Tllamook Headlight, June6, i9l3 ing just graduated from Bunebrake ( on finance drew the keenest inter Theological Seminary. est in its insistence upon the goat C C Poling, D. D., of Portland, of $■»*) and a parsonage as the Dr. P. O. Bonebrake, presided minimum to be reached in the came in Thursday. Dr. Poling is frater­ Wednesday evening, when a most next four years for ministers In it nal delegate from the United Evangel­ ical Church; he, with Dr. Schuknecht hearty welcome to Tillamook was is also the idea of such co-operation and the United Brethren representa­ shall bring definite assistance Meets in Tillamook City- accorded by repreaentativea of the as from the stronger to the weaker tives, are working on a plan to feder­ ate the educational work of the three Bishop Bell Makes Stir­ various interests of tile city. u ork. churches they represent. T. H. Goyne speaking for Rev. H. Schuknicht, of Portland, ring Addresses. 1. E. Meese of Tillamook is about representing the Evangelical A.-so- Christian laymen of the city, ci iti in. read an able paper bearing the busiest man of the conference, but the conference welcome, hav he makes a good host, for he and the The sixth annual session of the figured it out th it since they were fraternal greetings and having ref­ good people of his city are royally en­ to the contemplated educa­ Oregon Conference of the United •children of Israel" they had only erence tertaining their guests. tional federation. brethren ic C hrist is njcetintf in now round their way to the "land Bishop Bell read a carefully pre­ H. L. Sheldon, Superintendent of the this beautiful li.tle city by the sea. of milk and honey." pared and far reaching report of Oregon Anti-Saloon League, presented the committee on social service and ' the "irrepressible conflict” and stiired Bishop W. M. Bell, D D., of Los H. T. Botts, in behalf of the pro­ I uie the cuuivicuvv conference with his slogan, ‘liome ............... . Angeles, is presiding. Hon. P O. fessional men of Tillamook, Hung community work. Alter which H L. Sheldon, of Rule repealed in 1914, Oregon Dry tn Honebrake, prominent member c out a most reckless and generous From a Series of Elaborate Chemical Tests: Portland, Superintendent of the < Ire- 1916.” legislature and Siq erin welcome when he told the ministers gon Rev. H. Schuknecht of Portland, the Anti Saloon League, made an tendent of the Conference, C. (. ar.d their friends to be perfectly at address outlining the plans of the ■ 1 representative of — the An equal quantity cf bread (biscuit) was made CjJICOLIIVUll — — — Evangelical CT~ koiiwinir ’ . Asso- ... I _ -LI ♦ , Bell and J R Parker, former League to make Oregon dry in 1916. eiation, read an able paper bearing the with each of three different kinds of baking powder­ home, and no niatti r what they kindly greetings from his association superintendents, both of Philomath Dr P. O. Bonebrake and J. B. and referring favorably to the federa­ did lie a sured the wo rld cream of tartar, phosphate, and alum—and submitted Geo. McDonald, of Seattle, Wash : Parsons were elected Trustees of tion of educational and other interests separately to the action of the digestive fluid, each the Oregon Anti-Saloon League and of their own association with that of J. R. Knipe, of Everitt, Wash : J- not molest them. a resolution was passed adopting the United Evangelical Church and U Parsons, cf Hood River, J w. for the same length of time. the program of the Anti-Saloon that of the United Brethren Church. Sorecher, of 2nd C liurch, C p. League for the repeal of the so. The editor of the Tillamook Head­ The relative percentage of the food digested is Blanchard, 3rd I hiircli, C I.. Wil called Home Role amendnieut to | light found a mysterious looking shown as follows: the Constitution in 1914 and an liains, 1st Church, J- E. Conner 4tb amendment to the Constitution fori parcel on his desk on Thursday, ( liurch, Portland; C W. Corman, and fearing that it might be a bomb Prohibition in 1916. Philomath; F. M. Dakin of Vies. Bread made with or some other device, cautiously Thursday night Bishop Bell gavel made an investigation. It proved to Wash ; J. I.. Garrett, of Manor. Royal Cream of Tartar Powder: another of his popular addresses to be a pair of well worn antiquated Wash ; R. < a large and appreciative audience, i shoes We do not know anyone at c • t louver, Warn | 100 Per Cent. Digested present who is going' to get married North Bend; and the shoes were left in the office Interesting Personals of the for the editor to use after the happy monk; Mrs Bread made with U. B. Conference. but perhaps one of the visit­ Salem; J. S. I event, ing ministers will put theeditornext, phosphate powder:______________ Bishop Bell was Foreign Mission Sec­ <1. Richeson, These good nature 1 welcomes' retary before he was elected Bishop. for the shoes evidently belong to a inerick. of were responded to in a very happy ■ While secretary he visited the foreign minister who came from the neigh­ 68*4 Per Cent. Digested \ .Hing, Beav borhood of The Dalles. way by Rev. George E. McDonald, ) fields personally, i < oqiiille, are the active ministeis of Seattle, Wash. Bro. McDonald) Mrs. R. N. Lewis, pastor at North Bread made with ■ tier ding. Bishop to Preach Sunday. was sure now since his eves had ; Bend, brought in as usual one of the The tollowing are the lay dele . I best reports of the conference and her Services will be held in the Chris­ alum powder :__________ ! eheld this land of promise that it ' delegate Mrs. Fred Lyster, told the gates present: F. W. Barker, if was the very place Columbus and 1 ‘ conference that she herself would hard­ tian Church on Sunday evening, the [67^4 Per Cent. Digested | Coquille J. A. Cotton, of Gravel the Cabots really intended to reach ly be allowed to go back home unless sermon to be preached by Bishop Ford; G. A. Bennett, of Philomath; I when hundreds of years ago they she secured the return of Mrs. Lewis Bell. Geo Betts, of 1st Church, O. F. sturtedon their voyage of discovery as pastor. These tests, which are absolutely reliable and Hoffman, of 3rd Clinch, Mrs. T. There are four women preachers in Garabaldi Beach. He hoped the conference would not 1 the conference—Mrs. Dora Young of unprejudiced, make plain a fact of great importance Brown, of 2nd Church, Mrs. W I». Beaver, Mrs. Bertha Peoples of Hazel The Rockaway depot has been Iletts, of Itli Church, Portland; only do due appreciation to the ‘ Green to everyone: Food raised with Royal, a cream of near Salem, Mrs. C. P. Blancll- moved to their north line, and will . ard of the 3rd Church, Portland, and be enlarged by adding freight shed tartar Baking Powder, is shown to be entirely diges­ . Mrs. R. N. Lewis of North Bend. and ticket office. tible, while the alum and phosphate powders are found Dr. J. R. Parker of Philomath has Peter Schrantz is making pre to largely retard the digestion of the food made from had longer continuous membership in paration for more visitors at Sea the conference than any other; his has View this season by adding more them. been a long and useful connection and tents to the Tent City. there is lots of scrapping interest and Undigested food is not only wasted food, but it Mr. and Fowler, formerly of Rock­ ability in him yet. away, have charge of the Green is the source of very many bodily ailments. Reuben Summerlin of Vancouver, is Tree Restaurant, at Garabaldi. the self made hero of the Conference; Miss Nina Hart, of Portland, is i he used to be a logger. Though with visiting at Lake Lytle. I few schooling advantages Brother Mrs B. L. Byers, of Sea View, is I Summerlin has nevertheless dug his 1 way through to an efficiency that is in Portland to attend the rose car- measure, urged by the Govern MANY NEW LAWS IN classes hardly surpassed. Everybody likes nival. immoral resorts as n Miss Henbener and Mi»s Seston, “Rube.” OPERATION. sances so they may be closed mi high school teachers at Bay City, P. 0. Bonebrake has the "honorable” easily than at present. distinction of the conference, being a spend the week end at Mr, Bozorth's More Power Given Governor Liquor Shipping Act in Foret cottage. j member of the state legislature for the Now as Result of legis ­ Shipping of liquor act—Provi' I third successive time and a member Mrs. C. E. Comstock, of Port­ that intoxicating liquor ship, lative Acts. of some of its most important commit- land, came in Tuesday to get her trom “wet” to "dry” territ [ tees. Much of the splendid legislative cottage at Ocean Lake ready for the S alem , Or , June 2.—Al’ the laws must be labeled and Lear the nst work of the last session owes no little summer. The family will move laws passed at the recent session of the consignee and contain.. , to his support. He lives at Hood River, down as soon as school is out, the Legislature excpt those hav The package must describe t i C. C. Bell is a first cousin to the A large and lively gathering met of ing emergency clauses or those to liquor it contains. Another nieasi Bishop and was for several years a Saturday evening, in the annex cf provides that saloon keepers » , hardworking and efficient presiding el­ the Rcckaway Hotel and spent the be referred to the people, will be­ sell liquor to intoxicated perso: der or superintendent of the confer­ evening playing five hundred. Mrs. come operative tomorrow. Chief among the new measures minors or blacklisted persons th ence. More than once has he walked Wood carried off first prize for the be liable for all damages that I over the mountains and waded the ladies and Mrs. Anderson tlie are those relating to highways, ir erne. ' streams to be at his quarterly meet­ tooby ; Mr. Davies first with the rigation, wages of women ar.d Game and fish law—Complete: children, pensions for mothers, 1 ings. men and Mr. Parker the booby. fixing number of hours of work­ revises g«me and fish laws of tUk i J. 8. Rhodes is the debating ecrap Mrs. Frank Miller, of Pockaway, men in factories, mills, etc., giving It is probably one of the mostcoi ' per of the conference ; he has a record visited Portland this week. the Governor more power to en­ prehensive measure ever passed for doing up sceptics and Seventh day Mr. and Mrs. C. C, Byers, of Sea force laws locally, revising fish and a Legislature advocates. Election revision measure»-!.' View, visited friends in Garabaldi game laws, appropriation for Paci­ No one questions Bishop Bell’s state­ Sunday. fic-Panama Exposition, regulation i certainties existing in many la' ment that his mother permitted him to Mr. ami Mrs. Solar, of Nehalem, of brokers, regulation of pawnbrok cleared and laws which proved r I have a good stomach and good nerves. were in Sea View Sunday, guests of era, uniform system of accounting satisfactory repealed. Maybe that is responsible for the fact Mr and Mrs. Peter Schrantz. Bill creating Board of Contrt in state and counties, teachers of : that he is, as he says, as often Board to have jurisdiction over Mr. and Mrs I..' L. Baker and Portland on civil service basis, state taken for a Brewer as a Preacher. institutions excepting th for Portland police, abol­ of Tillamook spent Satur­ pensions I i If our conference never meets in children ishing district fairs and creating for higher education. To be « day visiting friend at O-ean Lake, county posed of Governor, Secretary fairs. Tillamook again it won't be because of i Mr and Mrs. J. O. Bozortli and Summaries of the most important State and State Treasurer. lack of hearty welcome, or of cheese, daughter, of Bay City, spent Friday measures which will go into effect milk and honey. It will be because at their cottage Blue Sky Law Itnprtaat in Ocean Lake. tomorrow are as follows: the Bishop finds itjtoo arduous a task to Blue sky law—Object to pm BISHOP W. M. BELL, DI’. I 1 keep the preachers at work with the persons trading with broker» Roads to Get $360 000 temptation of good fishing so near. Manhattan Bea^h News stocks and bonds. Highway commission bill — Cre ­ ■ Member! of the conference admired Mrs. N. Hansen, of Tillninook Mis. chicken and cheese the honey and i the higway commissioner and pro­ grit of Rhodes, of Hopewell, but ' Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Fisher and ates vides for a highway engineer at a children, of Bortland, are getting Fred l.yster, of North Bend; W. K the hospitality Card of Thanks. i but were willing for him to confine his of $3,000 a year. Under the Sorber, of Vancouver, Wash.; J. treatment to himself when he remarked sett.ed for the summer in their cot­ salary Bishop Bell then gave the address that about $360.000 will be pro I wish to thank the friends I when he looks in the face of his tage. Mr. Fisher is putting a few measure Miller, of Manor, Wash,; Mrs A of the evening which was so vigor­ vided for work annually. The neighbors for their kindness s haired wife and thinks »f the sac­ improvements in his cottage which work will road C. Cross, of The Dalles; Mrs E. I . ous and well directed as to call gray be done by the counties, rifice and privation she has endured will make it very comfortable and and the engineers will give all as­ sympathy on account of the dei | of my child. Kinnaman, of Beaver; Mis. S. r forth enthusiastic and repeated while members of his church have in­ cozy. sistance possible to the rounty M rs . H vghbt Bale of Salem; Mrs. E. Allison. <>l applause from the audience that creased in wealth he feels like going The Manhattan Hotel is putting courts Hopewell; and W I Bonebnike 1 I tilled the large auditorium of the out behind the barn and kicking him­ in atunall line of cigars, cigarettes County bonding act—Gives coun­ self with hobnailed boots for six days and tobacco and mi excellent line Teacher’s Examination. < ooh River. ties the right to issue bonds .to church of confections. for having allowed such to obtain. I vi.-u xi i« build ruaris. roads. This and tne the lllgll- higli- i N otice is H ereby G iven ,-Tt i i. t .. . » ounu inis ami Rev. Herman Schuknecht. pastor f,>r way commission bill are important, I his was the second address on I Mr. Sheldon was quite willing to Portland Io V Hit hlr6,!* of the 1 First German Evangelical County Superintendent of I“- with Rev. Mrs. Blanchard,, of few days daughter tor a for ,hey constitute virtually-the first the the general theme of the church and agiee lamook County will hold the rtD Church, Portland, is present a . Portland, Third Church, that the ■ practical highway legislation en- lar examination for applicant»W fi ate11>n 1 d legate from the Evan economic co ml it ion a. The speaker women of Portland were valuable in Look Out Inn Guests : ' acted in the state. I State and County papers st ’■ pointed assisting to elect Mayor Albee. out in a telling way that grlical Asso, iation Mr. O. W. Moody, P W. I Columbia Southern bill—Appro­ Circuit Court Room, Ti’.lnn** Three of the visiting women might R. Bernard, Portland Portland; H I ; H J. Suer, priates $450,0(X) for irrigation of 23,- City, Oregon, as follows: Sbelyon. of Portland. Super showed a most damaging incon- have accepted Shrode's cordial invita- acres of land in Eastern Oregon,‘ For State Papers tit of :he Oregon Anti-S.. sist.'IICV I v which our age has been tion to stop at the store and sample Hillsboro; Mrs. Heiny, Portland ; i 000 W . Smith. Portland ; P. R. Combs, I work to be started at once. The l> lying Commencing Wednesday, J»1 a great premium for com ki •. is attend ,ig the Con Tillamook cheese, had he not found ' it Hillsboro; Mr. and ?. n 1913, at 9 o'clock a. m. and «J Mrs. Morris, United States Department of In- , 1H, mercial al ilitv and activity, while necessaay to start to dinner just as Portland. ♦ Le i c arming ti i h w ork. terior has offered to give a similar tinning I sum for the work, but it has not ----- g until Saturday, June » .......... religious ,e work is they were approaching the store. But A Im.- numlier ot visitors have educational and 1913, at t> o'clock p.m. Manhattan Hotel Guests : been accepted by the desert land and discounted. Intel the fact that cheese continues to be •c 'mnpaiiied the pastors mid dele- underpaid ami Wednesday Forenoon I.ena Trout. Tillamook ; P. C board. Another bill provides for sent in for the preachers' consumption gates from all putta ot Oregon and ledu d leadership or moral lender­ proves the Tillamooker's generous dis­ Butts, Tillamook ; C. H. Packen- Writing, U. S. History. Phy* an appropriation of $50 000 to in ­ ship either one. was more important position. Washington. ham, Boise, Idaho ; F. J. Gattrell vestigate feasible irrigation pro­ ology. than mere conimereiiil leadership Wednesday Afternoon. After hearing this morning the first Portland ; Laura A Smith. Port’- jects. the Federal Government to I lie contereuie Mas opened at 9 Yel we subsidize the last with an Physical Geography, Readint Inml ; Daisy L. Allemler, Tilla ­ of the lectures by Parsons, of Hood co operate by giving a ______ similar o'clia k Wednesday by Bishop Hell .• immense remuneration mid hold Composition, Methods in Resois$ we were glad that we would be mook ; Daise E Goodspeed. Tilla­ »mount, i Still another measure ap- in Arithmetic. reading uml c iniueiits upon the Hie other down to the mere inatt*r River, privaleged to hear the rest of the mook ; Georgia Sorrow, Tilla.nook ; propriates $15,000 for the inveati- , Methods Thursday of u living. Teachers ought to tie Forenoon. fust chapter ol IT uothy. Cecil Kinnaman. Tillamook; O. G. gation of a proposed power plant bet er paid so they could make it a series. Arithmetic, History of Edncatf* When a man is called a dog much Swenson. Tillamook; C. A McGhee on the Columbia at The Dalles, i Psychology, Methods'in Geogr»$»s Kei t. 1. \\ ill.ama was elected lite work rather than a temporary Tillamook; P. W . Williams. Tills’ It is declared that the project con Thursday Afternoon, •e, irtaty and Geo. Betts treasurer iiiennw ot promotion. The preacher depends on what kind of a dog is mook; R. (> Brein and daughter. templates the creation of cne of the 1 Grammar, Geography, meant. No one was attended when ought to I e a moral lender the moat nt II..1 oi ilr a.-■, eii'itmitteea were uaeful tnetor in cur civilization and ! Mr. Sheldon, of the Anti-Saloon Portland Walter S. Wood, Bav greatest jaiwet systems in the Literature, Physics, Meth.wW * appi-intv I by (lie Bishcp at once ought to l>e pa d nt least na well aa , League, referred to Elder Bor.ebrake City. United States. ' Language, Thesis for PrtX*! and the conference set upon the the man who carries the hod. Hut j as the watch dog of the House, during Wage Law Impoitant Certificate. the higher forma of proixreaa will be . the recent legislature. He said being Katherine L. Norton, New Bed- regular wotk of the session Friday Forenoon. Minimum wage bill—Creates com­ retarded a* we a low the greed for . able to depend on Bonebrake in forth. Mi ss., says: “I had a terrible | Theory anil Practice. Orthojj» ■■'* ■ • 'op Bell gave the m eiiae cf econo­ Fo ex Kidney Pills as advised, with Rev. Schuknecht explained to us how School Law, Botany, Alge#*“ under which they wotk. It gives mic justice to the great imiwsea of result certain and sure. The pain i onditions,' and the of our common folk. And when the names Small. Little and Kline commission power to enforce Civil Government. and burning feeling left me. I felt the Saturday afternoon. Bishop h.nulled it in a lively up Io­ tlita g-eut clnaa ia oppreaaed the were all of the same origin. Why toned decrees, fix wages end regulate up and invigorated. I ire ­ coukin t some such division haxe been sanitary conditions. . Geometry, Geology. date fashion. lie thinks the Church whole civilization ia arieated and all arranged commend Fo'e Kidney Pills." for Smith and Brow n. Saturday Afternoon. Mothers' (>ension bill-Provides ought to have a very material inlet sutler The present administration H. B. Dorks of Salem is a late arrival Their IS more Catarrh in this section of for assistance of mothers whose General History, Bookkeeping national affaire was commended eat in the economic welfare of the of W. S. B i el , for ita heroic endeavor to autwtitute at the conference. Rev. Dorks is a the country than aft other «liaraw. pat husbands are dead, in state institu County Superintende»1 great, middle class common pe, humane intere«t in the common new man on the coast, having come together and until the last lew year» tions or physically or mentally un- »«> .appowei to tie incurable Foe a great able to work less than a year ago from Colorado. The counties are to pie and baa no hesitation in put maasea for dollar diplomacy. many year, doctor, pronounced it a local Shake Off Your Rhe imatj*» F. W. Jones is tardy but welcome: aiwaae An enjoyable feature of the even­ and peeacnlied local re med le., and provide the pensions ting it in a very emphatic wav. I 1 ’ ,T to cure with local Now is time to get rid njJSJJ ing was a song by the anigM quar­ he used to be our efficient Presiding Ten-hour law—Provides that 10 The address seemed so timely and tet treatment pronounced it incueable Sei. -Spreclier. Meeae. McDonald Elder „ d has made the difficult rounds HoT T ’;r"Vrn Vatarrh to be a cnn.ti- hours a day or 00 hours a week con­ rheumatism. Try a t m isterful that the conference voted and Emerick or the conference many times. tutlonal dowaae. and thereore require, stitute the working schedules in cent bottle of Chamberlains con.iitutlon.d treatment Hall, iatarrh to change its program aw that thia d F Euirene came Thursday. factories mills, etc., but that cm ment and see how quickly PJ series of addresses might tie given Rev Neff i, one of the beat remern- CO Tole.1.», Ohio. ployes may work 13 hours a day rheumatic pains disappear. “ th, ,,n|T ( „ntti,n Thursday’s Session. a?’b*a."‘wk,t ** *• taken in i i the evenings that more of the but no longer. They are to receive l>y all dealers.___________ Fine attendante nd tense inter bj rvd pastors of the Tillamook church. termali» in dow. front Io drop« to a tea citiaena and |>eople in general est has «liaracteiu d th* entire day He was delayed on account of the ■fwtonful It acta directly on the bknaf time and one-half pay for all time Can't Keep It Secret. • •’•»««■ The. more than 11 hours a day. Ne|x»rts of past, * und commit death of h« father-in-law. Mr. Rowe, j ÓXe ■night have the privilege of hear The splendid wsrk of ChajJ fail. e..~ "wT1 h*rt,Or "“-T ea* I* H. F. White, whom we best know aa tees have fu: nisi Bill increasing |x)»er of Governor Ing these great -Uli Century nd lain v Tablets is daily becn*J| d the occasion for cirenlar. a ml tew with humor and ■atlio« and ora- Herbert, arrived Thursday. Herbert Um ini I«' ” —Gives Governor |x>wer to appoint more wideiy known. *3 dreaeea. is juat back from Dayton, Ohio, where SrtdbTllX 1 t\H*l£,’V * C°. Toledo.«. tory. The rei>ort u ’Horneys, sheriffs, grand remedy stomac dy for stomach he has been the past three year», hav- T*kq Hall i Family FIU » for conatipatiow. .1.. .n ’T’D’Isrly elected liver rrouoies troubles hag V.’ T. j he “'." has ever been uevo k’*’" , do not attend to duties. Another , For sale bj all dealers. 4 UNITED BRETHREN CONFERENCE. Welcomed to the City. of Food Made with different Baking Powders ] I f I