oolí Itaîil iobt< TILLAMOOK, OREGON, JUNE 12, 1913 Why a Checking Account? The checking account at a good bank is a necessity with every one who wants to put sys­ tem safety and stability into his money matters. It records accurately every money transaction. It prevents the necessity of carrying a large amount of cash on hand. ’It provides, in the returned cancelled check, a receipt for every payment. You can open a checking ac­ count here at any time, with any sum from a dollar up. Wall paper.—King A Smith Co. • dren did splendidly, and a great Harry Hogan, who had his hand deal of credit is due Misses Parker poisoned, has been having con­ and Harriet Gaylord. siderable trouble with it as well as a good deal of pain. Dr. Boats lanced it again on Wednesday. Lost, on Sunday night, between the Presbyterian Church and Mil­ ler Avenue, a gold chain with locket belonging to a little girl. Finder will please leave same at the Head­ light office. Allen Page is now the agent for the Singer Sewing Machine Comp­ any in this city, also the collector. Machines are sold on easy pay­ ments Patronize your home mer­ chant when you want a sewing machine. It is the aim of^this bank to give the best banking serviee possible — and cue do it It is also our aim to have the best equipment such as Modern Fire Proof Banking Room, Fife Proof Vault, Burg­ lar Proof Safe, Modern Safe Deposit Boxes—and cue have them. Mildred E. Small and F. D. Small vs. Anua Herrall, Chas. Herrall and Robert Herrall is a suit tiled in the circuit court praying- that a guardian ad litem be appointed for two cf the defendants and the pro­ 4 perty be sold. First National Bank Tillamook, Oregon. Rev. E. II. Hicks, who will lecture Joe Harrison was in the city con­ at the Presbyterian Church this sulting Dr. Boals on Saturday as (Thursday) evening on ‘‘The Moun­ the result of an accident he met taineers of Tennessee,” and who with when attempting to get into will make the address at the High CAPITAL his buggy, the horse started before School graduating exercises Friday .00 he did so, and he was struck by the evening. fA j B ounty T TILLAMOOK CITY. OffE. supfpvi ^ wheel and injured his ribs SUPERVISION M ayor Harter returned to the city The special term of the Circuit on Wednesday and was delighted Court will convene in this city on to get back to Tillamook He says Friday, June 20, when it is expect­ he has not come across anything Clyde Craver and wife and child, LLAMOOK JOTTINGS ed that the pavement cases will returned to this city on Saturday come up before Judge Galloway, it that compares with Tillamook, and is more infatuated with Tillamook fall paper.—King A Smith Co. * from Arizona, on a visit to friends being reported that he was assign­ City than ever. Mrs Harter will re­ Judge Webster Holmes has ap ed to preside at this term of court. ee Dr. Monk for novelties in place main in Portland for a few days. pointed Miss B. F.‘Barrett official I Died, at Bay City,, on Saturday, da. Some of our citizens who had been ee Big Mack for your sewer con- reporter of the 12th Judicial Dis­ Andrew Williams, who was buried saying that the mayor would rot trict. the next day at the Oddfellows come back were surprised when he :tions. * 5 Boxes Parlor Matches for 20c. cemetery, Rev. R E. Jope conduct­ made his appearance on Wednes usy BeeB—Bee Supplies. King A Full count, best grade. Lamar’s ing the funeral service at the home, day lith Co. Variety Store. ’ Drop in and look The decease leaves a wife and a Mrs Alex. McNair returned to tylish City Photographs at the around.” • I son. He was born in Michigan, the city Sunday, much improved lamook Studio. After a long spell of bright March 4, 1873. I in health. While coming from or Fine Photographs at popular I W. C. King returned to the city weather, there was a slight Tilla­ Eugene to Portland on Saturday, cee.—Tillamook Studio. having been in she was in the wreck on the rail­ mook mist this morning, which did on Saturday, lorn, on Tuesday, to the wife of much good. Southern Oregon looking after his road near Salem, the accident be­ in Erickson , a daughter. Free, an elegant bevel edged stag fruit orchard at Tailant. Mr. King ing caused by spikes being remov­ Dasses fitted. Any kind, any handle hand mirror, containing says some of the towns in Southern ed from the ties which kept the le Guaranteed. Dr. Wendt. * your photo with our folders —Tilla­ Oregon are not as lively as they rails in place. Apart from the used to be on account of being fright and a shaking up she was lall up the Mutual Phone for a mook Studio. I over boomed. s at the Tillamook Studio. not hurt. She was removed from The Warren Construction was > lie Whitney Co will employ the awarded tire contract to remove I District Attorney Donald Upjohn, the train through one of the win­ te fire wardens they had last the dirt for the basement of the ex-County Judge E. F. Doad and dows of the passenger coach. Attorney G. O. Holman. oLDallas, new Masonic Temple. r. "Tillamook defeated the Bradford's came in on Saturday to consult ¡cycles and bicycle sundries, Alabastine your walls right over Base Ball team, of Portland, two Judge Holmes in regard to a case .plies and repairs.—King A the old paper if paper is not torn. games out of three during the last where the officials at Dallas tiad Makes a first class job and a pretty ' granted ¡th Co. * an additional saloon series. This week the Gill Butchers will play three games at the Still­ « ive chickens wanted at the Tilla- room.—King A Smith Co. i licence for that city. well Park grounds. In order for }k Meat Company’s Market, 12c. Since the Oddfellows’ building has Miss Stella Goyne will leave Sat­ pound. been moved Hilma Johnson has urday for Salem where she will our city to have three games each old bond trading stamps with moved opposite the Jones-Knud­ spend Commencement week with week it will be necessary' for the your cash purchases.—King A son Furniture Co’s, store. * I her sister, Miss Mabel, who is at fans to turn out to the week day games. Harry Sutor, the former Ith Co. Marriage licenses were issued to lending Willamette University. Coast League Star, will join the Til­ r. Jack Olson has opened den- John Coleman and Beulah F. They will visit Mr. and Mrs W. R. lamook Chib this week and will parlors over F. R. Beals' office, Huebner; and William P. Purcell Rutherford at McMinnville on their probably pitch Sunday’s game. and Margaret N. Fitzpatrick. return. h phenes. I The Port of Bay City expects to The Tillamook Commercial Club Prof, and Mrs. L. I.. Baker will (tone Joe Lilly for wood sawing, receive the bonds from the East ntry work solicited. Phone 1313 has extended an invitation to the entertain the Senior class and High either the end of the week or the Oregon G. A. R. to hold its annual School teachers at their home ific States. < commencement of next, which will Thursday evening after the lecture, > Rent,—a furnished house, four convention in this city next year. complete that part of the transac­ Horse, harness and small light which will be delivered by the Rev tion. This will be followed by work lis and pantry Apply lo W, wagon for sale. This is a suitable E. H. Hicks at the Presbyterian being started on the jetty and as iewcombe. rg to haul milk to cheese factory. Church. Mr. Hicks will also be a this is a most important undertak­ rs. J. W. Jackson, of Vancouver, guest. W H Hoskins, Tillamook Ore. ing and means much to this city '., is visiting at the home of Frank Severance left on Sunday and Tiilamook bay it will soon Rudolph Zachman vs. James rison Mills. to attend the Rose Carnival in Port­ cause the United Railways and the >r sale.— 90 Angora goats, $2 Vernon, Sr., and Jim Doe Vernon, land and the G. A. R. reunion at tog lumber interests to get busy i. Inquire of R. F. Fowler, and C. E. Hadley is a suit filed in Newberg next week. Two invita with their plans for future develop the circuit court to recover $62 35. ver, Oregon. tions, one from the Tillamook Com­ nient of this part of the country. C. F. Alexander and Blaine Chat­ mercial Club and the other from our work does not suit you tell On Sunday morning the Baccu if it does tell your friends. City terton are running an auto “‘age the City Council was sent him this laureate sermon was preached at between Tillamook City and Gari nsfer Company • morning, for the state encampment the Christian Church to the gradu­ pat- to meet in Tillamook next year. tnts, tent flyes, camp stoves, baldi which is receiving good ating class of the High School by I G um Wicklund has bought an up in chairs, everything for camp, ronage. th>- Rev. D. A. Mackenzie, pastor The annual school election will to date auto, the Overland, from ing A Smith Co. * of the Presbyterian Church. His place next Monday at the A. K. Case with all the latest im­ subject was. " The Price of Success. ” ring your chickens to the Tilla- take >k Meat Company's Market. We school house at one o’clock for the provements, for $1800. The dairy­ was eloquently delivered, being election of one school director and men are gradually purchasing one of tlie best sermons ever de­ 12c. per pound. clerk 1 autos, but it will not be many years livered in this city. His advice to lie First National Bank ha« Notwithstanding that a large before most every up-to-date dairy the graduates was for them to in a twenty year lease in the number of our citizens are attend men. will have one of these horse­ ascertain what they were best suited Ifellows’ Building. ing the Rose Carnival this week, less vehicles. for and having satisfied themselves ttorney J. L Henderson has there are a large number of visitors Sheriff Crenshaw. Clent King and on that point, to bend every effort to ted his law and abstract office in the city. John Ebinger caught a mens of 88 make a success in that direction. i the bank building. Dawson Bros, will meet all trains trout on the North Fork of the Wil­ He also advised the graduates to tie contractor for the Oddfellows' with bus, and will handle passen­ son River on Wednesday.tlie largest look for spirtual guidance. The ding has lost no time in getting gers and baggage to all parts of the weighing3]4 pounds and 19 inches graduates were Helen M. Beals. ted on the basement. city. Call or phone at the Livery long. They were placed on exhibit Ruth M. Burge, Flora O. Edgar, Dy Anderson is amengst those barn on 2nd Ave East. in the store of King A^imith Co. Gertrude N. Schlappi, Blanche > graduated at the Oregon Agri Buy a Ford car because they run and were greatly admired, ea|>ecial- Lucas Wilma Gesler, Paul Eagar ural College this week. 20 miles on a gallon of gasoline. |y by visitors. The fish will be and John Kbingjr. mateurs ! Better pay a small When you get them your troubles sent to Portland Friday to be ex­ rge and get good results from are over. See Ed. Hadley, the local hibited in the window of the Graduating Exercises. I Honey man Co. r kodaks.—Tillamook Studio agent for the Ford auto TILLAMOOK COUNTY BANK S nseed oil is cheaper now than it been fora longtime. Buy it by barrel and paint that house and i that you have neglected in past.—King A Smith Co. LAMAR’S James Hughey and Wesley Rush C. M. Hall, representing Armour A Co., of Portland, was in the city vs. Hiram W. Smith was a case this week looking over the country. spiraled to the Supreme Court This company buys a large amount from Tillamook County in which the plaintiffs sought to cancel a of Tillamook a famous cheese. lease to a farm, the court tender­ ing a decition in favor of Smith. Attorneys R. R- Duniway and C. W. Talmage were for Hughey and Attorney T. B. Handley for Smith There was a good attendance at the Presbyterian Church on Sunday evening, the occasion beir.g chil dreti'a day exercise» by the Sunday school- The church waa artistic ally decorated with roses, and two »liort addreMM were delivered, one by 1 Rev. H. B. Dorka, of Salem, and the other ty ths pastor. The ciul- VARIETY STORE TlUUAmOOK OREGON. «• Drop in and hook flround M m 'QU 4 Property Cared For. Houses for Rent Rents Collected. i A. C. EVERSON, j LAND AND MERCHANDISE BROKER, j Buys, Sells and Exchange. Large and Small Tracks. ' : EXCLUSIVE RIGHT ON BUSINESS AND RESIDENCE PROPERTY AT A BIG BARGAIN. Choice Vacant Lots in all Additions. Good Buys are Easy Sold. SEE ME FOR MONEY MAKERS. Room: No. 215 TILLAMOOK BLOCK. » 1 1^ The New U.B Pastor. H. F. White, the new pastor ap­ pointed to fill the United Brethren pulpit, comes direct from Dayton, Ohio, where he has just completed the course in the Bonebrake Theo­ logical Seminary. He had already finished the regular college course in Philomath College. But for a young man he also comes equipped with considerable experience in the pastorate having been four years consecutively pastoral The Dalles. He was quite young when filling his first pastorate at Beaver and Pleasant Valley. But we feel that it should be his best equipment is that ol the heart, spirtual sensitiveness and discern meat along with a dose personal acquaintance with the Savior oí men. _________________ Mole and Gopher Law. The la»t bchkíoii oí the «tüte legi« lature passed a law allowing a bounty upon gophers and moles in Tillamook County, the law being ÍIH follows: Section 1. The County Comt of Tillamook Comity, Oregon, is here by authorized, empowed and di­ rected to levy a tux not to exceed one-tenth of one mill on a Collar of the assessed valuation of the taxable anil assessable property in said county, each year, for the payment of bounties upon gophers and moles taken and killed in euid county. Section 2. The fundi derived from rani tax shall be plai ed in a special fund known as the Gopher and Mole Bounty Fund, and the County Clerk of said Tillamook County shall pay as a bounty for The graduating exercises of the Tillamook High Srhool will take place on Friday evening at the Christian Church, when the ad- dress to the class will be made by | Rev. E. H. Hicks, of Roseburg, Oregon. The graduates are Ruth M Burge. Helen M. Beals, Flora O Edgar, Gertrude N. Schlappi, John Ebinger. Blanche Lucas, Wilma Gesler and Paul Edgar. Follow­ ing is the program: Quartette. tiertrude Schlappi. Salutatory ... . . E E. Kork. Violin Solo ., Rev E W Hicks. Address ........ John Ritinger. Solo ............. ........ Flora ____ Edgar. , V aledictory .... __________ Presentation of Diplomas. W. C. King, l’rcsidcut of School Board , every scalp of every mole or gopher produced and examined at this of­ fice by drawing a warrant against the special fund created by this act. nt the rate of 25 cents for each *- and every scalp Thereafter Haiti scalp shall be destroyed by Maid clerk. Section 3. During the year 1913 Hiiid warrants may be paid out of the general fund of said county, and during the year 1914, said gen­ eral fund sliull be reimbursed out of saici special fund in this act pro­ vided for, and thereafter out o f said siiecinl fund exclusively. Section I. At any time there is a surplus at the end of any year, of the funds in said special funde the County Court may transfer any part of saitl surplus to the general lund ol said county. Bounties on 2111 gophers and umlea have been paid for by County Clerk llohlen. Elisabeth Balmer was paid $20 for MO; John Stuvenga $12 for 48; Alva Welle $9 for 38. Jim Fitzpatrick, for a boy, is making good wage's, bringing in four every day. To Water Consumers. 1 he Water Commission hasgiven Mr. Iloag positive instructions to shut off water from all consumers who have not paid their water rent by the 10th of each month. By Order Water Commission. Card of Thanks. I wish to thank those wlc so kindly assisted me in obtaining votes in the piano contest at Mason, Pennington A Co.’s, as it was through their efforts that I wot. the tint prize, a beautiful piano. M ina F lask er . Coal, Cement, Lime, Biick, Shingles, Drain Tile, Plaster, Roof Paint LAMB SC 11 It ADE K COMPANY. DCA K-v : WAREHOUSE. FRONT STREET, BETWEEN Ind A 3rd AVKNX K WKtt