Tllamook Advertising Rates. I.I'. gvl A dvertisements : fakir’s fair. The money for the m<*st part will go for prize* and necessary expenses. Those who have blooded stock, and have been anxious to exhibit, ran do so with the expectation of win­ ning a suitable prize. v\e ex­ pect to see a very creditable stock show that will be interest­ ing to those who have gone to considerable expense to im­ prove the dairy herds in this county. __________ Headlight, July 3, iOl3. Let Patriots Weep NEHALEM Will Celebrate the FOURTH. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN AND SURGEOX Bell Tel. 16 9 W. B. L Eddy, formerly of this city, writes to the Umpqua Valley News, » M. 4. regarding the attempt to squash Residence and Office in Whit*hOu,e white »lave cases in California: Residence, The Press dispatches of the past TILLAMOOK, OREGON. two or three days disclose a re 1 markable blunder, or something ELMER ALLEN worse, on the part of the adminis­ » Sports of all Kinds and a Baseball Game j tration at Washington. To under­ (Successor to Dr. Sharp), stand the present situation, readers cf the newspapers must recall that DENTIST. a few weeks ago two young men in Commercial Building, Tillatnock. It is really too bad, Bro Trom­ California had debauched and were bley, that Bro. Baker is., t the found living with young high tacky. sniveling little puppy for school girls. Both men were mar­ J~)R. JACK OLSEN, RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION. For the Championship of Tillamook County. a disturbing element in this ried and had families. The story I (STRICTLY IN ADVANCE. I citv. We want to give our re­ was revolting and shocking in the 1 .So One year......... DENTIST. 75 spected Bro. a word of fatherly extreme. Every decent person felt Six months— 50 that it was a case where the hand advice not to publish things that Three mouth« (Over F. R. Beals office. i he cannot substantiate on the of tl.e law ought to be laid on with "WE SHOULD WORRY” and on the Fourth Enteted as secondclaes mail mat­ witness stand and which places speed and severity The men were Tillamook - Oregon Come to Nehalem. ter July. lMe*. at the poet office at him in a position where liecan Diggs and Camilletti, both promi­ Tillamook. Ore., under the act of ¡JOHN LELAND HENDERSON tie sued for $15,000. But if he nent and having influential con­ March 3, 1W79. must publish false statements nections Mr NcNab. United States ATTORNEY and allow other people to get a district attorney for the northern AND ófíliamook bulge on him. with a lot of hun­ district of California, found that SUMMERING AT gry attornevs ready to sue for they could be prosecuted under the COUNSELLOR-AT-LAW. the fee. why. go it. Bro , but federal law. known as the Mann T illamook B lock , he should not squeal if be gets white slave act. They were indict­ Editorial Snap Shots Til! mook ■ . . . Oregon, “stung" for publishing libelous ed and about to go to trial. In the matter. ___ meantime, Caminetti, father of the Room No. 261. “Nature’s Playground,” as these beaches have been called, criminal, was appointed by the ad­ Boost the Tillamook County We want to congratulate J. ministration to a responsible posi­ are now open for summer visitors. New hotels, with all Fair Association. modern conveniences, cosy cottages, camping grounds and H. Dunstan upon being elected tion in the government service as T- BOTTS, first president of the Tillamook an inspector of immigration. He Who are responsible that city County Fair Association, and ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. was in Washington, and it was warrants are on the bn tn ? The we fell glad that the honor was made to appear that he could net Complete Set of Abstract Book« in spirit of agitation and knock­ conferred u | m » ii one who is iden­ be in performance of duties there Office. Leaving Portland daily ................................... 8.45 A. M. tified with tile dairy interest and ing. and at the same time attend the Taxes Paid for Non Residents. except Sunday ....... 1.20 P. M. “ " daily the Grange. At the same time trial of his eon in California. It ie It maybe that a few persons vve must ask the citizens to give T illamook B lock , not claimed that he was a witness will ' knock" the Tillamook Mr. Dunstau their co-operation Tillamook .... Oregnn. in the ease, but hie official superior, County Fair Association, but and assistance for without this Both Phones. Secretary of Lahos Wilson, under- that should not cause surprise, it is going to be impossible to took to cause Attorney General Mc­ Business men can leave Saturday afternoon and arrive beach for no matter what is taken in obtain the best results. Let Reynolds to have the trial post points in time for dinner, spend the evening and Sunday hand in Tillamook there is sure everybody get the fair spirit and QARL HABERLACH, poned. He succeeded. Mr. McNab, with the family and return to Portland Sunday night with­ t<> be curb stone knockers. help boost, with three cheers who was trying to do his duty in out loss of time from business. for the new association and its . California, was ordered to postpone ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. \\ ith R. Y. the trial. How convenient to have Monkeying with the tariff is new president T illamook B eock , ROUND TRIP FARES FROM PORTLAND going to knock the bottom out Blalock secretary, who is an a pull ! Caminetti senior, evidently of the fishing industry. With energetic worker, vve feel glad ¡a man of political influence, was Tillamook Oregon. Season Tickets on sale daily . . . $4.00 most of last season's pack un­ that the association has an ex­ thus enabled to make good a boast Week End (for return Monday) . . $3.00 cellent corps of officers. sold, the fishermen's prospects that friends of the culprits in the Corresponding low fares from other points for the future are anything but case had made, namely, that QfEORGE WILLETT, bright. The matter of agreeing upon powerful influence at Washington Cal! tor our bran J now ¡older “TILLAMOOK OOUN1Y a suitable person for mayor who , | would save them. In a case like ’ ATTORNEY-AT-LAWE ~ BEACHES” There will be $1,000—proba­ has a mind and a will of his, theirs postponement is a great T illamook C ommercial B cildlxo , bly more -offered as premiums own is a problem that is now help, Time Folders and full information from any S. P. agent or at s one dims the recollection On j of witnesses, and, besides, death by the Tillamook County Fair confronting the citizens. Tillamook • Oregon. Association nt the fair this fall, account of so much friction no may intervene; a less vigilant City Ticket Office for stock and produce raised in was is desirous of being made a 1 prosecutor may be at the helm; wit­ W /SU N S ET \ I o « oen » shasta 1 this county. That ia some im­ goat of. The City Council made nesses may be bribed to leave the 80 Sixth St., Cor. Oak I ROUTES / T. BOATS, M.D. provement over previous fairs a wise selection in appointing country; they may be frightened where the fakirs got the money Chas. I. Clough for mayor, but away. Time is a great friend to J ohn M. S cott , and. the exhibitors a piece of it is not surprising that he has the criminal brought to book. It General Passenger Agent PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. blue ribbon. declined, for Mr. Clough has fa said that President Wilson has Portland, Oregon T illamook B lock , enough business sense to know atated that postponement of the It looks to tn that the real that as long a few individuals trial could do no harm. He either Tillamook ■ . . . Oregon. i estate agent who told n new keep the city roiled up and in knows better or he does not. In comer who was about to buy a state of ferment it is going to either case our chief magistrate property in this city that Sunny- cause unpleasantness, especial- must have lowered himself tremend- M. KERRON, tnead was under water in the ly when people go to that ex- ouslv by such a statement, if he treme to employ detectives to made it. winter should lie placed on a investigate city officials W 1th | But Hut the PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON the case case of of Diggs Diggs and and Camin- Camin- rail and run out of town. It is The a well known fact that real es­ that regretable condition of etti is not the whole story. The T illamook B lock , tate agents have knocked one affairs it is not surprising that Western Fuel Company and its of- nnotlicr’s deals, ami in doing so respectable business men do not ficer8 were also under indictment Tillamook . - . . Oregon. have knocked other people's want to get mixed up in that and were being prosecuted by Mr. kind of a muss. McNab for defrauding the govern property. inent of large sums, and their*trial I A large number of visitors The organization of the Tilla­ . was coming on. The accoinmodat C. HAWK, will visit Tillamook this month. mook County Fair Association ing McReynolds also kindly came The Moose lodges will come on Saturday was a move in the to their rescue and ordered a post­ over 1001 > strong and during the right direction and along pro­ ponement. Eor what reason .- What PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, encampment of theThinl Regi­ gressive lines. One important subtle and powerful influence in­ ment, Oregon National Guard, thing, in making a start, is that terfered in thin case ? No one can Bay City Oregon there will lie over 1000 visitors the association should not at­ answer. ill the city from outside points. tempt to do too much the first I Of course District Attorney Mc­ SARCHET, The Druggists’ Association is year, on account of the short­ Nab resigned, and lie embodied his • The ^Fashionable Tailor scheduled to meet at Uavocenn ness of the time, for it is our resignation in a telegram to Presi­ nnd will visit this city, and witli judgment that it would be far dent \V ilson that ought to have n large numlter of imtsoiis here better to have a small complete made even the most self satisfied Cleaning, Pressing and Repairiaf for their summer's outing, July fair than one too large Nor dignitary sit up and take notice, a Specialty. will la* a busy month. The president should the public expect too and then some. promisee to investigate. The pub ­ much from the association this Store in Heine Photographic If we r re rightly informed, if year, and if it succeeds with n lic will not l>e inclined Io tie patient the city loose in the injunction fuir of mislest proportions it over any long winded investigation Gallery. suit, it will have to pnv $I(XMI a will be doing well. The Tilla­ If the department of justice at mook Countv Fair Association Washington cannot aatia.'acterily month interest from the first of rp H. GOYNE, the venr until the time the case is here to stay, and we predict, answer McNab’s burning, yet dig­ with able management, most nified and manly telegram m half is settleil in the supreme court, to say nothing of attorney's fees. every progressi ve dairymen will an hour there is great need of a ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. How many months nnd how taken a lively interest in it, with house cleaning in that department. Office: O pposite C ourt H ovsä ituinv thousand dollars tluit wi'l the result that the annual fairs In fact the aituattoa is pretty well be depends upon the time the will result in a-great deal of understood, and nothing but the Oregon- Tillamook ■ It takes immediate resignation of Secretary supreme court take* to decide pleasure and profit. time and grit to bring this tilmut, Wilson and Attorney General Me the ciise. .Ml this adds to th? high cost of living in a city but we believe vve can have an Reynolds and ihe immediate and P. J. SHARP, where there is friction and |ier attractive fuir every year that vigorous pt .«e. .men of the cases so mil lights. We are glad to will Is- a '-redit to the nssocin- in question will satisfy the Ameri­ tion mid the county, With can froplr- Wih all thia done, resident dentist , any that this is not our fight. everybody Iroosting for it, and • hr ad ■ m «fration will not soon re- Office : Commercial Block, with ii determination on the c ver from the effects of a most , Tillamook Ims n slander suit part of every body to assist and diagr* »f>>l affair The people had Tillamook for $15,(XX), but it ’s not our in­ not to knock if a few mistakes • (t llano Their disappointment ie demerits of that Clise, lor we do effort and harmony in coiidu* t pr*>(^>rtionatrly keen. J. CLAUSSEN, not want to create unv prejudice ing the affair* of the a*MM ii • LAWYER, on one side or the other. Wlint tion ___ There may lie n shadow of truth DEUTSCHER ADVOKAT. we wish to call attention to is io the statement that the big gun­ the custom of men denouncing In <« suggested list of trn »rrst makers are behind most of the 213 T illamook B lock . one another orally, ami as it is Americana Tho*«t A Kdusow • hemea for the promotion and lawful to sue an editor for pub­ stands first and Col. Itrvsn eizh’h spread of war. And behind the lishing false statements it is The former furnished ths ts', gunmalter* are the moving picture pro|x*r that those who make machine and the latler No trip. Io town for the progressive T s. » bkdy . nv a., ntnl»i*rs oncerns false statements orally should most of the talk In the last war between France farmer H im Bell Telephone save« him all that ♦ lie treated the Mime way The Asiatic workmen ran MM on a and Germsnv the people were rush The latest market qu tationa are hia. ami he wait, till J. s « I ’ VETERINARY. few curb stone knocker* who ’ ’ market con 1 minimum ol wages ,wt thrive un- rd into hoatilitiea by diplomatist*. ditionn »re rmht Iwfore shipping produce have been knocking the city Die Bell Telephone i. rs necewaarv to th. ........ o. Both Phone*. «ter a poverty unknown in this The (lending international pro|x>si aa are modern agn< ultural implements. He mneUtov'J’i ","nul*' former and ntnligning some of our best country. But the I nitr.| Slates tion to take time to think it over 4 onsult our local management and join the ever in<-X u Tillamook eitixrnn had better watch out, has no desire to - Oreg®» get a<'pianiteli has already been favorably recerv farmers who are Bell felepbone aubecrilera. increasing host of __ -»•— for tliev would certainly col eetorn> a ateel monger " In aptt* of thia 1.1ece» of the Tillamook County heroic ampu'.atiun upon itscIL opinion there are tew college* un Every Bell Telepl.oo* is tk* Cenur of the System. Office :J Next door to St*f Fair Aaaociatiuu, will nut be a willing to pocket a Ith* aflroat. 10 First Insertion, per line .... $ 5 Each subsequent insertion, line Bnsinesv and professional card*. 1 month ................................... 1 CO •JU Homestead Notices ................. io