THamook Headlight Tbe TILLAMOOK COUNTY fair ASSOCIATION. ARTISTIC NEEDLEWORK. 6 Infint's skirt, 1st prize 50c. 2nd prize 25c. 7^Infant’s carriage robe, 1st prize ——I 50c.. 2nd prize 25c " 8 Infant'«' pillow,List prize 50c., 2nd prize 25c. 9 Waist in punch work, 1st prize 50c., 2nd prize '25c. 10 Centerpiece punch work, 1st prixe 50c., 2nd prize 25c. 11 Centerpiece coronation braid, 1st prize 50c., 2nd prize 25c. 12 Waist Hardanger Embroidery, list of the Tillamook County Fair -Association tiie pre»““ t^e ,Jtnount of $1,(XX) for the county fair let prize 50c.. 2nd prize 25c. U Specimen of Venetian or Louis , cl kt in Tillamook City on September 3rd, 4th XIV Embroidery, 1st prize 50c., ■ 25c. — 2nd — prize The 91 i» 8ub iect chanfte for ' for the Preraium 1 \ li btnit it to the tO Board approval. When co,n the premium List Carries #,000 In Prizes. COLORED EMBROIDERY. July IO, IOI3. «7 Bed quilt, silk patch work, 1st prize 50c.. 2nd prize 25c. 68 Bed guilt, worsted patchwork, 1st prize 50c., 2nd prize 25c. (X* Bed quilt, best cotton patch- S " rk !-t prize 50c7"’,2nd prize K-5-. W “ 70 Home’ made rug. lst prize 50c., 2nd prize 25c. 71 Beet Specimen of beading, 1st prize 25c. 72 Best Specimen of braiding, 1st prize 50c , 2nd prize 25c. 73 Best Specimen of stenciling, 1st prize 52c, 2nd prize 25c. 71 75 S t< finally arranged it will be republished. Owing 15 Specimens in cross stitch, 1st urn h»t ( i tfae time and to give those who intend to prize 50c., 2nd prize 25c. 76 l0tiiesl’ortl“sh< .. toseethe premium list, it is published 16 Specimen of Bredermeir Km. exhibit an cpirortuni y ^ ...... :...... ................. broidery, 1st prize 50c., 2nd 77 prize 25c. at this time The school premium list will be published later 17 Roman Embroidery, 1st prize CATTLE Cabbage, let prize 1.(0, I" Largest ■ 50c., 2nd prize 25c. I It's Import ! Where you invest your money. The Western Loan and Invest­ ment Co., of Salt Lake, Utah, .. ----- ojien is now to make you a loan or build you a home on the small monthly payment plan. A McNAIR, President. II 1.. S1IR< HIE. Vice President. CANZADA EVERSON, Sec. and Treasurer. Board of Appraisers — E. M. BALES. F. 11. MIICNK. OLD LADIES' DEPARTMENT. R. F. ZACHMAN E. J. CLAUSSEN. Board of Trustees— Patili work cotton quilt, 1st KO)) JOHN l.EI.ANll HENDERSON. H. 1.. BEALS. prize 50c., 2nd prize 25c. I- C. SMITH. W. G, McGKK, Patch work woolen or silk quilt, 1st prize 50c.. 2nd prize 25c. Piece in drawn work, 1st prize 6. 50c , 2nd prize 25c. Two yards or more of knit or Loan Agent. For Sale or Trade—Tillamook Co. I.and. City Property, crocheted lace, 1st prize 50c., Vacant lots in all additions and Merchandise Stock. 2nd prize 25c. Pie, < in Battenberg, let prize 50c., 2nd prize 25c. X? Embroidered Sofa pillow, 1st prize 50c., 2nd prize 25c. Embroidered sofa pillow, 1st prize 50c., 2nd prize 25c. Best piece of tatting, let prize 50c., 2nd prize 25c. Bed Spread knitted or crocheted, let prize 50c., 2nd prize 25c. Knitted or crocheted mittens, lat prize tOc., 2nd prixe 25c. Knitted or crocheted shawl, lat prize 50c., 2nd prize 25c. 2nd prize 50c. 18 Centerpiece silk embroidery, 78 115 Largest Squaeli, 1st prize 1.00, 1 1st prize 50c., 2nd prize 25c. 2nd prize 50c. 19 Specimen Embroidery in French 79 16 Largest Turnip, let I- Prize 1.00, 2 knots, 1st prize 50c., 2nd prize 80 2nd prize 50c. 25c. 17 Largest Stock Beet, 1st prize 20 Pair towels in colored embroid 81 I 1.00, 2nd prize 50c. pnze ery, 1st prize 50c., 2nd prize c 10 ” 00, “ 2nd ..v» S. 5.00. >« P«“® 18 Largest Sunflower on . 25c. Stalk, ,__ 1st 4 prize 1 00, 2nd prize 50c. 2nd prize 5 00 21 Punch work pillow, let prize 82 19 Beet Display of One Peck of HOI.STEINS 50c., 2nd prize 25c. 83 Bull. 3 years and over, 1st prize any kind of Potatoes grow« grown 22 Colored embroidery sofa pillow. 5 1000, 2nd prize 5.00. in the county, 1st prize ------ 1 00, J, 1st prize 50c , 2nd prize 25c. 84 2nd prize 53c. 2 years and under 3. 1st 23 Pillow in cross stitch, 1st prize 6 Run ’pi..2ndpri« Best Bundle of Oats, let prize 50c., 2nd prize 25c. DOMESTIC BAKING. 1.00, 2nd prize 50c. 24 Sofa pillow bead work. 50c, 2nd 1 7 Bull, under 2 yeanh 1st prize 21 Potato Yeast bread, 1st prize Beet Bunch of Red Clover, let 10.00, 2nd prize, 5 00. prize 25c. 50c., 2nd prize 25c. prize 1.00, 2nd prize 50c, WHITE EMBROIDERY. I Cow of any age 1st prize 10 00. Beet Bunch of Timothy, 1st 25 Lunch cloth eyelet embroidery, 2 Graham bread, 1st prize 50c., 2nd prize 5.00. 2nd prize 25c. prize 1.C0, 2nd prize 50c. GUERNSEY. 1st prize 50c.. 2nd prize 25c. 3 Steamed bread, 1st prize 50c., 23 Beet Bunch of Orchard Grass 26 Lunch cloth Mt. Mellick Bull, 3 years and over, 1st prize Em 2nd prize 25c. 1st prize 1.00, 2nd prize 50c. 10 00, 2nd prize 5.00. broidery, let prize 50c., 2nd 4 Nut bread, 1st | prize 50c., 2nd 24 Best Bunch of Kale, 1st prize prize 25c. 10 Bull. 2 years and ;inder ' ’ prize 25c. 1.00, 2nd prize 50c. 27 Lunch cloth Satin Stitch Em- 5 Baking powder prize 10.00. 2nd prize 5.00, biscuits, 1st Best General Display of Grasses broidery, 1st prize 50c., 2nd 11 Bull, under 2 years, 1st prize) prize 50c., 2nd prize | 25c. and Clover grown in the 10.00, 2nd prize 5.00. prize 25c. 6 Graham gems, 1st prize 50c , county, 1st prize 2.00. 2nd 28 Corset cover, eyelet embroidery, Cow of any age, 1st prize 10.0C, 2nd prize ! 25c. prize 1.00. 2nd prize 5.00. 1st prize 50c., 2nd prize 25c. 7 Fruit Cake, 1st prize 50c., 2nd 26 Best General Display of Vegeta­ 29 RED polled . Shirt waist, eyelet, let prizeSOc., prize 25c. bles, 1st prize 3,00, 2nd prize 2nd prize 25c 13 Bull, 3 years and over, 1st prize 8 Cotfee Cake, let prixe 50c., 2nd 2.00. 30 Embroidered night gown, let 10.00, 2nd prize 5 00. prize 25c. FRUITS. prize 50c., 2nd prize 25c. 14 Bull, 2 years and under-3. 9 Nut Cake, 1st prize 50c., APPLES. 31 Embroidered chemise, 1st prize prize, 10.00, 2nd prize 5.00. prize 25c. 27 12 Yellow Transparent, 1st prize 50c., 2nd prize 25c. li Bull, under 2 years. 1st prize 10 Angel Cake, 1st prize 50c., 1.00, 2nd prize 50c. 32 Set Embroidered table linen, 7 10.00. 2nd prize 5.00. prize 25c. 28 12 Duchess of Old, let prize 1.03, pieces, let prize 50c., 2nd prize n Chocolate Layer Cake, let prize M Cow of any age, 1st prize 10.00, 2nd prize 50c. 25c. 2nd prize 5.00. 50c., 2nd prize 25c. 29 12 Red Aetarchane, let prize 33 Baby drees embroidered, let 12 Devil's Food Layer Cuke, 1st GRADES. 1 00, 2nd prize 50c. prize 50c , 2nd prize 25c. 17 Cow, 1st prize 10.00, 2nd prize 30 prize 50c., 2nd prize 25c. 12 Graveneteins, let prize 1.00, 34 Baby Coat embroidered let 1:13 5.00. Cocoa nut Layer Cake, 1st prize 2nd prize 50c. prize 50c., 2nd prize 25c. 50c., 2nd prize 25c MILK TEST. 31 12 Grimes Golden, 1st prize 1.00, 35 Centerpiece Eyelet Embroidery, 14 Jelly roll 1st prize 50c., 18 Best milk test on the Eair 2nd prize 50. 1st prize 50c , 2nd prize 25a. prize 25c. grounds, 1st prize 25.00, 2nd 32 12 Biemarke, 1st prize 1.00, 2nd 36 Centerpiece French Embroidery, 1¡5 Half doz raised doughnuts, 1st prize, 15.00. prize 50c. let prize 50c., 2nd prize 25c. prize 50c., 2nd prize 25c. 33 12 Kings, 1st prize 1.00, 2nd CHEESE. 37 Centerpiece of Wallacliin Em- 16 Half doz. fried cakes, lat prize N Cheese, 1st prize 25.00, 2nd prize 50c. briodery, let prize 50c., 2nd 50c,, 2nd prize 25c. 34 12 Bellflower, let prize 1.00, 2nd prize 15 00. 3rd prize 10.00. prize 25c. 17 Dozen ginger cookies, 1st prize HORSES. prize 50c. Specimen Sheet and Pil- 50c,, 2nd prize 25c. » Draft Stallion, 1st prize 10.00, 35 12 Baldwine, let prize 1.00, 2nd 38 Beet low cases, 1st prize 50e., 2nd 18 Dozen oat meal cookies, 1st 2nd prize 5.00. prize 50c. prize 25c. prize 50c., 2nd prize 25c. a Draft Team, 1st prize 10.00, 2nd 36 12 N. Spy, let prize 1.00, 2nd 39 Collection .'ItowelB embroidered, 19 Dozen white sugar cookies, 1st prize 5.00. prize 50c. 1st prize 50c. 2nd prize 25c. brize 50c., 2nd prize 25c a Draft Single Horae, lat prize 37 24 Crabs of any variety, 1st 40 Embroidered Pin Cushion, let l-RESERVEB, PICKLES, ETC., 5 00, 2nd prize 2.50. prize 1 00, 2nd prize 50c. prize 50c., 2nd prize 25c. 20 Largest and best collection ot . a Roadster Stallion, lBt prize 38 The Beet Display of Apples, let LACE-HON1TON. fruit jars not leas than 6 jars, 10.00, 2nd prize 5.00. prize 1.00, 2nd prize 50c, 41 Honiton or Point Lace Collar, 1st prize 2.00. 2nd prize 1.90. 24 Roadster Team, lat prize 10.G0, PEARS. let prize 50c.. 2nd prize 25c. 21 Largest and best assortment of' 2nd prize 5.00. 39 Best Display, 1st prize 1.C0, 2nd 42 Honiton or Point I ace handker­ fruit jellies, 6 or more glasses, 1 25 Roadster Single Horae, let prize prize 50c. chief, let prize 50c., 2nd prize 1st prize 2.00, 2nd prize LOO | 5 03, 2nd prize 2 50. PLUMS’. 25c. 22 Largest and best assortment of 40 I Best Display, 1st prize 1.00, 2nd 43 Honiton or Point Lace Baby SWINE. preserves in jars, 1st prize 26 Boar, any bread, let prize 5.00, prize 50c. Bonn«t. 1st prize 50c , 2nd 1 Ot), 2nd prize 1 > l argest and best assortment, ' » Trio, 1 Cock and 2 Hene, 1st 43 Strained or Corned, let prize 46 Jabot. 1st prize 50c.. 2nd prize of pickles in glass Bottles, prize 2.00, 2nd prize 1 00. 2.00, 2nd prize 1.00. 25c. ART DEPARTMENT. X Winedots, let prize FLOWERS. 2.00, 2nd 47 Handbag. 1st prize 50c 2nd OIL PAINTING. prize 1.00. SPECIAL DAHLIA PRIZES. prize 25c. 1 Portrait from life. 1st prize 2.00, 31 Minorca?, let prize 1 Best Display ot 25 stems Cactus 2 00. 2nd 48 Display 1 yard or more of lace, 2nd prize 1.00, prize 1.03. Dahlias, let prize 1.00, 2nd let prize 40c , 2nd prize 25c. 2 Landscape original, lat prize 3 R. I. Rede, lat prize prize 50c. CROCHER FANCY STITCH. Z 00, 2nd 2.00, 2nd prize 1.00. prixe 1.00. 2 Best Display of 25 stems Peony- 49 Child's eacqlie. 1st prize 50c., 3 Marine original, 1st prize 2.00. 33 Leghorns, let Flowered Dahlias, 1st prize 2nd prize 25c. prize Z 00, 2nd 2nd prize 1.00. prize 1.00. 1.00, 2nd prize 50c. Skirt. 1st prize 50c., 2nd prize 4 Animal study from life, 1st 50 at Grand Prize of beet eel of any 3 Beet Display of 25 stems Show 25c. prize 2 00, 2nd prize 1.00. buds. 1st prize 2.00, 2nd prize Dahlias, 1st prize 1.00, 2nd 51 Set of doilies 1st prize 50c., 2nd 5 Flowers, let prize 100, 2nd prize 1.00 prize 50c. prize 25c. 50c. Best Duck, 1st prize 2.00, 2nd 4 Best Display of 25 stems Deco­ 52 Centerpiece, 1st prize 50c., 2nd 6 Fruit, 1st prize 1.00, 2nd prize prize 1.30. ration Dahlias, 1st prize 1.00. prize 25c. 50c. Best Display of Geese, 1st prize 2nd prize 5Cc, 53 Child's hood, 1st prize 50c , 2nd 7 Beat Collection, lat prize 3.00, i no .. . 2.00 2n 1 prize 1.00. 5 Beet Display of 25 stems Single prize 25c 2nd prize 2.00. Best Display of Turkeys, 1st Dahlias, 1st prize 1.00, 2nd 54 Slippers or shoes, 1st prize 50c., WATER COLOR PAINTING. prize 50c. prize 2 (0, 2nd prize 1.00 2nd prize 25c. 8 Portrait or figure from life, DRAWN WORK. 6 Beet Display of 25 stems Pont- VKi’.ET ABLES. prize 1.00, 2nd prize BOc. 1. , Beets, fl beet table, 1st prize pon Dahlias, 1st prize 1.00. 55 I.unch Cloth. 1st prize 80c., 2nd 9 Landscape from nature, LOO, 2n 1 prize 50c. 2nd prize 50c, prize 25<'. prize 1.00. 2nd prize 30c. 2 Cabbage. 3 best, let prize 1.00. 7 Best Display of 25 sterns C<>l- 56 Sofa pillow, 1st prize 50c., 2nd 10 Flowers from nature, 1st prize 2nd prize 50c. lerette Dahlias, 1st prize 1.C0, prize 25c. LOO, 2nd prize 50c. Carrots, fl best, let prize 1.00, 2nd 2nd prize '0c. ji Child a dress, 1st prize 50c., 2nd Fruit from nature, 1st prize 1.09, prize 50c. prize 25c. 8 Best General Display 100 stems 2nd prize 50c. Ceuliflower, 3 best, let prize 1-00. Dahlias, any class, 1st prize 5g Corset Cover. 1st prize 50c., 2nd 12 Best collection, 1st prize 2 00, 2nd prize 50c. prize 25c. 2 00, 2nd prize LOU 2nd prize 1.00. Cncumbere. 6 best, lat prize 9 Best display of ««ter«, 1st prize ¡y, Shirt waist. 1st prize 50c , 2nd PHOTOGRAI’IIIC PORTRAITS. LOO, 2nd prize 50c. 13 Group of three, any size or 1.00, 2nd prize 50c prize 25c Onions, fl best let prize Handkerchief, 1st prize 50c , 2nd Best display of sweet peas. 1st w finish, 1st prize I.Cjo. 2nd prize 10 1.00, 90c. prize 25c. 2nd prize 50c. prize 1.00. 2nd prize - t O t . Parsnips, fl best let prize TATTING. 14 Group of 6, must include one 1 00, 11 Best general display of flowers 2nd prize 50c. bust one two thirds or full every variety. 1st prize 5.w Hides. Or fake your hides to 25-. 4 Baby dress, 1st prize 50. Honey A Hathaway's on the first 1 00. 2nd prixe 50c. M1KELLAN ROCS. prize 25c. Largest Taney Tint iislnon, 1st prize 50c., and last days of the mi nth and I . Potato. 1st piize 1 00. 5 Hemstitched pillowshpe. will be there to receive them.—S. 2n4 pnie Z5c. prize 50c. Michaud. I prixe. 50c.. 2nd prixe 25c »«vsEYS, REGISTER«». 7 i J '<¿$7 < A. C. EVERSON, The 30 h.p. car, four or five passenger, $1,150 ; with electric equipment and starter, for $1,325 ; 45 h.p., fully equip- equip­ ped with electric starter and lights, $1,800. A few exceptionally good bargains at reasonable prices. Overland Model 09T See A. K. CASE, Tillamook, Orc OWN YOUR HOME -STOP PAYING RENT. We Make Only 6 per cent. Monthly Installment Loans. On Completed City Residence Property. Or for Building Purposes. If You Want to Buy, Or Build a Home, Or Repay a Mortgage, And desire the aid of borrowed money, we ask your careful consideration of the advantage» aiforded bv our 111011IIIIy installment plan of loan» we will gladly explain our plan of a loan to you if interested, ROLLIE W. WATSON, Realty, Loans, Ins., Rents, Collections. The best Daher ever built /. Tff ’ ’ Built like a locomotive boiler "'veferf, 7' bolted [°4eth N° ito Putt,, AMEP.IGA’S BEST RANGE Tbx Arcadian 11 a perfect baking —wa j-.. .andCa/vaperf.-d Laker fora life- tlc.c tec use it it built tike a locomotive b-Xlcr. 1 fit of rnalkaLIc Iron and charcoal Iron i »cud torreth, rlnilcad of being bolte«l to .c.jei. 6.uric alrUrrhl without the use ot « • ttu.1 Ins la! i 6 m .«..«a raacr*. r^t tA FM btarkwntnff • nth wit* HRxkntH app««r like W*. 1« r r »teetf I/Yrr aa lorwr I d tbe fuei tiMhlne -4 (UH way It neafe«« • wti—«*» —ter aud Allow« bar 1« <■, perfaut —l a< THE ARCADIAN IS SOLD RY US. Jones-Knudson Furniture Co,