Tlïamook I Advertia ng Ratea. I.EC. H. AD v L hi UL v IS. s TS: 10 I irat h _i.rti<>n, per line f S Each subsequent insertion, line Husiness and professional cards, 1 ro 1 month ................................. 5 1 fomestead Notice*................... Titab*r Claim* ................. 10(0r k* l ocal* per line each insertion Lh-f.'avadvertisement, an inch, 5ü month ............................. All Resolution* of Condolence and lodge Notice», 3c. per line. < arda of Thanks. 5c. per line. Notice*. Lost, Strayed or Stolen, etc. min rnun rate, 25c. not exceed­ ing five line*. RATKa OF SUBSCRI’ TJON. (STRICTLY IN ADVANCE.) 1.5o tine year........ 75 Six month*.... Go Til“* month. C------------------ Entered a* second clas* mail mat­ ter Jul}’, 1888, at the post office at Tillamook. Ore., under the act of March 3, 18TO. itbe ¿Tilhimooh IjrabHgbt, Editorial Snap Shots Honors are even. The Pres­ byterian, Christian ami Metho­ dist churches are each repre­ sented on the school board. Some years ago there was a large school meeting with ii.di­ cations of a big school fight, but when it was over everybody went home feeling happy. We think that was the case with a large proportion of those who attended the meeting on Mon­ day. _________ ___ What a blessing it would be if the few individuals who bave a (icrsonal animosity one with the other would practice sortie of the tenets of Christianity and show ri charitable disposition, or follow the practice of those who believe in Christian Sci­ ence by speaking kindly nnd not speak ill of one another. It would then be easy for the pug- natious citizens to bury the lit cbtHisiiig Tillamook C it y for Hie animal encampment of the Oregon National Guard, the choke was between Nehalem mid this city. Had the north end of the county been success­ ful we would have gladly taken off our hat to Nehalem. It is now ti|> to this city to make the < neniiipment it success, ho much so that the National Guard will want to come to Tillamook County next year. We want tn add our tok« n of respect to the memory of Joseph Effenberger, who died at Ne­ halem on Saturday. As one of the early settlers of the north part of the county be was a fac­ tor in its development, and it ts to these sturdy pioneers of Till­ amook County that we owe a debt of gratitude for their grit, industry and perseverance in their efforts to open up this section, which was bottled-up for so many years Most every­ body in the county who knew him haonents to make the use of these tablets. They are more of a study of industrial and easy to take ar.d moat agreeable in social conditions surrounding wo­ effect. Sold by all dealers. DIRECTORS AND OFFICERS WILL BE ELECTED AT THIS MEETING Everyone Interested in a County Fair Should Attend this Meeting The snap shot man believe the school meeting mode a wise choice in electing Mrs. A. C. Everson school director, who is well ipiulitied bv experience and education to till Hie position. Not only so. but able to go into the school and see for herself whether teachers are doing Talk about uniting some of good work or not. which is a the churches, here is a little in­ qualification rarely possessed by cident to show how Home of our directors of district schools, but church people are antagonistic nevertheless essential. Another one with the other. The “in­ tiling, Mrs. Everson is opposed sidious'* lobbying, iis President to employing teachers who have Wilson would have called it, not had normal training, winch which kept the sc I kmi I meeting cannot I m - said of ail the teach­ waiting, showed again most ers the board recent!-, employ­ conclusively that religious pre­ ed. As the taxpayers have judices mid church jeiilousie’* tieen most considerate in build­ are exceedingly strong in this ing new schools and allowed the city, for after the little caucus directors ample funds, we take was over, one of the parties the position that to obtain the ciime in nnd whispered to some ls.*st result for ho large expendi­ iiflrs i lose* I con­ rail» timouials cise those who an* building up X'Mrea« F J. CHKXBV a CO .Toledo. O. up it was a women's victory for trol, and the faint prospect of war. soM by l>rugeriitioii to whose who hud the I»er |M>titid, niul tlien start» in merit and ree how quick'y your who have not psid their water rent uerve to start first. It is never tu Inmbuse tlie aunp »hot tuan. rheumatic pains disapi*ear. Sold by the 10th of each month. by ill dealer*. By Order Water Luiumia* on. i The 30 h.p. car, four or five passenger, $1,150 ; with electric equipment and starter, for $1,325 ; 45 h.p., fully equip ­ ped with electric starter and lights, $1,800. ' A few exceptionally good bargains at reasonable prices Overland Model 69T See A. K. CASE, Tillamook, Ore Houses for Rent. Rents B ] Property Cared For. Collected _________ A. C. EVERSON, LAND AND MERCHANDISE BROKER. Buys, Sells and Exchange. Large and Small Tracks. KXCL1 BIVI RIGHI ' 'X bi SI NESS \ X D Ri -I I > e .XCE 7 PROPERTY AT A BIG BARGAIN. Choice Vacant Lots in all Additions. Good Buy* are Easy Sold. SEE ME FOR MONEY MAKERS. Room