- Tllamook Headlight, July IO, i OI3 | Beaver Lumber Co,......... .......... 58.44 J D Pearson A Haugen i C Grout, taking down bridge .. 220.00 38.75 R Nelson »* Haugen Tilden A Lamb payment on F Payne 24.37 L Pike ..... bndge contract. ............ ..- 350.00 45.31 F Schmeltzer The county court met in regular F Ostrander Wm Powell, painting Wilson 33.75 i C Cannon session on the 2nd day of July, 1913, S W Elliott and team 85.00 river bridge .................... . . 66.88 O Allison at 10 o'clock a.m., with the following H Lungs ton and team Alva Gore and others, bridge 65.00 T MeKnight members present: H m M Mason, J W Furgson and team work .................. ............ _........ 576.00 43 31 T Kellow Judge ; H. M. Farmer, Commissioner ; F Schofield ... Claim of OP Mattoon, J Wilson, Rain or Shine, Our Suits will tit and give satisfaction 33 44 1 J Bodyfelt Geo. R. Edner, Commissioner ; J. C. J T Woodard C McPhillips, ChasLundquist 48.75 V Kellow Holden, Clerk ; H. Crenshaw, Sheriff. J Beebehiser .. let ua prove it. We also do cleaning and pressing. right of way HeboCloverdale 45.65 Rus Kellow In the matter of Jas. A. Biggs and A Beebehiser. road ............................. ......... 551.00 48.13 R Kellow & Team others for a county road, it is ordered C Pike .. 10.00 T H Goyne, legal work............. that the matter be continued. 32.12 M C Kellow & Team E Jacoby 19.00 i Pacific Telephone Co .................. H Davis & Team In the matter of the approval of the I) Woods 45.31 W J Logus, notary work, team MEN’S AND LADIES’ TAILOR, plat of King Addition to Tillamook S Honey and team 56.25 J Bodyfelt & Team 8.00 Hire and J days work............. G Griffith & Team City, same is approved. 4.50 SECOND AVENUE EAST, Opposite Ed’s Parage C Haugen .... 66.30 Jones-Knudson Furniture Co... In the matter of bids for the con­ 27.81 C Lewallen and Team. Wilks...... 25.25 TILLAMOOK, ORE. Cloverdale blacksmith ............. C Lane and Team ...... struction of a county road between G 22.81 E H Stark ... 4.50 J G Brink ASon, blacksmithing Hebo and Cloverdale, the bid of Mead A Vaughn .... 15.00 J Laurence and Team. Mohler Mercantile Co, mdse ... 10.13 & Payne of $3200 and the bid of E. E. H H Johnson 33.37 W Warren and team... 4.00 J Kennedy, auto hire ............. Cross A Sons of $2750 are rejected. Geo 25.00 L Lane and Team....... Tone ..... J Christensen, hauling bridge.. 200.00 Bid of Martin Jenck of $1975, which R Johnson ... 26.56 Clyde Lane and Team . 5.65 R B Hays, surveying ............. amount includes all culberts and H B Johnson and team 39.37 A S Lane and team.... 8.00 J Vint, auto hire....................... wooden bridge at Wilson place ; or J Powell and team 50.00 Joe Price and Team.... 24.50 Nehalem Livery. ... ................ P J Schoppert and Team $2425 which amount includes all cul­ .J Solwise and team 45.62 Yellow Fir Lumber Co, lumber 120.00 berts and a concrete bridge at Wilson J Rosey and team 50.00 R J Forsyth and Team 17.67 City Transfer Co........................ J Lewallen.. place, is accepted. 32.12 G C Vaughn and team 5.00 D Martiny, auto hire .............. F Lewalien... In the matter of the petition of the Thos 50.00 Edwards and team 1.50 H Crenshaw, prisoner’s board. . Dwight Company for franchise for lay­ A Holden 38 12 Wm Peacock. and team .60 Hiner A Son, blacksmithing .. . ing of gas mains along county road and F Blaserand team ... 47,74 ,G Schoppert .50 H Crenshaw, current expense... on thoroughfares between Manhattan J Helgeson 25.00 I A Butts.. B F Barrett, typing specifica­ Beach and Ocean Lake Park, petition M Weber 25.94 I J Wilson. 8 15 tions ............ .................. is granted. 24.37 | Lee Lane 12.00 Barthold Barg, stationery ... . In the matter of the application jof J D B Huffart 5.00 V Lane Darby 25.00 Tillamook Herald, printing. .. Jones & Knudson Furniture Co. for A Wilks ... 2.50 Earl Paul cancellation of double assessment on E Larson and team Mrs H C Hanso.i, examination 33.12 S Rusch 9.00 property formerly belonging to O. S. H Johnson.............. board work ............... .. -. 25.00 G Yoeom Crocker but recently bought by Jon.-s Jo Lillie M Buell, examination 4.25 G Forsyth Larsen, gate watcher, .. 9.00 A Knudson, petition is granted. board work............................... 42.50 A A Lane In the matter of appointing commit­ A H Farkner and team 43.16 F Lyster and Team Tillamook Headlight, printing 20.94 Farkner..................... tees for county fair, the following com- I. V 2.80 Cloverdale Courier, printing..- 34.37 F Reddaway Potter and team . mttiee was appointed : S. W. Elliott. E B Johnson U G Jackson and others,survey­ 17.50 Carl Curl and team II 1 year, J. H. Dunstan, 2 years, Will ing.-............ .............................. 663.20 28.88 Ix>yd Woods H B Johnson Spaulding, 3 years. 22.82 Southern Pacinc, freight.......... 20.31 F Dunham R Johnson ..... In the matter of the petition of Fred G M Hulmeyer and Team W S Buell, traveling expenses 7.22 C Farkner ..... Paquet for damages on account of A Curl 50.00 for quarter ending June 30.. DOCKS : WAREHOUSE. county road, claim of $75.00 and other C Samuels and team 50 25 ' W A Saling and Team 1.00 W S Buel, expense..................... A Blum ................... FRONT STREET, BETWEEN ind & 3rd AVENUE WEST. considerations were accepted. 42 75 R Blanchard and Team 5.00 J E Reedy, county veterinary.. John Blum ............. 4.03 60 00 I K Huston J K Gill Co, Stationery............ Ed Blum ................ 5?™'B Dunham Road District No. 1. W F Baker, stationery.............. 14.87 55.00 C Strahmand ......... Coast Culvert & Flume Co....... 791.27 45.00 S C Woods Amel Larsen.............................. F Rob'tsch ............ ’ ’ 4.20 A H Averill Machinery Co..... . 45.00 M Shuitson Reuben Freeman....................... G Mattoon................ H L Berger and Team Coast Bridge Co......................... 1094.40 38.12 Aly Johnson............................... W. O. Churchill........ A Imlah A K Case, machinist.................. 105.88 49.37 John Skogkrist........................... F Reynolds................. SUMMERING AT Dawson Bros, livery....-........... 8.00 70.00 A Davidson Fred Emery............................... F Blum....................... C Hollett G R Edner................................. - 77.40 I) H Vedder................................ 33.44 C Desmond............. .. M 'J Gersoni, attorney fee.... 5.00 18.75 B Shoemaker Guy Loerpable.......................... L J White................ D F Thompson '......................... 80.00 Geo Ixierpable........................... 60.00 E Hagg C E Pearson....... J Heilmeyer................................ 60.00 55.00 J Creecy and team Ernest Fetzloff.......................... Dave Hess................. J M Baker................................... 102.00 Rudolph Larsen.......................... 57.50 L Wooley............... . Il Schlappi................. W B Alderman............................ 100.00 Bob Aired................................... 29.37 J W Hester and team E Pearson................. “Nature’s Playground,’’ as these beaches have been called, H M Farmer................................ 69.00 F McKimens............................. 31.85 R Saling and team R Wvant.................... R Woods. are now open for summer visitors. New hotels, with all Homer Mason............................... 100.00 D S Boyakins............................ 36.25 W B Turner............... B L Beals..................................... modern conveniences, cosy cottages, camping grounds and 83.33 Dan Davidson............................ 66.87 R Lyster. C Fleck...................... W S Buell.................................... 83.33 Carl Guenzer............................... C Rearson.................. 30.00 W Booth. E L Brown O G Swenson............................... 75.00 E H Gary.................................. Jim Hess.................... 27.50 Vida Rogers................................. 50.00 P Linkhart................................. V Brown.................... 5.00 Otto Curl.. W A Gage . H Crenshaw................................. 133.33 F Gary........................................ 46 93 L Bush ...................... Catherine Mills............................ 75.00 Joe Angelo.................................. J L Simmonds........... 26.87 W Hudson and team J Imlah. Leaving Portland daily............................ 8.45 A.' M. J C Holden . A mil Ross................................... 33.00 133.33 E Ayers.................... W Gage R L Dhreve... W Cane and Team..................... 75.00 F H Eggleston......... “ daily except Sunday 25.50 1.20 P. M. T E Epplett. P E Allen................................... 36.00 D Brooten 45.00 E Carter.................... F Moser........................................ C A Johnson 43.00 Wm. Glick and team 100.00 E Nametz.................. A Scholmeyer............................. 43.00 R Waymire R D Cook................... . Jim Thompson's Teams............ H Eggleston....... — 31.50 H Franklin J C Peterson and Team............ H Poland.................... 34.00 11 Brooten R Lockwood and team Geo Wilson and Tesm.............. G O Timmerman...................... 15.00 Business men can leave Saturday afternoon and arrive beach L Barber and Team.................. J E. Timmerman...................... 20.00 H V Follett The Third Infantry, Oregon Na­ points in time for dinner, spend the evening and Sunday J Sornson Lee Alley.................................... M Easton.................................... 10.00 tional Guard, arrived in Tillamook with the family and return to Portland Sunday night with­ A. S. Tilden................................ W Alumbaugh............................ 10.00 P Menard on Tuesday in four special trains George Knight's Trims ........ . out loss of time from business. ” 15.00 J Holmes F Snider..................................... for its annual encampment and Chris Crassly and Team........... O II Hage................................... 7.50 C Follett Guy Vedder and Team............. H C Hansen.............................. 10.00 F B Cu Iverson maneuvers, which will continue Joe Van Hove............................ ROUND TRIP FARES FROM PORT LAHO O W Womer.............................. 5.00 J Lane and team until July 14. Geo Miller.................................. Ike Shortledge........................... 2.50 D Rutgers All the 11 companies of the regi­ M I. Barber............................. T Tilgon..................................... Seaton Ticket, on sale daily . . . $4.00 15.75 D Rutgers and team S D Thompson............................ ment, with the Ambulance Comp­ Ed Hadley................................ 21.00 J Rutgers and team Week End (for return Monday) , . $3.00 J Lewallen Ed Braunersreuther.................. Will Randall............................... 5.31 any and the Third Regiment band, Corresponding low fares from other points M Lando If.................................... O W Womer .............................. 2.18 F Lewallen participating in the encampment. Aug Ludtkc and Team ........... C Habile..................................... 4.69 Wm Peacock Companies B, C, E, F, II and K are F Witle....................................... J Rupp..................... ............... 28.50 Guy Schoppert Gall tor our brand now folder “TILLAMOOK QOUN1V E K Schovel................................ A M Austin.............................. the Portland companies. Company 7.00 Joe Lawrence BEAOHES” A. Butts C Doughney and Team............. G Vaughn................................... 16.25 D comes from Corvallis; Company John Wilson D Perogoy................................... Blazer ..................................... 16.25 F Folder, and full information from any S. P agent oral G from Dal.as; Company I from Robt Aldrich ............................. C Kenedy.................................... 13.65 L Lane Woodburn; Company L from Ore­ Guv Thompson......................... ;. John Tusker............................... 74.37 V Lane F I. Barnes ................................ gon Citv, and Company M from W .1 l)ye ................................. 72.00 Earl Paul City Ticket Office F Burrows...................... ............. R Lucas.......... .......................... 45.00 i S Rusch Salem. Wf/ SUNSET -G Yocum Ansell Iximmen and Team ...... I. Woods ................................... lOGOEN&SHASTAl 28.75 The regiment is commanded by 80 Sixth St., Cor. Oak uu .w 1.9 Forsyth I ROUTES / A E Rittenhouse and Teams . W E Noyes................................. 55.00 Colonel C. H. Martin, late of the G Zaddai-h and Team................ 47.50 , and team Roy Williams............................ C E Easom and Team........... War College at Washington, D C. N Lucas ............... .................... 60.00 C Lane J ohn M. S cott , H Worthington and Team...... J Msegeli................................... 50.00 John Lowrance Five regular Army officers, be­ Generiti Passenger Agent W Warren A E isom.................................... O Lucas..................................... 38.75 sides Colonel Martin and First John Wall................................. Portland,. Oregon F I)ye ......................................... 51.75 L Lane Lieutenant Francis C. Endicott, P. Cassidy.................................. E Tucker..................................... 38.12 C Lane Albert Miller............................. instructor inspector, are attending G A Union................................. 27.50 A S Lane Jos Rauman.............................. C Dnhili..................................... 25.00 Joe Price the encampment They are: Lieu­ Chas Johriss............................... Jim Tucker............. ................... 31.25 R J Forsyth tenant-Colonel John F. Martin, Chas Easom............................... H Woolfe..................................... The Tenant Farmer 39.37 u S Edwards according to an unofficial estima'». Twenty-first Infantry, Vancouver Emery Wagner.......................... A Williams ....................... _ 17.50 II S Edwards and team U Edwards The growth of tenant fanning is I cheated to Thomae E. Rush Ernest Kebbe and Team ____ ,!.>«• Bennett............................... Barracks; Captain Cromwell Stacy, 13 75 Felix Keblie.............................. A L. Thomas.............................. 17.50 W Webb Twenty first Infantry, Vancouver an inevitable result of growing counsel to State Comptroller Sol m F Moore and Team.................... Dolph Tinnerstctt..................... 10.00 L T Edwards Barracks; Major J. B. Clayton, population, which carries up the er, who has been in Europe the G ~ Ladd Andrew Peterson and Team.. C Dye.......................................... 5.00 E R Hayes Medical Corps, Vancouver Bar­ prices of farms. When a man could ' last month examining the books of John Krumlsuf........................ Frank Paul................................ 36.56 T Edwards and team It Johnaon................................... 12.00 Max Rust................................. racks; Major R. H. Noble, district get a farm for little or nothing, all the Morgan house in London and 46.00 J Fleck and Team.................... V Glad........................................ 12.00 inspector, 2.00 H Emerick When it j Paris to determine the value of the Vancouver Barracks, farmers were owners. Grant Marshall.......................... C E Black .................................. 10 00 and First Lieutenant A A. Hoff­ costa $5000, $10,000 or $20,000 to buy j late financier’s holdings The 7.00 A Groof A Jurha'a Team........................ J S Simmonds, damages......... 12.00 25.00 E Namitz E Krumlsuf............................... W Burns gravel ....................... 39.69 man, inspector-instructor, attached a farm, a treat many cultivators ] European assets he found to ap 17.75 F Gist W M Walker’s Two Teams .. R Funk, dirt..... ........................ 26.25 to the Montana militia. These of­ must hire. And if the cultivator proximate $15,000,000. If the $1» 186.75 James Imlah <> K Emery................................ PM arolf..................................... 40 94 ficers have received special details has the price of a farm it is not 000,000 estimate for the whole es­ 60.00 J Imlah H Lockwood Frank Hobson........................... A Olds, payment on contract 39.06 for the encampment. certain that it would pay hitn to ( tate is correct, it is said this will be John Fleck A Jurha. .................................. on Quick Hill.................... 6.56 400.00 the biggest estate to day an inherit- E M Kirby Clarence Edner............ ............. 1 he weather on Wednesday was buy one. A merchant with $20,000 »nee tav in America. New York Joe Donaldson, tilling...... .. 50.08 30.06 Toney Jenck C Wilkes and Team ................ J Wilson, gravel ................ ..... 125.00 16.56 somewhat wet, with a Tillamook of capital doesn t think he must State will be enriched nearly$4,00$- L Paquet. ..... . ........................... N Erickson, right of way....... 70 00 Joe Jenck 20.00 mist most of the day, which made it own a store. In many cases he L It is estimated, by a tax off Glen White Joe Hamhurst....... ..................... A F Coats Lumber Co............. 363.18 8.75 per cent on a greater part of the doesn't wish to. He can use his J S A H Sheldon.............................. a un P , *«sant for those .vho Wells Leach, contract on Ne­ 5.00 estate. Sam Johnson ............................. tarts road........................... 1000.00 J E 67.501 Hre not U8ed ,o th»» Webfoot climate. capital to better advantage in hia Edw Keys............................... . J E Cochrane 43.501 Thursday the weather turned fine; ,- business than by being his own E Martin..................................... Total............ .. ............................ 6,181.44 E D Achey 162,00 with prospects that it will remain , landlord. H D Classen Joe Swahaw................... ......... 104 00 I ------- Road Di«lrict No. 3. Wm. Archie................................ W A Shannon The same condition is true of 198*0») I 90 " hile the regiment is here Roy Woodstrome & Team...... C Crowe and Tuam................... C Ellison 17.50 farming. In many cases the culti- R X McClay & Team................ E Tur pen and Team ................ C J Baldwin 23.75 io8a)o Silage Fed Cows Pay Best , vator would make a good deal more J C Creecy & learn.................. Chas Morgan ........................... 12.50 Rov Riley 62.50 A I. Jensen & Team................ Ike Darling................................ From 329 herds reported in a money to hire a farm and use his 15.00 E Beseonette 39.00 Roy Baling & Team................ Adam Krumlauf....................... 12.50 L C Bessonette government ’’ cow census’’ as hav' , capitol in providing stock, imple- 39 00 J E Sjierry ........................... M Johnson ami Team........... .., 8 75 Cloverdale Mercantile Co. 43.68 ing been fed silage, numbering . ments and improvements that he B M Shoemaker..................... E Davie....................................... 8.75 L M Davis, lumber 5.81 t»>89 cows, $1.3» was received for would have no money for if he Cheater Hollett.......................... C Smith........................................ 8.75 D W Gilbert A Son. mdse 422.83 bought the title. But, of course, a Art Davidson........................... C V Stoker and Team.............. 8.75 S Bauer, road plank 110.70 I 1 each dollar's worth of feed con- \ i Foattr R B Kennedy and Team 1.00 Cloverdale blacksmith 12 75 su,ne.62 ”lc,r rations. S l> Moon ................................. E Bartrow................................... 12.25 Meat! A Payne, part payment much as possible. But with a lease Comparing herds feci wtth those P R Coulson ............................. Paul Dick................................... on IXilph road 17.75 800 00 not reported to be so fed (the of fifteen or twenty years he has Walter Affolter....................... Tony Krumlauf ....................... 10.00 E M Davis 18.75 Jim Sutton........................... ...... the motive of an owner for improv­ A Fleming ............................... 10.00 E A Lane and team 11 25 larger part of which probably did N Affolter ............................... 11 Crane .......................... 9.00 J Lane - - . . , not have silage and which may be ing the property, and not being 1.25 H Nedry... ........................ • • • • J M Harrison, gravel.. ........ 4.50 regarded as representing the actual obliged to invest his capital in the J Fleck, gravel.......................... 11 Scherxingcr.......................... 7.00 Total | common run of dairy herds in the land, he has the money to improve O E Tsggert Meat! and Son on Necarney 3 25 G«Keral Fand Mountain Co. Road I’ontract 400.00 F C Affolter 8.75 Lamb Schrader Co, cement I nited Statesi, it was found that aud cultivate it in the most effect­ 353.13 Tobi A Amieraon, merchandise 6.00 Hiner A Son. mechanics 32.60 S Baner the ratio of profitable to unprofitable ive manner. 29.55 H Batxner, blacksmithing 17 50 ReaII A t\>, oils 17.30 Joe Affother ,, We might as well face the fact Nehalem Saw Mill Timber 3.00 W Maddux, gravel...................’ 89. >5 herds among the silage fed ia to 11 44 N Affolter A Tram 32.85 that ratio among those not repotted that tenant farming is a perman­ GeuW Phelps, merchandise 53 75 Alex McNair, merchandise. 42.75 V F la-arned 133.75 as 2 8 is to 1 Feeoay and Bremer Co., ...... E Worthington A Team 15.00 I» Hamlin, housemoving or that the proba­ ency in the United States, and con- foundry work ............... ....... 24 37 I Quick, damages for hauling 250 oO bilities of mailing a profit are gratulate ourselves on such cases 2» 00 C E Murphy.................... Nelson and Co., merchandise.. 5 00 3.25 G4en White .................... ts>uMers across land G Krumlauf................................ . . 22 00 Ain< A Smith Co, merchandise 20 00 nearly three to one in favor of the as that of the r»|ey Valley farmer, 42 50 Jim Imlah 288.96 silage feeder, aa compared with the who has lived in one place thirty­ Frank Owens 1.50 u*i * printing 43.24 average dairy farmer.-Misaouri eight pears, has made money from . 94 00 »5 Total $5.05» 70 R O Richards Nehalem Enterprise, printing 1.50 N Hoglund 65,00 Nelson A Co, merchandise On your front porch can be!» it, and who. in connection with a Road Du'ricl Ne. 2. 10 20 KUrahsL 1. L Everett . 57 50 Till meat lax. county poor every night until midnight really intelligent gronnd owner has Fred Nath 3.00 St 86 Amos Vaughn and team.......... „ 45.31 Tifi. Feed Co. mdse, county poor 15.00 and register not over Guy Huston . . Farm for Sale 54.00 provided ample fertilizers and Amo* Vaughn.. ... . 6S.ol K r ¿achman, plumbing ....... fifty cents per month P Huston MOO 52 50 drainage and the best of equip- *• Derby ...................................... 45. 31 Till. Light Co .. For Sale.16 acres of bottom land on the meter. 22.40 51 25 I King A Smith, merchandise meat — Exchange. T llaugrn with teams.............. 90.62 E Thomas 1200 1 »miles from town. Good house 42.50 I O Haugen........ „„......................... 40.00 J Thomae T illamook Kucrmc L ight a -’® building fence 100 00 and barn. U ill run nine cows . 33.75 I Beall A Co, iMebinerj I R Thornes The whole of J. p. Morgan a es- .............. 175.601 Enquire of the Headlight office. F url C ompany County Business. Fall and Winter Samples —Now on Display-- J. WM. EDWALL, Coal, Cement, Lime, Brick, Shingles, Drain Tile, Plaster, Koof Paint, LAMB SCHRADER COMPANY. TILLAMOOK COUNTY BEACHES Double Daily Train Service Third Regiment Arrives BEACHES REACHED IN 5 HOURS A 15 Watt Mazda Lamp i lite has a value of about Hui, .00,006, W ill 8 pau > lxg , Manager.