Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, July 03, 1913, Image 6

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Headlight, July 3, 1013
Portlanders Go To Tillamook
Home Baking Easy
The annual distinction of having
Contract Let to Tranchell & G. E. Leach Places Damages | made the first through Itrip from
Portland to Tillamook by automo­
Against W. 0. Chase at
”Pareliu9for 119,769.
bile was gained recently by Walter
In Russia Custom» Officials Mak» It ■
Maddening Reality.
Work» That Win Them and th. w
the Awards Are Mad.,
In tbe Railway Magazine Robert
Weatberburn flays tbe Russian cus­
toms officers for tbe uninuer tn which
they abuse passengers’ baggage in
Howne, Jr., aril Hallett Maxwell, of
Ei'tht contractors submitted bids
tbeir ransacking examination. De­
George E. Leach vs. W. <>. Chase Portland. They were l»ent on fish­
for the erection of the new Masonic
scribing his arrival at St Petersburg.
Temple to be built hi this city, is a suit tiled in the circuit court in ing and pleasure, mid the machine
Mr. Weatberburn says:
there being very little difference in which the plaintiff claims >15,0(11 was specially arranged to carry all
I ’’Amid vociferations and hoarse
the four lowest bidders. The con damage*. In the complaint it is I 1 the usual camping necessities.
shouting we at length moored along
tract was let o Tranchell & Farei- alleged that on or about the 15th It v.as the first auto party to pass
side the quay of Washlll Ostroff (oue
ina for >19,769, there being only May, ltd t. t ie defendent publicly
ot tbe islands on which St. Peters­
eizht dollars difference in the next and in th • presence of a large audi­ thecourse of nine months' blockade
burg is built). The babel of tongues
the roads through Sheridan. Wil­
in various languages bad almost a be­
lowest bid. The building will be a ence of people, to wit, before the
wildering effect From this I was
two story brick, with stores on the Multnomah Anglers’ Club of Port­ lamina, Dolph and Heaver were
aroused by tbe customs officials, who,
pround iloor and appartnien»» ami land, Oregon, did falsely, wantonly, found to be uneven, but perfectly
seizing my trunks and boxes and de­
a lodge room on the second floor, wilfully and maliciously, orally i dry, allowing excellent time
manding my passjiort, led me to tbeir
and is to be completed in four make and utter of ami concerning transit. The run from Portland
superior. Tbe examination was pretty
•stiff,’ and it included the smelling and
lone hour and a half.
lowing, to wit:
tasting by a lot of dirty handed per­
The defendent at said time and
Of Course, We Cm Verify It.
sons of certain jars of preserves and
place publicly ami orally and in
plum cakes which I had taken in my
At the age of 27 the king of Spain
Marshfield, Ore, June 27th 1913. the presence of the several persons
baggage, and It was not exactly amus­
is the father of five children He is
The Chamber of Commerce
aforesaid declared and charged that known as the most smiling mon­ The only baking powder ing to see the hasty and indiscrim­
Tillamook, Ore.
manner adopted in repacking
¡the plaintiff was n habitual drunk­ arch in Europe and evidently al­
made from Royal Grape inate
D ear S irs . I have been telling a ard, and had at various times ami lows bachelors to walk the floor
those Innocent articles.
’’Heavy boots and plum cakes, pre­
story of Skookum l.ake anti tin places been grossly under the in-
When all kinds of business shall
serves, writing paper and ink. well
queer noises that are heard there I fluence of intoxicating liquors, to
ironed white shirts and collars, neck­
at times luring the night, but peo the scandal of himself, the said i have been regulated by a fatherly
ties crammed Into coat sleeves—all
pie here doubt my story. If I coul 1 plaintiff and to his said official government the country will prob­
that bad taken weeks to carefully
get some O. K. from your honor position, and that the defendant ably learn that the old way of per­
Hides Wanted.
puck mid stow away—were thrown In
able body that would substantiate i could get plenty of other men in mitting each citizen to attend to
Calf Hiiles, 15c.; Veal Hides. 11c ; a mass in a box or trunk, the gaping
nty story am satisfied parties from Tillamook County to substantiate liis own business was the best.
Cow Hides. 9c. Take your bides to lids of which, falling to reach tbe lock
Hayti is the seventeenth nation Honey & Hathaway's on the first by some inches, seemed to remain
here would visit your section this | the charges aforesaid; that the
plaintiff had at various times ami to favor an international agreement and last days of the month and I open mouthed in silent protest against
Thanking you in a Ivance for an I places intentionally and corruptly to take several months for delibera will be there to receive them.—S. such ill usage.
answer anti a little advertising vio'ated the duties of the said office tioti before declaring war.
The Mi» hand.
| “Afterward the dirty bands were
matter from Tillamook.
held out for ‘natchl,’ or tea money, an
and hail openly and corruptly with
To Water Consumers.
institution of which I knew more.
Yours very respectfully,
in Tillamook County, Oregon, per jumping into domestic revolution <
G w. F erry .
The Water Commission hasgiven The quarreling of the lsvostcbiks. or
Careful compilations have almost
mitted and allowed the violation of
cabmen, who, like sharks, bad al­
the game laws of the Stale of Ore- convinced us that the tropical and Mr. Hoag positive instructions to ready scented tbeir prey, would at any
semitropical habit of the siesta, or shut off water (r im all consumers other time have been intensely com­
Clough Appointed Mayor but ’ gon
That the said statements and afternoon nap, prevails in war as who have not paid their water rent ical.
Declines Riding the “Goat.”
j charges made, by the defcmlents as in peace. We have now had op­ by the 10th of each month.
; “After some trouble I succeeded in
At a meeting of the city council ■ aforesaid are false, and by reason portunity to take note of warlike
By Order Water Commission.
getting the lids of my boxes closed,
on Monday evening, Chas. I. Clough thereof, the plaintiff has sustained pioceedings in Mexico for two
but not until plum cake and boot
was appo nted mayor to till the I general damage to his reputation years, ami a comparison of all our
heels, burst preserves, white shirts.
A Good Investment.
vacancy caused by the resignation . in the full sum of $10,000
clippings shows that wdiile an ac­
W. D. Magli, a well known iner- Ink, castor oil and pills were all com­
of John R. Harter. As Mr. C'ougi. I That the said statements made by tion may begin at any time in a chant of Whitemound, Wis , bought mingled In one glorious state of de­
is a sto kholder in the Electric the defendant, as aforesaid, and forenoon, early or late, and rage a steck of Chamberlain’s medicine mocracy. Half an hour later found
Eight Con,»any which furnish?« [ known by him to be false, were with great violence until 1 or 2 so as to be able to supply them to me in tbe English hotel, where, after
his customers. After receiving them
light to the city, he is not eligib e made wilfully, wantonly and with o’clock in the afternoon, it inv iri- ¡he was taken sick and says that recounting my troubles, I was laughed
to the position, for the city charter | the malicious intent to defame and ably subsides at about that time of Hine small bottle of Chamberlain’s at. the experience being of nearly ev­
Cholera and
Diarrhoea eryday occurrence.’’
provides that no one having any
Absolutely Pure
| injure the reputation of the plaint- day. It is the hour of the siesta.
business dealings, directly or in I ilf, whereby the plaintiff demands • All Mexico, at that time, falls into Remedy was worth more to him
than the cost of his entire stock cf
directly, can hold the office.
Even J punitive damages in the further the arms of Morpheus. The war­ these medicines. For sale by all
had that not been the case, he would sum of $5000, and also judgment in ders sleep upon their arms
If, on dealers.
have declined the honor, as he i < j full for $15,000.
’ reawakening, the enemy is still in
not in sympathy with nor does lie
P. A. Ford, Conejo, Calif., gives
G. E. Leach is the deputy game ■ sight, the battle is renewed. It is
approve I the continual agitation and fish warden for this county.
a pointer for other to profit by. ‘‘I
’ not cowardice; only the siesta.
have sold Foley's Honey and Tar
an»l personal strife that thy city is
; Compound,
also other lin“s of cough
kept in by . few individuals, and
The Best Medicine in the World medicine for a number of years, but
Mr. Clough has enough good judg­ Trained Teachers Wanted
“My little girl had dysentry very never used anything but Foley’s
ment not to want to ride that kind
had. I thought she would die. Cham Iloney and Tar Compound for my­
of a '‘ifont.”
berlain’s Colic. Cholera and Diar­ self or family, as 1 find it produces
you ami all those wlm have asked rhoea Remedy cured her and I can the best results, al ways cures severe
for better qualified teachers, for if . truthfully say that I think it is the colds, and does not contain opiates.”
Koch-Dick Wedding.
For sale by nil druggists.
you need better teacher in town, beat medicine in the world,” writes
Mrs. William
A pretty wedding took place »1 how much more are they needed in For sale by all dealers.
the home of Mr. and Mrs. John the country where children do not
Dick. (Al1, Inion Avenue, Port have the same advantage that
land, when their daughter, Annie children in town have ?
Keep agitating the matter i
Muy, was married to Edwin E
Koch, Tuesday evening, June 21 we have a trained teacher in e
The ceremony was performed by school district in the county.
Rev. H. Pratt of the Forbes Pres
M rs ,\. S. B ir T ci N.
liyteriau Church. 1'he bride wore
n pearl gray gown and carried a
Cure of Stomach
boquet ol bridal roses
She was Surprising
attended by her sister, Salena Dtck,
When you have trouble with your
who wore a lavendar mess,dine
stomach or ihronic constipation,
silk dress and carried a boquet ot don’t imagine your case is beyond
bridesmaid roses. The bridegroom help just because your doctor fails
was attended by Herbert Ward. to give you reli f. Mis. (,. Stengle,
with the problem ol tmy*ng Harness
W ater
The ceremony was opened by a Plainfield, X. I , w-it»s, "For over |
you will find it distinctly advanta­
T hese
x \
a month past I have been troubled
geous to come and do your select
so’o, “I Love You Truly.” by Mrs. with my stomach. Everything I
R eflex E dges i R un I n A t
tag here. You will ffat the best
Miller. The bri lai party entered to ate upset it terribly One ,,f Cham­
qualities. Hu- lln.f thorough and
the strains of Lohengrin's "Wed berlain’s advertising books came to 1
conscientious workmanship and be
W aterproof — l?URAl'i.E
ding March.” Little FO intis Vaughn me. After re iding a few ot the let­
charged the m tst reasonable prices.
ters from | eople who have been
We can supply single or double
wiu tlower girl. I'lie spacious cured 1 y Chamberlain’s Tablets. I
$3.00 Everywhere
Sets or any single article that you
room» were decorated artistically decided to try them. I have taken
be in need of.
# ■
• ...
with roses. Aftei their return Mr. nearly three fourths of a pin kageof (
and Mrs Koch will be at home in thing that I want.” For sale by
Til itmook, < >r.
all dealers.
N-Xl II ><>r to p-f»"mook Count» Ban
W.A, Williams^ Co.
The Swedish scientist Alfred
Nobel, the inventor of dynsmit. 3
in 1896, bequeathing his fortune. «
mated at $9,000,000, to the foii'JT
of a fund the interest of which stow
yearly be distributed to those who hu
mostly contributed to “the good of h!
inanity.” The interest is divided
five equal shares, given away:
“One to the person who in the d
main of physics has made the a
important discovery or invention
to tbe person who has made tto
most important chemical discovery™
Invention, one to the person wb0
made the most important discovert ■’
the domain of medicine or i>hysiology
one to the person who in literature Im
provided the most excellent work of
an Idealistic tendency aud one to the
person who has worked most or bet
for the fraternization of nation« nd
the abolition or reduction of standla*
armies and the calling in and propj
gating of peace congresses."
Tbe prizes for physics and ch«,
istry are awarded by the Swedish
Academy of Science, that for physio,
logical or medical work by the Coro-
i line institute (the faculty of medicin«
in Stockholm), that for literature bi
the Swedish Academy In Stockholm;
and the peace prize is awarded by j
committee of five persons elected by
the Norwegian storthing.
In accordance with these statute
the awarders of the prizes (the four
above named Institutions) elect flfteen
deputies for two consecutive years,the
Academy of Science electing six aid
the other prize awarders three etch.
These deputies elect for two consecu­
tive years four members of the board
of directors of the Nobel institute;
which board, exclusively consisting of
Swedes, must reside in Stockholm, i
fifth member, the president of tbe
board, is nominated by thegovernmest
The board of directors has in it» can
the funds of the institution nnd band«
yearly over to the awarders of tbe
prizes tbe amount to be given away.
The value of each prize is oil an aver-
age $40,000. The distribution of tbe
prizes takes place every year on Det
i 10. the anniversary of Mr. Nobel'«
. death.—Philadelphia Tress.
Uncle Sam Burns Them Unless They
Have Been In Battle.
The government sets an example to
the whole country in requiring that
wornout flags shall be burned and not
permitted to become mere pieces of
waste rag. Whether or not any special
law or regulation governs the disposi­
tion of tbe flags, the universal practice
of the army and navy for generations
has been that whenever a flag is no
longer fit for service it shall be de­
When a flag used at an army post or
on board a naval vessel becomes un­
serviceable requisition of the quarter­
master is made fur a new oue, and tbe
old one is burned. Tbe same disposi­
tion is made of flags used on public
buildings in Washington. Custodians of
buildings outside of Washington buy
tbeir flags outright of the government.
Wbeth r or not they follow the official
plan of disposing of old flags cannot
be stated.
Flags borne in battle are invariably
preserved either by the commands
which carried them or under instruc­
tions from the war department by tbe
government at Washington. A whole
roomful of battle flags is on exhibition
at the war department
The government is a little thrifty,
however, in the use of the nutional col­
ors. A flag is not put out of business
merely because it Is torn or worn, for
contracts are maintained with men
who repair flags, and if the injnry is
not too serious repairs are made find
the flag is sent back to service.—Boston
“You should take exercise ever,
day," said tbe physical culturlst
I "You make me laugb,” answered the
seeker after health. "I work so hard
that I get too tired to take any exer
"And you should take a bath ever,
| “What for?”
“What for? Why, It will make you
feel better."
“Take a bath every day just because
it makes me feel better! Say, what do
you think I am—an epicure?"—Cleve­
land Plain Dealer.
The Custom From Which All Foolf
Day Takes Its Name.
Most people call April 1 all fool»'
day, whereas it should be auld-l. t,
old fools’ day. The appellation prob­
ably takes its origin from the follow-
lug superstition:
In druidicnl times, between 10 md
12 o'clock on the night of April 1. It
was customary for all those younj
women who dared to venture into i
sacred grove nnd to take tbeir stand
one behind tbe other.
At the hooting of an owl they cos-
nienced slowly running round and
round, to the accompaniment of nd
words as tdiese:
Ban-man, ban-man,
From berg, bach and ley,
Leap high, leap low.
Come and run with me.
Thereupon, side by side with tboa
of the girls destined to be married
witliln tbe coming year, the pbantos
of a ban, or white man, appeared, and
if auy of the girls were going to die
within the year a black man wasieei
Once while this ceremony was la
progress the spirit of a very old, totter
ing white man put In an appearance «nd
exhibited such emphatic attention to
the girl be ran with that the other per­
formers were much amused.
The object of tbeir amusement »«•
subsequently chaffed to such an extent
by every one in tbe village that she
fled from tbe neighlmrbood. marryiM
before the year was out a stranje
chieftain old enough to be her grand­
After this event the ceremony ”■
Ironically styled the “auld fools' P®
l»ol."—London Answers.
Dead Sea Stillness.
The Dead sea is a vast lake aboet
nine hours' riile from Jerusalem. tw
waters of the lake, save for an «!■•*
imperceptible ripple, are quite still *•*
tolerably transparent, but salt and"!*
ter beyond bitterness" and so buoy*®
that one can float upon them lik* *
cork, and to awlm it is only necsssul
to move tbe hands. The surrossdK
scenery Is dreary in tbe extreme «»<• J
parts singularly grand. But tbe K*
ness Is oppressive and depressing.
there is no sound of animal Iff» *
song of bird ever heard on tbe k*®
shores of the famous lake.
Had Enough.
The reformed burglar, upon his re­
lease from jail, was Inclined to be a
Shelley and the Ki»».
bit facetious. "Simply state," he re­
The supreme laureate of tbe
marked to a reporter who chanced to Shelley. The word is seldom zh**
be In tbe vicinity, "that under no cir­ from bis shorter lyrics. H®1* *• **
cumstance« will I be a candidate for
another term " Proving thnt burglars, stanza laden with kisses:
See the mountains kiss high
as well as comedy actors, have a sense
And the wave» clasp one anotsw-
of bumor.—Judge.
No sister flower would be ferfiWP
If It disdained It» brother
And the sunlight clasps tbe esna
And the nuienbeama kiss lhe **■
What are all those kissing« worts
If thou kiss not me?
He Wai Mentioned.
"Did your rich uncle mention you In
his will?"
"Lucky dogr
As She Saw It
Not st all. He specifically mention­ I Tbe handsome hospital atm
ed the fact that I was not to be given married an old wealthy man lb»** t
a dollar of his money."—Detroit Free day was very happy In her repif**
friend who asked why she
such a fossil.
Had It Hidden.
“1 thought 1 might ss well t*
The man was looking at bouses.
ed in nursing one old man as a ••• ■
’’Where’» the lnwnr
—London Tit Bits.
Here It fa." said the agent "The
man next door had bls doormat over
An Opportunist
It -I- ou I bt III s Courier Journal.
“Pa. what is sn opportunist V
Splendid Field.
“An opportunist, my boy. i» *
- -- do yon ,hlnk
who has done something worth tt
simplified spelling,
-,-r,,,„K. on man? Rogers— that everybody else imsgfnes b*
That the promoters of It ought to send hare done just as well if h*
mUaiunarl« to Ws!»-Jod¿e.
been otherwise engaged wben
came along.“—Detroit Free l’r**