Tillamook Headlight, July 1O, 1013. fa PUZZLING ECHOES. PICTURE SIGN AT UK t5, .1 Difficult to Find Sometimes and Net Always Reliable. I SETTING A FASHION WHIRL OF THE TORNADO. Beside It the Rush of the Cyclone Is Comparatively Harmless. barca U&lAiU. ^? atf real ,D “ ■ , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON No. 1.—10 Acres of bottom land Bell Tel. 16 9 \V. barn, and all * An uphill tight for accurate English with house and »it* M. 4. is being waged year after year by sci­ slashed and some meadow within Residence and Office in Whitehon entific authorities on the weather who I Y4 mile of the city limits, including Residence, object to having the tornadoes which four cows, one horse, Price $3,500 TILLAMOOK, OREGON. rip through towns now and then or or will trade for house and lot in carry away isolated farmhouses, call­ I Tillamook City. ed ’’cyclones.” The distinction made ELMER ALLEN No. 2.—320 Acres on the Wilson by the experts in meteorology Is plain, Rush farm but the public is wedded to the “cy­ River, known as the (Successor to Dr. Sharp), (except a right of way deeded to the clone.” DENTIST. The word has gained wide accept­ R.R. Co. through the place), with ance in describing the furious local everything on the place except storms which rush forward along a wearing apparels and keep sakes. Commercia! Building’, more or less direct path white they 80 acres of hay land and the balance whirl witli far greater velocity on a good pasture land, with rolling £-)R. JACK OLSEN, center which may be only a few feet lu hills and brush and timber, and diameter, if a boy's top is spun on one end of a board and the board is Wileon River running through tlie DENTIST. tilted so that the top slides quickly place. Fine fishing nnd hunting, along it. all the while revolving at 14 head of cows goes with the place, (Over F. R. Beals office. high S[ieed on its point, the onward but will run 35 or 40 head just the Tillamook - Oregon sweep of the tornado is closely imi­ way that it is, but will run 100 head I tated. of stock cattle. Also there is 1 bull, i it is the spinning motion which is 2 head of horses, 1 mule, 2 light J OIIN LELAND HENDERS0X swiftest and most destructive. Tlie ad wagons, and farm implements in­ ATTORNEY vance of tlie storm may not be as rapid cluding mower, rake, hay fork, and as that of muny a comparatively harm AND less gale. The twisting motion is esti­ about 60 head of chickens, 20 stands COU NSELLOR - A T-LA W. mated at not less than 200 miles an of bees, good 14 room house, with large woodshed and milch cans, hour in tlie worst tornadoes. T illamook B lock , The true cyclone of the West Iudies, and milk house, with U. S. separator. Til! mook ■ . . . Oregon, the Cbiua sea and other parts of the Barn 40 by 104 and 80 acres that tropics is entirely different. Its force will gc with tlie place if not sold or Room No. 261. is spent in a furious wind that seems traded off or should wish to re­ to blow almost straight ahead, while serve the same that belongs to Mr. the storm revolves, more or less fully, T. BOTTS, around a circle the circumference of James Hughey. This Farm is located about 8 which may be many hundred miles, A ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. tornado wreaks its fury on a strip of miles East of Tillamook City, on Complete Set of Abstract Books in land usually only a mile or less tn the county road running up Wilson Office. width. T’.ie cyclone sweeps scores or River. Price, $20,000.00. hundreds of miles of sea or shore. No. 3 —6 acres with house and Taxes Paid for Non Residents. But “cyclone” is Intrenched in popu­ good orchard, all cleared. 4 miles T illamook B lock , lar usage as the name of the typical from the city. Price, $2,500.00. Tillamook .... Oregon, "twister” of this country, and “torna- No. 4.—Two lots just west of the Both Phones. do” has a poor chance.—Cleveland Academy for $700.00 on easy terms, Leader. with 5 room No. 5.—One lot house close in, rents for $15.0j THE PRISONERS’ CIPHER. ARL HABERLACH, per month. No. 6.—One let 60 X 105, with 5 A Puzzling Code That Was Discovered ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Only by Accident. room house close in, rents $15.00 Prisoners in jails are generally very per month. T illamook B eock , • ingenious, so much so, in fact, that It No. 7.—Two lots with small house ... , .. c . r liilamook has been frequently remarked that if with Oregon. 4 rooms, these are fine lots for their skill and ingenuity were turned sale on easy terms. to honest purposes they would thrive Two Lots and House on Second much better than as criminals. QfEORGE WILLETT, One branch of ingenuity is displayed Ave. East for $1400.C0. Many of the works of the old mas­ ters are not signed. Experts rarely Easy, No Matter How Freakish, rely ou signatures alone In determin­ I ing the authenticity ot ho old work, if It Hits the Popular Fancy. but trust rather to their knowledge of the painter's technic. MYSTICAL TRICKS OF SOUND. False signatures can tie easily de­ STYLES WITH ODD ORIGINS. tected. Spirits of wine or turpentine will usually remove a name of later A Spot Where an Almost Inaudible date than the painting in the course The Old Masculine Trick of Tying the Whieper Becomee Curiously Trane- of time signatures often become very Hair Behind Wai the Result of a formed Into Thousands of Hissing difficult to find Painted originally tn Childish Prank, and the Beauty Spot Responses—Other Famous Echoes. a shade slightly lighter than the Grew From a Boil on a Lady’s Cheek. ground, perhaps, they sink tn. darken Some echoes tn their mystic charac­ That many of tbe fashions which be and merge into the ground color or ter would seem to approach the do­ they are almost rubbed away by suc­ came famous in their day and have main of psychic phenomena. which are cessive cleanings. Recognizable oue come down to our own were due to eliciting io much and such puzzled at­ day in a specially favorable light, they chance or accident is now a matter ot tention. Oue of these ghostly tricks 1 may not be visible again for weeks. history. Interesting are the stories of sound ta to be found in the gardens I Experts speak of ’’will-o' the-wisp” told of the odd origin of certain styles of Aux Rocbers in France, which I signature*, and many collectors have which an unsuspecting world probably was once the residence of Mme. de | encountered occidental strokes and thought were intentionally chosen tor Sevlgne. The chateau is situated near cracks that tantalizlugly suggest a sig­ their beauty or comfort. the old town of Vltre. A broad gravel nature, though It can never be made The courts of Europe have been es- walk on a dead level conducts through definite. Ou the other baud, there pecially noted for their sbeepllke fol- tlie gurdeiis to the bouse. In the cen­ have been remarkable cases of such lowing of an idea introduced by tbe ter of tills, on a particular spot, the marks, after careful study, resolving reigning monarch, when frequently listener Is placed at the distance of themselves Into a famous name. that idea was evolved to conceal oue ten or twelve yards from another per­ Sometimes tlie pnluter's mime is of the ruler’s physical defects, One son. who addresses him in a low and most conspicuous—as. for instance, In of tbe kings of France came to the almost Inaudible whisper, when imme­ Raphael's “Sposalizio" at Milan. Proud throne a child of ten. He wore bis balr diately, as from tens of thousands of of having surpassed bls master, the in long ringlets all about the bead. Invisible tongues, starting from the youthful genius wrote on a frieze in Immediately men and women coiffed earth beneath, or as If every pebble the very center of the canvas "Ra­ themselves likewise. The same mon­ was gifted with powers of speech, the phael Urbinas." arch was bald nt thirty, and, being a words are repeuted with a slight hiss­ Reynolds hardly ever signed bls lover of all that was beautiful and ing sound, not unlike tbe (Whirling of work. But upon the completion of the feminine, he ordered the elaborate wig small shot through tbe air. On remov­ portrait of Mrs. Slddons as the "Tragic which was taken up and reveled in ing from this spot, bowerter trifling Muse” be wrote bis mime large on the during many reigns. the distance, the Intensity of the repeti­ gold embroidery of her dress. He was As for tbe hair being caught in the tion Is sensibly diminished and within unable, be said, ’’to resist the tempta- back and held with a small bow of ti few leet ceases to be beard. Under tlon of sending my nnme to laisterlty ribbon, tlie style Moved of men sev­ the lnipressiou that the ground beneath on the hem of your garment »» eral hundred years ago, little girls are was hollow tbe soil was recently dug With reference to unsigned paintings up to a considerable depth.,but with­ there Is told In Germany an amuHtng said to have originated the Idea, and out discovering any clew to*tbe mys- story. Achenbach, the German artist accidentally, One day a court leader happened to be visiting, and bls bos- •ery. enjoyed a vogue about ten years ago. Although the weird eelioesiof statu­ A certain collector laid bought from tess was lute lu arriving in the salon. ary ball In the capitol at Washington an art denier a marine represented as The'young man fell asleep, and the two children of tbe noble lady, creeping in. have Is-en somewbnt subduedssluce the a genuine Achenbach Afterward It structural modi float Ions of the roof, was pronounced to be a copy. The saw the guest and to play a trick tied they still haunt the cliambw which buyer brought an action against the bls hair all together. The little girls, was once the bouse of representatives. dealer, who turned the tables by de­ fearing to be caught, ran away, and The capitol guides used to take great claring that bls picture was genuine the young mini never knew of tbe curious picture the back of his wig pride In the mysterious echoes'of stat­ and the other was a copy. presented. Other visitors discovered uary hall, and they deplore their par­ Achenbach himself was summoned tial elimination. It will be recalled by the court to tell which was which. the garnish, laughed at the ribbon, and by many that there Is a flagstone in Amazed at the similarity of the two the young count declared barefacedly llie floor of tbe hall marked by a small paintings, the artist gazed at them for that he had so fastened his hair and '•lack hole about ns large as an um­ n long time. Inspected them closely meant to keep It always so from his in the plans they make to communi­ ! " ATTORNEY-AT-LAWP J. S. STEPHENS, brella end, ou which, if a person stood front and back and then frankly ad­ neck and shoulders. Within a few cate with one another. They construct 11 ROOM 20, COMMERCIAL BLD. and mteiid n word, lie heard a repeti­ mitted that be could not tell which was days tlie entire nobility found tbe cipher codes, but the officials generally tion of ¡ns voice proceeding apparently the original and which the copy.— scheme so good they adopted the Idea. T illamook C ommercial B uilding , manage to translate them. • Tlie pannier was Introduced by a fiom tlie basement of the building just Harrier's Weekly. Notice of Publication. Recently in a western jail the guards ■ queen to cover a misplaced hip bone. It Tillamook - • Oregon. I,.‘low lilm. An appreciable interval i was an actress who Anally threw the encountered a cipher that proved too “ Department of the Interior. I elapsed between the utterance of the Bear’a Grease. pannier aside after it had been fash­ hard for them, and it was a good while U. S. L and O ffice at Portland, Ore. boiiik I and Its echo, a circumstance I d a recent volume ot reminiscence« ionable half a century. One evening before the puzzling messages were June 12th, 1913. Hint rendered the effect almost un- T. BO ALS, M.D. tho writer states that baldness Is Just before she was to appear on tbe made out. and then the key was acci­ N otice is H ereby G iven ,—That or plumes together and mid ()ere waiting until the first train, these, lu modern times the process of boys accused him of running away, but office Swotn Statement and Appli- on nearing the level crossing, blows manufactlirtug keys Is very highly de­ I strung them about her neck. The he wouldn't admit it. H. GOYNE, .cation, No. 03636, to purchase the other girls laughed at the triinmlug, its whistle The sound la caught up by veloped. Fifty years ago there were ’’’1 only retreated in good order,' be ;Se Nw Section 11, Township the bead of the department found It multitudinous echoes until one would only some hundred varieties of keys. I ;3 North, Range 9 West, Willamette declared. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. fancy that It was resounding through each having Its special name and dis- pretty, and the order was given that "I beard of the matter, and a few i Meridian, and the timber thereon, no castaways lu the form of plumes tlie unlverae under the provision* of the act of* tlnct use Today they are legion.— be thrown In the wastebasket All days later I asked him If he had any (June 3, 1878, and acts amendory', Office : O pposite C ourt H ouse One ot the moat famous echoes Is to Harper's Weekly. idea how fast he had ’retreated.’ parts of the plumes were kept, sewed (known as the " Timber and Stone be heard In Woodstock park. Oxford “ ‘Well. I’ll tell you. cap’ll.’ he said, Law," at such value as might be Tillamook - . Oregon. on to a ribbon, the entire thing curled whir*. England, which 1s said to re­ Domestic Bliss. ami long ribbon loops put at each end, ’if I'd been at home and goln’ after fixed by appraisement, and that, float seventeen syllables by day and •Tm sorry I ever married your ami the feather boa was the success of the doctor folks that see me passiu' pursuant to such application, the twenty by night Although this state­ would have thought my wife was right land and timber thereon have been shrieked the bride ou (lie occasion of the season. ment la to tie found In various stand p- J- SHARP, epprais**d, the timber estimated their tlrst quarrel. The uncurled plume was purely the sick!’’’—Youth's Companion. ard textbook* and treatises on the 311,000 and 80,000 board feet at "You ought to her retorted the result of an accident. The biggest subject. It has lately been contradict­ 40c’ per N • and the land A Story of St. Paul’* RESIDENT DENTIST, ed by an Investigator, who remarks, groom, really angry and bitter for the nice of the year, the Grand Prix d'Au- »20310; that satd applicant will offer A singular fact in the history of first time "You beat some nice girl St. teuil, was on, and women were there however, i hut the diminution of this final proof in support of his appli­ Office : Commercial Block, classic echo Is probably due to the re- out of n good biisbaudl”-Clevelaud dressed witbiu an inch of their lives. Paul’s cathedral. London, is that the cation and sworn statement on the I ’ lalu Dealer. first stone which the architect ordered A fearful rainstorm came up. and peo­ 9th day of September, 1913. liefore Tillamook nioval of various buildings In Its netgh- - Oregon. ple were drenched Plumes that had the masons to bring from the rubbish 'lie Register and Receiver, U.S. borbood left home finely curled were wet, and of tbe former cathedral, destroyed by LandOffice. at Portland, Oregon. A moat striking Interior echo Is a One of Hu Faults. Any person is at liberty to pro­ finture of the Mormon tabernacle tn "" I ’■,! >' I OMHrt ' iv J ou __ _ each spiral stood apart, it was not tire, was part of a sarcophagus, on J. CLAUSSEN, bar* Salt latke City When this hall is more faults Hum nuy other nian I over pretty, the effect, hut it was original, which had been inscribed tbe single test this purchase before entry, or • LAWYER, initiate a contest at any time be­ w ord "Resurgam" < “ I shall rise again"). anil one of the milliners, not wishing empty and quiet the ring of a pin fall­ met Peck Well, you hare plenty of fore patent issues, by fiiing a cor­ The prophecy was fulfilled, for out of DEUTSCHER ADY'OKAT. ing on |hv poor can be beard from all faults yourself Mr* I’eck-Ther* you to take the trouble to have the plumes roborated affidavit in this office po'its. and even the falut, rasping | K" again, always changing the subject of nil Ills customers recurled, advised tbe ruins of old a veritable poem lu u.leging facts which would defeat 213 T illamook B lock . sound prislm-etl by rubbing the hands I when I try to talk to you.—Boston them to allow the garnish to remaiu as marble has arisen. l the entry. I It wits. together 1« perfectly audible from one Trauscript. H. F. H igby , Register. Tillamook . • • . Oregon. That week following the Gfand Prix end of the building to the other * Mu Umbrella Scheme. I_____________________ d’Atiteull saw nothing but straight spi­ lu the cathedral of Glrgentl. tn Sic The Best Medicine in the World "An umbrella with a gold handle Quito a Joker. ral plumes, and women liked them so atuddeti with diamonds!" exclaimed llv. the «tightest whtaper I* borne with had dvnentrv very T E. REEDY, D.V M., "Dllks ta s faeetlnua ehap.“ much that before the following Sun­ the admiring friend. >ad I thought she would die. Chant perfe- t d'atln, tiiews from tbe region of “Teer e day. when the Grand Prtx de Long- the great door to a location In the up '>*»-■’ replied tbe man with a fierce l plain s Colic. Cholera and Diar "Ile rvfers to the Stock Kl change aa VETERINARY. cteamp was to tie. women who had ook In bia eye. “If somebody picks FiX". *rmedy c,ircd her a">’ > «•" I'er part of th* church about 230 feet one of mir Best known waterlni distant * varied plumes had the wave taken out this one up it's go|nR to tie a charge truthfully say thnt I think it is the place*.'*- Birmingham Age HerakL Both Phones. M?.' 'iv-W.Cine 'hc writes Although scnuatlee would seem to so that they might appear like the otb of grand larceny.”-Washlngton Star Jm. W illiam Orvi« Clare. Mich, account «atiafectorily for many echoes er fashionables For more than a year bor »ale by all dealer» OrtgC* a Tillamook - One on Each Cerner. there yet remains much that Is mys­ the defrtaaee plume was sought As a Domett,c Ethic*. terious and Iwffilng concerning them — , Rii —I hare a d“g that’s nearly thir­ Whole fashion Is. like In this Instance, A man should tie ashamed of himself G* MCGEE, M.P F V Collins in Chicago Record Iler I ty Im hes high - Dll -That’* nothing only the result of an accident. Some wbM be tells a falsehood to his wife » Hurter fm’offieVs to jinfitby*'”I I have one that alauda over tour feet times It ts the outcome of an expert aid and she beltoves ft But be hint have eclilI Foley’s Honey a„^T-r — Buotou Tranecrtpt ment; but. like the women. It Is capri- ashamed, be is encouraged -New York < ompound. also other linen of cough cious and cbangeable-New York Sun Journal. ?^r,« k.nger than th* aad.—k'tor- of onewir than out of other*.-i'bll* il'i’i"2 i"nd ,T“r Co."’Po«"