• J I I fol. xXV' No’ 51 TILLAMOOK, OREGON, JUNE 19, 1913 Advantages of a Checking Account W all paper.—King A Smith Co. • We understand the pavement case has been continued until the T’h July, when Judge J. U. . Co... t Camp- yell will preside, the Chief Justice •e having selected him to try the cases. Dr. L. E. Hewitt and wife came in from Portland this week, and they are so pleased with the city they will locate here. Dr. Hewitt is au osteopathic- physician and stir- geon. George Cohn came in on Sunday and was shaking hands with old friends, Mr. Cohn had a close call while in California from blood poisoning, and is now feeling much better. I Safeguarding Funds. This method enables the business man or individual to keep his money safely in the bank, instead of on the premises or about the person, where it would be subject to hazard. A checking account at this bank is a great convenience and costs the depositor absolutely nothing. To obviate handing the account at a loss the bank requires that reasonable average balances be maintained. r New P. R. & N. Schedule. The new schedule on the 1*. R. A N. will go into effect on Sunday, when there will be a double train service established between this city and Portland with a motor ser­ i vice between Mohler and Tillamook. Two observation cars will be used on the Portland trains. The sche­ dule is as follows: Portland-Tillamook Service: Leave Portland at 8:45 a.m. Leave Portland at 120 p.m. (not Sundays). i Leave Tillamook at 7:00 a.m. Leave Tillamook at 3:45 p. n>. (not Sundays). Motor Service: I Leave Mohler at 8:00 a. m. and 4: 33 p ill. Leave Tillamook 10:30 Allen Page is now the agent for the Singer Sewing Machine Comp- 5:15 p. tn. Postmaster Baker has made a re­ any in this city, also the collector. Machines are sold on easy pay­ quest to the Chief Clerk of the Rail­ ments. Patronize your home mer­ way Mail Service for an emergency chant when you want a sewing i sack to be placed on the train leav­ ing Portland at 1:20, machine. Over ninety per cent of transfers of funds in business are tnade through the medium of bank checks, thus avoiding the dangers incident to carrying large sums about, and the risk of making the wrong change. » It is the aim ofjthis bank to give the best banking serviee possible—and cue do it. It is also our aim to have the best equipment sueh as Modern Fire Proof Banking Room, Fire Proof Vault, Burg­ lar Proof Safe, Modern Safe Deposit Boxes—and cue have them. First National Bank, Tillamook, Oregon. About 22 members of the Loyal Mole and Gopher Bounty. Sons Bible Class of the Christian church left on Monday on its second Every week brings an increase in annual hike, going out over the CAPITAL Wilson river road. They expected the number of moles and gophers an to visit Forest Grove, Carlton, Mc­ caught in the county, the citizens L count M" _ Tl LLAMOO K_CIT £ ORE ■ SUPERVISION Minnville,Salem, Turner, Monmouth taking a lively interest in killing and other towns, where they play these peels. What is most sur­ prising is the large number caught several games of baseball. by some of the citizens, as the fol­ The lecture given by Rev. E. II. TILLAMOOK JOTTINGS >| Free, an elegant bevel edged stag Hicks on “ The Mountaineers of lowing will show: handle hand mirror, containing John Stueveuga............ ........ 48 Tennessee,” was enjoyed by those Lizzie Balmer............. ......... st» i your photo with our folders. — Tilla ­ Wall paper.—King A Smith Co. * Alvin Wells .................. .......... 250 who heard the lecture on Thursday mook Studio. Wui. Himes ................. ........ 1811 SeeDr.Monk fornovelties in place evening at the Presbyterian Church, Dr. and Mrs. Monk will leave after lhe rev. gentleman is a powerful John Stuevenga............ ......... 00 carda. Elizabeth Balmer ....... ........ 100 j the 24th, going to Medford for two E. E. Rowland............. ........ 43 See Big Mack for your sewer con­ I weeks’ vacation, They will travel speaker and he entertained liis A Citizen's Mass Meeting is hereby called to meet hearers with amusing incidentsand One amusing incident occurred at the Court-House, Friday. June 20th, 1913, at 8 o’clock nections. in their auto. flights of oratory, giving some in­ in this city, when Sheriff Crenshaw's Busy Bees-Bee Supplies. King & Do not forget the meeting on teresting accounts of the moun­ little boy seeing a mole at work P.M., for the purpose of discussing the proposition of Smith Co. Saturday for the purpoae of organ­ taineers of that state. where he was playing, killed it with voting Bonds to pay off the outstanding indebtedness Stylish City Photographs at the izing the Tillamook County Fair _ providing funds for current expenses, . . pro- A number of ladies were delight­ rocks. The little fellow, hearing of the City, Tillamook Studio. Association. fully entertained at the home of people talk about receiving money vidiug for a new city ball, providing a way for assessing For Fine Photographs at popular President Win. G. Tait, of the Mrs. J. D. Barrett Wednesday after­ for moles, had became confused, damages and benefits to property, where streets are prices.—Tillamook Studio. First National Bank, is attending noon, the affair being compliment­ tinnking they were worth $25 and Opene(ji atitl of passing a reassessment law, whereby Call up the Mutual Phone for a the Bankers’ Convention at Cor­ ary to Mrs. Alex McNair who has told his father that. The sheriff 1 . 1 . « . .. J date at the Tillamook Studio. vallis this week. recently returned from a several obtained the 25c bounty for the a reassessment may be made by the City, where any Glasses fitted. Any ['kind, any C. E. Reynolds, C. N. Drew and weeks’ sojourn in Portland and boy and paid him in pennies, and errors have been made in the original assessment; I ityle Guaranteed. Dr. Wendt. * Sam Downs will leave next week for Eugene. Progressive whist was the boy is now diligently looking every tax payer and all interested are requested to be for more moles. the diversion of the afternoon, a Attorney James Walton is in the East to attend the National En­ present. dainty lunch being served at five campment of the G.A.R. from Portland on legal business. By order of the Mayor and Common Council. Two Games on Sunday Ala bastine your walls right over o’clock. Mrs. Barrett was assisted C. D. Emmons, of Victoria, B. C., P. \V. TODD, City Recorder. ba» returned to the city for a short the old paper if pajier is not torn. by Miss McNair and Miss Barrett. The tain last week caused the JU- A meeting will be held on Satur­ baseball boys a lot of trouble. No Makes a first class job and a pretty period. day to organize a Tillamook County games could be played on Friday Presbyterian Church. room. — King A Smith Co. , Individual communion cups wilt Bicycles and bicycle sundries, Fair Association. The initiative and Saturday, but two games were be lined. For Sale,—One Registered Hol­ supplies and repairs. -King & . i i played Sunday afternoon. Tilla- ( was taken by the Fairview Grange ( ¡,J,k won bot > krameg whic), were The Bible school convenes at D onald M ackenzie , prstor. stein Bull, Three years old in Au- Smith Co. • and the Tillamook Commercial , two of the best games ever played 10a.m. Mr. A. C. Everson super gust. An extra Rood Bull, price intendent. Teachers and classes Uve chickens wanted at the Tilla­ Club with the idea of having an , in the city. The score of the hist Notice. mook Meat Company’s Market, 12c. $100.-H. S. Lilly, Gales Creek. Ore. annual stock and agricultural show ' game was 5 to 4 and the second for all ages and attainments. The : lesson in the Adult Bible class is: 1 game 3 to 0. The locals got nine'* 1 per pound. • a position at general Wanted, every year. The association is hits in the first game, while the "The blinding effect of sin.” Amos NOTICE, is hereby given that the Gold bond trading stamps with house work, Would not object to open for anyone to belong to it beat the Gill Butchers could downs fl: 1-8. County Court of Tillamook County, Preaching service at II a.m. Oregon, will receive sealed Bids for »11 your cash purchases.—King A washing and ironing. Apply to and become charter members. lt to get five hits off Tuerck. While I Sermon Mise Katie Burke, on the Trask is hoped that the dairymen will the locals got six hits in the second the Sea.” Theme: “Why Peter left One Hundred cords of Hemlock wood Smith Co. • to be cut Forty-six inches in length, to the Gill Butchers two. Evening service at 8 p. m. Sul> and to be delivered and corded in the take an interest in the association, i game Dr. Jack Olson has opened den- river. Harry Sator allowed no hits in the I jeet, "The Power of l.ove.’’ basement of the Court House. J. Arnold Leech, the freight Owing to so many members of first two innings, while Mills al­ , Communion tai parlors over F. R. Beals' office. set vice following, to certified check eoual to 5 per cent agent at the depot, left on Wednes­ the Tillamook Comminercial Club lowed only two during the balance which church members and be­ of A the Both phones. • amount of the bid, must sreom- of the game. The Brooklyn Grays lievers are invitee to participate. day for Drain, where he will be being in Portland last week, the each bid as a guarantee that the Phone Joe Lilly for wood sawing. will play two games on the home We have adopted the evening hour nsny ____ ___ ________________ bidder execute a bond for the com- Country . work solicited. Phone 1313 married to Miss Grace D. Moon on monthly club dance was postponed grounds at Stillwell Park next Sun­ for the, communion service in the p let ion will ----------------- of the contract if swarded the day. First game, 10 a.m.; second Sunday. until this (Thursday) evening. Next Pacific States. hope of securing a better attend­ same. ance, and also as a fitting close to This week will be the last issue Thursday evening the Ladies' Com­ game, 1 p. tn. All bids to be filed in the office of the Porgale,—00 Angora goats, $2 i Remember the time of the base ­ the services of the day. The County Clerk, on or before the second eich. Inquire of R. F. Fowler, I of the Nehalem Enterprise to be mittee will give a social function. ball games next Sunday. First Lord's Supper wan instituted in the day of July 1913. : published at Nehalem, as H. F. This is the night for the card party, game called 10 a.m. sharp. Second upper room in the evening. The Beaver, Oregon. The County Court reserves thr right i Effenberger will move his plant to and in addition to this there will be game, 1 p.in. sharp, as the Brook first disciples of Jesus observed to reject any and all bids, By order of If our work does not nuit you tell lyn teams must catch 4:05 p. m. a pleasing entertainment given by the feaat of remembrance in the the County Court. Wheeler. train for • — Portland. if it does tell your friends. City , evening, fait all who are in the J. C. Holden, County Clerk mailed two sacks of a young lady from Portland, fol habit of worshipping with us, and Lansfer Company County Clerk. Ì the illustrateli edition of Tillamook lowed by a strawberry social. It is all friends of the Master wlvi so­ Tents, tent flyes, camp 'stoves, County Business. hoped that all the members of the journ in the city, come in and join County on Wednesday to parties camo eh»!,. . county « eunesuuy ■« ra... = Wall paper, —King A Smith Co. club with their families will be pre in thia helpful spiritual service. -Kinn i Srnim Co * '“T wl,° "ad i,Hken road, the same was continued. In the matter of the petition of *las been forwarded to When you get them your troubles M. ___ Beals, R. Crane, Ellen W A Makinster for gateway, act- _ Lydia . ■ ’hington for the establish- are over. See Ed. Hadley, the Jccal Bewley and Martha E Alley. . ing tqion the unfavorable report of "*nt » post office at Bar View. agent for the Ford auto. J. W. Thompson expects to have the board of road viewer«, thecourt rejected the petition. J'*/*' number oi Tillamookers, Mrs. W. W. Wiley and family, a five-ton auto truck soon which he Bills allowed were: 1#IUi ’ *>een *n Fortland attend- who was visiting her parent», Mr. intends using for hauling gravel fame« Christensen . iso oo and Mrs. C. N. Drew, left Wednes ­ on the road from Neahkahnie to <5 00 Car“>'«l. returned on Fred Paquet............ day for San Diego, Cal.. Mi«« Lelia Nehalem City. Il « ill carry three Jack Vint................... 22 00 30 00 yards of gravel at a load and main­ R N Henkle.............. Knll^01*" Parlor Matches for 20c. Drew accompanying them. 300 OO Sunset Magazine.... tain an average speed of ten miles '«coEBt. best crade. Lamar’s Elmer Allen came in from Port-J-------------- „ 715 00 Mead A Payne ....... land on Wednesday and will take per hour, thus being able to make M M Mead A Son .. 403 10 in and look 500 eciallv to those barn that you have neglected *in tn, er m that school, is visiting this county when its usefulness aiding in the entertainment of The the past —King A Smith Co. ' will have been demonstrated to the minister« and delegate«. po>tors who »«kindly gave uptheir In O|>eii Air Pavilion. Mutnc for the clay will l>e entire satisfaction of our county Sunday services ; a» pastor and officials--Nehalem Enterprise members of the U.B Church, we furnished by the Tillamook Band. express our highest appreciation, Fraternally, I. E. M eme , A Worker Appreciates Thia Pastor. Wm. Morris, a resident of Flor R I. E. HEWITT. »tice Oregon «'• ’ For the last OSTEOPATHIC fourteen ye«« '"Z kidneys and Clam Bake and many other attractive features. bladder incapacitated me for all PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. J rk Abort eight months ago 1 Barview is the Ix-st and moist enjoyable place to Bell Tel. 10 9 W. u«mg Foley Kidney P»l!s. ^1 thev h*