Tillamook Headlight. Ttiixz A ifti.9 gSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS«» * WHEELER, & & OREGON, * ®®8®SS«®S®«8S3e3esS®828®3®SS®®^ô®®®ss®aS3®e8®88888^® THE MANUFACTURING CITY ON ' NEHALEM BAY Offers to men of energy and small means better OPPORTUNTITES than any other place in the State of Oregon. w For information regarding Wheeler, write to NEHALEM HARBOR CO., WHEELER, OREGON. Portland Office : Tillamook Office : 327 FAILING BUILDING. Care ^of F. R. BEALS. the rest of the bill the item which authorized the expenditure by the Department of Justice of a special (From the Spectator.) sum of $300,000 for the prosecution With profound regret the true of violations of the anti-trust law, I friends of President Wilson and all would have vetoed that item, be­ honest lovers of this republic learn cause it places on the expenditure a limitation which in my opinion is that he has given hie approval to unjustifiable in character and the sundry civil bill. The wicked principle. treasure, whici. is class legislation This limitation of expenditure in favor of criminals, subversive of which is unjustifiable in character ioodgovernment, and a complete principle is the provision that de­ reversal of the Democratic creed of clares no part of the appropriation Equal rights to all and special shall be used for the prosecation privileges to none, specifically I of labor-union members guilty of states that no portion of the sum such crimes as were proved against provided for prosecutions of viola­ the McNamaras and the other In tors of the Sherman anti trust law dianapolis dynamiters and mur shall be used in bringing to justice derers Here is what President members of labor unions or of Taft said when he vetoed the bill, farmers’ organizations. identical in terms with that that Thus we have a Democratic Con­ President Wilson signed : gress passing, and a Democratic The proviso is subtly worded so President signing, a bill deliber as in a measure to conceal its full «tely to exempt from prosecution effect by providing that no part of money appropriated shall be and punishment for crimes a class the spent in the prosecution of any whose atrocious misdeeds of mur I organization or individual dering and dynamiting in the past entering into any combination or three years shocked the country. agreement ' having in view the in­ It may be said here that the creasing of wages, shortening of hours, or bettering the condition of fanners’ organizations made no labor. . . etc.” So that any or­ demand for this vicious exemption ganization formed with the bene­ in their tavor ; but the labor unions ficent purpose described in the did, and it was at their behest, en proviso might later engage m a conspiracy to destroy by foice, forced by a powerful and un­ violence, or unfair means any’ rm questionably insidious lobby that plover or employes who fade.ito the bill was passed, and at their conform with its requirements, and vet because of its originally avowed instance, baiked by cajoleries and ¡awful purpose it would be exempt threats, that the abominable bill Bom prosecution so far as prosecm tion depended upon the moneys ’*8 signed. Imagine what would have been appropriated by tins act no matter how wicked, how cruel how de, the Preeider t's course if another liberate the acts of i^iiowYno dishonest aid subservient Con- guilty. So. too. by the following fress had been insane enough to sentence in the act, such an organi P««s a bill specifically exempting zation « mid be protected from |pro­ “for any act none in from punishment the rich law­ secution furtherance ” of ’’ the¿ncrea’’n« °.f makers of the country ! Would wages, shortening of hours..or bet, We not have been treated to a ♦erinir the condition of labor, n ,P*ct>cular exhibition of splendid ir Hself unlawful Hut under the law of criminal conspiracy acto ’odignation and to a veto message lawful in themselves may beiom that in scourging phase would have hZ weapons whereby an unlawful driven the truckling, servile Con- par^^ carried out and accom Compact with Criminals Rressmen into deserved and never- P And for these reasons. President «ndmg oblivion ? Surely; surely. °t when a bill, whose plain, un- Taft refused to sign the bill. The Spectator takes the liberty • > vocal meaning is that the Con­ gress of the (’nited States tells the thinking «nd union, that they may commit with­ Woodrow Wilson signed this bill out fear of inic.ference the crimes infamous warrant for murder, dishonorable contract be ••cubed in the Sherman act. is ^•ented to him for approval and tween the government and vieiou. ••«nature President Wilson signa criminals, wicked class legislation that to subversive of the pnnc t rt~*°d *>•• hand is not paralyzed. • may be well to read what Presi- of equal and exact .......... Bt Wiiaon says of the bill .................. which men—something good andI boo« "•«”ed and what President Taft and noble departed t ' nj 0« the same bill, which he ever the better part ‘ h £ Here to President Wilson , left him a mere fcBOW „ vcmment knows it And the people a»v H I couia wave separated from I tion 5316 of Lord’s Oregon Laws; and it is and will be unlawful to fish for, or take, or catch any K now A ll M en by T hese P re ­ salmon iish by any means what ever, except with hook and line, sents , That, W hereas , the State Board of Fish and Game Commis­ commonly called angling, in any' sioners. of the State of Oregon (as of said waters during the said well as its predecessors, the Board periods of time above specified. Any and all persons whomsoever of Fish Commissioners of tlie State of Oregon) has propagated and I so fishing in violation of this notice stocked, and is propagating and will l>e prosecuted as by law pro­ stocking the waters of Tillamook vided. J. F. H ughes , Chairman. Bay and its tributaries, in Tilla­ B E. DUNCAN, Secretary. mook County, State of Oregon, with C. F. S tone , salmon fish, and M. J. K inney , W hereas , said Tillamook Bay G eo . H. K elly . and its tributaries are frequented Constituting State Board of Fish by salmon fish. and. for the pur pOM of proti> tin? the Hone. the ami Game Commissioners. Now is the time said Sta’e Board of Fish and Game Commissioners have decided to Notice of Guardian’s Sale. to'Jiave that close a tributary of said Tillamook Hoqiiar- Bay, known as the Hoquar- ton Slough, and its tributaries group picture made N otice is H ereby G iven ,—That above a point on said Hoquar pursuant to and by virtue of an or­ ton Slough. 47 deg. 31 minutes der of the County Court of Tilla­ Iaft us «how you our West 2.013 7 feet from the section mook County. Oregon, duly made special display of attrac­ corner common to Sections 23 24. and entered on the 13th day of June, , tive new Htyles. We are 25 and 26. of Township 1 South. 1913. licensing, authorizing and di- i l>erfectly ^equipped for Range 10 West of tlie Willamette reefing the undersigned to sell the Meridan—this point on said Ho- real property hereinafter describ­ making group pictures quarton Slough being in ire par ed, the undersigned will on and and will please you with ticularly designated by pests erect after the 24th day of July. 1913, sell tne quality of our work. ed by the Master Fish Warden | for cash, at private sale, to the warning the public; and also an­ person offering the highest price other tributary of said 1 illauiook | therefor all the right title and in-j Bay. known as Miami River, above terest of Frances Xavier Moreau I a point where the county wagon (Frank Marey) in and to the follow­ bridge crosses said Miami River ing described real property, towit: Next to POST OFFICE. just below the Pacific Railway A Situate in Garibaldi, County of Til Navigation Company's railroad lamook State of Oreg on; Beginning bridge crossing said Miami River, at a point 5H. 16 chains west and 42.15 all being in Tillamook County, chains south of the northeast cor­ State of Oregon, to prevent fishing ner of Sec. 21, Township one North, therein by any means whatever, Range ten west of Willamette Me­ except with hook and line, com ridian. thence north 74 degrees east monly called angling, for »almon 7 C h chains for inital tioint of tract fiBh, during the periods of time herein conveyed, said point being hereafter specified. the southeast corner of what is NOW. THEREFORE. NOTICE IS known as the Ralston 5 acre tract, H ereb y G iven by the state Board of thence north 16 degrees west 22U The valued family re­ Fish and Game Commissioners feet, south 74 degrees west 23,456 cipes for cough and cold that said tributary of Tillamook feet to the northeast corner of tract Bay known as Hoqiiarton Slough sold by Geo. W Kiger and wife to cute, liniments, tonics and its tributaries above a point Frank Marry by deed dated Octo­ and other remedies have on said Hoquarton Slough 4< ber 1H 1902, and recorded in book as careful attention here deg 3! minutes W eat 2,013. < feet ”z” of deeds, page 31, records of Tillamook County, Oregon, thence from the section as the most intricate’pre- mon to Sections ¿3. 24, 25 and south 16 degree, east 220 feet to scriptions. of Township 1 South. Range 10 southeast corner of Marey tract, West of the Willamette Meredian- north 74 degrees east '23 456 feet to Our fresh, high grade this ' point on said Hoquarton inital point Slough being more particularly Such sale to lie made subject to drugs will help to make designated by posts erected by the confirmation by the above named these remedies more effec­ Master Fish Warden warning the court. tive than ever. public are and each of them is Da'ed at Tillamook. Oregon, thi. hereby dosed to fishing of any day of | une. 1913 kmd for salmon fish, excel*« Right prices are also N M c M illian . (with hook and line, commonly call Guardian of the |srwn and estate assured. ed angling, from and after July 1«, of Frances Xavier Moreau (Frank ¡913 until on «»<1 «Dei October I ». Marey. 1913; and that the tributary of said Tillamook Bay. known a- Miami River al>ove a point where the Causes of Stomach Trouble. t,.,nty wagon bridge crosses said Sedentary habits, lack of out door Miami River j -st below the Pacific Wa Iway A Navigation Company • exercise, insufficient mastication of food, constipation, a torpid liver, railroe 1 bridge rossmg Miami River, is hereby cloned to worry and anxiety, overeating, par­ fishing <»f soy kind for salmon fish, e'cept with hook and l,nC” C°m. taking of food and drink not suited Sewer Pipe for Sale mon v called angling. from and to your age and occupation. Cor­ rect your habits and take Chamber­ IduwJuiy >”h-1Wa ""t*1 •-"J For Sale all sizes of sewer pile butary is opened again to salmon lain’s Tablets and you will soon be and sewer connection.. I. H. wc.l again. For sale by all dealera tisiung, as provided for under sc. I McMahan Notice Closing Streams. Monk’s Studio. :■ I Family Recipes. ••••»•••••• »«I ; CLOUGH, t Reliable Druggist. Tillamook Baker’s Bread Sold at All Grocers. with the problem of buy ng Humean you will find it distinctly ndv«nta- g.*oua to come and do your select mg here. ‘ You will get the ' «at qualities, the moat thorough nd conscientious workmanship and be charged the most reasonable pn< ea. We can supply single or double. Sets or any single article that you may be in need of. W.A. WilliamsIc Co. F x GA iwi » (.«natyBea