< ? Tllamook « Advertising Rate». L egal A dvertisements : First Insertion, per line $ Each subsequent insertion, line Business mid professional card», 1 month................................... 1 (0 5 00 II omestead Notices.................. Timber Claim» .............. .. 10 00 5 Locals per line each insertion Display advertisement, an inch, month.................................. 50 All Resolutions of Condolence and Lodge Notices, 5c. per line. Cards of Thanks, 5c. per line. Notices, Lost, Strayed or Stolen, etc. minituun rate, 25c. not exceed­ ing five lines. Headlight, June 26, 1013. RAILROADS IN GERMANY. J ther reason they know that the Barbour answered "yes," sc I rule or ruin spirit is retained by cording to Durragh « «worn testi- No Danger of a Train Starting Until Everything 1» “Ready.” :i few property owners, who keep niony. A returuixl traveler who »pent much 1 A society to abolish the slums at the city is a state of turmoil. I at the capital has been formed in of bis time lu Germany drifted into Washington. When plenty of air the observation of railroadiug in tlie One thing the committee and sunshine are let in a slum empire. He rode the most on local overlooked in estimating the in­ trains, though not having a set pur­ naturaliy Vanishes. debtedness of the city, it did not pose, and preceded only fur short dis­ Belguim will spend $56. OdO, 000 in figure on how much larger the tances. On one of these vagrant trips he bad bond issue would have to be on armament. The nationality of that country is guaranteed by the other «urrenderwl bis ticket mid bad nothing account of employing outside, high-priced attorneys. This is powers, but it is bound to keep up on his mind but tils destination when the conductor catne and said: something which, if overlooked with the fashions. Col. Bryan has convinced the "Extra fare, please." by the city council, provided a “Why?” demanded the experienced bond issue is voted, mean the administration that editors make voyager. piling up of more outstanding very capable public officials. The “Because." answered the conductor, RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION. warrants. And, added to this, Commoner has already captured "we have cut out five stops and the (STRICTLY IN ADVANCE.) provided the construction com­ two of the most desirable plums. train Is now an express." One year........ 1.5» pany wins out, about $750 in­ Some time ago it was stated that The recollection of the writer runs 75 Six months__ 50 terest for each month since the the American beef packers had se­ back to the time when as a small boy Three month» company was entitled to pay. cured, or were about to secure, as he first beheld the start of a German r—■i—:—“ Entered as second class mail mat­ Better wait and find out what complete monoply of the market­ railroad train. The impression Is self ter July, 1888, at the poet office at the pavement scrap is going to ing of Argentine beef as they have evidently vivid to have lasted so long. First there was a prodlgous pow­ Tillamook, Ore., under the act oi cost the city so as to cover these of that in the United States. This wow between the head baggageman March 3, 1879. expenses in the bond issue. monopoly ia of the supply, no mat­ nnd the porters, who argued excitedly ter to what market it is sent. There over the disposal of trunks. Every­ (Tbe ^illnmoolt ^rnbligbt Our respected Democratic seems to have been much truth in thing awalti-d the conclusion of their free trade booster, Bro. Trom­ the report, judging from the recent Jabbering nnd the loading of the car. bley, keeps referring to Taft’s news from Argentine. Six of the Nobody else seemed animated or even concerned. The conductor looked on reciprocity scheme. Let us chilled beef companies which ship stoically, nnd the engineer phlegmati­ to the British market have notified compare it with free trade. cally talked to a bystander on the plat­ Reiprocitv with Canada would the Argentine Government that form. It will be a blessing to they will have to quit business un ­ have enabled the United States The Inst trunk In. the baggage smash­ city when the courts decitie to have obtained something for less the plans of the American beef ers retired, still arguing. The conduct­ pavement case«. something, but under free trade trust are negatived. They say that or went to the end of the train, nnd the Canada gets something for it is the purpose of the trust to sell guards stationed themselves alongside nothing, while the proilucers in Argentine beef on the British mar­ at Intervals All eyes were on the en­ Should the city council ap- ket for less than cost until they gineer. He climbed Into his cab. dis­ point someone for mayor whois the United States gets it where have killed all competition. What posed himself on his sent In n leisurely the chicken gets it in the neck. objectionatde, there is the re­ would happen after that time is I wn.v nnd protruded bls head from the call. I There’s the comparison, Bro, easy window. to prophesy. Trombley, in a nut shell. But “I’ertlg?" he Inquired of the first Some of those who attended he won’t or don’t care to dis­ Many countries are represented guard, who turned to the second also the citizen’« meeting on Mon­ cussion what effect free trade is at the tenth International Congress to ask "fertig?” This was repeated thly remarked that it was more going to have upon the price of of Agriculture now in session at I ! along to the last car. where the signal like ¡i funeral than anything cheese and lam! values in Tilla­ Brussels. A leading topic is the I , system doubled on its trail. It having mook County when the Under­ cost of food throughout the world. i been ascertained that everything was <‘l«e. wood tariff bill goes into effect. A former 1-reneh Premier, M. "fertig." th«> Information was relayed There is not much prospects Meline, occupied the chair and de to tlie engineer, who nodded solemnly nnd turned to Ids sent A hell tinkled, of »he citizens voting to bond Unfortunately for Tillamook livered the inaugural address. He' tlie crossing gates (numerously manne«! the city, for when the time ar­ gave figures showing that the popu- : rives to pay the outside attor­ City the movement to amend lation of the world is increasing' to prevent sulcidei arose, and the train neys another bond issue would the city charter and bond the while the production of cereals and pulled out with the pomposity that characterizes everything official In city to cover its outstanding in­ be in order. meats is declining even in the most Germany—the “verboten" land. I debtedness is being used for fertile countries. He was emphatic This extreme caution amuses the vis­ another fight on the Warren Just to show how some of our Construction Co., with the idea «>n the need of stopping the rush of itor, but It also makes him reflect The citizens allow their personal of involving the city in more people from the rural districts to government’s paternalism may not be prejudices to predominate,in an expensive litigation, for it is the cities. As he views the condi­ affectionate, but It is farreaclilng. effort to amend the city charter proposed to injoin the payment tions food prices will go higher. It There are no handy ways to die when danger can be forestalled. — Chicago they have brought the pave­ of certain city warrants issued may surprise some of the Demo­ Post crats who insisted last year that the ment tight into it and advocate to the construction company for more expensive litigation for work performed. But if the American tariff ia responsible for His Dose of Senna Tea. the citizens to pay. "When my landlady tells me that citizens want to keep the city the advance in the cost of food that in constant turmoil and per­ the subject has not been mentioned anything is good for me,” said the at Brussels. Such a claim would' boarder, "1 always recall the halcyon Before they get through with sonal tight, with big attorney’s days of my boyhood. There were oc­ one battle royal with the con­ fees involving the city in addi­ be treated by thia scientific gathet ! casions then when, after eating pro­ ing as too fantastic to be worth at- ■ tional debt, this is another op ­ struction company they want to fusely of green apples or other unripe involve the city in more litiga­ portunity for tho“e who want tention. The United States, tinder vegetables, my works became disor- a protective system, haa been sell to continue the strife to do so. tion. Why not make another organized and caused me intense dis­ assessment of 10 per cent at.«! But we want to say that this ing a larger surplus of food than ia tress. At such times my mother step­ hire another raft of outside at­ condition of affairs is doing the raised by any other country, and ped Into the imminent deadly breach city a whole lot of harm, for it its turiff ratea have no special bear­ with a remedy that was good for me. torney ? is a well known fact that people ing on the market basket problems "She had a partiality for senna tea, a beverage which tastes like the interi­ have come to this city to invest of other nations. The city council should not and have gone away disgusted Without throwing a brickbat the or of a Russian jail. 1 had to swallow undertake the responsibility of on account of the scrapping pro­ woman suffragists of Illinois have this fluid until it was necessary to put appointing a innv or, for no mat pensities and personal bad blood done much more than the militant hoops on me so I could hold it all, and ter if they appoint the most for several days thereafter my mother of some of our pugmitious citi­ sulfragetta of England. A still continued to flood my insides with sen­ saintly, capable person in the zens. hunt is sometimes better in politics, na tea. always insisting that it was city he is sure to meet with op­ than hunting with a braaa band. good for me. Now that I am an aged position. Let tin* people —. , f And though the augrage bill which man 1 love peace better than anyUiing 1 he annual encampments o cliooae and the majority rule, as well as tuke the responsibility if the G A R and W.R.C. wil passed the Illinois House was in­ else, but i'll climb the frame of any come to Tillamook next year. troduced earlv in the session, and gentleman who mentions senna tea to a mistake is made. me.”—Walt Mason in Chicago News. Having extended the invitation it» progress on the calendar haa to visit this citv, it is up to the been reported from time to time, it Bread That Intoxicates. Mayor Hurter made one good citizens to make good. The has drawn but a »mail part of pub­ Throughout the eastern part of Sibe­ suggestion nt the city council Commercial Club is meeting lic attention away from the alwa-.s ria it is uo extraordinary sight to see meeting Tuesday. lie recom­ with a good deal of success in occurring and always ineffectual ef- |M*nsants In the hilarious stages of in­ mended that the ofliee of city inducing conventions and en­ fortatosubinit constitutional amend­ toxication brought on by eating bread. recorder, street commissioner campments to come to Tilla­ ment». Had the friends of woman In the region between the sea and the and superintendent and collec­ mook. This is along the lint* of suffrage in Illinois appeared before river called Missouri the humidity of tor of the water system be publicity work of the club, and the House proposing a constitu­ the climate as well as the soil is re­ merged into one office. As it is another link in the cog to help tional amendment as a means of markable. In many parts the humidity ii question of economy there is boost the county. To do this reaching their end, their measure Is so Intense that there grows upon no disputing the fact that it people must be induced to would have gone down into that ears of corn a species of fungus. As a would mean the saving of u result of this the bread made from the come here, am! for that reason vortex which has swallowed so corn gives all the results of an over­ large amount of money. the ci'izens and business men many others of equal or greater dose of alcohol. Whole districts are should give those who have the merit, Appearing only as advo- sometimes inebriated by this strange management of these affairs cates of a statutory act, they were kind of "alcoholic” bread. — Leslie's their heartv moral ami tinancial also fortunate, we flunk, in that Weekly. support. It is twelve months postponement of final action on the If Lion Pull» and Hone Pull». before the G.A.R. encampment bill which brought it up after the If a lion and a strong horse were to will be here, but it is none too defeat of «o many other measures soon to make preparations and «leu untied by reformer» that a ten­ pull In opposite directions the horse decide what attractive features dency to yield something to "mere would pull the lion backward with to put on. A large committee clamor” must have helped them comparative ease, lint If the lion were hitched behind the horse and facing in should l»e appointed, with full •ornewhat. At any rate, we frankly the same direction and were allowed to power to go ahead. It should admit our great surprise at their exert his strength in backing he could be mad«- the most en joyable en­ success. easily pull the horse down upon his campment the old soidierahnve A personally delivered inaugural haunches or drag him across the ring, ‘ |M*rticlpated «n in Oregon, Let message to Congress, personal con­ so much greater Is his strength when ' I ferences with congressmen at the exerted backward from the hind leg» . 1’hnt wnxii’t giving the snap that l»e our aim, anyway ‘Capitol, and stated personal inter than in forward pulling. «hot mini u s<|uiirv deal to cull for tin mljouriinient nt ii time Words nttributrd to William Bar views face to face with the Wash An Unuiual Look. when ti water commission*» cy­ hour, an official of the United ington correspondent« mark Presi­ Do you think this new photograph clone mid n citv council's thun­ Shoe Machinery triad, recall Con­ dent Wilson's method« of making ■!7 of mother looks like her, father?” der storm were about to mix up, gressman Umlerwood'« explana­ known hi« purposes, presenting asked the daughter. which spoilt*«! the tire works nt tion during the tariff debatr in thr his argument«. and exerting hi» in "No; | don't." replie«! the father. a time when tilings were ready House. Mr. Underwood anid that fluence. One of thecorrespondsnta "What do you suppose is the matter to pop. To prevent any serious the grace ot three jearn allowed writes that the president has decid with it?" trouble between these two pub the Louisiana sugar planters be­ ed to be interviewed by the new«. "Why. I suppose the man told your lie todies, we move that they fore the last of the auuar tariff ia tc p»l»er men twice a week regn’arly. mother to look pleasant and she was be bound over to keep the pence. lx remove«! was only to give them and give« some specimens of the trying to do It."—Yonkers Statesman. time to li«|iii«late and retite tiefore manner in which the interviewed i» How Could Sh» T»llf also the interviewer. For instance No one apjH iirs to lx- noxious the ruin «»f their business under Norah." said the mistress, "are these the president is accustomed to free trade, which he admitted to be to till the office of mayor, whirl) Freni b sardine« that you have given iK-comes vncunt the first of next logical an«! inevitable The United «peak to the assembled correeiamd- me?” enta in thia ingenious wav: "There! Shoe Machinery trust official puts month, Thia in not to I h > woo is one question, which, if I BBi' "Shure. Ot don't know, ma'am," said thv dcred ut. for uo self-respecting tile case in different words but the __ . new , . waitress. .----- — "They were pasht business koiii wiintw to siuritice lo-ic ia the Same James Durragh. ’ ■ properly informed. I would ask me ' •Pokin' when we opened th» box.”— 4 if I were you," and proceeds to say ' an «»fflcer of the late Standard Shoe LiJiei Hume Journal. li'niself and his business in a , ¡that he will consent to no com pro | city where there is lack of bar Machinery Company of Boston, i mi«e on eugar and wool. If aoyl Ormp Sh..t», t mony and |M*rsonal strife and testified that Hailmur, having first Sh«v-l hear you camped out when animosity with those w ho want oflereil to buy the Standard Comp .«•urresiamdent spring» »n . e«! questmn lhp president tell« a i It wh . raining heavily »nd that you to rule im without bedding. He—Oh. .no; condition of affairs it is not at cepted. eaid: "We always try to - ’** ,rY *••• own. It ia light work we were enveloped tn a wet blankeL nil surprising that some of our buy out competitors, and if they I*’”n • nd there were sheet» of rain! best ami most able citizens re don’t sell out we crush them " On ,l'r ,,,e ®3rreapon«lenta. wh ■ fiml asking Mr. Itarbour if he were go |‘bemaelves to lie a presidential —I re I I fuse to allow their names to be used for mayor, und fur the fur- mg to u«e tactics ol that kind on icvl' in< instrument c »nd * relieved ot I for» you alter b»d oues.-Ruskln. , any initiative of tueir own.' NEHALEM Will Celebrate the FOURTH Sports of all Kinds and a Baseball Game NEHALEM TILLAMOOK VS. For the Championship of Tillamook County. Big Dance in the Evening “WE SHOULD WORRY’’ and on the Fourth Cotne to Nehalem. Editorial Snap Shots The 30 h,p. car, four or five passenger, $1,150 ; with electric equipment and starter, for $1,325 ; 45 h.p., fully equip equip- ped with electric starter and lights, $1,800. A few exceptionally good bargains at reasonable prices. See A. K. CASE, Tillamook, Ore \l(. Houses for Rent. Property Cared For. Rents Collected. A. C. EVERSON, ! J LAND AND MERCHANDISE BROKER. Buys, Sells and Exchange. Large and Small Tracks. EXCLUSIVE right on business and residence PROPERTY AT A BIG BARGAIN, t hoice I acant Lots in all Additions. Good Buy« are Easy Sold. SEE ME FOR MONEY MAKERS. Room : No. 215 TILLAMOOK BLOCK. <2 fj. Co a' The\ best ßaher ever i built ' ‘ ^‘ vefed,- Built like o 'I no< bolted locomotive No stove I be i'er I f Putly i i / __________ v-.i BEST RANGE ».’h.t .’irca^üu a perfect biking ~ .1; ’■ '. n perfect baker for a life- Lce-.usc it is lullt ¡Ike a Icconwtivij . L .’to! iTi-ileat. t Iron tsd charcoal G e; i <- r e: iD'Arxlcf bciac belted : ■-0 • ’.rii-;Lt vltbout the use of 701-Xty v » enunbte sad foil out, ss hap- |x ne 'n cnü iron and so- '' ‘ called ileei ranges, allow- lag false drafts to faa ths f ! fisc or desden it C i Tb» An-GInn R»«»•a*'* g&'r, " U m *rr.'u-it w-U »l’V» * ¥ a S- •' i t rteCt Ukir..-. viia« ■ third ' iari tun . < ncioa riaerx. Inext W a« irlr. -».nine—«««• Mt*« SIR - Z X** r * » n •'* •* . >c*o>.ar.kste«lc apMarw* —? •OS / t" C a t/ J u i < tire tn» wtsy tt wa « u»er ms 4 Met M d» F«rf«rf THE ARCADIAN IS SOLD BY Ü» W« irrt»» jrwv m caH so w» oHoh m » •UM* (too vol«« oi L mb rwc* I Jones-Knudson Furniture Co»