I I rJirla,DOO'i ',ea‘ Co. vs. George lns H a suit filed in the county urt t0 «ccver $63.47 for meat. Amateurs ! Better pay a small _.ar^ and t6* good results from “r kodaks.— Tillamook Studio . 8n bevel edged stag vn, \ hand ,Mirror. containing ^t’dioW,’h °Ur ,O,der* botJm ' * S°n*i of Beaver, have todn u,8 ,,TO ,On " hite auto truck v— e ,r Weighting between Bea- ,nd Cloverdale. Registered Hol- years old in Au- extra good Bull, price •*-H. S Lilly, Gales Creek. Ore. •‘'■»Bull. Three DAMAR’S A fire alarm was turned in this morning, the stove in the restau­ rant in Clement's building having caught the wood work on fire. The boys promptly responded and it took but a few seconds to extinguish it As the Western Union’s telegraph office is established at the ddpot a petition was forwarded to Manager Rcbb to have an office established in the business district of the city, and this was referred to the Super intendent. A special meeting of the stock holders of the Maple Leaf Creamery Association will be held on Satur day at the factory for the purpose of considering the matter of dispos- VARIETY STORE, TlUUAinOOKf «• OREGON- Drop ¡n and Look Around« i the Whey ,o‘he Standard •luk Sugar Company. Mr. aud Mrs. John Anand came on Saturday aud remained until Sunday. Mr. Anand is the man cVi ,,le Portland Commercial Club. He was greatly pleased with the city, and he had considerable to do with paving while councilman of "ortland for six years. An auto party arrived iu the city on Sunday, composed of Sarah B. Farmer ami P. E. Fullerton and wife, of Salem, and Mrs. J. D. Riley, Ruth and Harold Riley and Mis. J- L. Stockbridge, of Portland. The paity had come from Camp Joy. at Neskowin, and called themselves “The Bunch.” Arrangements have been com­ pleted for the entertainment of the Moose excursion to this city on Sat- Jay, when it is expected that the excursionists will number one thousand. There will be a dance at the opera house that night, and on Sunday two ball games, with a clam lunch served near the depot. A» it is not generally known that the passenger train leaving this city at 3:45 p m, carries mail, for the information of the pub ic we wish to state that there is no mail coach on the train, but a through pouch is made up in this city for Portland i'o catch this train letters must be mailed not later than 3:15 in t'ie post-office. Arthur J. Stillwell and A. A. Pennington having dissolved part nership in the firm of Mason-Pen nington & Co, Mr. Stillwell has taken over the Ladies' Department and is moving the goods to the store opposite, which will be tern porary quarters, as he will have an up to date store and slock of goods in the Oddfellows’ building. Mr. Peimiugton has taken the gents' goods and will remain in the pres ent quarters. County Clerk Holden paid out $1971.00 for moles and gophers up to this morniug Mrs J. J. Hallett brought in 322 from Blaine this week. The CouDty Court is unde­ cided as to the amount of money it can pay out this year for these bounties, as the law is somewhat confusing, while on the other ha ud, it is thought best to exterminate as many as possible at this time, which would prevent them from in­ creasing An unfortunate allair took place on Thursday evening over the pave ment controversy, all of which adds to the bad reputation of the city. I. H. McMahan, a night watch­ man for the Warren Construction Company, and better known as big Mac, knocked Ex-Senator C. W. Fulton down when inspecting the pavement that evening after some uncomplimentary words had passed between the two men. E. C. Clement, poet office inspec­ tor, came in on Wednesday for the purpose of appointing several post masters in this county. He ap­ pointed new postmasters at Rector and Lake Lytle, and filled a vacancy at Blaine today. A poetoffice is also to be established at Manhattan. It is the duty of the post office in­ spector to appoint postmasters where the receipts are under a cer­ tain amount, Mrs. J. C. Holden has resigned her position as manager of the tele­ phone office in this city, and Byron Block has taken her place, Mrs Holden has been in charge of the office for seven years and she has given general satisfaction, being exceedingly accommodating and obliging to the public. Mr. Block has been made manager and wire chief, and Miss Ruby Anderson chief operator. The injunction suit brought by a number of citizens to restrain the city from assessing the property for street pavements, constructed by the Warren Construction Co., i« still being heard before Judge Camp bell, with the pro»(sect that it will take soother week or more before the case is through. A good deal of the time of the court has been taken up by “muck rake” question» put to the witnesses by the attor- neys. The Ladies' Committee of the Tillamook Commercial Club ■» ar­ ranging far a novel entertainment at the club rooms next Thursday evening, when Miss Lottie Banfield will render a drama " The Melting pot,” and give several musical pieces. The drama»takes l'i hours, and Mi»» Banfield ha» won great praise in rendering it at private and other partiea in Portland The proceeds of the entertainment will be used for the benefit of the club W. Kerns, son-in-law of Johan pjulaeu. of Portland, has been spending his vacation at Bayocean. Mr Kerua « one of the proprietors 17, 1913 of the largest printing plants in Portland. He is occupying the Poulsen cottage, and Mr. Poulsen is building two more cottages, mak­ ing an investment of $30,000 tn Bay­ ocean. Mr. Kerns thinks that with so much money invested at Bav- ocean and the large amount of taxes paid, it is not treating Bayoceau right to deprive it of a road. During the quarter ending June 30, 1013, the State Engineer issued three permits for the appropriation of water in Tillamook County. R O. Richards, of Beaver, secured two permits to appropriate water from Foland Creek aud an unnamed spring. The water is to bediverted in Sections 20 and 32, Township 3 South, Range 7 West for the irriga­ tion of »3 acres of land, including domestic use. Solon Schiflman, of Bay City, also secured a permit to appropriate the waters of Doughty Creek to supply a part of Bay City' and also for domestic use. Wm. C. O’Hara died at the resi­ dence of his daughter, Mrs. H H Brown. 231 Shaver st., Portland June Vl, 1913. He came to Oregon by the Isthmus of Panama route. He was born in county Sligo, Ire­ land. in 1832. His business kept him in Portland until 1833, when he took up farming in Netarts, Tilla­ mook Co., Ore., where he was post­ master for twenty tyears. He re­ turned to Portland four years ago and since that time has lived with his daughter, He leaves four daughters ami two sons. Mrs. W. Johnson, Mrs. H H. Brown, Mrs. C. M. Martin. Mrs. C. F. Groce, Mr. Wm. O’Hara. all of Fortland, Bat O' Hara, of Netarts. The funeral took place on June 23. from St Mary’s Church, when requiem high mass was held. IL A. Youmans vs. the Pacific Railway A Navigation Co. is a suit filed in the Circuit Court in which the plaintiff claims damages to the amount of $5 765. Plaintiff claims damages t»> reason of purchasing a passenger.ticket for transportation from Tillamook to Hillsboro, and on December 39th, 1912, otfered himself for transportation at Tilla­ mook, where he was received as a passenger, and was in the train which was wrecked near the Roy place by a landslide. Plaintiff claims this was caused by the de­ fendants carelessly, improperly, unskillfully and negli gently con­ structed and maintained its road bed and right of way. By reason of the shock he claims to have been violently hurled and thrust against the seats which caused him to suf­ fer nervous disorders and mental anguish, for which he wants $5,000 damages. For his clothes being damaged $65 and $700 on account of bis trunks being detained 35 days. Appointment of a county sealer of weights and measures is another dutv facing the county court, ac­ cording to a new bill passed by the 1913 legislature and which is now tffective. The new law provides for a Mate sealer of weights and meas­ ures and authorizes the appoint­ ment of a state deputy. In addition, it is provided that the county court of every county shall appoint a county sealer whose duty it shall be to "visit at least once each year dur­ ing his term of office every place of business where any scale, weight or measure, or any device for as­ certaining the quantity of any com­ modity is kept for the purpose of trade, and try, test or prove such »r ale, weight or measure, or such cevice » • • • and where they are found to be accurate shall seal the same with the seal to be kept by him for that purpose, and when found to be inaccurate shall con­ demn the same and mark with a tag forbidding the further use thereof until made to comply with the county standard».’’ It is also made the duty of the county sealer of weights and measure» to institute criminal proceedings against any person» whom he discovers in vio­ lation of the law regarding weights and measures. During the month of July we will conduct a a pec ml cash dincount nale, throughout our variou. linen of grin eries, feed, flour, glannware, tin and granite ware, crockery, etc.: Beat hard wheat flour, $4. 90 bbl. Process barley, »1.30 for 751b. *k Wheat, per KM) lb«., »1*5. Bran 60 lb. ak., 85c. Short«, M lb. «ft., »1.30. ■ •II*., granulated sugar, II ft). Fruit granulated sugar, $5.25. 70c. pitchforks. 50c. 75c. .florets, 50c. »1.25 shovels. »1.00. . t*st Japan tea, »1.00. No I <>ate HE00. Correspondingly cash dux mints all through our different lines. T11.1.AM