Tllamoolc Headlight, June 2, IÖI3 JOHN LELAND HENDERSON J OIIN LELAND HEN dj ^ SIDNEY E HENDERSON, Secretarj’-Trea*. Law** and Georg* Eliot. President attorney I d ths "Charle* Eliot Norton Letters” Attorney-at-Law and Notare In Scribner'a ia a pen picture of George ’ TZLU. ADVKHTI h INKNTS AND Public. Henry Lewea and George Eliot: 10 *ir»t ______________ Insertion, per line f COUNSELLOR. AT-Ut 5 “The ugliest couple In London." So Kacb aubaeqnent insertion, hue Business and professional card*. Dickens described George Henry T illamook B lock , lewea and bls wife to the Nortons 1 mouth .... 1 CO Til mook • . . , Hcimeatead Notice* 5 tu They found the description just Tiuibei Claims 10 lainer woman—dull complexion, dull (STH1CTLY IN ADVANCE) Tillamook .... q eye. b«*vy features. For the greater 1 5p One year.............. l>urt of two or three hour* she and 1 Both Phone*. 75 ntx mouth*......... talked together with little lntermis- BOTH PHONES. TILLAMOOK. ORE. fat Three month* aiou. Her talk was by no means bril liant. She said not one memorable hutered h > second class mail mat QARL HABERLACH, thing. hut It was the talk of a person ter July, lbhb, at the post office at 35c. Sherry Wir.e ....... iillaiuook, Ore , uuder the act ot of strong mind, who bad thought much BOTTLE GOODS. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. 35c. Angelica Wine.... Marcha, lsTv aud w bo felt deeply, and consequently per quart 35c, Zenfendel Wine It was more than commonly interest­ per quart 40c. T illamook B eock , Tokey...................... ing. Her manner was too intense. Pebblefonl, buttled in bond. perquart 25c. per bottle.................................... $1 50 Claret ...................... She leans over to yon till her face is íbe ^illamoob Xjrabligbt, 75c. White Grape Juice Tillamook Pure Rye, bottled in close to yours and speaks In very low Clarke's bond, per bottle .................... 1.25 Local Beer, quart. 3 bottles for 5€s. You can't Ixiost the city when and eager tones, nor is her manner 75c. Domestic Beer, qt. , 3 bottles for O d Crow, buttleii in bond, per some of our citizens will per­ perfectly simple.” bottle .................. ...............1 50 Special Prices for QfEORGE WILLETT, Editorial Snap Shots sist in complaining and fault­ Hermitage bottled in bond. |M.-r Family Trade. finding, airing their fancied and bottle ......................................... i 50 Cannibalism and Sentiment. The civilized world Is agreed In re­ Cyrus Nolde. 3 Crown ............. 1.50 Keg Beer.................... 15 gallons $5 75 ATTORNEY-AT-LAW look exactly imaginary grievances on street O. T. O , bottled in bond, per Keg Beer. ............... 10 gallons 4 00 timber pays corners, when they should t>e eardiDg the practice of cannibalism as bottle........................................... 1-25 I.ocal bottle Beer, 6doz. q-.iaris 10.00 T illamook C ommercial B i taxes in this praising the city and speaking reprehensible and deteatable. But an Kentucky Dew. >s gal., bottled Local bottle Beer, 10 doz. pints ll.tFj article in the Gazette de Hollande Is kind words of their fellow citi ­ in bond .................................... 2.15 more to pay Tillamook Ore» J devoted to proving that the popular Kentucky Dew. full pint, bottled Domestic Beers like zens, not denouncing them We Ideas of cannibalism, and in particular 75 in bond ....... .............................. know for a positive fiemied on road work of the lack of harmony and the practice by the grossness of his appe­ V O. P., Old Scotch Whiskey ... 1.75 PHYSICIAN AND SL RGB« White Port, Old Monk Brand, ami to good advantage. This is perjietiml knocking of some of tites. On the contrary, insists the Sandy Macdonald's Old Scotch Dutch writer, the vast majority of can­ Whiskey ........................... $1 00 per gal. a good thing, for Tillamook our citizens who rarely ever nibals are such against their own wish­ Hunter Baltimore, Rye Scotch T illamook B lock , Port Wine......................... 1.00 per gal. County will be as famous for its say a good word fur the city or es. obeying the voice of sentiment Whiskey .......................... Sherry................................. 1.00 per gal. Tillamook ■ Oregcaj good roads as it is famous for our leading citizen*. A visitor, Some respected the dead man during Canadian Club................... Claret ................................. 75c. pergal. I. W. Harper....................... Angelica ........................... 1.00 per gal. its spieudid cheese. bls life and are anxious to insure a who had been investing the city Harvester Old Style......... Zenfendel.......................... 1.25 per gal. and county for Jhe purjxise of worthy burial for bitn. Others are Monogram.......................... Tokey.................................. 1.25 per gal. prompted by the desire to assimilate M. KERRON, Kentuck Hew .................... The gopher aud nude law is recommending it as a suitable the dead man’s virtues In the process Billie Taylor, full quart WHISKEYS. now in effect, with 25c. bounty field for investments and future of digestion, while a third class are ac­ Coronet Dry Gin........ per bottle PHYSICIAN AND SURGEOX Monogram ................... per gal. $5. (1C ou them. Tliis law applies only industrial development, calle«! tuated by motives of revenge and find A. V.H- Gin................ per bottle White Corn Whiskey, per gal. 4.(0 to Tillamook County, where on the editor at his home toe their satisfaction In this supreme in­ Gordon Sloe Gin . per bottle Harvester Old Style ..per gal. 4.25 T illamook B lock , He was more sult Either piety or vengeance Is the Gordon Dry Gin ... per bottle they have become numerous other evening. McBrayer. 13years cld.per gal. 6.00 Rock and Ry e............ per bottle th«- past few years it isacom- than pleased with the cifev ami cause of cannibalism. Echo Spring................. per gal 4.25 Tillamook El Bart Gin ....................... ruendable law aud should be in­ the county and the Chestnut Grove Rye. per gal. X IS spirit Virginia Dare Wine . perbottle Kentuckey Dew ....... per gal. 2 25 strumental in checking the in­ of progress and so many indica­ A Plats With a History, Port Wine ................ per quart Alcohol............................ per gal. 4 (0 A former resident of Albany has on crease of these pests, as well as tions of great prosperity,as well Cornet Dry Gin.............. per gal. 4 CO compensate those who trap as the beautiful climate. The (be sideboard of his New York home C. HAWK, only blight that this visitor nil oldtime blue china plate which has or shoot them. s history well known to the family. found was the efforts of some of our citizens to retard progress ”lu fhe winter of 1857.” so the story PHYSICIAN AND SURGEO.X, '1 i'lmi- k L ily again presents always begins, “the ice broke after a ami malign fellow citizens, and sudden rain and warm spell, and the WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER COR. 1st and 1st AVENUE E een laid in the basement dining room, .Aiding* look antiquated, to locomotive aud wbeu the water went down enough N° sto 1 timl who bore visitors with ever ay nothing of the risk from .Cleaning, Pressing and Repaii so that one could go to that room boiler their personal quarrels ami who some of the plates and cups were found Putty built <3 nd •ire. Visitors this summer w 11 a Specialty. have not a goial word to say frozen to the celling, for it turned aw­ see a wonderful improvement about vonr city or fellow citi ­ fully cold after the water was in the i i the city, and with the citi­ zens.” Most every progressive bouses And that’s one of the plates zens in the resilience portion of Store in Heins Photographic city have a certain class who that didn’t break when they all fell the city bemitifv ing their home* Gallery. off ” One of the children says that with flower* and lawn*, there oppose progress, ami no matter grandpa slways told it that way, and what is done or who takes the is-., vi-oson why Tillamook City it must be true."—New York Tribune. CA’S BEST RANGE J H. GOYNE, canto t I h - classed as «»tie of the lead to accomplish something, The Arcndùn 13 .ing 1 ne Arcadian u a perfect t- tr ’ those who have a grouch will most up to date town* in the A Moroccan Charm. range, and Chys a perfect baker for a life- > do their tiest to air them, and it Moroccan wives have a most elabo­ atate.- irae because it Is bufet Eke a locomotive ' ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. is to visitors whom they tiewail rate recipe for winning back the affec­ boiler. Built of malleable iron and charcoal ami bemoan ttieir personal and iron riveted torether instead of being bolted tions of an unfaithful husband. First, There does not appear to be Office : O pposite C ourt H oc « together. Made airtight without the use of any prospect of bringing about IH-tty grievances. We meutiou the deserted or suspicious wife draws Stove patty to crumble and fall out, as hap ­ Tillamook - Oreg* a union of several of the Pro­ tliis simply to show the nee«i of « straight line in pure honey from the pens in caoon. Then she rubs the tip of her fire or deaden it will make it a practice ot point ­ J2)K p- J- SHARP, have ix-t-ti an advantage, while (ougue with a flg leaf till it bleeds Th« Arcadian Raire u1! nrtf n other rea|>ecta it is doubtful ing out and lauding the best and soaks seveu grains of salt In the hare false drafts—it uill always do perfect baking, oaing a third less whether the union would have features of the county, the city blood. This she mixes with the honey, RESIDENT DENTIST, fuel than common ranges. lasted had it been effected, for aud the citizens who are pro­ idds more salt which has been carried r nee.! to ee number many 213 T illamook B lock pews. Or. it tnavbe that some thousands a year. Hit Both Way*. of the large nutnbei of citizens Mr Bullion—1 wish that elder son At the stall the Senate show* that Tillamook - ore»* in this city who never attend it will not put wdux on wheat and of mine would get married and set­ church could t>e induce«! to do oat* and admit t«>reign flour and tle down But. confound IL the young so. The material ia here to outmeal t»T<- Driving industries fellow* of today don’t seem to have ; REEDY, D.V.M., » of Cloverdale. Tillaimxik. tire ealtng tendencies ? Hard Luck. McGEE, M.C Veterans remember that fifty Hay t Hy ami Nehalem, under Cbolly-What’s the matter. Fwank. the Southern Pnciflc - Sunset venra ago there were no autvmo- teab t>oy ’ Kwaak-Oh. Cbolly. Ethel Mugnxitie plan, is out ami now . biles, telephones or aeroplane*. «•Ils uie »he loves another Cbolly— PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. being *ent to the large number and nearly all guns are uiuxxle What bard luck, after your devotion I of |>en»oiiH who have applied for 1,»atler*. rhe mo«lem improvements l-'wank-Hard luck! Why. Cbolly, In Office : One Block East ot Copies. The pamphlet is well are m»nv, but there can be none in he last «lx months her father’s dog gotten up. profuse with attrnc American courage ancpular aubscription of its Cng.nwr'a Ad^antags. jaarts of the c«»unty an immense citiaens Dayton. Ohio, ha* raised “it must be bard work to run a loco- soount of good bv inducing Rl.ili'.tkX* t«' tie spent on sateguar«!* wottv*“ AN HOI K in summoning the plumber borne seeker* to settle here.ami against future Hoods. Y.-«. But think of the «attsfactìon It is a it is to be boped that citizens pleasure to help th.-se so ready to n helnz able to get off tu front of the bv telephone mav save the price of several rears of will taken an interest in their help themselves Dayton can learn irsi car inetva«! of lugging a suit case h» length of the whole train."—W»*h- service. distribution, sending them to from Gabeston that tl«xal preven > (MI dot»h know ugtuo »tar. cM W those who « ontumplate coming tioa is entirely practicable. It certainly saves a lot of discomfort and worry. West. Copies for that purp«*e . r*»™ is won Catarrh <■ this «nthia at TOWER’S FISH BRAND The Bell Telephone keep* the houaehol«] in constant touch with enn tie obtains«! from County th, wuatr« than aU .tit»r .hw-i-r« rut lotstba «»a sat.I t*r ,IM »a v, .r. REFLEX SLICKER all the rex unrs of civihzatioa and is instantly available tn any erner V lerk Holden or the secretary a «« *upl—ar4 t.> -w .sr i thlr F. . . . 4 t„ , Clubs. It also ke*i a the hcusehol«! ia constant touc h with the broader’ riln..-hte.h se edteas. •'t»«»u raopal it tK iir s* ssa-v ha. wvu. Cat»rh « ■>«,.. autside world by means of the Long Distance Service of the Bell Some ot our well meaning lalKiual Jataa. «ml lbsrr!..rr rru i.n. System. »M,latl..aai trvalsisni Halt » . .< ,rrh citisene consaler it wrong ami < Charity. •»•«wfkKt unad St p j * is the „«I. Cuastits The kind of charity that should be- it sm t«> play cants m Hut _____ ia it ? Cs.. tWMix Ohio, <*• ««rhr« li I. takes IS tin at bum» is not th* kind that ron- I be snap shot man ia atnongwi trraallT is 4-wn Worn I«* Jr,,pa tu a tea .pmuatel It •etasmmte moer who consider that tn«.-re i* nad ««-v., snws m uw .i.iem rhe. ■i«t» *ta l ar g ar «ae htmdml .¡ullar» h., aa, „ Advertising Ratea. We would like someone to eti lighten us am I convince us if we are w rung. We ar«- told that the I miu is put oti cards because men gamble with them That nppe’irs to tie the most objection­ able feature to cards, yet for all that it is illogical, for take any other guttie and they are abused in some way or other ami the I spirit of gambling is manifest. Curds hate their abuses the same as other games when per­ sons become devotees to them, but when indulged in for amuse­ ment ami to divert one's mind truui business there is no wrong or sin in card playing. We tind all kind t.f crime commit­ ted, amt even murder, to ob­ tain money wrongfully, but no I one places a ban on money be­ en u»«- of tlies«- crimes. Yet for ' all that we are in a receptive uiood and willing to hear some sound, logical reason why card playing is wrung and a sin. Tillamook Title ami Abstract Company Law Abstracts Real Estate Surveying; Insurance. s BILLY STEPHENS, T E 'Jones-Knudson Furniture Co K eeps O ut allthe rain i»«> more harm tn playing cards than there ia playing cheaa, Inlhnni«. pool, buarboH, basket IWi. kmlLadl and ulixcr games. ili.u'.'L.'*'’ *** iilTTuJI ' Take H.ul • t’ama. rm , •*! MS T«nm.».o «■vasupauus Every Bell Telephone i* the Center of the Syste