TO THE MANUFACTURER THIS ADVERTISEMENT is to CALL to the ATTENTION of MANUFACTURERS THE ADVANTAGES OF WHEELER, OREGN, On NEHALEM BAY, AS A MANUFACTURING CITY The Nehalem Harbor Company will cooperate with Manufacturers in getting new industries located at Wheeler Free sites with rail and water transportation facilities are offered to those who will bring new payrolls to Wheeler. The railroad offers terminal coast rates on lumber shipments from Wheeler. Residence property for employers can be purchased cheap and can be paid for on easy terms. A good gravity water system with 125 pounds pressure assures manufacturers of adequate lire protection The harbor improvement to be carried out by the Frederal Government will allow large lumber and freight schooners to handle by water the output of the mills and factories of Wheeler. has Prr rolls Now. «y For informtion concerning sites or locations. Address, NEHALEM HARBOR COMPANY, WHEELER, ORE Tillamook Office Portland Office : 327 FAILING BUILDING As the Community so the tha Tilt* ‘ v°u newspaper win «et 1,13 in is not ~ The upwananpr not Newspaper. standing advertisement Notice Closing Streams. onlv only tiun .,3111 of Lord b Oregon Laws; and it ia and will be unlawful to fish for, or take, or catch any salmon fish by any means what ever, except with licok and line, commonly called angling, in any of said waters during the Baid periods of time above specified. Any and all persons whomsoever so fishing in violation of this notice will l>e prosecuted as by law pro­ vided. J. F. H ughes , Chairman B. K. D uncan , Secretary. C. F. S tone , M. J. K inney , G eo . H. K elly . Constituting State Board of Fish and Game Commissioners. of K now A ll M en by T hese P re ­ town but it is the medium and the sents , That, W hereas , the State It is an old and trite saying. ! only medium through which you Board of Fish and Game Commis­ though very true, that you can tell can learn, with reasonable exact- sioners, of the State of Oregon (an what a community is by the news- ness and impartiality the doings of well as its predecessors, the Board of Fish Commissioners of the State paper. That this is very generally your neighbors. If you are away of Oreiron) has propagated and believed is proven by the number from home it is the local paper stocked, and is propagating and □f requests received for «ample mor/than to the letters of friends stocking the waters of Tillamook Bay and its tributaries, in Tilla­ copies of the Tidings. Nearly am) relatives that you look for news mook County-, State of Oregon, with every one who contemplates mov­ of your friends and neighbors and salmon fish, and W hereas , said Tillamook Bay ing to a strange community sends for the business index of the entire I and its tributaries are frequented for a copy of the local newspaper.‘community. by salmon fish, and, for the pur­ As is the newspaper, so is their • These are but a few of the rea- pose of protecting the same, the conception of the town and it is a sons why it is a matter of profit in said Sta’e Board of Fish and Game true judgment , ! dollars and cents as well as an in­ Commissioners have deci ted to Notice. close a tributary of said Tillamook What the newspaper is, depends tangible means to give the home Bay, Hoquar- known as the N otice is H ereby G iven ,—That largely upon the man behind the paper a support, financially and ton Slough, and its tributaries the County Court of Tillamook I Boquar- morally, which will enable it to be above a point on said pen—not only in writing copy but County. Oregon, will, after the ex­ I«t ui »how you our piration of sixty days from the: in signing checks—but it depends an exponent of the town of which ton Slough, 47 deg. 31 the minutes section , first day of July, 1913, make un | West 2,013.7 feet from si>ecial display of attrac­ even more on the citizens of the the town may well be proud. corner common to Sections 23, 24, i order that all County Warrants, The support given a newspaper 25 and 20. of Township 1 South, issued more than seven years prior j tive new styles. We are town at large The man at the perfectly ¿equipped for helri cannot do his best if cramped should not be domineering, or with Range 10 West, of the Willamette Ito the first day of July, 1913, and making group pictures in his efforts by a meagre, grudg a String to it, if the paper is to Meridan—this jMiint on said llo- 1 which have not been presented for qirrton Slough being more par­ and will please you with ing or domineering support. He prove of benefit o the town. Prob­ ticularly designated bv posts erect­ payment, to wit : F. No. 7ttiH. Sept «, 1905, M. J. the quality of our work. might be able to furnish a sheet ably the editor’s ideas do not ex ed by the Master Fish Warden Toddhnnter, $3 20 M. which might do credit to the town actly coincide with yours. If would warning the public; and also an­ F. No ' ' 7753, Sept. 6, ' 1005, J. ‘ " other tributary of said Tillamook if he had hearty enthusiastic sup­ be remarkable it they did on all Bay, known as Miami River, above ■ Buckmann, $25.00. March 6, 1907. Matt F. No. H889, “ port. On the other hand, tf the things Then why insist that be a point where the county wagon Olson, 12 00. Next to POST OFFICE. man is not big enough calibre for niiisJ/Voice your ideas if he is hon­ bridge crosses said Miami River K. No. 8753, the town, he does not stay long. est, alert for the upbuilding ot the just below the Pacific Railway A Brown. $1.90 Navigation Company’s railroad E No. 9<0(l, Sept. 5, 190fi, W. L. The pa|>er outgrows him. Some U/wn, even if along somewhat dif­ bridge crossing said Miami River, Davis, $7 50. ferent lines than your judgment man comes along who knows the all being in Tillamook County, I'M * No. 9350, e . r • — July 5, 1900. Eliza- game better and sees greater pos­ deems the best, the paper is | |J'ateo*f"Sregon. to prevent fishing belli Gubar,jRL ! iiotiar, |F>.00. , therein by any means whatever, Shall be cancelled, and payment sibilities in the sheet and thr back worihy of your support You do not turn your back on a except with hook and line, com thereof will lie refused. number is laid upon the »helf. *°u uo c ' , tnonlv called angling, for salmon - By order of the County Court. figh ydurinK t|)e periods of time The value of the newspaper to man and refuse to work with him J. C. Boi.lihN, ■ church because his ¡lolitical belief- her ^ a ff er specified. County Clerk. the town is not confined by any xow. T herefore . N otice is MW By K. M ills , Deputy. means to the impression sent do not agree with yours. Neither H ereby G iven by the State Board of should you refuse to work with ami The valued family re- abroad, buf here lies one of the 1 Fish and Game Commissioners ■tipport a paper on lines on which that said tributary of Tillamook Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and ■ cipes for cough and cold reasons why every firm in every Diarrhoea Remedy city should be repieaented by an you agree because you do not ap­ Bay, known as Hoquarton Slough Every family without exception H cute, liniments, tonics and its tributaries above a point advertisement in every issue of the prove of the policy of the papir on on said Hoquarton Slough 4« should keep this preparation at and other remedies have limit paper. The man outside of some other lines. Financial sup­ deg. 31 minu es West 2,013.7 feet hand during the hot weather of the as careful attention here port conditioned upon subservience, from the section corner con- summer months. Chambertain*. the city who is desirous of securing as the most intricate pre­ Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea mon to Sections 23. 24, 25 and of the pa|>ee to your ideas on mst-i------ a location is sure to look over the ___ 2 , Range 10 Remedy is worth many times its scriptions. ters of public or priv ,te puli. y u .of j,, ,,f Township^boulh. I* per. If his line is not represent West, of tlie Willamette Meredian — cost whsn needed and is almost little value to a paper and often this point on said lloqusrton certa n to be needed before the Our fresh, high grade e(l in the advertisements, his first ,, ­ Slough being more particularly summer is over, it hsn no superior I thought is that the line is no rep­ hinders rather than helps the . pa drugs will help to make uccess either financially deaigOated by |K>sts erected I y the f >r the purp sea i< r which it is in- resented, or if it is, the representa­ per to be a bl these remedies more effec­ tended Buy it r»ow. For sale by in the upbuilding . Mnster Fish Warden warning the .— partake, . tive is a ‘‘dead one ’* and the first or as a iactor in of are and — each is , all dealers. - ----- -- , of . «hem , tive than ever. of the town. It .Imort almost partakes of ' public, — hereby Hosed to fishing of any thing the local man knows he has the nature of a bribe and debaa-s kind for salmon fish, except the competition of a “live wire'' Can't K> ep It Secret both him who gives and the paper with hook and line, commonly call- when if he had been alive himself The splendid w«rk of < hamber- which receive. A paper <*«•«*«* fed angling, from and after July 17, •nd let the world know that he was 191.3, until on and after O tober 15, lain a Tablets is daily becoming support because it returns dollar 1913; and that the tributary <4 said more widely known. / No such ■live he would not have had an for dollar for all paid ft «• **»« c<’ra Tillamook Bay, known a« Miami grand remedv for stomach and • W t on.l competitor. iOT, a River above a point where the liver trouble* ha. ever lieen known. This is but one of the many rea- munity. Vu ■ rr h enough county: wagon bridge crosses said For aale by all dealers. «, i •on« wbv an advertisement, even if newsp«i>er man g< ' jn(| all Miami River j ist below the Pacific the sale« growing from it cannot be to retire in a •"“** the Railway A Navigation Company's Katherine £» Norton, New lied' railroad bridge frrosaing said Pinned doxn as a asset that he makes g in Miami River, is hereby < l-wed to forth, Mnaa.. rays: "I had a terrible I few. - ’ community .«V It n it V either dire, tly or