Tillamook Headlight, h E tillamook county PAIR association . rgaiiization Formed and Directors and Officers Elected. There was a good attendance at be Court House on Saturday after- 100ntotake into consideration the natter of organizing the Tillamook uunty Fair Association. Chairman ( ill Spalding called the meeting to injer and in doing so stated that ufliciect stock had been subscrib- d that would enable them to or- ^aniae. The first business was the read- ng and adopting bye-laws, which jter a few amendments, were ,pproved. A question arose as to whether it rotild not be advisable to have even instead of five directors, but t was decided to confine the asso- iation to five directors, when lominalions were declared in order. ]. H. Dunstan was placed in omination for Eairview, being the hoice of the Fairview Grange, was manimously elected director. Smith Elliott wae placed in uomi- iation by the Bay City delegation nd elected. L M. Kraner and R C Magarrell rere placed in nomination for lloverdale, and in a close race the ormer won out with a few votes ihead. 0. A. Lommen was placed in lomination by the Nehalem delega- ion and elected. Will Spaulding was placed in lomination for director for Tilla­ mook, he being the choice of the aucus of this c?v’s delegation and ras unanimously elected. July 3, IOI3, crease > ( in art“cle«°of i{JVyrar of ‘m 6aCh yeW’ ®XCept i change in articles of iaeorporation or Notice of Publication. i for instructions relative to any matter Department of the Interior. in which the board of directors ”feH ARTICLE XIV. . such —k - a necessity. Rules. V. S. L and O ffice at Portland, Ore. Section I. A body of rules may be June 12th, 1913. Section 2. Special meetings of the N otice is II kreky G iven , That stockholders may and shall be called adopted by the board to govern its by the president of the board when­ routine or special business and such Alonzo E. Shirley whose post-office ever 20 per cent of the stockholders in rules may be amended by adding to or address is 1241 E Main St. Portland. written petition demand it, such writ­ striking out a portion, at any meeting Oregon, did, on the 18th day of No­ ten petition shall st»te object of meet­ by a two-thirds vote of the directors vember. 1912. tile in thia office ing and such meeting shall not be de­ Present ; but no rule shall be adopted Sworn Statement and Application, layed more than 20 days from the date that does not conform to intent of No. <3688, to purchase tne SWK of W*, Section 12. Township2 North, of presentation of the petition, or be­ these by-laws. Range 10 West. Willamette Meridan, ARTICLE XV. yond that date when the purpose of the and the timber thereon, under the Quorum. petition would be defeated. A quorum for the transaction of provisions of the act of June 3, 1878, ARTICLE VIII. business in a directors meeting shall and acts amendatory, known as the Annual Meeting. 3 members of the board to be “Timber and Stone I.aw,” at such Section 1. The annual meeting for require present. In a stockholders meeting value as might be fixed by appraise­ the organization of the board of direc­ 20 per cent of stock shall be repre- ment, and that, pursuant to such tors shall be held on the third Monday sented application, the land and timber to constitute a quorum. in January of each year. thereon have been appraised, the ABT1CLE XVL ARTICLE IX. timber estimated 100.00 and 120 000 Amendments. Board of Directors—Organization and Section 1. Amendments or altera­ board feet at 25 and 40 cents per Duties. tions may be made to these by-laws M. and the land $40.00; that said Section 1. The newly elected board by a two-thirds vote of the stockhold­ applicant will offer final proof in of directors shall meet, qualify and be ers present at an annual meeting or at support of his application and organized the third Monday succeeding a special meeting called for the pur­ sworn statement on the 3rd day of the 1st day of January of each year, pose. Notice of all proposed amend­ September. 1913, before the Regiet and shall elect a president, secretary ments or alterations must be published er and Receiver of the U. S. Land and treasurer, who shall hold office un­ thirty days previous to the date of final Office, at Portland. Oregon. Any person is at liberty to pro­ til their successors are elected and vote. qualified. test this purchase before entry, or ARTICLE XVII. initiate a contest at any time before Section 2. The president and vice- Ratification. patent issues, by tiling a corrobor- Cresident shall be elected from the — ! Section 1. All the business trans- ed ivit in this office, alleging ody of the directors ; ¡.he j J secretary ec5e^?,ry acted by the association shall be trans- facts aflid which would defeat the entry. and treasurer may be elected the acted in conformity with these by-laws ? - ----- from - 7..0 stockholders. H. F. H igby , from V1IC the vlulc time i of the adoption thereof, ’ Section 3. The duties of the board anTthereafte/ Register. of directors shall be to manage the i ARTICLE XVIII. fiancial interests or the association, I Call for Bids Expenditures. prepare for and give an annual agri-' cultural and industrial exhibit, and to I Section 1. No expenditures shall be i School District No. 1, of Tilla- made by any director, officer, or com »TO ¡^SSK!W-X CO....,, Oregon. receive f. » AS ■(i It’s Import ! Where you invest your money. The Western Loan and Invest- ment Co., of Salt Lake, Utah, is now open S to make yon a loan or build yon a home on ( / the small monthly payment plan. A. McNAIR. President. D I.. Sil RODE, Vice-President. CANZADA EVERSON, See. and Treasurer. Board of Appraisers — E. M. BALES. F. H. MIICNK. R. F. ZACHMAN E. J. CLAUSSEN. Board of Trustees— JOHN I.EI.AND HENDERSON. B. L. BEALS. ' I. C. SMITH. W. G, McGEE, o A. C. EVERSON, Loan Agent. S For Sale or Trade—Tillamook Co. Land, City Property, ) Vacant lots in all additions and Merchandise Stock. C 'z/JSY 7/5iX 7/^S //S£N 7/^S zi—> FOURTH JULY PROGRAM executive officers. They shall issue artici f yiv (bids up to and including the 10th premiums, publicity, buildings and con- R I fod '" day of July, 1013, for the building „ .■ . , es,, Grder. of a woodshed for said district, district. veniences, decoration, amusements and AT . ection 1. In all questions of pro- plana and specifications for which instruction, concessions, admission, cedure Robert s Rules of Order shall may be seen at the residence of the public protection, awards, auditing of ^tk7^S. i • , ■ .■ accounts, and salaries. They shall P£’" 3 quest,°" undersigned or at the store of Grant Mills in Tillamook City. meet in regular session the third Mon-. DT“® v V™’ Bide will also be received for the day in January, the 1st Monday in _AKHtbhXX. painting of said building with two March. Mav. Au mist. Spntomhpr and ' Order of Business. March, May, August, September, the 3rd Monday in October, and when­ ' Section 1. The regular order of bus­ coats of paint, and also the paint­ be: 1. .- - Reading minutes ing of schoolhouse of said district. ever the president and secretary, or on iness shall . the petition of two or more directors, PrevI0US meeting, . ,2. Adoption. Said school house to receive one standing committees. coat of paint, and the roof to be a special meeting is deemed necessary, , Reports of standi ‘ ‘ committees, .5. included. the secretary shall call a special meet- ‘ „ .ports of ’ special Bide will also be received for the ing by notifying every director by mail, ! Unfinished business. . K 6. 1 Communiea- New business. 8. furnishing of 8 cords of wood, the giving a five days’ notice. During t,on.s read. 7. Ne each day of the fair, sessions shall be AfSlgnJmen* i_° • sPeclaJ committees, same to be spruce limbs, vine . ___ , . ___ to be de- or crabapple and held every evening at the secretary s The order of business above specified maple Officers Elected I may be varied, however, or waived, by livered on the grounds on or before office at 9 p.m. At a meeting ot the Board of Di- '------ ‘ 15th, .u.-. 1913. Section 4. The President shall pre­ the consent, or vote of a majority of August ctors of the Tillamook County side at all meetings of the board and the stockholders present at any meet- ’ The Board reserves the right to | reject any or all bids. air Association on Monday, with at meetings of the stockholders ; he ing. Bidders may include all of the lirectors J. H. Dunstan, Will Spald- shall put all properly presented motions above items in one bid, or the ng, Smith Elliott and L M. Kraner and announce the results ; appoint Resolutions of Condolence same may be bid on separately, committee* when so instructed, name Bids to bs left with the under- iresent, the following officers were heads of departments unless these offi­ W hereas . It has pleased the all signed. elected fur the ensuing year: ces are filled by vote of the directors, R ose C rawford , and have general supervision of the wise Father to call to their eternal President—J. H. Dunstan, Clerk District No. 1, Tilla­ reward, our beloved sister Phobe rules and orders of the association and Vice-President—Will Spaulding, mook Oregon. its directors and countersign warrants. Curl, of Beaver No. 203, and sister, Treasurer—Ira C. Smith, Section 5. The vice president shall Effie Honey, of Morning Star No. 52, Secretary—R. Y. Blalock. exercise the duties of the president or BARGAINS IN REAL therefor be it Committee oa pretniutrs—Chas in case of his inability to exercise his | Resolved, By the convention of office. ESTATE. (unze, W. C. King, Chas. Ray, Section 6. The secretary shall keep Lodges No 22, ijuw now a»»t'inuieu assembled in i. Y. Blalock, W. Maxwell, and an accurate record of the proceedings the haU of Heaver L()d No. L—16 Acres of bottom land No t IV. S. Buel. of the association, its directory meet- ” With house and barn, and all ings, and shall produce such record, or B eaver oa tl> 18 the .4 day of June, Publicity Committee—Editors of slashed and some meadow within any portion of it, whenever required. 1913. While we bow in submission the five county newspapers He shall issue stock certificates to all to His beloved will, our hearts are Vi mile of the city limits, including Mr. Spaulding was appointed to persons paid up and entitled thereto. four cows, one horse, grieved - by the loss we have 8'm or will trade for house deputy BUUCt- super­ investigate the matter of buildings He shall in person or by UtUUVV intend the recording of expenses and talned, and grounds for the fair. ” en­ .1 R esloved , That we extend to the Tillamook City. receipts of the association, of " all Secretary Blalock desires that tries for exhibits, concession fees, ad­ bereaved husband and family of the ■ ^* *’ 0, . 2.—320 Acres on the Wilson those who have subscribed stock mission, etc., of prizes awarded, and beloved sisters our deepest syin- River, known as the Rush fumi disbursements, and of such other j will remit to him the afnount of other into7m^io”ate ^wouW 77em “to ' Pathy and pray that the grace of in- (except a right of way deeded to the their stock and he will forward the _ _______ _______ ■— ■ record »..-1- of — .—. love be their comfort and R R. Co. through the (ilace), with necessary to a complete finite certificates. on the place except' the work of the association. He shall support , I I everything ____ :__ ____ „..I.. , --- I b...... It is expected that the fair will be settle al) accounts and issue all pre-1 R r esolved ESO lved , . That That a a c copy of these w*arinK »PP«rele and keep sake», r “ 80 «---- —- ■-» t --<• . i ,.-,'» acres of hay land and *>■■> the k balance OWN YOUR HOME-STOP PAYING RENT. held about the 3rd, 4th and 5th miums subject to instructions from the resolutions be inserted in the min- board of directors as soon after pre­ good pasture land, with rolling September, as some of the schools ________ _ _____ possible. He utes of this convention, a copy sent sentation of claims as ] We Make Only 6 per cent. in the county commence the second shall receive all money due the associa- to each of the families and to the hills and brush and timber, and Wilson River running through the Monthly Installment Loans Neek in September, and it is tion, issuing duplicate receipts there there- ­ . County paper. I place. Fine fishing and hunting, On Completed City Residence Property, bought advisable to hold the fair for and shall turn it over to the treas­ Fraternally submitted, urer within ten days of its receipt by j 14 head of cows goes with the place, >efore that date. Or for Building Purposes. M rs . L izzie R eynolds , but • ' ’s receipt on | him, taking a treasurer will run 35 or 40 head just the the latter’s acceptance. He shall issue M rs . L ucia E llioit , way that it is, but will run 100 head Sy-Laws of the Association.1 duplicate treasurer's warrants for the E stella I mlah . If You Want to Buy, of stock cattle. Also there is 1 bull, payment of all vouchers or claims ARTICLE I. Or Build a Home, against the association and shall not 2 head of horses, 1 mule. 2 light Name. Beaver, Ore., June 25th, 1913. Section 1. This Corporation shall pay any claim or order against the i Whereas it has pleased our Heavenly wagons, and farm implements in­ Or Repay a Mortgage, « known as the Tillamook County association from any money he may cluding mower, rake, hay fork, and And desire the aid of borrowed money, we ask have on hand. At the discretion of the Father in his all wise providence, on air Association. board he shall execute a bond for the June 14th, 1913, to call to her eternal about 00 head of chickens, 20 stands your careful consideration of the advantages ARTICLE II. of bees, good 14 room house, with security of all books, records and home Almira Jackson, wife of Bro. J. Object. afforded by our monthly installment plan of loan» money belonging to the association in a large woodshed and milch calls, Section 1. The object of this corp­ sums to be delermed by the board. His F. Jackson • and milk bouse, with U.S. separator. we will gladly explain our plan of a loan to you if ration shall be to operate, maintain, Be it resolved that we, the members book shall be open for the inspection Barn 40 by ¡01 aud 80 acres that lgn«Ke «nd conduct fairs, carnivals, of directors or stockholders at any interested, of Mt. Hebo Lodge No. 221 I. O. O. F., xhibitions and other enterprises, for _ _______ time.!_____________________ . ,, rp. 1 do extend to our bereaved brother and will go with the (dace if not sold or ____________________ «hall wnpetion. pleasure, and mutual bene- [time.J Section 7 The treasurer snail re- 7. The shall t ; to buy, lease, acquire and hold I ceive all moneys paid to the secretary, his entire fam.ly our deepest sympathy traded off or should wish to re­ fan —- —- -- - serve the same that belongs to Mr, Hl and personal property necessary I ceive giving a the success of its undertakings, and 1 Riving James Hughey. warrants, and shall recognize all warrants. thg ever SUB t a ining grace of God ’ s in- Realty, Loans, Ins., Rents, Collections. > enter into such legal obligations as conntersigned by the president, for the Thia Farm is located about 8 connt-ersigned by th ® Pf*® 1 ur e finite love be their comfort and help: ie business interests of the corpora- miles East of Tillamook City, on Be it further resolved that a copy of onnaay ■ cquire, in accord with its art- Khtls ofmt0heeissJiation. No pay- the county road running up Wilson tes of incorporation. inents shall be made in cash. He shall these resolutions be recorded on the ARTICLE 111. keep an accurate record of receipts minutes of this Lodge, a copy sent to River. Price, »2(1.000.00. No. 3—fl acres with house and and expenditures, which^shall^e^ open the county paper3 an(j ,,ne gent to the TJ>e capital stock of this “^¡nspection0^"' stockholders at any good orchard, all cleared. 4 miles WDoration shall consist of One Thous- , He ghal] be required to give bereaved family. from the city. Price, >2,590.00. Fraternally Submitted, Dollars, oivided into 1WV 1000 »Hill shares ( d to an amOunt to be determined by . ^ ..-------- . . ’ “ '’‘GVU IUVU VO | No 4 —Two lots ju*t west of the fully tach paid, of a th par d’hnt Par value of °.f One I’"® Doi- Du' • the hoard for the safety of all money Forest J. Ayer Academy for 9700.00 on easy terms. ¡«reach ’»''.hJTanociation. sach ; , but the capital stock may be I : „.„riation. .' Ollie Woods increased by vote of the stockholders • Se(.tion 8 The bonds required of | No. 5.—One lot with 5 room John Heilmeyer whenever the interests of the corpora- | th gecretary and treasurer shall be ne»a»a»e»<»«» being a ua in , Lliv .....i O an(j presented J . nmalllpnt Committee. house close I in. rents for 915.00 tion demand if it, Qllrtk such • increase to the president per month. ««cord with the legal requirements of ? than the May meeting, and ,Mh „.‘y'te on Araonal security or through No 6.—One lot 00 x 105, with 5 Whereas it has pleased our Heavenly ARTICLE IV. a bonding company at the association s Father in hie all wise providence, on room house close in, rent* $15.00 . 2.ffice- ... _ expense. ____ v , June 15th, 1913, to call to her Eternal per month. article X.; Section 1. The principle office. expense - Home, Phoebe Curl, daughter of Bro. , No. 7. —Two lots with small house Auditing Committee. | P**®*°f business and exhibition ehall’ Section 1. An auditing committee Wallace, Be it Resolved that we the with 4 rooms, these are fine lota for tern or near the town of Tillamook, shall be appointed from stockholders. members of Mt. Hebo Lodge No. 221 sale on easy term». '*> Tillamook County, Oregon. I not member» Two Ix»ta and Houae on Second ARTICLE V. ¡iiunmmv — of - the --. board of , dtreetors renort I. 0. O. F. do extend to our beloved ' at the August meeting and i.s _ Officers. us r rermrt Brother and the entire family our Ave. East for »1400.00. snail be rcmlv.^. -t the regular Jar.- The officers of this association shall shall be rendered t fpeet. deepest sympathy in this their hour of u«pe»» ■»------------------------------------------ , J. S. STEPHEN9, tttiswt of a board of directors, five in , X-eetinr^.tU*Xr' uary meeting and at sorrow, and pray that the ever rus- ROOM a) COMMERCIAL BLD. number, to be elected by ballot at a I ing of stockholders in October. Meeting of stockholders to be held ARTICLE ai . taining grace of God s infinite love be IXX’KS : WAREHOUSE. •nnually, the second day of the fair, t Voting. , u. their comfort and help. FRONT STREET, BETWEEN 3nd A 3rd AVENUE WEST Canadian City Chooses Bitul X •t • place to Le designated by the I Section 1 1. Voting for “'J® Be it further Resolved that a copy President of the board. Notice of such stockholders shall be by , r ithic Pavement. »eeting shall be issued by the secre-, stockholder shall "® (.. m by of these Resolutions be recorded in the Minutes of this lodge and a copy sent jy,- by mail, to each stockholder, at, votc per each share of^ stoc\ A hundred thousand square yards *«st ten dai i previous to the date of him 1 To Water Consumera to the county papers and one sent f to of bitulithic paving is now being >100 Reward >100. rectorate vote shall be by ballot, m»- meeting. Each shareholder shall he the bereaved family. Th» r»»4»r» at th!« p«p»T will •>» pl«««rd 1 ii Honey ive S‘ Id , Foley'» Honey ana and iar far lithi • proved its worth over all com­ 1 building up the roiistituthrn and assisting a bidder obtained for 36 cents a -------- --------- ghal| constitute, surp u. m be beM to h-'J ^, nd , alw , J o t he r lu.-.of . otlg ’ . t ! nature Tn doing it» work The proprietors .excuf*- Such vacancies shall f have so much faith in Its ewratire [«»were painting which he claims in by “epiled by the remaining directors by l further 'mPr?v*,n.e"‘r,n7"üM? stock medicine for a nuniber of yeari but peting (Hiving materials. I that they oWrr one llnndred Dollars for any St. rise •eetien from the body of stockholders. never use! anything tmt Foley s 1 ease that It falls Io cure Send for list ot Rttbena and worth 91(0.000. A scientist claims that milk can ( testimonial- _ _ Honey and Tar Compound for my- of thia sort are not new and serve ARTICLE VII. Address H. S CHEXBY * CO.. Teledo. ” f nr family. a» I find it produce, I e produced without a cow. There to mark the beginning of the silly „ ,, Special meeting*. “* """XicLB lilt best re*uit.. alwaya. lire, severe have been dairymen who nearly I , Ohl« Sold by all Druggist» T8s. «„yT *• Special meetings of r.-a< bed tl^« invention without the I Take Hall s Family rills far constipation season. <• i> s and does not contain opiates. Date of the Fair- "*kbcW«rs may be called at the dis- aid of any of tbs ototftca. Section 1. Th» date »f U» — Ifarrh T”10’1 °f the director* for the con»id- •«•oo of rule* of government, to- be determed not 1---- AR VIEW 10:30 a.m.—Base Ball Game. 12:30 to 1:30—Dinner. 1:30—Races and Water Sports. Afternoon—Dancing. 6:30 p.m.—Boxing Match, 7:15 p m.—Clam Bake. Fire Works and Bonfire. Special Prices for all Races. A Good Time for Every­ body. Follow the Crowd, they are going to Bar View. ROLLIE W. WATSON, Coal, Cement, Lime, Brick, Shingles, Brain Tile, Plaster, Roof Paint LAMB-SCHRADER COMPANY