TO THE MANUFACTURER- THIS ADVERTISEMENT is to CALL to the ATTENTION of MANUFACTURERS THE ADVANTAGES OF WHEELER, OREGON, On NEHALEM BAY, AS A MANUFACTURING CITY. The Nehalem Harbor Company will cooperate with Manufacturers in getting new industries located at M heeler. Free sites with rail and water transportation facilities are offered to those who will bring new payrolls to M heeler. The railroad offers terminal coast rates on lumber shipments from Wheeler. Residence property for employers can be purchased cheap and can be paid for on easy terms. A good gravity water system with 125 pounds pressure assures manufacturers of adequate fire protection. The harbor improvement to be carried out by the Frederal Government will allow large lumber and freight schooners to handle by water the output of the mills and factories of Wheeler. W heeler lias Payrolls Now. W heeler wants more payrolls. For informtion concerning sites or locations. Address, NEHALEM HARBOR COMPANY, WHEELER, ORE. Portland Office : 327 FAILING BUILDING. Tillamook Office : Care F. R. BEALS. WITNESS THE HONORABLE HOMER monly called angling, for salmon 1 Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and Citation. M ason Judge of the County Court fish, during the periods of time* Diarrhoea Remedy. In the County Court of the State of cl Tillamook County, Oregon and hereafter specified. Every family without exception Oregon. For Tillamook County NOW, THEREPORF, NOTICE IA the veal of eaid court affixed this should keep this preparation at In the matter of the Guardianship 22nd day of May. 1911 H ereby G iven by State Board of hand during the hot weather of the of Frances XaAier Moreau (Frank j. < H olden , Fish and Game Commissioners summer months. Chambertain’e Marey ) that said tributary of Tillamook Colic, Clerk. (tiALI Cholera and Diarrhoea To the next of kin of «aid ward and Bay. known a« Hcquartun Slough Remedy is worth many times its to all person« interested in the above a point on said Hoquarton coat when needed and is almost Notice. ;>ereon and estate of «aid ward. Slough 47 deg. 31 minutes West ceria n to be needed before the N otice ts H ereby G iven That 2,01X7 feet from the section corner W hereim on the 22nd day of May summer is over. It has no sujierior Tillamook 191X the county Court <1 Mid the County Court of common to Sections 23. 24. 25 and for the purposes f< r which it is in- county and state, in the above en County. Oregon, will, after the ex­ 26. of Township 1 South, Range 10 tended Buy it now. For eale by titled mutter made «nd entered piration of sixty days from the West, of the Willamette Meredian— all dealer«. first da) of July. 1913, make an this point on said Hoquartan the following order, to wit This matter coming on regularly order that all County Warrants Slough being more particularly or hearing on thia 2.’noete erected by the Take Plenty of Time to Eat 191A upon the petition of N. Mc­ to the first day of July. 1913, and Master Fish Warden warning the There is a saying that “rapid eat­ Millan. guardian of the person and which have not been presented for. public, ia hereby closed to fishing If you have form­ estate of Frances Xavier Moreau payment. t<» w it of any kind for salmon fish, except ing is suicide. F. No. 7W* Sept a, 1905, M. J. with hook and line, commonly call ed the habit of eating too rapidly (Frank Mare) I above named for an order citing 'he next of km of »aid ToddhunWr $3 29 ed angling, from and after July 14. you are most likely suffering from F No <753. SepL 6. 19ll\ J M. 1913, until on and aftet October 15. indigestion or constipation, which ward and «11 |>er«on« interested in Biojuuann 225 V. said estate and in the land herein 1913; and that the tributary of said will result eventually in serious i 1- I IT No. MW9, March f. 1907 Matt Tillamook Bay, known a. Miami ness unless corrected. Digestion after desertbod. which aaid land ia Food should also described in aaid |>etition. to Ci! son f < 0 River, aliove a point where the tiegins in the mouth E. No »753. Nov 1. lte«r and show cause why a Then w'ien you have a license should not be granted k«xl Blown, fl D M aim River j »st below the Pacific salivated E No 9-03. Sept. 5 19Otx W. I. Railway & Navigation Company • fullness of he stomach or feel dull N McMillan, gua'dian. to sell the interest and estate of said ward in Davis, f7 .10. railroad bridge crossing sain e n I stupid after rating, take one of Many se­ E No. UtTWi. July 5, 1906 Eliza Miami River, is hereby closed to Gnamberlain s Tablets »nd to «aid real proiierty, the same being described »• follow«, to wit: be th Got ar (Hx.'Jti fishing of any kind for salmon fish, vere caeca of stomach trouble and constipation have been cured by Situate in GarHoldi, County «»I Til Shall lie cancelled, and payment except with hook and line com latnook Stateoft »regon. Beginning i thereof will tie refused. monly called angling, from and the use of these tablets. They are By order of the County Court. at a |>oint 5» 16 chains we»l and 42.15 alter July 14. 1913 until said tri­ easy to take ar.d mini agreeable in J. C H olden , < hams «oath ot the northeast r butary is opened again to salmon effect. Sold by all dealers. County Clerk. n»r of Sec. 21, Township one Nor.ii, fiahmg. as provided for under Sec­ By K. M ills , lieputy. Range ten west of Willamette Me tion 5316 of Lord's Oregon Laws, Teacher's Examination. ridian. thence north 74 degree« east and it is and will be unlawful to ----- . 7 f* chain« for inital |M>int of tra. t fish for. or take, or catch any N otice is H ereby G iven .—That herein conveyed, «aid point being salmon fish by any means what­ the County Superintendent of Til­ Notice Closing Streams. the aoutheaat corner ot what is ever, except with hook and line, lamook County will hold the regu­ kuowu as the Ralston 5 acre Inn L K now A ll M en by T hese P re - commonly called angling, in anv lar examination far applicants for • heme north 1W degree« we«l -J* of said waters during the said State and County papers at the bents . That. W hereas , the State f-el. south 74 degree« west 2&4.16 l>eriod« of time above specified. Circuit Court Room, Tillamook Board of Fish and Gaiur Commie- feet to the uor(he«st corner of tr t Any and all perse i a whomsoeie City, Oregon an follow«; ai rrers. of the State of Oregon las sold by G col W Kiger and wife to For State Papera well a« it« predecessors, the Board ao fishing in violation of thi« notice Frank M.irey by deed dated < k to- will tie prosecuted as by law pro- Commencing Wednesday. June of Fi«h Commissioner« of the State ber 111. lunj amt recorded in t»ook vided. 1* I’.'IX at 9 o'clock a.m. and con­ ‘ of deed«, page 31, record« ot of Oregon l has propagated and J. F. HVC,HEX. Chairman tinuing until Saturday, June 21. Tillamook County, Oregon, thence stocked, and ia propagating and B K. D vnca .N, Secretary, 1913. at ti o'clock p. m. south 16 degree« ssst 229 feet to •locking th* water« of Tillamook c. F. S tone , Wednesday Forenoon Huy and it« tributaries, in Tilla­ southeast < orser of Marey tra> L M J. K inney . Writing, I s. History. Phyei- mook County, State of Oregon, with north 74 degreea ea«t 23 4'«i feet to G eo . H. K elly . ology. aalnion fiah anti mital point Constituting State Board of Fi«h Wednesday Afternoon. W hereas , «aid Tillamook Bay And it ap|>earing to the court from Physical Geography. Reading, and its tributaries are frequented and Game Commissioner«. said pstit-on that it 1« ne,e««ury ComiKisition. Method* m Reading, by aulmon fiah. and, for the pur. and would 1« beneficial Io as id Methods in Arithmetic. po«e of protecting the same. the ward that salt! profierty 1« sold Thursday Forenoon. Shake Off Tour Rheumatism • aid State Hoard of Fish and Game I t 1« THEREFOR» ORPBRB1X that Arithmetic History of Education. Now i« time to get r:d if — Com in ia« loners have liecided to citation iasue herein to the next ot i Tty a tweuti ___ Pa a etiology. Methods in Ge< *grap h y. close a tributary of «.nd Tillamook rheumatism. kin of «aid ward and to all persons Thursduy Afternoon. l ini Hay known as the Hoquarton cent bottle of Chamberlains Lini interested in «aid estate citing th* m Grammer, Geography, American Slough, above a point on «aid Fo ment and nee how quickly y<»ur to ap|>ear before the above named ‘ Physic«, Methode m «lUarton Slough. 4ear. S’ld Literature, . -uit on the 13th day of June. l'»l L by «11 Language. til dealer«. Thesis for Primary at 10 O i lmk a m. and «how cause, West ¿01X7 feet from the sectix n Certificate corner common to Sections 2< 24, if an, they have, why said guardian 25 and 26 of Township I South. Friday Forenoon. Can t Keep It Secret should not t>e granted a license io Theory and Practice. Orthogra­ Range to Went of the Willamette The splendid werk of Chamber •«11 all the right, title and interest Mertxian—thia point on «aid Ho lain a Tablets is daily becoming phy English Literature, Chemistry. of aaul ward In and to «aid real quartern Slough taring m >ar. Friday Afternoon. widely known No •••ch property. It ia further ordered th .1 Lticulsriy designated bv itoats erect- mors School Law. Botany, Algebra _ _____ ___ ______ stomach and •aio citation including Ibis order 1 ed by the Master Fiah Warden grurtd remedy for Civil Government l>e pcbliabed in the Tillamook warning the public, and also an- liver trouble« ha« ever l>een known Sator Jay afternoon. Headligtit. a weekly newap«i*r other tributary of «aid Tillamook For tale by all dealers. Geometry, Geology. nublished in Tillamook City. Tula Bay. known as Miami River, above Saturday Afternoon. ■nook County, Oisgon. ami of gen ia l>oint where the county wagon Katherine I- Norton \ew Ped- General llistoiy. Bookkeeping. eral em ulation therein for a |>eriod loidge crosses aaid Miami knrr forth. M> sa., say* "I h,xd «terrible W. Ä. Bt el , of three auxcessive weeka iil«t below the Pacific Railway A ; mi in across my bark, with a burn­ County Sii|>erinten conit. outt. •l the above _ time, all t