I WHEELER, OREGON, to fa fit) tv fit) THE MANUFACTURING CITY Offers to men of energy and small means place : in A- For information regarding Wheeler, write to NEHALEM HARBOR CO., WHEELER, OREGON Portland Office : Tillamook Office 327 FAILING BUILDING Care of F. R. BEALS. I * Standpat Democrats. Fourth Class Postmasters Exami­ nation. Saturday, August 9, 1913. In the Senate Democratic party M fn by T hese P re ­ W hereas , the State Board of Fish and Game Commis­ sioners, of the State of Oregon (as well as its predecessors, the Board of Fish Commissioners of the State of Oregon) has propagated and stocked, and is propagating ami stocking the waters of Till imook Bay and its tributaries, in Tills mook County, State of Oregon with salmon fish, and W hereas , said Tillamook Bay and its tributaries are frequented by salmon fish, and. for the pur pose of protecting the same, the said State Board of Fish and Game Commissioners have decided to close a tributary of said Tillamook Bay, known as »He Hoquarton Slough, and its tributaries above a point on said Hoquarton Sough. 47 deg 31 minutes West '-’.013.7 feel 'rom the section corner common to Sections 23, 24. 25 and 26. of Town Ship 1 South Range 10 West, of the Willamettee Meridan this point on said Hoquarton Slough being more particularly designated by post- erected by the Master Fish Warden warning the public; and also an other tributary IVEN by the State Board of and Game Commissioners p 1 11 iijva --------- that said tributary of Tillamook Bav known as Hoquarton Slough D.C. , . Application should be properly and its tributaries above a point Hoquarton Slough 4< executed and filed with thelom- on said I . 31 minutes West 2,013.7 feet missian at Washington at least 1 deg. corner com- from the section — 24. 25 and days before the date of the exami­ mon to Sections 23, of Township 1 South, Range IB nation, otherwise it may be im­ 26, West of the Willamette Meredtsn- practicable to examine the appH tHs ,mint on said Hoquarton cants. U.S. CIVIL SERVICE (¿lough l»eing more (>arti< ularly designated by poets erected by he C ommission . - “ ■ ti . u-iir» mt/ the flip I Master Fish Warden warring I public are and each of them is hereby < loeed to halting of any £100 Reward >100. 1 kind for salmon fish, except I with h<>ok and line, commonly call The wader, of «hi. paper w«' »* to learn that «here i. - ***** ««graded ed angling, from and after July 17. di*ea«e that «cience ha* been able t* wi ? until on and aftei October 1.5, 1013- and that the tributary of said all it. «t" , “ ' ? h 1 i 1 . ' atarrh —------ -------- “* wagon bridge crosses said eoMtitottona troyrne t^ H l >poo Care i. taken lateHralle, .et « tbt ,,,rtw. Miami I River j St below the Pacific the blood and n,ucon.o>ri«^’0Jt'<,n o< >>>« A Navigation Company's thereby d***S^lf* ^„ajent «trenath by Railway I bridge crossing said diwaw. aad «let»« aad a»**»«'«« railroad building "P.,h* The propraetor, Miami River. ■, is hereby closed to nature in dotn« it. £ cur.tLe power, _..v kind for salmon fish, ■ch faitn tn for itii book and line, com >*T 9"» H’ndL*d ¿G or h»: nt __ *----- 1 and 17th. 1913 until said tri- __ ealnioo KSTriuTfor eo.mp*oos ^mng.'is lor under Sec T^k. Gr coa.up.fo “ fi.fimg, a( ' ¡¿¿tided . caucus, the free wool and free sugar The United States Civil Service schsdnles, as prepared by the Deniocratie House, under presi-' Commission announces that on the den ial direction were left as certi­ date named above an examination fied to the Senate from the Demo­ will be held at Tillamook, Ore., as a result of which it is expected to crats of the House, and as certified make certification to fill a contem to the Democrats of the House from the Democrat in the White House. plated vacancy’ in the position of The president has made good what fourth-class postmaster of class at Bayocean, and other vacancies as came dangerously near being his j they may occur at that office, un- toast that he would “consider no i less it shall be decided in the in- compromises.’’ At that time there , I terests of the service to fill the »as something which looked like | vacancy by reinstatement. The open revolt among Democratic compensation of the postmaster at senators against both free wool and this officer was $337.00 for the last free Bugar. And the Democratic “•jority in the Senate is so narrew fiscal year. Age limit, 21 years and over on that three or four Democratic votes the date of the examination, with attaint the White House measure the exception that in a State where could defeat it, since it progresses women are declared by statutute to much too far in the direction of be of full age for all purposes at IS ret trade to be supported by any years, women 18 years of age on o the small group of Progressive the date of the examination will be «P'lblicans in that body. The pre»>dent met the emergency in admitted. Applicants must reside within the '»° ways. First, be made bold territory supplied by the post offite •nnouncement of the fact that he for which lt,ie examination is an­ ’»uld consider no compromise and '“ten to no talk of compromises. nounced. The examination is open to all on<‘' he set afloat the stories of citizens of the United States who 'OBidiotis lobby influences’’ work ''.L**’n8‘ ‘he measure, and fore- can comply with the requirements. Application forme and full in e investigation of the charges, * ich he muet have known to be formation concerning the require­ Prxctically baseless, with a view to ments of the examination can be • »rting popular fires behind sena- secured from the postmaeter at believed to be wavering. The Bayocean, or from the U.S. Cnil "T'»tigation is not yet over, but it Service Commission, Washingtou, •j"''1 *°r a" °‘ *‘le Pre8‘‘Ient’8 unless he may want to pro- 't for forcing through his cur- w ‘‘ has been a comP,ete k. W “au‘- On tariff lines, but per- ‘t has frightened into sub- •ho ’<’tTle Democratic senators 0 herwise would have stood out ’tpriaing _ Cure of Trouble. Stomach •*otn»ch^OU ’,ave trouble with your doty. Or Tronic constipation, hein your case is beyond LL ‘*c«u»e your doctor fails Plaiofi-L?" Mr" G- Stengle. i^sth • VJ’ "For over »ith 1 have been troubled * “t*e’ h Everything I bWtln'.‘ “‘embly One of Cham a Ah. Ver**8,c,f books came to r« fm25 res fish for, or take, or catch any salmon fish by any means what ever, except with hook and line, commonly called angling, in any of said waters during the said periods of time above specified. Any and all pera* ns whomsoever so fishing in violation of thia notice will be prosecuted aa by law pro­ vided. J. F. H ughes , Chairman 11. E. D uncan , Secretary. C. F. S tone M. J. K inney , G eo . H. K elly . Constituting State Board of Fish and (>.ime CoininissionerH. GOOD OLD WHISKEY Now is the tune to have that group picture made. Notice of Guardian's Sale. N otice is H ereby G iven ,—That pursuant to and tiy virtue of an or­ der of the County Court of Tilla­ mook County, Oregon, du'y made ami entered on the 13th day of June, 1'113, licensing, authorizing and di­ recting the undersigned to sell the real property hereinafter describ ed. the undersigned will on and after the 241 li day of July. 1913, sell for cash, at private sale, to the person offering the highest price therefor all the right title and in­ terest of Frances Xavier .Moreau (Frank Marey) in and to the follow­ ing described real property, towit: Situate in Garibaldi, County of Til :. imook State of Oregon; Beginning at a point 56.16 chains west and 42.15 chains south of the northeast cor­ ner ■ f Sec. 21, Township one North, Range ten west of Willamette Me­ ridian, thence north 74 degrees east 7.06 chains for inita! point of tract herein conveyed, said point being the southeast corner of what is known as the Ralston 5 acre tract. ace north M degrees wen 220 feet, south 74 degrees west 23,456 feet to the northeast corner of tract -ild by Geo. W Kiger and wife to Frank Marey by deed dated Octo­ her 10, 1902, and recorded in book of deeds, page 31, records of Tillamook County, Oregon, thence •out li 16 degrees east 220 feet to southeast corner of Marey tract north 74 degrees east 23 450 feet to initai point Such sale to be made subject to confirmation by the above named court. Dated at Tillamcsik. Oregon, this 2»>th day of lune. 1913 x M c M illian , Guardian of lhe person and estate off France» X»vier Moreau tFrarik Marey. Causes of Stomach Trouble. The Whieke With out a Rerret Ia*t ua show you our special display of attrac­ tive new styles. We are perfectly keq lipped fur making group pictures and will please you with tne quality of our work. Pure, mellow, with a flavor that tickle« the palate and linger« in the memory FOR SALE BY .AUGHL1N, 1 illaniCMik. Monk’s Studio, Next to POST OFFICE. • a 9 « 9 ! Family Recipes. The valued family re­ 1 cipes for cough and cold Tillamook • 9 9 9 Baker’s Bread Sold I I at All Grocers cute, liniments, tonics « aud other remedies have 9 ■ as careful attention here as the most intricatej>re- 9 I scriptions. * A 9 ■ Our fresh, high grade 9 drugs will help to make : ■ these remedies more effec­ tive than ever. 9 HARNESS Right price« are also • 9 assured. •«« a•«J •l CLOUGH, Reliable Druggist. 'wflntht^problem of buy mg I i • you will find it distinctly moint»- gcotis to come and do your sei-ci mg here. You will get the be->t qualities, the most thorough i. d I conscientious workmanship and be barged the most reasonable p" •«. We ca'i supply -ingle or . -ets ,,r any single article that you nay Ire in need of. I -edentary habit*, lack of out door exercise, insufficient mastication of food, constipation, a torpid liver, I worry «n