Tllamook Headlight, June 2ö, IÖI3 I Mayor Harter Resigas. Garibaldi Beach News. Notice of Publication/! I Another Move to Get the City Into Expensive Litigation. Department of the Int.rf* The long looked for motor car U. S. L and P eek e at Powi^J is now making regular trips be­ N otice is H ereby " gihs V^J Mayor J. R. Harter called a meet­ tween Mohler and Tillamook, which For the purpose of devising plans ing of the city council on Saturday Alonzo E. Shirley whose nnL adds materially to the convenience and handed in his resignation, to bond the city to take up the out­ address is 1241 E Main St of the Garibaldi Beach residents, which came as a surprise to many standing indebtedness, a public­ Oregon, did, on the 18th dav^’^1 this with the extra passenger gives vember 1912, file in persons. He had become disgust­ meeting was held on Friday even­ us twelve trains daily, Sworn Statement and Apnii,2?*l ed with so much friction and per­ ing, when Thus. Coates was elected sonal scrapping, that he came to chairman and Attorney Gersoni H. L. Sappington spent Sunday No. C36S8, to purchase the NEVi, Section 12, Township the conclusion that he would step secretary. Three amendments to on the beach visiting. Range 10 West, Willamette and the timber thereon, und^l down and watch the other fellows the city charter were proposed, one The P. R. & N. has been making provisions of the act of June a ini in their fights, which would not to bond the city, and the other two some much needed improvements and acts amendatory, known ’ ”! interfere with his private affairs, so that the city council could re­ at the various stations along the “Timber and Stone Law ” His resignation was as follows: assess property for improvements value as might be fixed byaDrr’a*H beach. To the Honorable the Common and assess property for benefits Miss Rice, of Carlton, and Miss ment, and that, puraaantto2| Council of Tillamook, Oregon. to be derived by opening streets. Blackburn, of Yamhill, are spend­ application, the land and timiJI thereon have been appraised ?| I hereby tender my resignation It soon transpired that this meet­ ing a short vacation at Rose City timber estimated loaOO us Mayor of Tillamook, Oregon, ing was to be used for another Beach. board feet at 25 and 40 cent. said resignation to take place on or scrap with the Warren Construction M, and the land $40.00; that «Si before July let, 1913. The contractors on the county applicant will offer final proof I have a living to make and as Company. road between Barview and Ocean support of his application J long a* I have the affairs of the Some of the speakers calling into Lake are making some progress. sworn statement on the 3rd dav"! city on my hands, I can do nothing question the legality of some of the else 1 have spent almost a year warrants issued to that company. When this piece of road is finished September, 1913, before the Reih» and Receiver of the U. S GJ and a half looking after the busi it will be possible to travel by er F. R Beals and Attorney Johnson Office, at Portland, Oregon. *1 ness of the citv, to the neglect ot automobile from all Garibaldi Any person is at liberty to nJ mv private affairs, and I feel at advocated injunction proceedings, beach points to Tillamook. this time that I am uot asking too which would involve the city in I teet this purchase before entry » much of you to allow me to shift Mrs. Gay, of Twin Rocks, was in initiate a contest at any timebeto« the burden, anri judging the future further legal litigation. However, patent issues, by filing a corrota Portland for a short time, but has ed affidavit in this office, alleri»' by the past 1 think you will have a committee, composed of F. R. little trouble in getting some one Beals, H. T. Botts. M. F. Leach, returned with her son, who is facts which would defeat the entry else to stand under. putting her cottages in shape for W C. King and S. S. Johnson was II- F. H igbt , Thanking you one and all to the summer visitors. M. F. Leach, Obituary. __________ ^egiiter. getlier with the various other city nppoin ed to segregate the Warren W. C. King, officers, for the many kind courtes Construction Co’s warrants and We see that this month is about S. 8. Johnson. ies I have received at your hands, report at a meeting the following Notice of Guardian’» Sale. Mary Ann Gay was born in London, to break all previous records for Committee. I and wishing you God speed, I am Monday. England, Nov. 18th, 1826, died in Tilla- rainfall. No doubt, but the rain is Attorney Botts called attention to tonglanu, wov. lain, lezn, uieu m | very truly yours At this meeting the following re- the need of bonding the city for the mook. Ore. June 21, 1913, being 87 a fine thing for the Tillamook dairy­ I N otice is H ereby G iven -Thai J ohn H arter , Mayor pursuant to and by virtue of’»B 0 port was handed in and read by purpose of taking up the outstand- ‘ months and 3 da>8 old- . The City Council accepted the men, but .not favorable for camp­ iler of the County Court of Tilb’l Acting Secretary Claussen: ing indebtedness, also to the im- Deceased was married in Illnois in ing at the beach, but “ its an ill mook County, Oregon, du'y miall resignation. To the Citizens Meeting:— and entered on the 13th day of portance of giving the city council m. Jo nson, w o wind that blows nobody good.” 1913, licensing, authorizing and dil We, your committee appointed to in­ power to make re-assessments. He I d'ed *n Circuit Court Jotting’. '° un, °n eigi Mrs. Scott Bozarth and son Mil­ recting the undersigned to sell th« vestigate as to the outstanding war­ pointed out one instance when a lhildren were born ’ namely: J. W. rants of Tillamook City, Oregon, beg ton came in from Portland, Tues­ real property hereinafter describ. Circuit Judge Webster Holmes leave to report that we have gone over mistake had been made and the and J. L. Johnson of Canada^ Henry day and are occupying their cottage ed, the undersigned will On and after the 24th day of July, 1913, (,t| presided for the first time on the the outstanding, unpa il warrants and council could not make a re assess- Johnson of Montana, 0. L. Johnson of at Ocean Lake. ¡for cash, at private sale, to th«I bench in this city on Friday, when find that there are approximately of ' California, Mrs. Alice Davis of Texas, I ment. He tlrought those who own ­ these $35,0nsedly of th«- storm sewer was supposed to be ineurable. For a F**» days before the date of the exami- many years doctors pronounced it a lot* mission taking up some of the city contract. As some of the items were nation, otherwise it may be im­ disease and prescribed local reined!«•» •*. warrants, The discussion went not for work done on the storm sewer c*. iistantly falling to cure with practicable to examine the uppli- by- treatment, pronounced it incurable. Sci­ along smoothly for a time, but the 10 per cent commission would be cants. ence has proven Catarrh to be a cow’ improper ns to them, ami it ia the U. S C ivil S ervice C ommission tutional disease, and therefore req*? when it was seen that some of the opinion of a part of th«- ¡committee at TO constitutional treatment. Hall’s Catan’« meuiliera of the water commission any rate, that a ten per cent allow­ Cure, tnanufuctured by F. J. Clienejr • TILLAMOOK AND NEWPORT BEACHES Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the only Consbts- wi re not disposed to take up cer ance premium was improper. Call for Bids. tional eure on the market. It is tak«* Season fares from the Princip.1 stations to Newport or Tilla- Taking all of the items which have i-------------- - lain city warrants, and discriminat ternally in doses from 10 drops to a tt«* found are not clear as to being proper mook Beaches are as follows: spoonful. It acts directly on the bloo« School District No. 1, of Tilla­ ed against others, then personalties charge« against the City, there mucous surfaces of the system. T m J FROM mook County, Oregon, will receive and TO offer one hundred dollars for any <-’** were indulged in. Some of tli- remain« ■ bout $15,000 of the out- FARE. PortlHud bids up to and including the loth fails to cure. Send for cireniars ana tf>- Tillanmok B-a lies $4.00 our wuter commissioners accused th* standing warrants, which in timouials. Oregon City day of July. 1913, for the building opinion shouki ‘ - - - be paid without 4.70 Address F. J. CHENEY & CO.,Toledo,* Salem city officials of paying out toi any of a woodshed for said district, S■ should be taken care of, iff, ami and the ordi ordi- ­ 7 10 Eugene ir. at ,he 8,ure o< » 00 were assailed tor the cost ami man nary current expense to January 1st, Roseburg Shake Off Your Rheumstis« m Tillamook City. 12 10 Medford tisr in which the water rents were I»14. we think that $35.000 would be Biointa. \\ along |>eraonal lines. Councilman a proper condition. etk end tickets ing of schoolI house of said district We wonkl recommend that the war­ on sale from various point» ment and see how quickly yo« Bales moved to adjourn, and tin Said school house to receive one rheumatic which we have mentioned as not pains disappear. Sot® other councilinen concurring, the rants iXdidp‘in,> and ,he roof being clear as to the City’s liability, by all dealers. meeting came to a clone suddenly. they sh«>uhl be taken up with a view to Bids will also be received for the rea«ljustment of them, and the issuing ■ « 1- .' Tickets will tie sold from furnishing of 8 cords of wood the af* new warrants for the proper in < *»' — niain and branch line points same to be spruce limbs, vine A Worker Appreciatea Tina amounts, where they have been ¡«sued 8 «»r ril’p °ne W"' ,hro««h Cklifohll. maple or crabapple and to be de Wn*. Morris. n resident of Flor for too much, upon a cancellation of TTPVtom, ‘"d !Mo,> O*er'* »’*•"” limit-«. hxered on the grounds on or before the old warrants. We think that war enea, Oregon, ssys “For the lust rant No. 134’ is not a legal or moral August 15th, 1913. tickets sale to SEPT. 30 fourteen years my kidneys und obligation of the City, and should not The Board reserves the right to Final Return Limits Oct. 31st meet any or all B|| bid*. bids bladder incapacitated me for all l»e paid. Warrant No. ISO), the great reject On your front porch can tie lit work About eight uionths ago 1 er item of all the warrants should be Bidders I i_ may include all of the every night until midnight began using Foley Kidney Pil's. carefully mveetigated and settled upon above items —-0 in one bid, or the other pointe, aa «ell ia *' *?*•" *''' ’ • Newport -iti.l and register not over und they have «lone what othei what 1» found to be a proper basis same ma iy be bid on separately, ' fifty cents per month medicines failed to do, and now I Bids to be left with the under-1 Respectfully submitted. am feeling tine. ~ on the meter. I recommend signed. J M. SCOTT, Geterol Passenger Agent. IVrtlan.l Ore F. R. Bests, Foley Kidney Pills.” H. T. Botts, 1 r-i C r *WFORIX T illamook E lectric L ight and I tlerk District No 1, Tills- F ull C ompamt o-ovk Oregon. W ill S palding , Manager. Baking Powder I A bsolutely pure The only Baking Powder made from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar Makes delicious home-baked foods of maximum quality at minimum cost Makes home baking pleasant and profitable I I I I I D Coal, Cement, Lime, Biick, Shingles, brain Tile, Plaster, Roof Paint, LAMB SCHRADER COMPANY. Summer Vacations Seashore or Mountains EXCURSION FARES EAST. on daily A 15 Watt Mazda Lamp