Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, June 26, 1913, Image 3

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Offers to men of energy and small means
better OPPORTUNTITES than any other
place in the State of Oregon.
For information regarding Wheeler, write to NEHALEM HARBOR CO., WHEELER, OREGON.
Portland Office :
Tillamook Office :
Care of F. R. BEALS.
bent upon the Government of the
j United States to bring such an
Senator Ranedell of Louisana action, or to take some other action
K now A ll M en by T hese P re ­
«ay* there is a free-sugar lobby in which will give to Japanese resi­ sents , That, W hereas , the State
Washington. The planters of that dents in this country the rights to Board of Fish and Game Commts
sioners, of the State of Oregon (as
state know that their industry has which they are entitled by treaty. well as its predecessors, the Board
Several Democratic senators say of Fish Commissioners of the State
.nlway« been persistently attacked
they are not in favor of free trade, of Oregon) has propagated and
from the free-trade side.
stocked, and is propagating and
Mr. Carnegie says the American but that they will support their stocking the waters of Tillamook
banking system is the worst in the
Bay and its tributaries, in Tilla­
If business questions mook County, State of Oregon, with
world and yet it i« identified with victions.
fish, and
the period in which the United could be seitled by a party caucus salmon
W hereas , said Tillamook Bay
States became the wealthiest of the responsibilities of trade would and its tributaries are frequented
be lighter. Hut merchants and by salmon fish, and, for the pur
manufactures find their problems pose of protecting the same, the
Stockmen deny the accuracy of
said Sta'e Board of Fish anil Game
of a different nature.
Department of Agriculture
Commissioners have decided to
a tributary of said Tillamook
figures as to the decrease in the
as the
number of beef cattle in the United proud boast of Missouri Democratic- Bay,
ton Slough, and its tributaries
States the past five years, but they
above a point on said Hoquar-
do not deny the fact of a large de­ their politics without his consent, ton Slough, 47 deg. 31 minutes
crease, which is the vital thing. we have always suspected that Wist 2,013.7 feet from the section
corner common to Sections 23, 24,
There are millions lees cattle, and should a straight issue in politics
25 and 36, of Township 1 South.
millions more mouths demanding ever arise between the mule and the Range 10 West, of the Willamette
Democratic donkey, the mule would Meridan—this point on said Ho-
meat. The combination is not one
be repudiated The deed was done qu-rton Slough tieing more par
which promisee cheaper living
by that leader of the unterrified ttmilarly designated by posts erect­
In hie testimony before the Sen­
Democracy in Missouri, Senator ed by the Master Fish Warden
warning the public; and also Kn­
ate committee, Mr. Charles F. Wen-
James A. Reed,
testifying, in ottier tributary of said Tillamook
necker sounded the right note when
the senatorial quiz, as to any ex­ Bay, known as Miami River, above
he said: "The higher the wage the perience he has had, in official con­ a point where the county wagon
better we would like it. If the nections or relations,
with any bridge crosses said Miami River
wage would be doubled all over the lobby, or lobbyists at work to in­ just below the Pacific Railway 4
Company's railroad
country I would be pleased.- W e fluence tariff legislation, he told Navigation
Irridge crossing said Miami River,
would get better and cleaner work the Senate committee that he had all being in Tillamook County,
and nicer girls.'* This means the received a number of letters and Slate of Oregon, to prevent fishing
f irther away our industries get telegrams from horse and mule therein by any means whatever,
except with hook and line, com
from sweat-shop conditions the dealers in St.
Izjuis, saying . monly called angling, for salmon
better it is for everybody, better for " Please, vote for a duty on sugar. fish, during the periods of time
t le workers, who could live more It is necessary to preserve the mule hereafter specified.
T herefore ,
N otice is
decently, for the employers, who industry of Missouri. " The senator
HBREHY G iven by the State Board of
would get better work and for the declared this is to be a lobby at­ Fish and Game Commissioners
consumers, who would get better tempt coming within the presi­ that said tributary of Tillamook
and more healthful goods.
dent’s definition of
’* in­ Bay. known as Hoquarton Slough
and its tributaries above a point
Japan’s rejoinder to the note of sidious."
"It is plain to me that on said Hoquarton
the United States answering the sugar planters were seeking to in­ deg. 31 minutes West 2,013.7 feet
corner com­
Japanese protest against the Webb fluence the men from whom they from the section
law of California is said to be of a bought .mules.-' he said, and then mon to Sections 23, 24. 25 and
26. of Township 1 South, Range 10
tone to impress official Washington proceeded to characterize such West, of the Willamette Meredtsn—
agreeably. Yet it is understood to methods of influencing the action this point on said Hoquarton
Slough tieing more particularly
maintain the contention that the of Congress as lobbying.
designated by posts erected I y the
California law is in contravention
Master Fish Warden warning the
of the United States-Japanese treaty
public, are and each of them is
Take Plenty of Time to Ea*.
of 1911, and to go much farther, in
hereby closed to fishing of any
There is a saving that "rapid eat­ kind
salmon fish, except
’he raising of an issue between the
ing is suicide.
If you haie form­ with hook and hoe. commonly call
two governments, by insisting that ed the habit of eating too rapid;»
ed angling, from and after July 17,
legislation in California. Arizona you are most likely suffering from 1913, until on and after October 15,
and other states is so manifestly indigestion or nonstipatioo. «hirh 1913; and that the tributary of said
directed at the Japanese residents will result eventually in serious ill­ Tillamook Bay, known a« Miami
of such states that the Tokio minis-1 ness unless corrected. Digestion River, above a point where the
tiegins in the mouth. Food should county wagon bridge crosses said
try ia under the necessity of insist • be thoroughly masticated and in­ M-ami River j >st below the Pacific
*t»g that the existing racial barriers salivated. Then when you have a Ra Iway * Navigation Company «
bridge crossing
to the naturalization of Japanese in fullness of the stomach or feel dull railroad
and stupid after eating, take one of Miami River, ia hereby closed to
’hie country be removed. The Jaj - Chamberlain's Tablets. Many se_ fishing of any kind for salmon fish,
• nese Government shall constitute vere cases of stomach trouble and except with hook and fine, com
suit in a United States court to de­ constipation have been cured b> monly called angling, from and
termine the treaty rights of its snh- the use of ijiese tablets. Theyare after July 17th. 1913, until said tn-
easy to tak e and mosi agieeabtr in bntary is opened again to salmon
iect* here is not accepted, and it is
fishing, as provided for und« r Sec
effect. S<dd by «11 dealers.
urged, in reply, that it is incum-
Pointed Remarks.
tion 531(1 of Lord's Oregon Laws;
and it is and will be unlawful to
fish for, or take, or catch any
salmon fish by any means what­
ever, except with hook and line,
commonly called angling, in any
of said waters during the said
periods of time above specified.
Any and all persons whomsoever
so fishing in violation of this notice
will be prosecuted as by law pro­
J. F. HUGHES, Chairman
H E. D uncan , Secretary.
C. F. S tone ,
M. J. K inney ,
G eo . H. K elly .
Constituting State Board of Fish
and Game Commissioners.
Now is the time
to'have that
group picture made.
N otice is H ereby G iven , That I
the County Court of Tillamook
County, Oregon, will, after the ex­
piration of sixty days from the
first da» of July, 1913, make an
order that all County Warrants
issued more than seven years prior
to the first day of July. 1913, and
which have not been presented for
payment, to wit :
F. No. 7668. Sept 6, 1965, M. J.
Toddhunter $3 26
F. No 7753, Sept. 6, 1965, J. M.
Buckmann, $25.06.
F. No. 888», March 6, 1907. Matt
Olson $2 00.
E, No. 8753, Nov 1. ItxB, Manley
Brown. $1.90.
No. 9801, Sept 5, 1906, W. L.
Davis, $7 .*>0.
K. No. 9356, July 5, 1906, Eliza
beth Gobar,|fii.00.
Shall be cancelled, and payment
thereof will be refused.
By order of the County Court.
J. c. H olden ,
County Clerk.
By K. M ills , Deputy.
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy.
Every family without exception
should keep this preparation at
hand during the hot weather of the
summer months.
Remedy is worth many times its
cost when needed and is almost
certa n to tie needed liefore the
summer is over. It has no su|ierior
for the purpi.ai's f« r which it is in
Huy it now. For sale by
all dealers.
Can t Keep It Secret.
The splendid w«tk of Chamber-
lain a Tablets is daily becoming
widely known.
No snch
grand remedy for stomach anil
fiver troubles has ever been known.
For sale by all dealers.
Ixst us show you our
special display of attrac­
tive new styles.
We are
l>erfectly ^equipped for
making group pictures
and will please you with
the quality of our work.
Monk ’s Studio.
The valued family re­
cipes for cough and cobi
cute, liniments, tonics
and other remedies have
•s careful attention here
as the most intricate’pre-
« J
w> :
Baker’s Bread
All Grocers
Our fresh, high grade
drtigs will help to make
these remedies more effec­
tive than ever.
Kight prices are also
Reliable Druggist
Katherine I- Norton, New Bed- i
forth. Mi s«., says: "I had a terrible
pain across my lisk, with a burn­
ing and scalding feeling
I took
Sewer Pipe for Sale
Foley Kidney Pills as advised, with
result certain snd sure. The pain
Fcr Sale all sizes of e wrr pipe
and burning feeling left me. I fell
toned up and invigorated. I re and sewer connect.on«. Se« I. H
Mt Mahan
cotuuicud Foley Kidney Pill«.**
with th«- pioblem of buying Harness
, you a ill find it distinctly advnnta-
I gv ill» to come and do your select
ling here. You will get the test
qualities, the most thorough and
I conscientious workmanship »nd be
charged tfie most reasonable price«.
We can supply single or double
Sets or any single article that you
may lie in need of.
W.A, Williams k Co.
Nezi I < or to Ti
ook 4 eaatjl'sn