p»,* / Vol. XXVI. No. 3 TILLAMOOK, OREGON, JULY Wall paper.—King 4 Smith Co. • Clearance Sale. — Men’s Suits from $18 to $25 reduced to$15. Your choice of any suit—Morris Schnal. the Popular Price Clothier. • Wanted, a position at general house work. Would not object to washing and ironing. Apply to Miss Katie Burke on the Trask river. I 3, 1913 Wall paper.- -King A Smith Co. * Special for the coming week— Men’s Suits from $18 to $25 reduc­ ed to $15. Your choice of any suit. Morris Schnal, the Popular Price Clothier. • in Acquaintance The rural free delivery route from at Bank. / r * Bay City went into effect on Tues­ It is the aim of this bank to 1 / ? day, aud until November the mail give the best banking service will be delivered the same day after Not the least of the advantages of having The Loyal Sone of Tillamook re­ the arrival of the afternoon train at possible--and uie do it. a checking account at this bank is the turned to the city’ on Tuesday from Bay City, which will be a great con­ It is also our aim to have their hike somewhat reduced in venience to those living on this acquaintance which it promotes between numbers but having had a good route. the best equipment sueh as the depositor and our officers. time. | i Will Purcell found the two ladies' Modern Fire Proof Banking Special for the coming week — bags containing money and valu­ This acquaintance enables our officers Room, Fife Proof Vault, Burg­ Men’s Suits from $18 to $25 reduc­ able papers belonging to Mrs E. E. to get in touch with the interests of the ed to $15. Your choice of any suit. Hall which she lost, and returned lar Proof Safe, Modern Safe depositor, and to lend all the co-operation Morris Schnal, the Popular Price the same to the Headlight office, Deposit Boxes—and cue have Clothier. the owner being pleased at recover consistent with conservative banking. ing her property, thanking Mr. them. “ Everybody is doing it.” '’Doing Our officers gladly welcome the oppor­ What ?” “ Getting ready to cele­ Purcell for doing so. brate at Bar View,” A most de­ Banker F. A. Rowe was in the tunity to extend the facilities of the bank lightful time for everybody. Follow city on Wednesday from Wheeler the crowd. to new depositors. and has extended an invitation to $ Mrs. J. E. O’Neel, who has been the editors of the county to visit visiting her parents, Mr. aud Mrs. Wheeler on Saturday, July 26. Mr. A. D. Smith, for the past month, Rowe knows that editors are live left \\ ednesday for her home in boosters aud he needs them to help Canyonville. boost that new, lively town on Ne­ The National Holiday will be ob­ halem bay. Married, on Wednesday, at the served in Tillamook County’ tomor­ ! COUNTY TJ.LL AMOOK CITSUPERVISION |f row (Friday) with celebrations at Hotel Ramsey, in this city, Claud her of the canneries will not start Third Regiment to Arrive ■ Cloverdale, Blaine, Bay City, Bar­ Lewallen and ?|iss lva Kellow, up this season owing to such a large on Tuesday. view and Nehalem. Rev. R. E. Jope, of the Christian amount of last season's pack being i Dawson Bros, will meet all trains Church, performing the ceremony. unsold, and as the revenue of his Rev. I. E. Meese, late pastor of The Third Regiment, Oregcn TILLAMOOK JOTTINGS The happy couple, who live in the department came mostly from ] the U. B. Church, left on Saturday with bus, and will handle passen­ National Guard, under the end Saturday night in this out to th» rocks on Wednesday. Transfer Company • E. D. Small was in Portland at­ city and Sunday on the beach. The Tents, tent flyes, camp stoves, ' Clearance Sale.-Men's Suits from tending a meeting of the parking local lodge is making arrangements camp chairs, everything for camp. $18 to $25 reduced to $15 Your associations on Saturday and he re­ for the entertainment of the excur-1 ■-King A Smith Co. * ( choice of any suits. Morris Schnal, ports that the fish market does not sionists, which will include clam AT Bring your chickens to the Tilla­ ' the Popular Price Clothier. look very promising owiug to a bakes, dances and ball games. Geo. W. Kiger found some money large surplus of fish on hand. mook Meat Company’s Market. We rhe Fairview Birthday Club met in the post office on Tuesday, and Pay 12c. per pound. * Allen Page is now the agent for the person who lost it can recover the Singer Sewing Machine Comp­ at Mrs. A. Marolf’e Wednesday, | Rev. D. A. Mackenzie is in Port­ I any in this city, also the collector. fune 25, 1913. After the general land attend ng the Christian Citi­ the same by applying to him. order of business, consisting of ■The First National Bank will ob ­ Machines are sold on easy pay­ zenship Con mention. serve the Fourth of July and be ments Patronize your home mer­ roll call and electing a president to For Sale, young pigs.—Apply to closed all day. The bank will ob- . chant when yon want a sewing fill the vacancy caused by the resig­ U. B. Marshal), Pleasant Valley, or nation of Mrs. Mapes, Mrs. Frank serve all legal holidays in the future. j machine. lAlex. Watt. Ti lamook. • . Bester was elected It was decided The heavy rain on Sunday even­ H Dr. Elmer D. Allen has located to elect the secretary-¿and treasurer D. F. Trowbridge vs. L. E. Sand- ing caused a lot of grass to fall in the Commercial Bldg . suceed- at the same time and Mrs. J H. *rs is a suit filed in the circuit where there is a heavv growth, so ing Dr. P. J- Sharp. All work Dunstan was elected. Then a lovely Court to recover money. much so that it will remain down guaranteed. Both Pnones Office lunch was served, consisting of ■ Mis» Ruby McGhee returned For Sale,—One Registered Hol- hours: 9:00 to 12.00 a m.; 1:00 to strawberries and ice cream, cake, Thursday from a three weeks' visit _______ stein Bull, Three years old in Au- 4:30 p.m. Open evenings 7:00 to candy and lemonade. Those pre­ *ith friends in Portland. sent were : Mesdames Maxwel', j gust. An extra good Bull, price 8:00 p.m. The Tillamook Band will furnish guet. $100.-H. S. Lilly, Gales Creek, Ore. Albert Plank is back from a »hort Tinners let, Kunze, Holden, Hoaley, ’ nK» and Sunday afternoons the towns he visited unusually dull ton came in on Tuesday to look for this tirre of the year over different sites for the hatchery. ' Lieuts. F. C. Endicott and O. L. It iie pro|HHeakiog of the fish Indus choiceofacv suit—Morris Schnal try. said it 1a rumored that a num- the Popular Price CfoUcicr. . . 7 1 Advantages of a Checking Account First National Bank, Tillamook, Oregon. ba I l TILLAMOOK county b B® FOURTH JULY PROGRAM AR VIEW 10:30 a.m.—Base Ball Game 12:30 to 1:30—Dinner. 1:30 Races and Water Sports. Afternoon—Dancing. 6:30 p.in.—Boxing Match. 7:15 p in.—Clam Bake. Fire Works and Bonfire. Special Prices for all Races. UAMRR’S variety store . TIUhAfnOOK. OREGON Drop in and book Around-” A Good Time for Every­ body. Follow the Crowd, they are going to Bar View.