RATHER grewsome . PREVENTIONJDF_PNEUMONIA. Met, th. Hu"?r w" 8ur* 'n r It Wa» Quito So. It 1» Largely a Question of Ptraonol Precaution. WOODEN CANNON. Report of the Condition of the Crud. but Effective Weapon« Wcund With Strips of Rawhide. I J OIIN LELAND HENDERSON, ATTORNEY AND Pneumonia is particularly a disease Any one familiar with the construc­ of city life and crowded living with COUNSELLOR AT-LAW. tion of modern weapons ot warfare our present knowledge the prospect» xud the high explosives used tn them T illamook B lock , At Tillamook, in the State of Oregon, at the close of are hopeful for tbe control of pneumo would naturally suppose a cannon Til niook • . . . Oregon. nia in tbe future through prevention. business, June 4, 1913. made of wood would be of little or uo 1 bis is of special importance to the in­ value as a weapon. Room No. 201. dividual. The avoidauce of pneumonia I RESOURCES. Wooden cannons have been used is largely a question of personal pre­ with considerable success neverthe­ cautions that prevent tbe development less In recent revolutions In Cuba, in Loans and discounts . $315,954.59 J 7 T. BOTTS, of tbe disease by lessening the predls Haiti and in the Dominican Republic. Overdrafts, secured and unsecured 2.583.81 position to it. the wood used tu the construction ’ attorney - at - law . Bondsand warrants . 34,767,49 Men in middle life, particularly those of these crude weapons is a very Complete Set of Abstract Bov!.« ia about fifty, must learn during unset tough variety, having a twisted grain Stock and other securities 304.83 Office. tied weather to avoid crowds, especial­ that curls about the log In such a way Banking house . 40,563.43 > ly when fatigued and when they have that to split the timber with tbe or­ Taxes Paid for Non Residents Furniture and fixtures 3.409.82 been for a number of hours without dinary means is almost Impossible. T illamook B lock , Other real estate owned eating. Late at night, when for any 4,500.00 The best trees are selected, aud a Tillamook .... Ota^oxx. reason a meal had been missed, crowds piece of tbe log five or six feet in 277 68 Due from banks (not reserve banks) Both Phones. are dangerous. If this lesson could be length and about one foot in diameter Due from approved reserve banks 49,423.80 generally learned there would be less is cut. After tbe bark has been re­ Checks and other cash items . 814.08 pneumonia among the well to do class­ moved and the log made perfectly es. 1 be principal danger comes in round it is swung up on a crude truss, Cash on hand .... QARI. HABKRLACH, 18,102.02 crowded street cars, which, if possible, and a hole is burned into it from one should be avoided at rush hours. It end. Tbe log is wound with strips of ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Total 1470,701 55 needs to be emphasized that tbe dan­ rawhide cut from the skin of u steer. T illamook B lock , ger from overcrowding is greatly en­ When tbe cannon is covered with the LIABILITIES. hanced by fatigue aud going without strips of bide another layer is wound Tilla niook Oreg , u. food. on, and this is continued until the Capital stock paid in. . . $75,000.00 in a word, prevention of pneumonia weapon has increased several inches is now much clearer than it was. Like In diameter. Surplus fund .... 5,500.00 Q^EORGE WILI.ETT, all the other infectious diseases, in­ After tbe log is covered and the I'ndivided profits, less expenses and stead of being a more or less inevita bore is finished the weapon is treated taxes paid .... 1,807.95 ble dispensation, It has come to be rec­ io a hot draft, which tends to con­ TURKISH STOICISM. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Dividends unpaid . . , 125.00 ognized ns due to certain detiuite fac­ tract tbe hide binding, which becomes almost as strong as wire. tors which can be greatly lessened by T illamook C ommercial B uij - dino , Post savings bank deposits . 263.38 A Vary Poor Shot and a Perfectly Good public aud individual hygienic regula­ These crude cannon have been used Natured Target. Deposits due State Treasurer . 5,(XM).OO Tillamook Oregon. with success in a number of instances, An incident that occurred in tbe ex­ tions.—Journal of the American Medi and it is astonishing tbe number of Individual deposits subject to check 281,402.89 cal Association. perience of an English officer Is told by times they may be fired before they Demand certificates of deposit. 1,952.62 tbe London Specntor to Illustrate the burst or become otherwise disabled.— calmness and Indifference to death and T. BOALS, M.D. Certified checks . . . 465.65 THE GREAT PYRAMIDS. Harper's Weekly. bodily danger characteristic of the Time certificates of deposit . 36,977.98 Methods of Building and Wonderful Turkish soldier. Savings deposits . . . 62.206.08 PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. THE CURIOUS TURTLE. Tbe officer, accompanied by a guard Accuracy of Measurement. of Turkish soldiers, went to tbe edge Herodotus thus describes the build­ T illamook B lock , of a cliff overlooking the sea to shoot ing of the pyramid of Cheops, and bis Neither Fish, Flesh Nor Fowl, With Total 1470,701.55 I Characteristics of All Three. at a seal that he saw disporting Itself deductions are probably as correct as Tillamook - Oi« iron. According to Macdonald, a Scotch State of Oregon, County of Tillamook, SS. in tbe water below. those of any archaeologist of today, naturalist of wide repute, the turtle He Bred a good many times, and tbe for the modern investigators have had I, Erwin Harrison, Cashier of the above-named last shot had gone very uenr the bob­ to depend very much on tbe ancients is the strangest of all living things uud M. HERRON, bing mark when one of the soldiers for their Interpretations of Inscriptions, tbe most unfathomable. It can live bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is lu the water as well as out ot it and true to the best of my knowledge and belief.—E rwin came to him and politely asked. "Do etc.: jou not think, sir. that you have tired PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON "This pyramid was first built In the can seemingly go for iudetlnlte lengths H arrison , Cashier. often enough at Sergeant Yussuf?” form of a flight of steps. After the of time without air or food or light. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 16th day T illamook B lock , It is neither tisb nor flesh nor fowl, Tbe supposed seal was indeed tbe workmen bad completed the pyramid and yet It has the characteristics of of June, 1913. — Myrtle O. Mills, Notary Public. aergeant. in this form they raised tbe other Tillamook - Oregon. Presently the sergeant came ashore, stones by means of machines, made of all three. As for its eating. It seems Correct-Attest: Carl Haberlach, M W. Harrison, quite superfluous, for It can remain pot on bls clothes and came up tbe short beams, from the ground to the cliff smilingly. Tbe officer apologized first tier of steps. After the stone was shut up In a barrel for a number of I )i rectors. handsomely and blamed himself free­ placed there it was raised to tbe sec­ weeks and emerge at the end of the C. IIAWK, ly. But Yussuf. like bis companions, ond tier by another machine, for there time apparently none tbe worse for I did not think there was much to be were ns many machines as there were the lack of food and light and air. SIDNEY E HENDERSON, JOHN LEI.AND HENDERSON Tbe baby turtle seems also just as concerned about. After all. tbe mark tiers of steps, or perhaps tbe same ma­ President. Secretary-Treu». PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, bad been very small. It was natural chine, if it was easily moved. The indifferent to Its surroundings as Its I Attorney-at-Law and Notviv parents are. As soon as it comes forth to Bro at it. it was unlikely that tbe of- highest part of tbe pyramid was thus Public. leer would bit it, aud be (Yussuf) bad finished first, the parts adjoining it from its egg it scuttles off to the sea. Bay City Oregon. It has no one to teach or guide it. I not minded it at all. were taken next, and the lowest part, In its brain seems Implanted tbe idea that nearest tbe earth, was taken last" that uutll Its armor becomes bard It When You Are Weary. sarchet , One tiling that has been especially Are you weary? Breathe more, eat noted in tbe pyramids is the wonderful has no defense against hungry fish, » The .Eaahionable Tailor so It seeks shelter In gulf weed less. Active exercise will not rest you accuracy of measurement In tbe great And aud feeds unmolested until Its armor from mental work. pyramid of Gixeb the four sides have Cleuuing, Pressing anti Repairing “When you are tired with mental a mean error of only six-tenths of an gets bard. By the time flint it weighs twenty- work." says a well known physician, inch and twelve seconds in nngle from a Specialty. "do not think you must take active a |>erfect square. Tbe construction of five pounds, which occurs the first •tercise. That will make you more this pyramid is thought to have em­ year. It knows that It Is far from all (INCORPORATED) weary. All you need are rest and more ployed KM»,000 men for thirty years or danger, for after that no fish, however Store in Heins Photographic air in your lungs. Sit down quietly more, probably half a century.—Atlan­ hungry or well armed with teeth, can Gallery. interfere. Tbe turtle Immediately with and comfortably and breathe deeply ta Constitution. draws Its head into its neck between I twenty live times. Rest a moment aud the two shells, and all intending de- repeat. T H. GOYNE, How the Pulse Varie». vourers struggle in vain to impress It "This air forced into the body re- The human pulse bus rather a wide -Exchange ■oves the waste material which range, but the general average may be ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. make» yen weary. put about as follows: At birth, 140; at BOTH PHONES. TILLAMOOK, ORK. Chopped Meat. "Don't eat all you want two years. 100; at from sixteen to “Once when you asked for chopped onice: O pposite C ourt H ouse , "Food not needed for support of the nineteen years. 80; at manhood, 75; I ifitera Is so much extra work for the old age. 00. There are. however, great meat." said a housewife, "the butcher Tillamook - - Oregon. body and requires more air to dispose variations consistent with health. Na­ cut off a chunk, laid It oti a block and chopped It on the spot, using, one In •fit poleon a pulse is said to have been only each band, a pair of cleavers. There The This regimen will diminish your forty-four In the minute. A case is were not a few butchers who could 12)R p. J. SHARP, best grocery bill and save your shoe also related of a healthy man of eighty make ragtime music with the cleavers Baker bather."—Chicago Tribune. seven whose pulse was seldom over and even suggest the classical, thirty during the Inst two years of his now? RESIDENT DENTIST, ever Ape of Westminster Hall. life and sometime« not more than "When you want chopped meat built Office: Commerciai Block, Westminster hall is quite five centu­ twenty eight. Another num of eighty may find It ready chopped If you ries old, possibly more, for Richard ll„ seven years of age enjoyed good health take it so But If you want some Tillamook • Oregon. •bo Is credited with Its building, was and spirits with a pulse of twenty rial part the butcher will cut off a re,l|.r little more than a repnlrer of nine, and there Is also on record the pie< e for you. but be won't put it on ■ 1 "Rufus' roaring hall,” as Pope de­ curious Instauce of a man whose pulse the block and play you tunes on It with J. CLAUSSEN, scribed It The hall, so Intimately in­ In health was never more than forty a pair of cleavers He chucks tbe meat . LAWYER, terwoven with the history of England, five. and. to be consistent In his incon Into the hopper of a machine, presses AMi.iUCA. tt BE r RANGE ba*, according to Puller, tbe dlstlnc- I sistency. when he bad fever his pulse DEUTSCHER ADVOKAT. an electric button, and b z-z z. z goes Tbe Atcadlan bap"rfcct baking Non of possessing "cobwebless beams.” fell to forty Instead of rising, as 1» tbe motor, while your chopped meat 213 T illamook B lock , ranpc, t.nd ihys a perfee < baker for a life ­ They were, so a popular tradition af- j usual. pours out of tbe spout.”—New York time because it is built Eke a locomotlva Untied, of Irish oak. In which it was . Tillamook b .tier. Built of malleable Iron and charcoal • Oregon. Sun. loposalble for spiders to live and spin “Talesman” In English Law. iron rh eted toffotber imTeid of being bolted tbelr webs Cunningham tells us that A talesman, according to English tojetber. Made airtight without the use of Greenland'» Glacier». 'be roof "is of chestnut and very fine, law. Is a juror summoned to fill a gap. ¡K\ diov* putty to crumble and fall out, as h»p- Nearly all tbe Greenland glaciersand J E. REEDY, D.V.M., J • __ puu« pens 1U in Ldll ca soya aoT' Made for rough wear and Mi ■ Wt wbat be thought, my Workhard -Oh. y*L I know what "Mollier” r, long service in the wettest ’’f-Loodun Punch. -Did she say anything els“ rou n . V but I've only got one pie-e • Rhe said If yon did" « 7®“ “ weather. nf soap in the bouse, and were ualng 1 f— ** H* °'*flnowd IL It. Come again tomorrow.-London she'd come and fetch you ' SATI FACTION GUMMiniH) "Come on. boy. let's go hume -me Stray Stories WM .. du o»t really lore me,” ■WTk rouni (llx,aT gende Blatter. LOOKRKltoMUK Mari X0U “J lh,tr demanded Advice. OfLKEJZNCt • My CUP of joy I« WF • Mor« Reliobl«- Well, let It be. gentle one Don t J’’’1** does not seem to ac- “Now. I want a canary that *111«1 - try fo Change places with the cop — *1.-. '' "ben | hold your band.” right away and that "■'“«ton Herald. llkr. ,,nr that won't get the pip or d. N«w Drlean« PUjun«. DCK «S : WAREHOUSB. the first week " , Afi (J om """ ' " in every enferprt-e consider where- FRONT STREET, BETWEEN »nd A 3rd AVENIR WEST 1’°’ uw Childish, as I -Yon don't want a ^«--I-Rbliu. Kjrua. I •' Suda us true children - tt’hrtt want H « munk bol. » tbe Nairobi club I met a gentle- „ with one «rm gone at tbe aboul- ®u He told bi. story In a slightly der . an(1 drawling voice, picking bls very carefully and evidently ’^occupied with neither underatat- ^„or overstating the case, it seems had been out and bad killed some * of a buck. While bls men were Gaoled with this be strolled on alone * ‘ what he could find. He found a Xx-eros that charged viciously and Into which be emptied bis gun. “ffben I came to.” he said, "It was coming on dusk and the lions were ¿ginning to grunt. My arm was com- nletely crushed, and I was badly bruia- id and knocked about. As near as 1 could remember. I was fully ten miles tom camp A circle of carrion birds •tood all about nle not njore tbun ten fwt awar. and a great many others were flapping over me und fighting In the air These Inst were so close that 1 could feel the wind from their wings. lt was raider grewsome." He paused end thought a moment, as though weighing his words. "In fact." he add­ ed with an air of tinal conviction, "It was quite grewsome." - Stewart Ed­ ward White in American Magazine. TILLAMOOK COUNTY BANK, ! Tillamook Title and Abstract Company Law Abstracts T Real Estate Surveying; Insurance. E w ° Jones-Knudson Furniture Co. Coal, Cement, Lime, Biick, Shingles, Drain Tile, Plaster, Koof Paint. I LAMB SCHRADER COMPANY. taville Courttrr JuarnaL _ I owers F ish B band P ommel S licker