Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, June 26, 1913, Image 1

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Vol. XXV
No. 52
Wall paper. —King A Smith Co. •
Wall paper,—King A Smith Co.
Clearance Sale.-Men s Suits from 1 .. ........„„
Sale.—Men’s Suits from
$1S to $25. lour choice of any suit $18 to $25
- ,— Your choice of any suit.
-Morris Schnal, the Popular Price —Morris Schnal, the Popular Price
Checks as
Clothier J
! Clothier.
—Irvin Carter, of t Galt, Cal., ia I
A writer is worried about a pos­
looking after business interests in sible invasion of this country by
Rockaway and this city. He will an army of 150.090. Where wou d
Before cashing a check, payee must
It is the aim of this bank to
be here several weeks.
I , they get the transput*, and what
sign liis name on back in acknowledg­
For Sale,—One Registered Hol- ! i would they do when 20,000,000 men
the best banking serviee
ment of receipt of the money.
stein Bull. Three years old in Au­ of lightiug age raslied to give them
possible--and cue do it.
gust. An extra good Bull, price! ' a spunk and good ducking ?
All checks which depositor issues are
$100.—H.’S. Lilly, Gales Creek. Ore. | I Special for the coming week—
It is also our aim to have
returned to him after being cashed by the
Special for the coming week—! STen's Suita from $18 to $25. Your
best equipment such as
Men’s Suits from $18 to $25. Your choice of any suit. Morris Schnal,
Modern Fire Proof Banking
choice of any suit. Morris Schnal, the Popular Price Clothier.
the Popular Price Clothier.
These checks constitute a valid re-
Room, Fire Proof Vault, Burg­
The bonds for the improvement
Wanted, a position at general of Tillamook bar have been receiv­
ceipt for the moneys paid, and safeguard
lar Proof Safe, Modern Safe
house work. Would not object to ed by the Port of Bay City and duly
the depositor against claims for duplicate
Deposit Boxes—and cue have
washing and ironing. Apply to signed, which is the final proceed­
Miss Katie Burke, on the Trask ings as the money will be available
as soon as these bonds ure return­
| “ Everybody is doing it.” "Doing ed. The money will then be placed
Checking accounts are always wel­
What ?” “ Getting ready to cele­ at the disposal of the government.
come at this bank, subject only to reason­
brate at Bar View.” A most de­
Special for the coming week—
lightful time for everybody. Follow Men's Suits from $18 to $25. Your
able able restriction as to minimum aver­
the crowd.
choice of any suit, Morris Schnal,
age balances.
i The grass is being mowed on the the Popular Price Clothier.
land, in preparation for
Ed. Leach is to be retained as
encampment of the Third assistant fish and game warden for
Regiment, Oregon National Guard, this county.
The Master Fish
east of the depot.
Warden refusing to accept his
The monthly meeting of the Til­ resignation. Mr. Leach has made
BIG TIME IN TILLAMOOK. tend the meeting next Saturday
lamook Commercial Club will be­ a good, conscientious |deputy and
held next Monday evening, when we are glad that he has been re
County Treasurer Beals received
is desired that there be a good tu i tied.
on Friday JfrWO 13 from tlu- State; to
TILLAMOOK JOTTINGS " all paper.—King & Smith Co. " it turn
out of members.
ment in this City.
be used for a county fair, and in
Clearance Sale—Men’s Suite from
------- —
| For Sale, young pigs.—Apply to
Rev. Herbert White arrived in $18 to $2.5. Your choice of any suit.
case the usso. intion is out organ­
See Dr.Monk fornovelties in place
Marshall, Pleasant Valley, or this city Saturday evening to take
Arrangements are being made ized the County Court can appoint
Morris Schnal, the Popular Price
Alex. Watt, T.’lamook.
for a big time in Tillamook City a fair board.
up his work as pastor of the V. B. Clothier.
Druggist E E. Koch was mar­ Church. He left Wednesday for a
during the encampment of the
See Big Mack for your sewer con­
The monthly meeting of tlie Third Regiment, Oregon National
ried in Portland last evening to few days in Portland.
G.A.R. Comes to Tillamook
Shakespeare Club was held on Fri­
Miss Dick, of that city.
Busy Bees—Bee Supplies. King &
Dawson Bros, will meet all trains day at the home of Mrs. John Guard from July Sth to the 16th.
There will be about 700 soldiers and
Tillamook and Forest Grove were
I The Tillamook Band will furnish with bus, and will handle passen­
Smith Co.
Groat, which was profuaely decorat­ l"0 or 500 visitors in the city not in­
the principal competitor« for the
ed with beautiful roses for the oc-
E. E. Koch left Saturday m orn­
Bar View on the Fourth.
city. Call or phone at the Livery casiii. Mrs Henry Crenshaw won cluding those from the surrounding next meeting. Tillamook, through
ing for Portland.
country, which will be one of the Chaplain J. J. Walters, of Portland,
Mrs. II. C. Hanson took the barn on 2nd Ave East.
the prize for the best rhyme on biggest events in the history of the made the proposition that if the
Stylish City Photographs ât the
, examination last week for life
Buy a Ford car because they run roses. The hostess served a dainty city. Besides the attraction of the
Tillamook Studio.
veterans would meet iti their city
i diploma under the new law.
20 miles on a gallon of gasoline, lunch, which was greatly enjoyed.
encampment there will be band next year they would permit them
Prof. L. I- Baker went to Port-
Regular Dances at Barview—Tues- When you get them your troubles
Married, on Saturday evening, conceits and baseba’l games, and (to choose a location either on the
land on Tuesday,
I day, Thursday and Saturday even­ are over. See Ed. Hadley, the local Albert E. Bisbee and Miss Eva at night the soldiers will have ben bay or on the beach for the erection
p Miss Hattie Walker returned from ings and Sunday afternoons,
agent for the Ford auto
Wolfe. The ceremouy was per­ fires.
of barracks, and that the city would
Portland on Saturday.
Linseed oil is cheaper now than it formed by Rev. D. L. Shrode at the
Amateurs ! Better pay a small
erect a-ime free of cost to the soldiers
Editor Effenberger was in the city charge and get good results from has been fora longtime. Buy it by Christian
County Fair Association. for their occupancy, and tlirt they
Church. The happy
on Tuesday on business.
your kodaks.—Tillamook Studio. . the barrel and paint that house and couple left ou Sunday to spend a
There wau
was a meeting at the would remain as a pernianti.t sum.
For Fine Photographs at popular
Father Van Clarenbeck is in Port­ barn that you have neglected in three weeks' honeymoon in Califor­ court house on Satuiduy afternoon, mer resort for th* use of nil old
prices.—Tillamook Studio.
nia. when they will return and which was called for the purpose soldiers at any time. Tillamook
land in connection with building the past.—King A Smith Co.
The big ten round boxing match made their home in this city.
Call up the Mutual Phone for a the New Catholic Church in thid
of organizing the Tillamook County was chosen as the next place of
¡date at the Tillamook Studio.
at Bar View on the Fourth between
A h there are many side walks in Fair Association. When it was meeting by a Urge majority. —Tele­
Glasses fitted. Any kind, any
Found, a gold ring,
Person Kid Ritchie, of San Francisco, and the city which are dangerous to ascertained that those who had phone Register.
style Guaranteed. Dr. Wendt.
describing the same can recover Sandy Robison, for a purse of pedestriaus and liable to involve undertaken to obtain members
$250, will be an interesting event. * the city in expensive damage suits, amongst the dairymen had been so
The New Train Service
Mrs. U. G. Jackson is visiting it by calling at Cook’s rooming:
G. W. Ridenower was arrested on these must be fixed as speedily busy they could not attend to this,
relatives and friends in Eugene this house.
The double train service on the
Saturday by Sheriff Crenshaw on a ns possible Property owners whose it was decided to adjourn the meet­
Jack Williams met with i an acci-
of non-support of his family side walks are out of repair will be ing one week. Mr. Spaulding, who I*. R. A N. went into effect Sunday,
I Follow the crowd on the Fourth— dent today, a bottle of carbolic acid
presided, said that about ISO shares with this schedule:
They are going to celebrate at Bar spilling on his face and injuring in Portland. A deputy came in on served with notices to place red
had been taken by the citizens of
Trains from Portland—Leave 8:4.1
liis eye.
night, and failing to do this can be this city, but they wanted the a. m. arrive here at 4:15 p.tn. Ixave
i There will be a basket picnic and
Clearance Sale.—Men's Suits from
lined $10 to $25 for every night they dairymen to take stock in it. A at 1:23 p.m. arrive here at 7:15 p. tn.
A kindly’ word to newcomers will
baseball game at Blaine on the $18 to $25. Your choice of anv suit.
delegation from Bay City pledged
tail to do so.
Trains from Tillamook— Leave at
—Morris Schnal, the Popular Price cost you nothing and is a mighty
its support to the association and 7:00 a.in. arrive Portland 2:20 p.m.
fine advertisement for your town
promissed to take stock. Rev. R Leave 3:45 p m.. arrive in Portlund
Superintendent Buel is in Salem Clothier.
and community. Are you saying this week with tlie Brooklyn Grays, Y. Blalock will canvass the south Ki oi p in.
attending the State Board of Ex-
Lost.—two ladies’ hand bags, con­
Motor service between Tillamook
taining about $10 and valuable
Tuerck pitched good game for the part and J. H. Dunstan the north
lioine team, while Borne did the part of the county F. R Beals pro- and Mohler:
Bicycles and bicycle sundries, papers. Leave same at the Head-
Mr and Mrs. Fred West, of Cold catching. Husky for the Grays was missing to subscribe $15 towards
Leave Mohler at 8:10 a.m. arrive
■applies and
repairs.—King & light office.
Water, Midi., who ' are on a nine pounded from the mound in the the expenses As it will require here at 9:55. I«nve Mohler at 3:35
Smith Co.
Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Whitehouse
months' tour of the Pacific Coast, third inning and retired in favor oi .500 membeis to orgauize these will arrive here at 5:30 p.m.
I Live chickens wanted at the Tilla­ and family having leased their
came in Friday on the Sue H.
Leave Tillamook at 10:1-10 a.m. ar­
mook Meat Company's Market, 12c. residence will leave for California Elmore to visit Mr. and Mrs. E. Powers. Reben did catching for he obtained no doubt before S-jtur
at Mohler at 12:15 p.m. Leave
next month.
per pound.
M. Bales.
one at 10 o'clock a in.. and the portant matter it is hoped that a Tillamook at 5:35 p.m. arrive at
Gold bond trading stamps with
Burr Tatro left the first ol ti e other at 1:30 p.m., will lie played large number of dairymen will at- Mohler at 7:10 p in.
111 your cash purchases.—King A handle hand mirror, containing week for Tillamook to look over the with the crack team of the Honey­
your photo with our folders —Tilla­
■mith Co.
field preparatory to opening a law I man Hardware Co., of Portland.
The most beautiful spot to spend mook Studio.
office. Burr recently was admitted Everybody come.
R. F. Zachman vs J. R. Harter is to the bar at the state bar examina­
Ihe Fourth is at Bar View. Follow
W. O. Kilbourne and wife, ac­
a suit filed in the circuit court to tion.—Record.
Ihe crowd.
companied by P. Anderson, form­
Dr. ¡ack Olson has opened den-
Lieutenants Endicott and Ander­ erly of Elma and Malone, Chehalis
W parlors over F. R Beals’ office. for plumbing.
son. of the Oregon National Guard, County, Wash., came to thia city
At the G. A. R. encampment at are in the city to arrange for laying I Saturday and will make their future
Both phones.
Newberg last week it was decided out the ground and other matters
Phone Joe Lilly for wood sawing.
home in Tillamook. The Kilbournes
to hold the next encampment at for the encampment of the Third
and Mr. Anderson have purchased
iountry work solicited. Phone 1313
Regiment in this city from July several lots in Stillwell Park Ad
Pacific States.
Alabastine your walls right over 8 to 14.
dition and are now having lumber
E T. Haltoni will leave for Port
the old paper if paper is not torn.
Allen Page is now the agent for hauled to their lots preparatory to
land Friday morning on a brief
Makes a first class job and a pretty the Singer Sewing Machine Comp­ building two bungalows immediate­
lusiness trip.
room.—King A Smith Co.
any in this city, also the collector. ly. Mr. Kilbourne is a contractor
Max Herman returned Monday
Grand Master Mason Spencer Machines are sold on easy pay­ and has just completed thirty-seven
rom Portland where he has been
1 will com? to Tillamook with a large ments Patronize your home mer­ houses in the town of Malone,
(¡siting friends.
I delegation to lay the corner stone chant when you want a sewing Wash. He will engage in putting
For sale,—90 Angora goats, $2 . of the new Masonic Temple.
up a number of cottages in this city
•■ch. Inquire of R. F. Fowler,
which are so badly needed at this
A Children's Day program will fie
Beaver, Oregon.
' rendered next Sunday at the Ger­ weather the past two weeks ft turn­ time
A person at Blaine sent 40 moles man Reformed Church, at 10:30 ed fine on Wednesday, with pros­
William C. O'Hara died Saturday
b County Clerk Holden by parcel a.m., to which all are invited.
pects of remaining so. The wet at the home of his daughter, Mrs.
on Tuesday.
Brow n.
The opening dance ot the season weather was good for the grass, IL H. Brown, 231 Shaver street,
If our work does not suit yon tel) ’ at Saltair will be held on Saturday ciusing a teary growth, which will Portland. He came to Oregon in
1857 by the Isthmus of Panama
if it does tell your friends. City ! night and the music will be fur- insure another bumper hay crop.
route, He was born in Sligo, Ire-
transfer Company
• j nished by the Bay City orchestra.
J. Arnold Leech, ihe freight agent land, in 1832. His business kept
Tents, tent flyes, camp ' stoves,
The ladies of the Christian church at the depot, and bride arrived in
Between Kid Ritchie, of San Francisco, and Sandy
*o>p chairs, everything for camp. will give a strawberry festival and this city Tuesday evening from him in Port'.and until 188.3, when he
took up farming in Tillamook
"King 4 Smith Co.
Robison, of Barview.
program Friday evening, June27th, Drain, where they were married returned four years ago and since
i Bnng your chickens to the Tilla- in the dining room of the new Sunday. They will make their home then had made his home with iiis
P°°k Meat Company’s Market. We ' church Price 25c. Every one wel- h -re. The Headlight extends beet daughter. He leaves four daughters
kr 12c per pound
• l come.
wishes for their future happiness. and two sons—Mrs. W. Johnson,
In Open Air Pavilion. Music for the day will be
The Ladies’ Committee of the Mrs H. H. Brown. Mrs. C. M.
furnished by the Tillamook Band.
Tillamook Commercial Club give a Martin. Mrs. C. F. Groce and Will
whist party and strawberry s<x lai O'Hara, sll of Portland, and Bat
this (Thursday! evening with pro- O'Hara, ol Tillamook.
bable other features, The com-
mittee expect* to have something
To Waer Consumers
Clam Bake and many other attractive features.
extra in a week or so.
The graduates of the Tillamook
Ibe Water Commission has given
Barview is tin* best anti most enjoyable place to
high school who also complete! Mr. Hoag positive instructions to|
spend the Fourth
the normal training course and re­ stmt off water frani all consumer,
Follow the Crowd-- They are going to Barview-
ceived on* year state certificates who have not paid their water rent
are; Flora Edgar, Gertrude SchUpt”.
Ruth M B ra*. Blanche Luc«« and by the I'Mb oi each month.
By Older Waler Couimiaaiun. |
Helen M. Beals.
Advantages of a
Checking Account
First National Bank,
Tillamook, Oregon.
All Kinds of Water Sport
and Foot Races, with
Special Prizes.
MATCH for a PRIZE OF $250.00.
• <
Mammoth Bonfire at Night and
Fire Works.
Dnop in and book Around ”