Tllamook THE PORT OF BAYOCEAN CASE IS DECIDED. Election Was Illegal-Court Comments on Illegal Voting. Headlight, June 12, I©I3 Hotel Ramsey Arrivals. HOT BISCUIT, THE CURSE OF MAR. Friday, June •>. W. E. Hutchenson, Portland; Jas Doyle, Portland ; P K. Mver». J. Mam R.|ll Alexander. Kansas City; R. A Byrne F Reboie, Portland; Bert Arrivee, St. Paul; P Byron, Garibaldi ; A. H. Black, Portland; Mrs. Capt F Johnson Portland; I.. N. Sandoz and wife Beaver ; Ed Hallier, City ; Spi. er Petetson, City ; James Shaw, Portland. Saturday', June 7tb. Tom Rood, Mrs. I.aPorte. W. D. Wendevhill.’E. A Culp. G. W. Tur- tier, Portland; Felix Roy, Mohler; Lyle Cramer. Jim Cramer, Beaver; A. C. Alexander ; Bay City ; P, H. Sceorr, Kansas City ; Carl White, H. J. Hause, A , ”D. Sickafoose Nehalem ; J P Austin, Seattle ; Il L Simpson, A. I). Ash, Bar View. Sunday, June 8th. E B, White F. A. S. P Strang. ____ „. _ Voertwan R. 1). Crtiikshank, F P Pyle, Edward Barrett, Portland ; Roy Brimmer, Newberg; O. B. Parker, Carl White, McMinnville; J. A Jensen, C. V. Palmer, Wheeler Monday, June 9th, Frank Woodard, S. Phillepe Portland; J. W Dawkins, Spokane ; Mrs. C E. Morrell, Seattle; Toni Rood, A. D. Sickafoose, W. Poo), E McFrait, E. S. O’Neill, J. O’Neill, Portland, Tuesday June 10th. S. P. Strong. F. Pyle, F. A Ford, G Florence, C. H. Hall, Portland; Arthur Davis, Rockaway; C. II. Dunn, Sand Lake; M. J. Cotton, R. S. Acorn, Chas L. Daniel, Bay City. Wednesday June 11th. C. F. Küster, Col. Geo. Hender- son, H Jacobson, A. H. Black, Tom Rood A. E. Schutte, H. J. Brown, F. H. Dunn. H. E. Bailey, Portland; W. Pollak, .......... Rockaway; A. 1). Sickafoose, E. E. Wilson, Me'.bourne, Australia. Every Part of It Was Fulfilled In the Course of 300 Years. Curses do sometimes come home to roost. One of the best known Is "the curse of Mar.” The Earl of Mar was cursed prior to 1571, wbeu be wus ele vated to the jiosltiou of regent ot Scotland. This was the curse: "Thy lands shall be given to the stranger, and thy titles shall lie among the dead. The branch that springs from thee shall see bis dwelling burnt in which a king was nursed—bis wife a sacrifice to that same dame, bis chil­ dren numerous, but of little honor and three born aud grown who shall never see the ligW. Horses shall be stabled in thy hall, and a weaver shall throw his shuttle tn the chamber of state. Thine ancient tower shall be a ruiu and a beacon until an asb sapling shall spring from its topmost stone. Then shall thine honors be restored. The kiss of peace shall be given to the countess, though she seek it not. and I the days of peace shall return to thy line.” In the course of 300 years every part of the curse was fulfilled. Then in 1820 the asb sapling duly appeared Two years later George IV. restored the earldom, and later Queen Victoria kissed the countess.—Loudon Cor. New York Sun. Java’s Valley of Death. ‘ Tbq Valley of Death Is on the Isiaa* of Java. It is the most retnarltabi, natural example of an atiuospb«» loaded with carboulc acid gas In ezlg. enca. It baa never been fully explored because of the dauger of remalaln» more than a few mlnutea In its polao». ous atmosphere. Approached tbroufl an opening between the bills, it is aan to be an oval shaped valley about halt a mile across. It is about thlrty-i«, feet deep. The bottom Is bard and sandy, without vegetation and strewn with large stones. The surface is cov­ ered with the bones of animals, birds and human beings. Explorers seldom venture beyond the borders, though the deadly air does not Immediately affect human beings. This is becatu« the carbonic acid gas, being heavier than the atmosphere, settles to the bottom of the valley. Dogs and fowls thrown Into it fall senseless Instantly and die in a few minutes. No craters or fissures are visible on the floor of this valley, and it Is thought that the openings are near the base of the hills, —Exchange. The Supreme Court has affirmed I the decision in the Port of Bayocean caaeon appeal from the decision of ! Judge Galloway in the Circuit Court, who held that the election was illegal iu thut the territory em­ braced in the Port overlapped into other water aheda. Attorneya S. S. Johnaon and T. B Handley repre-; aeuted the citizens, who won out in both courts, while Webster Holmes had the Port's side of the case. Following is the mandate of the Supreme Court : This is a proceeding in the nature of quo warranto to test the legality of the organization of the port of Bay­ There being no machinery provided by I Kdyth Olson Married. ocean, an alleged municipal corpora­ which the county court can investigate tion claiming to have been organized the legality of the votes cast at a port A quiet wedding took place Wednes- under the provisions of the statutes election, it is perhaps competent for . j j j day evening. May 23, 1913, the con- providing for the organization of ports. citizens whose property is j--' — ' tion11 the The petition for an order for an elec­ within a proposed port to question —_ I tr»ctin6 Parties being Roy C. Long, of tion lj determine whether the proposed legality of the vote by which it is this city and Edyth Olson, of Tillamook, A Floral Flirt. port should be organized is in pro|p:r claimed to have been established by a The hollyhock Is the worst flirt out form and specifies the boundaries of proceeding in the circuit court. How­ Ore. The ceremony was performed by the proposed port with convenient cer ever, it is not necessary to pass upon Rev. B. Clarence Cook, and took place One never knows what to expect of It tairity. In the notice of the election, this question in the present case, but at the home of Mr. and Mr». L. P. except that it will always jauntily after specifying ttie place of beginning the frequent practice of persons acting Jackson, foster parents of Mr. Long. throw up its banner spikes of bloom and several calls not necessary here to as witnesses to the residence of non­ and look brightly and smilingly «t Mr. Long is a railroad man, and is < bier-'«, occurs the following indefinite registered voters upon a mere introduc­ you. It Is a stately coquette. It Is c II; ’’Tin nee north five miles to the tion or vouch ment by other persons, with the P. R. & N. The bride is the pretty and willful. It won’t grow la SUMMER IN THE ARCTIC. sou invest corner of section 3, town­ and without actual personal knowledge daughter of J. Olson, of Til- the place to which you carefully trans­ ship 2 south range 10 west of the Willa­ of such residence and actual personal amook. After a wedding trip to mette Meridian, thence west one half acquaintance with the proposed voter, Between the Heat and the Moequitoes plant It and positively refuses to al­ mile, thence north along the quarter is not warranted by law, and, in fact, I Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Long will make low Its seeds to germinate in the spot Life Was a Burden. their home in this city, where they will section line in Bection 4, township 2 a violation thereof. Stefansson. the arctic explorer, writ­ of your choice, but wantonly throws south range 10 west of the Willamette is The be at home to their friends after June judgment of the circuit court is ing in Harper's Magazine, tells of the them about iu the most undesirable Uieridian, and sections 33 and 28 to the 1. Those present at the wedding discomforts of summer days lu the far places and flourishes its coarse green n ’ th line and section 28, township 1 affirmed. were Mrs. Bessie Husey, sister of the leaves from the most impossible loca­ .til range 10 west of the Willamette uort 11: groom, Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Jackson, Meridian”—the indefinite call being U B. Conference Ends. July waff intolerably hot. We bad tions. Depend upon it? Not much! italicized. The proposed boundariei Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Miltenberger and no thermometer, but I feel sure that After you have carefully purchased or The session just closed wa» the also included portions of the watershed I Rev. Cook. many a day the temperature must saved the seeds from the most double tributary to Nestucca Bay, and a |M)I- sixtieth ot the Oregon conference, have been over 100 degrees iu the of blossoms and sowed them in fear Many friends of the young people ion of th« watershed tributary to Ne- instead of the sixth, as these col sun. and sometimes for weeks on end and trembling, watched and protected join in well wishes in their married tarts Bay. The relators brought this there was not a cloud in the sky. At them for a year, they will calmly open proceeding alleging these errors and uinna reported at the opening. It life.—Hillsboro Argus. their flowers and stand there unbluah- also fraud and irregularity in the con ■ was well attended and much en­ i midnight the sun was what we would ingly and look you in the eyes, frown­ duct of the election, which matters are joyed. Among the resolutions say an hour tiigb. so that it beat down staled in the opinion. The court de­ passed was a ringing appreciation j on us without rest the twenty-four ed with single petaled bloom. Of all No. 8574. clared the proceeding void, and the de­ i a hours through. The hottest period of the beautiful, coquettish, tantalizing of the welcome and hospitality uf fendant» appeal. Report of the Condition of the the day was about 8 o’clock in the flowers the double hollyhock Is queen. the local L ’ .B. pastor and congre ­ McBRIDE, C. J. The first content­ I evening and the coolest perhaps 4 or 5 —Suburban Life. ion of appellant is that by filing a gation, the other local pastora and 0 III ¡9 »I » Hi ID di IK 9 ¡91 ill « in the morning The mosquitoes were complaint against the corporation eo churches, the Commercial Club I Their Lines Are Ended. nominie relators have admitted the ex­ so bad that several of our dogs went The valued family re ­ istence of the corporation, and in sup and the city and citizens of Tilla­ When one considers bow many famt completely blind for the time through I cipes for cough aud cold port oi this proposition they cite ■ 2 mook. the swelling of their eyes, and all ot lies there are which trace tbelr ances­ Spelling Extraordinary Remedies, 1844; The following telegram was sent at Tillamookjn the State of Oregon, at a cute, liniments, tonics them were lame from running sores, try in a direct line for many genera­ 3 Abbott Mun.Cor.,Sec. 1145, and num­ to Governor West : “ The Oregon and other remedies have the close of business June 4. 1913. caused by the mosquito stings on the tions It Is rather a surprising fact that erous decisions. These do not apply in line where the hair meets the pad of there is not a single living descendant RESOURCES. Dollars. as careful attention here this case as the defendant is described, Conference United Brethren in the foot. It is true that on our entire in the male line of some of the great­ not as a corporation, but as a pretend­ Christ in annual session assembled Loans and Discounts............. 91,135.35 as the most intricate pre­ ed corporation, and the persons claim­ at Tillamook send greeting and Overdrafts, secured and un­ , expedition we had no experience that est men the world has ever produced. scriptions. ing to be the officers are not described thu.ik you for better laws and for more nearly deserved the name of suf­ The following is a list of some of the secured ................................. 164.08 nor impleaded as such, but as individu­ fering than this of the combined beat illustrious men whose line never will conscientious and impartial en- U. S. Bunds to secure circu­ Our fresh, high grade al.-- only. and mosquitoes of our Coppermine riv- be represented on the earth again aa We do not believe the notice of elec­ forcemant. We pray for yon, com- ! lation.................................... 25,000.00 drugs will help to make , er summer. long as the world stands: j Other Bonds to secure Postal tion sufficiently describes the exterior mend and love y on." these remedies more effec­ Chaucer, Shakespeare, Spencer, Mil­ Savings ............................... 6,000.00 boundaries of the proposed port. Mise Florence Chapin, who came ton, Cowley, Butler, Dryden, Pope: The omission of one call from the de­ tive than ever. 1 Premiums on U. S. Bonds... Scott and Thackeray. 100.03 all the way from Montana to the I scription of the boundary leaves a Str Walter Scott once confessed to Cowper, Goldsmith, Byron, Moore. Sir liiatus to be supplied by the imagina- conference is offering herself for Bonds, Securities, etc........... 33,149.89 Right prices are also having a bad memory, but In dealing Philip Sidney. Sir Walter Raleigh, Banking House, Furniture, »ion of the person reading the notice. deaconess work in Oregon. She is assured. with the wealth of historical incidents Drake, Cromwell, Hampden, Monk. Pe­ and Fixtures ...................... 2,857.30 A defective description of a boundary in his books be is remarkably accurate. terborough. Nelson, Bolingbroke, Wal­ in a deed may be corrected by a suit to a tine teacher and will take up her Other Real Estate owned... 5.325.45 On occasion, however, he Is at fault. pole. Chatham, Pitt, Fox. Burke, Wash­ have it reformed according to the true new work upon her return from the Due from State and Private * Hl IU III Hi III III HI III It 9 III 9 i intent of the parties, but a misde­ World's Sunday School Convention In “Ivanhoe” Wamba says, “I am a ington, Canning, Bacon, Locke, New­ Banks and Bankers, 'Irust scription in an election notice cannot to tie held brother of St. Francis.” The order of ton, Davy, Hume, Gibbon, Macaulay, Companies, and Savings be corrected nor reformed b/ any sort Banks ................................... 11,967.08 St. Francis was founded in 1206. but Hogarth, Sir Joshua Reynolds, Sir of proceeding. It must be absolutely in July. Due from approved Reserve Wamba lived in the time of Richard I.. Thomas Lawrence, David Garrick Mr. and Mrs |. T. Sherrill, of definite in itself. This notice lacks Agents................................. 1189 09 In the “Heart of Midlothian” John Kemble and Edmund Kean. that quality, and the proceeding is void. Hillsboro, were interested and ¡ Checks and other Cash Items 70,640.79 ? 9 III 9 9 Bl » HI ■. 9 111 91 9 Scott errs in some of his references to 23.78 We are also of the opinion that the helpful visitors at the conference ; Exchanges for clearing house 1,302.28 Bedreddin Hassan of the "Arabian inclusion of part of the watersheds of Why Memoirs Are Tame. Nights." As Thackeray copied the two other bays renders the proceeding they were accompanied by Miss Notes of other National A professor at a Harvard tea wu void. In State ex rel. v. Port of Bay Laporte, n skilled teacher recently Banks................................... same mistakes into “Vanity Fair.” he asked why books of recollections were 780.00 City, 129 Pae. 496, we held that a sub­ from Penn. Fractional Paper Currency, is also at fault. One of Scott’s most always so tame. stantial and not a technically mathe- Nickels, and Cents ............ The new pastor for Beaver and 141.77 picturesque Incidents Is that In "Wa- “Let me tell you a story," he answer­ mstical compliance with the statute is Lawful Money Reserve in verley," when Prince Charles Edward ed. “A great man once said to a friend: si ffi.'ienl; but the area of watershed Pleasant Valley, Rev. W. N. Blod­ i Bank, viz: leads Flora Mclvor out to the dance. “ ‘I think I’ll write my recollections.' tributary to othet ports is so extensive gett, used to bejeonuected with the Specie................... 16,026.80 Whether Scott erred knowingly cannot in this ino’ance that it nasses beyond a Capital Journal of Salem. Last “ ‘Very good,' said the friend. 'But Legal-tender Notes 25.00 16,051.80 be said, but a reliable authority has let me caution you not to recollect any­ mere technical deviation from the year he did good work as pastor at Redemption fund with U. S. recently told us that "there Is nothing thing about celebrities that are living.' «estate aiul becomes a matter of sub­ Irving. Treasurer (5 per cent of stance. It ia not contemplated that so authentic ns our knowledge of the “‘Ob,’ said the great man, 'living circulation) .......................... Dr. M. R. Drury. President of 1,250.00 inhabitants of other fiorts shall be fact that Prince Charles never danced celebrities are just the ones I want to bound by the notices polled in the dis­ Philomath College. Philomath, at all. ” — Westminster Gazette. Total......................... 265,889.57 write about They're the ones ths! trict proposed to lie includud. and their Oregon, , was a late coiner to the LIABILITIES. will make my book sell.* rights can only be protected by the Dollars. conference. He delivered an ex ­ Good Salesmanship Rewarded. |M>rta refusing to sanction any substan - ' “ ‘Very well,' said the other. ‘But Capital stock paid in ............. 25,000.00 address Satutday evening One evening just a few moments be- _ tial deviation from the area which the cellent ' remember my warning.’ I Surplus fund.......................... 4,000.00 fore closing time an elderly man and statute permit« the inhabitants of any The conference thought it was too “ AV by, what's the danger, anyway!" oarticular locality to include within | busy to taken Saturday half-holiday Undivided Profit^, less Ex­ his wife entered a book store in New " 'The danger,' replied the other, 1» penses and Taxes paid.... t it-ir port boundaries. 738.97 lork city, accordlug to an American a trip down the buy to the that as soou ns you begin to recoltoct The two pnqiositioiis above discussed mid ‘ National Bank Notes Out­ publisher quoted lu the Bookseller. bench, hr many wanted to things about living celebrities they will settle the ease, but we deem it proper ocean " standing............................... 25,000.00 Practically every one had left the floor, to cafl attention to the irregular mail- 1 do, but some stay ed over Monday Due to State and Private Now is the time with the exception of one clerk. The begin to recollect things about you.’”— nor in which the attestation of the i und took a fishing trip way up the Banks and Bankers ........... 5,242.52 , lady wanted n particular kind of book New York Tribune. qualifications of nonregistered voters < Nestucca by the courtesy of Mr. to'have that Individual deposits subject for a most particular friend, and aft­ was conducted. Sec. 3449. L. O. I,., j to check............................... 194,694.16 A Distinction. prescribes a form, designated as"Blank Hathaway's automobile. Aa well er the clerk bad spent half an hour Demand certificates of de ­ group picture made. Wblbbles turned wrathfully on hl» A, ’ t-> be subscribed by a noniegistered * aa being lisliei s of men. they proved (during which time be had taken near­ posit ..................................... 3.346.12 person vlaiminn the right to vote at themselves t tiahere of fish. ly every book out of the shelves! the yokel guide as his car sank up to the Let un show you our Time certificates of deposit,.. 7.310.13 un election, wherein t.e is required to husband became impatient, not the I hubs in the mired road. After quite n contest as to special display of attrac­ ot forth particularly his place of resi­ Certified checks.................... "What In thunder did you mesa 20.00 bonk clerk Be was as genial and whether the conference next year dence and length of time he has resided 1 tive new styles. We are when 1 pointed this road ont to you Postal Savings Deposits .... agreeable ns though he were selling a 237.67 in the slate, l'his the Judges may re­ should be held in Portland. Salem, perfectly* [equipped for diamond necklace and was to receive on the man and asked you If It was s 300.00 quire to be attested by not more than The Dulles, or Philomath, Portland Reserved for Taxes. _____ making group pictures six witnesses, who must be freeholders won out. the entire profit of the sale. Fiually good road and you said ft was?” Total............ •‘Why,’’ said Silas, “you ast me If It of the cuuntv and who are required to 265.889.57 and will please you with she secured just the book she wanted. Mrs W. W Roaebrmigh and her State of Oregon, c scribe to the following oath: “We The man was so Impressed with the was a good road on the map, and It the quality of our work. the undersigned witnesses do swear son Arthur were conference visitor» County of Tillamook, salesman that he offered him a posi­ > was. Ye never ast me wbat kind of a that our names and signature» are gen «Illite welcome . among former I, Wm. G. Tait, President of the tion at $20 a week more tiiau be was road she was off the map. I could ume; that we arc each personally sc friends at Tillamook, hr ha' told ye then it was the wust In the then receiving. above-named bank, do solemnly swear Rev. \V. quainted with the elector and his reai- bull dinged county.’’—Harper's. Ue -ee hr stated, that we believe all hl* W. Rosetriugh was a former pits that the above statement is true to th« Next to POST OFFICE oilwr statements are true, and that lor well remembered at thia place ; best of my knowledge and belief. Taking Tea Through a Reed. Excused. wo are each freeholders in the county.” they now reside at Salem. Rev. The natives of Paraguay In drinking WM. G. TAIT. it will lie Seen tiiat there are two facts The Judge—Unless you have a »■<*• tbelr mate tea do not pour It from a President. of which the witness must have actual Roaebr.iugli is president ami man­ tea [lot luto a cup ns Europeans are ac­ satisfying excuse I shall have to fine Subscribed and swo-n to before me and personal knowledge: (I) Of the ager of the furnace and boiler customed to drink tea. but till a goblet you for contempt of court for falling actual residence of the person offering work at the capital city. this 12th day of June, 1913. with the beverage and then suck It up to respond to the jury summons. The hi» vole; and (2) that he has reside i ROLL1E W. WATSON. through a long ornamented tube. The Ta les woman—I meant no disrespect in the stat ■ for six months immediatel.v Notary Public. preceding the eletlon. The statements Charles Ktinse Appointed on Correct Attest : former la generally made out of a jndge, but I hadn't a thing suitable to of the intending voter, or of other per pumpkin or gourd, while the tube is a wear, and I couldn't find a ready made Livestock Sanitary Board J. C. BOLDEN. ions, to the suuacribing witness to the long reed, but with the upper classes jury costume any place.—Woman» affidavit, are not sufficient to qualify S audi . Or , June 10. — The (wvern C. W. TALMAGE. it Is often made of solid silver. Both Cause. him to testify aa to the residence of or today appointed tile following B. C. LAMB, reed and gourd are richly carved. The the voter. He must know at first hand members of the State Livestock _ Directors. Did Shef natives say that this tea Is an excellent that the voter resides in the precinct “Do you know. Ethel.” said Grace, remedy for fever and rheumatism. and that he has resided in the state for Sanitary Board, created l»y an act Hides W mted “I overheard George say to Fred that six months; and thia, of course. In­ passed at the lust eesaion of the volves actual acquaintance with the leg ialaturc although be loves me and wants to A Girls' School, Calf Hides, 1“ ‘ voter for that period. It does not ap­ 15c. Ve.ll Hides. 11c he hare 500 girls at our school, and propose, whenever be is near me be 1» Woolg rowers' Aaavciation, Her- Cow I • I ».a 4k. _ *__ Hiile«. 9c. T* pear that the sabecriblng witnesses to Tase your . hides * today we rote to decide wbo is the too nerrous to speak.” hert Bovlen. Pilot Kock, f four year to Honey and the affidavits referred to hsd any such H alhawat "Then, my dear.” replied Ethel. “I prettiest girl." Baker, , Michaud. acquaintanc« with the |>er»oiis whose term and John G Huke, of " “ “llow many rotes does It take to suppose you will be calling him up oa qualifications they vouched for. The two yeai term. Purebred Livestock ' elect F the telephone noon.”—Exchange. witnesses" did not even reside in th«- Wanted To Rent Fata —- M . district where the vote wss taken, and Aaaociation, Frank Brown, Carlton, The decision «sully goes tn any did not know of their own four iear term, antiChas Cleveland. On Exhibrton. irea. to rent, a small dairy with the problem ol buy hg Hnrneee girl Who ertn get two rutew"— knowledge where any of the pre Gresham. two year term, Oregon sill hn,i it distinctly advanta-i CI'J Journal. “Hare you seen Mamla'a engagement near town with option of pur- you po»«d voters had lived for the State Dairymen a Association. F. K. ITCOU9 to come .intl-do Tour »elect I rtngr six months next preceding the __ Lynn, Perrydale. four year term, Apply »1 the Headlight mg here You W1|| <*• conscieiuious workmanship and be I'otter Realty Company, which appears year term. Sewer Pipe for Sale < barged the moat reaacnable prices. piece the orchestra la plating' Sec­ ItF'-Itetrolt Free Press. to have been the active agent in th* I The member» ar.* appointed Wr can supply aU1gle or dout le end Dtner-Don’t know, biit I hope it project of creating the purl uf Hay- I >ets or any »ingle article that you wl" h"*e • softening Influence on tbU written recommendationa of For Sale all sizes of newer i Very Dec«ll«te. ocean in connection with ite business uniter , 1 U* * ”*' Leui nerd of ' Toor chap! Everything be «arto Conner tiene. Se» aaHiHiatlona «teak.-Buston Transcript. intervals at that place . and most if not the ,he *•»» ’»'•*«»*>>»" recommended. ’¿T'L McMahan gt«a on bis wife's back." • II of them, it is conceded, voted in The act creating the l>o«rvl was jmss •W.A. Williams “Well. If yoo'd seen her at the opera favo« of the organisation of the port, rd over the Governor's veto. Vulgarity Io manner denies finn gar­ "all pa|>cr, —King A Smith Co. • . V«MDmsr to ConatsBepb ( ments more (ban mud -Piantila. yon wouldn't think he earned mock’- Exchasgn. hot cakes, made with ROYAL Baking Powder are delicious, health fu! and easily made ■ ■ ■ ■ Family Recipes. : First National Bank of Tillamook a ■ ■ ■ i g i 8 ■ ■ « ■ a a j * i 0 i CLOUGH, « Reliable Druggist. ( I Monks Studio. HARNESS Cr.