Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, July 10, 1913, Image 2

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    Tillamook Headlight, July 1O, 1913
With 12.830 post offices receiving SIDNEY E HENDERSON.
Secretary Trea^
savings from 350.(iif depositors
amounting to S35 0.0 ‘.«.*1 the postal
saving bank is net proving a dis­
credit to the Republican admicis
tration which introduced it.
Alexander Hamilton *and James
Madiscn had a hard
fight to
Pre-ident Wilson and Secretary
[■ersuade lhe colonies to ratify the
Bryan have already changed tom-
coastitction. The opponents of the
of their treaty views several times
instrument nay have regarded
Care in leaking treaties is one of ti.em as insidious lobbyists, but
the less jos that can hard.y te lost history does not call them by that
af*er a few mootha practical ex
I eneace.
The State of Washington, under
During the last five years Con­ a recent law. can send to prison a
gress has passed cost of the dog lazy husband wbc fails to support
days in Washington and tbe main liis tamily, and then the wife is
subject baa beep nnS. The lot of paid SI a day fiom the county bqt H PHONES,
a congressman would te hapt irr funds. A lazy bachelor is immune. ____ _____________
if tbe people were allowed the pro­ b it the Democratic in ?me tax may ( —————
tective system they voted for even catch him.
Sherry Wire .................................. ...
Angelica Wine............................... ' 3^.
last year.
Col Goethals says the Panama
Zenfcndel Wine------ per quart 35f
machinery w ill be too near worn out
World [>eace is making great pro­
per quart 40c.
by the time the canal is completed Pebbleford, bottled in bond, 50 Claret............................ [»er quart 25c
gress. Overlooking the few remarks
¡•er bottle......................... ............. fl
to be useful in river improvement. Clarke's Pure Rye, bottled in
White Grape Juice........................ 75^.'
On another page we give the 00 arbitration made in the United
the knowledge gained is the
_ per bottle .............^..... 1.25 Local Beer, quart. 3 bottles for 50»
^bt ^ilhmfifik Çn&liqbt. first premium list for the States Senate last week, which were But
Domestic Beer, qt. 3bottles for 73c'
main thing and will lead to other j Old Crow, bottled in bond, per
first annual fair given under the but straws to show the direction of
1 oottle .............................................. 1 50
results on a like scale.
Hermitage, bottled in bond, per
auspices of the newly organized tne wind, we have but to look across
Several important changes in the
boitle .............................................. 1-50
Tillamook County Fair Associa­ the Atlantic to be convinced. France
i............... l.so Keg Beer..................... 15 gallons S515
tion. It is subject to change, has appropriated SI 00,000.000 for taritf lul were a_-reed upon by the I Cyrus Noble. 3 Crown
O’ T. O, bottled
Keg Beer
10 gallons 400
---------- in bond, per
for it i» only tire first report of the increase and reorganization of majority of the Senate Financej bottle ' ..............................................
125 I xm al t»ottle Beer, fidoz. quarts 1ft®
So the judge didn't want the premium committee which will her army, and plans to spend Committee Ahief among which re Kentucky Dew. it gai. bottled
Local bottle Beer, 10 doz. pints 11.x
sample of paving one individual he submitted to the Board for STO.tW.OOO more for retaining with ferred to the character of the pro I in bond........................................ 2 15
offered him.
its approval.
It gives a good tbe colors for a third year the two. posed income tax. It was decided Kentucky Dew. full pint, bottled 75
in bond ........................................
Bud wiser Beer. 6 doz. quarts [15.03
idea of what to prepare for and year men. This latter move means that this tax should not be made I John Dewar <k Sone. Old Scotch
Whiskey........................................ 1.5G Budwiser Beer, 10 dozen pints 18.00
That was only a little Tilla­ the amount of premiums offered ao increase of one-half in the
style Lauger Beer, 10 doz pt 11.0
income tax amendment to the con-1 Black i White Old Scotch
mook mist that the Third Regi­ to tbi»se w ho anticipate making strength of the active army, with­
entries. The list makes a good out materially decreasing the re­
ment enjoyed on Wednesday.
15. .'
’I^Scotch Whiskey .. . 1.75
showing for the first fair, and serve. In other words. France, so claimed, which was . February
Sandy Macdonald 0 Old Scotch
White Port, Old Monk Brand,
it is gratifying to know that the far as tbe army is concerned, would
JI 00 per gal.
That w'.s a good showing— money will go in prizes to those
be 6" ¡»er cent more ready for sud­ tbe income tax law would apply to Hunter Baltimore, Rye Scotch
Port Wine.......................... 1 00 per gal
—JbO.WX» for one month’s out­ w ho help to make the fair in­ den w aj than she is now in the mat­ individual incomes over $30UJ, but
Whiskey ...........................
150 Sherry......................................... 1.00 per gal.
put from IS Tillamook cheese teresting and attractive. These ter of the size of her army. The wuuld make important exemt>tions 9a"?d,*?n Club................................ LiO Claret .................................... <ac. per gal
Angelica................................... 1.00 per gal.
lor municipalities, civic bodies and HarvesterOld Style....................... 1 (X) Zenfendel .......................... 1.25 per gal.
amounts may be small in some SlW.
ig to be spent for equ ;
mutual insurance companies.
j Monogram........................................ 1.00 Tokey.......................................... 1.25 per gal.
insian» es, but for a beginning inent and efficiency.
.... House
u____ ..
j — c __
Kentuck Dew fu
................................... L00
There is no reason why Tilla­ the list makes a ginxl showing. |
In the
Mann of I gj^Taytor?
Billie Taylor, full quart
mook City cannot be made a and the officers of the associa-J Mr. Bryan has always had the the Republican minority delivered Coronet Dry Gi in......... per bottle 1.00
quality of sticking fast to his a severe rebuke to the Wilson ad­ A. V.H. Gin
convention town. It is beauti­ tiou are showing good judg-
........... ¡>er bottle 1.75 Monogram .....................per gal. $5.00
White Corn Whiskey. .per gal.
fully situated with many attrac­ meat io not attempting too friends. There have been times in ministration for its course in deal­ Gordon Sloe Gin... .per bottle 1.75 Harvester Old Style ..per gal. 400
tions for visitors in the sur­ much on account of the short­
ing with the California criminal Rock and Rye.............. per bottle 1.00 McBrayer. 13years old.per gal. 6.00
ness of the time. The next best ,lMn carried almost to the point of prosecutions,
rounding country.
praised the El Bart Gin .................................... 1 25 Echo Spring.................. per gal 4.25
thing is to get busy preparing being a vice, as when his influence course of McNab, the attorney who * Virginia Dare Wine . per bottle 75c. Chestnut Grove Rye. .per gal. 215
the exhibits
And this is where >°ng .hielded, inside of hi. party, resigned when 7he caw we7e Te" Port Wine...................... per quart 35c. Kentuckey Dew ...... per gal. 225
Two attorneys in the Hadley
Alcohol............................. per gal. 400
a large numtier of citizenscan men who were abusmglthe powers \
fcy orde, of Attornev Geoeral
Cornet Dry Gin............ per gal.
case get into a wrangle, ami
help out and help to make the of the ways and Means Committee
Mann declared that
when the judge intimated that
fair a success and interesting organized
inside the National
manliness, such as he would have
they were liable to spend five
by placing something on exhi­ Democratic Committee to solicit
days in durance vile they took a
expected from President Wilson
funds to prevent the use of morev
tumide and became awfully bition that is raised in Tilla­
would have required him to ask WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER COR. 1st and 1st AVENUE E
mook county. We feel confident in politics. He yielded then, only
McNab to withdraw his resignation
that there will tie plenty of com­ when both the proof and the pres­
and go on with the cases.
petition for the prizes and that sure had become overwhelming. 1
One of our citizens remarked file first fair of the association Il is entirely natural for him to be­ showed, how McNab has now pub­
on Tuesday after one piece of will he a credit to the county, I come the defender of Attorney (ien- lished copies of the various want
pavement had been taken up, a a credit to the exhibitors and a eral McReynolds when the attor- i ings he sent to the attorney general.
few real estate agents are re­ credit to tlie association.
ney general is assailed as the friend ; Nine members of the currency
sponsible for the whole trouble
of the elder Caminetti of California, I commission of the American Bank
era’ Association met in New York
and the expense the taxpayers
There is some similarity l>e- who has long been the stanch friend
are put to.
of Mr.
Bryan, j (the first of the week and formulated
tween the persecution methods and supporter _____
J a set of suggestions for the amend,
of the Oregon lsnd cases and Nothing lees would be expected of i
anybody ’familiar , meut of ‘»>e Glass-Owen bill. They
After the snap shot man had the pavement injunction suit
raise several objections. One is
gone on a rev. gentleman's being argued in this. Special with times in Democratic party
___ prestige was
__ long tuat of governmental control of)
bond tin Tuesday, he was re­ Prosecutor Henev was after
used to shield the unworthiness Ji ac,lIal operation» of the preposed
minded of a little incident when the scalp of Senator Fulton, and
I system. All they want is super-
of hia friends.
he was “touch” for a sum of the
atmosphere was impregnat-
Second, the bankers do
money by an absconding pre.i led with all kinds of insinuations
The torpedo flotilla of the I'nited no* 1**le *fie
of having the I
Because one piemik-i
false statements about the
provad a rascal that did not’ senator, to such an extent that States Navy, estimated to have ff°verninent s credit placed behind
shake our confidence in other lieople lielieved they were true. I cost f5i*,OCll,000 up to this time, and ’*le entire mass of the currency,
Notwithstanding that Honey, consisting cf torpedo boat destroy- j Third, they do not like the dividing
*^e bank reserves between their
had the assistance of Detective! ere and submarines, is equipped
Burns and tin- trea-urx of the Wl,h bl” one ,orf’edo for e» h •«f*. Jown vault* anJ »hose of the reserve
Fairview bad a nice display
and it takes a year to construct the banks Fourth, they do not like
nt its school fair last year, and’ i uitedXHten at tlie back <»f him,» one. \t hat is called an automcbile the plan for the retirement of the 2
uow that it will lie able to ex *
torpedo has a range of five miles per cent bonis.
hibit at the county fair, don’t tacks, lie could find nothing to I and an explosive charge sufficient
Gov. Sulzer of New York now in
anybody run atyay with a false
to destroy a dreadr aught. The
notion that it is going to lag deuce to indict him. Charley's t mechanism of a fleet has become open rebellion against the leaders
Cyrus Noble
staunchest friends staved with1
or bosierofthe Democratic party,
Fairview will be there
on both feet, and with the giHwIs him tiecause they knew he was ' few nations are capable of building which elected him to office, end
W. J. \ an Schuyver & Co., General Agents
to carry oft the premiums in not guilty of the malicious false­ an up-to-date navy and of mast T- with a Legislature in extra session
ixdli hand<
Portland, Oregon
be glad that they did so, for he | ing its details. Sea fighting thro has taken t‘ie | ublic into bis con­
passe«i through a trying ordeal
fidence in a remarkable interview
S 1 ns to give the ladies of Ne­ when Heney ism and tampering since Japan overwhelmed the Rus­ for the pres«. He declared he would
halem who have heen raising with I'.S. jurymen appeared to sians in the last great naval battle. never se* Charles F. Murphy, the
and exhibiting dahlias for seve­ tie popular and considered right Warships are much larger aud more leader of ths party, and boss of
ral years an op|>ortutiity to dis. methods. All manner of accu­ costly, their armament more power­ Tammany, and told how at hie last
play these flowers, prizes will sations have been made against ful and speed greater. Marksman­ visit to Murphy the boss had «bus
lie offered at the fair. We feel ex Mayor Harter, even to em-' ship has been improved to a scien­ ed him an 1 threatened him with
sure that the ladies of Nehalem ploying iletectives anil using tific nicety, and in this abstruse art political extinction if he refused to
will come to Tillamook with a dirty methods to incriminate also but few nations can data to obey him about appointments to
display of beautiful dahlias that him. The friends of Harter stav tie expert. War can still be made office and legislation. Then he
wi'l be a surprise to many.
, with him for the same reasons on land with primitive weapons by said that Murphv had begun to dog
that the friends of Fulton staved fighters as despe-ate as Arabs, but. him with detectives and had dug
him, They have known1 , internationally, on sea as well as tip all his past including a story of
There is not much time to
only by a
J-» OLDEN DAI'S, when buying
many years and 1 will
___ l,Bd' ’* CBB **
a Vermont perjury charge against
spare m making preparations
small number of nations.
a cook stove, people would buy
Sulzer in a will tria'. That story is
for the fair. But to make it a
have shocked many of us who
t k cne they could get the cheapest;
Adtniml Dewev hss dore the denied point blank by the governor.
it i» necessary that peo­
tint’s because there were only a
ple decide upon something to had aiul still have implicit con country ■ great service bv speaking
The visit of President Poincare to
fidence in Mr Fulton to have plainly of the needs and functions
f w makes on the market and
exhibit w ith the object of carry
England has l>een an impressive
were ail practically the same in
ing off some of the prizes. The known that he did wrong, so of a navy in the advance copy cf
fornal event, but also marked by an
construction and materiaL
admirers of Holstein and Jersey it is with those who have known hie address to t>e delivered Navy
unusually cordial |>opu!ar feeling
Itoy at Newport. July 2 i»ne who
stock will be iuterested, at d we Mr Harter for many years.
IfsVtferrnt Now! There are dose to a .hou^nd different ranres
or. the part of the British public. It
reads his terse and strictly busf. is one of the puzzles of European
predict that the dairymen will
on the market today-good, bad and m«iiffere..L W7™IS
make a good showing, anil it
___ r_____
The estate of the late John
Jacob nesslike arguments can at once sen
history why two races located so
will surprise a good many per­ Astor is officially returned at fofi - j ,h•, he ’•
•irgtiing foe military near together should have grown
nxnded by
sons to see such tine stock.
BBfktRL So many
. multimillionaires
-------------------------- _________ Be does not want great up in prosperity an I power on such
every user, me range that has stood the k it
have fallen short in an actual 'eaU °* •rms to be performed ow divergent lines, but ethnography
The sanguinary' war between const the 111 in tina cane looks en-i "**“ **» the gratification <•( naval is full of pozzies. By crossing a
priile or national glory. There is a
tbe different paving concerns is coura<iaif.
narrow strip of salt water an j
report . W"V
•l,r •lommon error
as Englishman finds himself in France
New \ ork ...
eg. IWfevi«
now tiring v aged in this city,
fit Ihr*
. .
ITe* °
and military or Ireland, and racially in a world
with professiutnd* in the expert that women urc u> have a pocket at °
•d'rwa,,1'K stronger pre­ distinct from his own.
, >>rn
"knocking*' business sent here last, t ut it is to I* a pistol [»ocketJ'
In the
tn “knock,” with high priced Ae headirear i« to be »mailer the paration for national defense 4>y course of centuries England was
SU niix M auk —
‘-"« ivtx
attorney a < ng.igvd to keep up a hatpin will no longer be a sutisfact .land and nen. and paniculartv by overrun from France and, in turn.
[••a. At beat they are elMWd m
fight and cause rackets in cities orv armament.
France by England, yet neither
, impractical miHtariat*. Tbe\ are deprived the other of its own tern-
where improvements are being
Fortune sends almonds to thelgfo^ accused of' des'
r ng to ga,* perament and peculiar traits They
As long as this con­ toothless says an Oriental proverb • promotion. Thev
dition t»f nfinir»exists pavement In Missouri [--•*-
*—*•-“---- ---•
are net cast in the same mold, nor
ta.th toothless
and ' , Wlth a
i<• a*.*I farataaa
will conn* high, for the people thirsty are protected
from tkia*
the free war for the w<m aeltiMi purpew« able to see life front the same [Hunts
pay for this scrapping.
pretzel and fortune frowne again bv those who wrongly iiu.glo«. Iha| o* view. Their caricatures of each
other on tbe stage are one of the !
at lhe lunch counter.
prepnmtio« for w.r >. ..
moat amusing features of the
Mayor Fitzgerald of lioaton sug. »O it. teatexd of a prevewttve
With the exception of a few
individuals who forced the citi gesta that tbe cost of living could mirai Dewey a irely .. n. t .... n ,o drama. Though unable to fuse to
any extent they have in late years '
und taxiwners inton paiement be reduced by issuing coins worth thia charge. He .. CB lh^
smriMSe the old hostility in di| o
fight, a «umber of citizens and 7 cents each. The theory is doubt lie* and beyxmd the ,se t(|
business men nre sick and tired ful All coinage departures from aerxice and of a rank than whi h mafic affairs, and are getting along
of the whole nffair. When the the decimal system in thia country there M none toglier he could at. smwthly at this time in rs entente
unknown uatil Edward VI ably
et|ienscs are nil figured out it have bceu tail urea.
brought it about.
Advertising Rate»
I will make mc-st everybody sick.
I especially the property owners
1»| ’■'bo have no street pavement
First Insertion, per line
E* h »nbsequent insertion line
51 «butting tbeir property but who
Business and profession*! card».
I will have to help [«ay some of
1 month.................................
1 C’ the rxpen*.— no matter which
Homestesi Notices... ............
n.av ttzvr injunction suit ends.
Timber Claims
. ........
10 401
Locals per line each insertion
Display advertisement, an inch.
1 The Nestucca Valley made a
month . ......................... ...
fine display at one fair held in
Ail Resolutions of Condolence and this city, and it is only reason-
Lodge Notices. 5c. per line.
able to expect that that part of
Cards of Thanks. 5c. per line.
Notices. Lost. Strayed or Stolen, the county will dr. better tbis
etc. mimmun rale, 2 jc not exceed- year, for the Nestucca is an ex­
mg five lines.
ceedingly productive valley and
we expect tn see a large num-
f her of the prizes go to that part
■of the county.
Anyway, the
One year-----
1 '?/ Nestuccaites are not going to
Six months
ig.'allow other sections of the
county to outdo them if they
Entered as second < lase mail mat­ can help it,hence they are going
ter July. les- at the [■oet office at to carry off a large number of
Tillamook Ore., under the act of tbe prizes
March 1 187V
The peints won by Mr. Bryan in
the preparation of the currency bill
are stated to be the right cf tbe
government to issue new notes and
assert direct control, both prono-
sect [oints ic the old greenback
n> •venient.
Tillamook Title and
Abstract Company
Law Abstracts: Real Estate
Surveying; Insurance.
Special Prices for
Family Trade.
Editorial Snap Shots
Domestic Beers.
The drunkard will have none of me.
The heav.y drinker says “no” when my
name is mentioned
The man who craves rough
whiskey passes me by
All this is as it should be
as I myself
would wish it. 1 am not for them
Keep Abreast
of the Times
and we can prove it!
Alex. McNair Co